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Mutluluk ve Kurumsal Gelişme

Year 2020, , 19 - 36, 30.08.2020


Günümüzde ülkeler arası ekonomik gelişmişlik farklarının yanı sıra, kurumsal gelişmişlik ve mutluluk farklılıkları da iktisatçıların dikkatini çekmektedir. Literatürde ekonomik göstergeler ile mutluluk arasındaki ilişki pek çok çalışma tarafından ele alınmışken, mutluluk ve kurumlar ilişkisi görece ihmal edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kurumsal gelişmenin mutluluk üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan 131 ülkenin 2005-2016 yıllarını kapsayan veri seti panel veri yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre mutluluk ve kurumsal gelişme arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki vardır. Gelir seviyesi daha yüksek olan ülkelerin düşük gelirli ülkelere kıyasla daha mutlu olduğu görülürken, ekonomik büyüme ve enflasyon gibi konjonktürel değişkenlerin mutluluk üzerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar, mutluluğun salt parasal bir olgu olmadığını ve ülkelerin kurumsal olarak kalkınarak vatandaşlarının refah seviyelerini artırabileceğini göstermektedir.


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  • Bjørnskov, C., Dreher, A., ve Fischer, J. A. (2010). Formal institutions and subjective well-being: Revisiting the cross-country evidence. European Journal of Political Economy, 26(4), 419-430.
  • Djankov, S., Nikolova, E., ve Zilinsky, J. (2016). The happiness gap in Eastern Europe. Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(1), 108-124.
  • Dorn, D., Fischer, J. A., Kirchgässner, G., ve Sousa-Poza, A. (2007). Is it culture or democracy? The impact of democracy and culture on happiness. Social Indicators Research, 82(3), 505-526.
  • Dorn, D., Fischer, J. A., Kirchgässner, G., ve Sousa-Poza, A. (2008). Direct democracy and life satisfaction revisited: new evidence for Switzerland. Journal of Happiness Studies, 9(2), 227-255.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2019, Ocak 11). Worldwide governance indicators.
  • Easterlin, R.A. (1974). Does economic growth improve the human lot? Paul A. David ve Melvin W. Reder (Eds.), Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Mozes Abramowitz içinde (s. 89-125). Academic press, New York.
  • Frey, B. S., ve Stutzer, A. (2000a). Happiness, economy and institutions. The Economic Journal, 110(466), 918-938.
  • Frey, B. S., ve Stutzer, A. (2000b). Happiness prospers in democracy. Journal of happiness Studies, 1(1), 79-102.
  • Gallup World Poll. (2019, Mart 17).
  • Gholipour Fereidouni H., Najdi, Y., ve Ekhtiari Amiri, R. (2013). Do governance factors matter for happiness in the MENA region?. International Journal of Social Economics, 40(12), 1028-1040.
  • Inglehart, R., Foa, R., Peterson, C., ve Welzel, C. (2008). Development, freedom, and rising happiness: A global perspective (1981–2007). Perspectives on psychological science, 3(4), 264-285.
  • Inglehart, R. (2006). Democracy and Happiness: What Causes What? Erişim adresi:
  • Inglehart, R., ve Ponarin, E. D. (2013). Happiness and democracy 1972–2008. Journal of Siberian Federal University, 6(8), 1097–1106.
  • Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A., ve Mastruzzi, M. (2010). The Worldwide Governance Indicators: methodology and analytical issues. World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 5430.
  • Nikolova, M. (2016). Minding the happiness gap: Political institutions and perceived quality of life in transition. European Journal of Political Economy, 45, 129-148.
  • Ott, J. (2005). Level and inequality of happiness in nations: Does greater happiness of a greater number imply greater inequality in happiness?. Journal of Happiness Studies, 6(4), 397-420.
  • Ott, J. C. (2010). Good governance and happiness in nations: Technical quality precedes democracy and quality beats size. Journal of Happiness Studies, 11(3), 353-368.
  • Ott, J. C. (2011). Government and happiness in 130 nations: Good governance fosters higher level and more equality of happiness. Social indicators research, 102(1), 3-22.
  • World Happiness Report. (2019, Mart 2).

Happiness and Institutional Development

Year 2020, , 19 - 36, 30.08.2020


Nowadays, not only economic development differences, but also differences in institutional development and happiness attract the attention of economists. Although the relationship between economic indicators and happiness is widely discussed in the literature, the relationship between happiness and institutions has been neglected. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of institutional development on happiness. To that and, data set of 131 developed and developing countries covering the 2005-2016 period was analyzed with panel data methods. According to the results, there is a positive and significant relationship between happiness and institutional development. While the countries with higher income levels are happier than the low-income countries, it appears that cyclical variables such as the rate of economic growth and inflation do not have a statistically significant impact on happiness. These results show that happiness is not merely a monetary phenomenon, and countries can increase the welfare of their citizens by improving institutions


  • Bjørnskov, C., Dreher, A., ve Fischer, J. A. (2008). Cross-country determinants of life satisfaction: Exploring different determinants across groups in society. Social Choice and Welfare, 30(1), 119-173.
  • Bjørnskov, C., Dreher, A., ve Fischer, J. A. (2010). Formal institutions and subjective well-being: Revisiting the cross-country evidence. European Journal of Political Economy, 26(4), 419-430.
  • Djankov, S., Nikolova, E., ve Zilinsky, J. (2016). The happiness gap in Eastern Europe. Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(1), 108-124.
  • Dorn, D., Fischer, J. A., Kirchgässner, G., ve Sousa-Poza, A. (2007). Is it culture or democracy? The impact of democracy and culture on happiness. Social Indicators Research, 82(3), 505-526.
  • Dorn, D., Fischer, J. A., Kirchgässner, G., ve Sousa-Poza, A. (2008). Direct democracy and life satisfaction revisited: new evidence for Switzerland. Journal of Happiness Studies, 9(2), 227-255.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2019, Ocak 11). Worldwide governance indicators.
  • Easterlin, R.A. (1974). Does economic growth improve the human lot? Paul A. David ve Melvin W. Reder (Eds.), Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Mozes Abramowitz içinde (s. 89-125). Academic press, New York.
  • Frey, B. S., ve Stutzer, A. (2000a). Happiness, economy and institutions. The Economic Journal, 110(466), 918-938.
  • Frey, B. S., ve Stutzer, A. (2000b). Happiness prospers in democracy. Journal of happiness Studies, 1(1), 79-102.
  • Gallup World Poll. (2019, Mart 17).
  • Gholipour Fereidouni H., Najdi, Y., ve Ekhtiari Amiri, R. (2013). Do governance factors matter for happiness in the MENA region?. International Journal of Social Economics, 40(12), 1028-1040.
  • Inglehart, R., Foa, R., Peterson, C., ve Welzel, C. (2008). Development, freedom, and rising happiness: A global perspective (1981–2007). Perspectives on psychological science, 3(4), 264-285.
  • Inglehart, R. (2006). Democracy and Happiness: What Causes What? Erişim adresi:
  • Inglehart, R., ve Ponarin, E. D. (2013). Happiness and democracy 1972–2008. Journal of Siberian Federal University, 6(8), 1097–1106.
  • Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A., ve Mastruzzi, M. (2010). The Worldwide Governance Indicators: methodology and analytical issues. World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 5430.
  • Nikolova, M. (2016). Minding the happiness gap: Political institutions and perceived quality of life in transition. European Journal of Political Economy, 45, 129-148.
  • Ott, J. (2005). Level and inequality of happiness in nations: Does greater happiness of a greater number imply greater inequality in happiness?. Journal of Happiness Studies, 6(4), 397-420.
  • Ott, J. C. (2010). Good governance and happiness in nations: Technical quality precedes democracy and quality beats size. Journal of Happiness Studies, 11(3), 353-368.
  • Ott, J. C. (2011). Government and happiness in 130 nations: Good governance fosters higher level and more equality of happiness. Social indicators research, 102(1), 3-22.
  • World Happiness Report. (2019, Mart 2).
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Tolga Aksoy 0000-0003-0833-8543

Publication Date August 30, 2020
Acceptance Date April 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Aksoy, T. (2020). Mutluluk ve Kurumsal Gelişme. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(56), 19-36.

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