Local integration in the context of international migration has become a widely discussed subject in international, national and local politics. The legal, social, political and economic rights framework enshrined in the 1951 Refugee Convention are often materialised in the local integration policies adopted by host countries. Given that voluntary return and third country resettlement, the two other durable solutions recommended by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), remain limited in implementation, understanding the dynamics of local integration becomes even more critical. As international migrants are increasingly settled in urban settings, integration policies become localised to a great extent, revealing the critical role of local service providers, municipalities in particular, within this process. In the meantime, municipalities resort to forming local, national and international partnerships in provision of services to refugees in their attempt to deliver successful local integration policies by diversifying cultural and economic opportunities for all their residents. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of multi-level governance model in the implementation of local integration policies. To this objective, it initially provides a review of the literature on local integration and multi-level governance while assessing the role of municipalities within this process. Furthermore, the study emphasises the positive contribution of multi-level governance model on integration policies by elaborating examples of good practice adopted by municipalities in Turkey and beyond.