The aim of this study is to examine by analyzing the without download permission graduate studies published between 1992-2022 on baglama in Turkey according to “genre, gender, year, university, institute, department, consultant, methods and subject”. In addition, it is thought that made between the 1992-2022 graduate studies related to the baglama will be used as a resource in other studies in terms of being revealed. In this study, purposeful sampling method was used. The universe of the study consists of postgraduate studies with permission to download, published between 1992-2022 it's about the baglama in Turkey and registered in the database of the YÖK National Dissertation Center, while sampling consists of 77 master's, 25 doctoral and 3 art qualification dissertations. This study has a descriptive feature in the screening model. The theses examined were classified by dividing them into sections such as year of publication, gender, type, university, institute, department, consultant, subject and method. The research data by analyzing using descriptive statistical methods (percentage, frequency, crosstab) it has been commented. As a result of all these data, the theses examined are mainly master's theses, a large part of his dissertation work was published at Gazi University, in most of the thesis studies, baglama performance and baglama education topics are studied and it has been concluded that mostly qualitative research methods were used in the researches.