Research Article
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A Need For Neoclassical Realist Approach in Internatinoal Political Economy: The Eurasian Economic Union

Year 2020, , 253 - 272, 23.12.2020


This study refers to the importance of the neoclassical realist approach in international
political economy studies. The domestic structures of the states will be emphasized in order to
understand the reasons for the varieties of capitalist models and hybrid economic systems that
emerged after the Cold War. In this sense, the article argues that neoclassical realism could be
useful to understand the regional differences in international political economy, despite the critics.
Accordingly, the dominant view of the international system, which is liberalism, is the independent
variable and the domestic variables of states are the intervening variables. The outcomes that are the
hybrid systems are the dependent variable. The theoretical part of the study will examine these
variables in detail. The Eurasian Economic Union will be taken in the last section of the work as the
case study to test the validity of the model.


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  • Acharya, A. (2017). After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order. Ethics & International Affairs, 31(3), 271–285.
  • Barkin, J. S. (2010). Realist constructivism. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Bello, W. (2009). States and markets, states versus markets: the developmental state debate as the distinctive East Asian contribution to international political economy. In M. Blyth (Ed.), Routledge international handbooks. Routledge handbook of international political economy (IPE): IPE as a global conversation (pp. 180–200). London: Routledge.
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  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2003). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
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  • Öniş, Z., & Kutlay, M. (2020). The New Age of Hybridity and Clash of Norms: China, BRICS, and Challenges of Global Governance in a Postliberal International Order. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 97(4), 030437542092108.
  • Ripsman, N. M., Taliaferro, J. W., & Lobell, S. E. (2016). Neoclassical realist theory of international politics. New York NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Rodrik, D. (2011). The globalization paradox: Democracy and the future of the world economy. New York, NY: Norton.
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  • Schweller, R. L. (2004). Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing. International Security, 29(2), 159–201.
  • Smith, N. R. (2018). Can Neoclassical Realism Become a Genuine Theory of International Relations? The Journal of Politics, 80(2), 742–749.
  • Stronski, P., & Sokolsky, R. (2020). Multipolarity in Practice.
  • Stubbs, R. (2018). Order and Contestation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Liberal vs Developmental/Non-interventionist Approaches. The International Spectator, 53(1), 138–151.
  • Taliaferro, J. W., Lobell, S. E., & Ripsman, N. M. (2009). Introduction: Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy. In S. E. Lobell, N. M. Ripsman, & J. W. Taliaferro (Eds.), Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy (pp. 1–41). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Troitskiy, E. (2020). Dead-Letter Regimes in the Post-Soviet Space: Strategies and Communication. Global Society, 34(2), 206–225.
  • Vakulchuk, R., & Knobel, A. (2018). Impact of non-tariff barriers on trade within the Eurasian Economic Union. Post-Communist Economies, 30(4), 459–481.
  • Vinokurov, E., & Libman, A. (2014). Do economic crises impede or advance regional economic integration in the post-Soviet space? Post-Communist Economies, 26(3), 341–358.
  • Wallerstein, I. M. (1984). The politics of the world-economy. Studies in modern capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, S. M. (1985). Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power. International Security, 9(4), 3–43.
  • Waltz, K. N. (2010). Theory of international politics. Long Grove: Waveland Press.
  • Xiao, R. (2015). A reform-minded status quo power? China, the G20, and reform of the international financial system. Third World Quarterly, 36(11), 2023–2043.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2015). Neoklasik Realizm: İlerletici mi? Yozlaştırıcı mı? Lakatosyan bir Değerlendirme. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. (46), 1–18.

Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikte Neoklasik Realizme Duyulan İhtiyaç: Avrasya Ekonomi Topluluğu

Year 2020, , 253 - 272, 23.12.2020


Bu çalışma uluslararası ekonomi politik çalışmalarında neoklasik yaklaşımın önemine değinmektedir. Çalışmada farklı kapitalist modellerin ve özellikle Soğuk Savaş sonrasında ortaya çıkan hibrit ekonomik sistemlerin sebebini anlamak için devletlerin iç yapılarının önemli olduğuna vurgu yapılacaktır. Buna göre uluslararası sistemin hâkim anlayışı olan liberalizm bağımsız değişken, devletlerin iç yapıları da ara değişkendir. Ortaya çıkan hibrit sistemler de bağımlı değişkendir. Modelin geçerliliğini göstermek için Avrasya Ekonomi Topluluğu vaka çalışması olarak ele alınacaktır.


  • KAYNAKÇA Acharya, A. (2005). Do norms and identity matter? Community and power in Southeast Asia's regional order. The Pacific Review, 18(1), 95–118.
  • Acharya, A. (2017). After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order. Ethics & International Affairs, 31(3), 271–285.
  • Barkin, J. S. (2010). Realist constructivism. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bayramov, V., Breban, D., & Mukhtarov, E. (2019). Economic effects estimation for the Eurasian Economic Union: Application of regional linear regression. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 52(3), 209–225.
  • Bello, W. (2009). States and markets, states versus markets: the developmental state debate as the distinctive East Asian contribution to international political economy. In M. Blyth (Ed.), Routledge international handbooks. Routledge handbook of international political economy (IPE): IPE as a global conversation (pp. 180–200). London: Routledge.
  • Cooley, A. (2019). Ordering Eurasia: The Rise and Decline of Liberal Internationalism in the Post-Communist Space. Security Studies, 28(3), 588–613.
  • Gilpin, R. (1983). War and change in world politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gilpin, R. (1984). The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism. International Organization, 38(2), 287–304.
  • Gilpin, R. (1987). The political economy of international relations. Princeton, Guildford: Princeton University Press.
  • Gilpin, R. (2001). Global political economy: Understanding the international economic order. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press.
  • Hall, P. A., & Soskice, D. W. (Eds.) (2001). Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hirschman, A. O. (1980). National power and the structure of foreign trade (Expanded ed.). The Politics of the international economy: Vol. 1. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Hyde, S. D., & Saunders, E. N. (2020). Recapturing Regime Type in International Relations: Leaders, Institutions, and Agency Space. International Organization, 74(2), 363–395.
  • Kirkham, K. (2018). The formation of the Eurasian Economic Union: How successful is the Russian regional hegemony? Journal of Eurasian Studies, 7(2), 111–128.
  • Kirshner, J. (2009). Realist political economy: Traditional themes and contemporary challenges. In M. Blyth (Ed.), Routledge international handbooks. Routledge handbook of international political economy (IPE): IPE as a global conversation (pp. 36–47). London: Routledge.
  • Kitchen, N. (2010). Systemic pressures and domestic ideas: A neoclassical realist model of grand strategy formation. Review of International Studies, 36(1), 117–143.
  • Legro, J. W., & Moravcsik, A. (1999). Is Anybody Still a Realist? International Security, 24(2), 5–55.
  • Libman, A., & Vinokurov, E. (2018). Autocracies and regional integration: The Eurasian case. Post-Communist Economies, 30(3), 334–364.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2003). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Narizny, K. (2017). On Systemic Paradigms and Domestic Politics: A Critique of the Newest Realism. International Security, 42(2), 155–190.
  • Nölke, A. (2018). Comparative Capitalism. In T. M. Shaw, L. C. Mahrenbach, R. Modi, & Y.-C. Xu (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of contemporary international political economy (pp. 135–154). Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Öniş, Z., & Kutlay, M. (2020). The New Age of Hybridity and Clash of Norms: China, BRICS, and Challenges of Global Governance in a Postliberal International Order. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 97(4), 030437542092108.
  • Ripsman, N. M., Taliaferro, J. W., & Lobell, S. E. (2016). Neoclassical realist theory of international politics. New York NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Rodrik, D. (2011). The globalization paradox: Democracy and the future of the world economy. New York, NY: Norton.
  • Rose, G. (1998). Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy. World Politics, 51(1), 144–172.
  • Rowl, E., & Novak, R. (1993). Russia's 'Monroe Doctrine'. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
  • Schweller, R. L. (2004). Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing. International Security, 29(2), 159–201.
  • Smith, N. R. (2018). Can Neoclassical Realism Become a Genuine Theory of International Relations? The Journal of Politics, 80(2), 742–749.
  • Stronski, P., & Sokolsky, R. (2020). Multipolarity in Practice.
  • Stubbs, R. (2018). Order and Contestation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Liberal vs Developmental/Non-interventionist Approaches. The International Spectator, 53(1), 138–151.
  • Taliaferro, J. W., Lobell, S. E., & Ripsman, N. M. (2009). Introduction: Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy. In S. E. Lobell, N. M. Ripsman, & J. W. Taliaferro (Eds.), Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy (pp. 1–41). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Troitskiy, E. (2020). Dead-Letter Regimes in the Post-Soviet Space: Strategies and Communication. Global Society, 34(2), 206–225.
  • Vakulchuk, R., & Knobel, A. (2018). Impact of non-tariff barriers on trade within the Eurasian Economic Union. Post-Communist Economies, 30(4), 459–481.
  • Vinokurov, E., & Libman, A. (2014). Do economic crises impede or advance regional economic integration in the post-Soviet space? Post-Communist Economies, 26(3), 341–358.
  • Wallerstein, I. M. (1984). The politics of the world-economy. Studies in modern capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, S. M. (1985). Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power. International Security, 9(4), 3–43.
  • Waltz, K. N. (2010). Theory of international politics. Long Grove: Waveland Press.
  • Xiao, R. (2015). A reform-minded status quo power? China, the G20, and reform of the international financial system. Third World Quarterly, 36(11), 2023–2043.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2015). Neoklasik Realizm: İlerletici mi? Yozlaştırıcı mı? Lakatosyan bir Değerlendirme. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. (46), 1–18.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Mehmet Şahin 0000-0002-0142-6666

Publication Date December 23, 2020
Acceptance Date October 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Şahin, M. (2020). Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikte Neoklasik Realizme Duyulan İhtiyaç: Avrasya Ekonomi Topluluğu. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(57), 253-272.

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