Mecmû’a is one of the important sources of history of Turkish literatüre and especially for ancient Turkish Literature. Mecumsaregener ally works that contain information about more than one poet and prosaist. Thus, they can include multiple genres of style, art, language, andwriting in a work. The author of the Başkâtib-zâde Râgıb Âile Mecmû’ası (Cönk) is Başkâtib-zâde Râgıb, he was born in Kayseri in 1889. There is only one copy of mecuma vailable at the private library of Prof. Dr. Atabey Kılıç. The work explains, the history of Kayseri, Mr. Râgıb family life, the important news of his relatives and the places and geographies where he witnessed the First World War. The work consists of 104 folio in total, in this study only folios 1a and 55a are used, and the rest of folios (2a-45b, 46b-47a) are left blank. This article regards the folio 1a.This folio is the index part of Başkâtib-zâde Râgıb Bey Family Journal. In this case, there are ten articles. Three words are spell side by side, creating at least one and at most six lines were created.