Research Article
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Year 2017, Issue: 50, 95 - 120, 19.12.2017


çalışma günümüz toplumunda ekonomik kalkınma için olmazsa olmaz iki unsurun
birbiriyle olan ilişkisini araştırmak adına ortaya konmuştur. Bu iki unsur
sosyal sermaye ve inovasyondur. Çalışmanın temel hipotezi sosyal sermayenin
inovasyonu olumlu yönde etkilediğini iddia etmektedir. Sosyal sermayenin
inovasyon üzerindeki muhtemel pozitif etkileri ekonometrik yöntemle
araştırılmıştır. Analiz Türkiye’nin 81 ilini kapsamıştır. Klasik regresyon
analizi yanında mekansal eknometrik analiz uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın temel hipotezini
destekleyecek birçok olumlu sonuç elde edilmiştir.


  • ANSELIN, Luc.; (1988), Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models, Dorddrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • ANSELIN, Luc; Anil K. BERA, Raymond FLORAX and Mann J. YOON; (1996), “Simple Diagnostic Tests for Spatial Dependence”,Regional Science And Urban Economics, 26(1), pp. 77-104.
  • ANSELIN, Luc and Sergio Joseph REY; (2014), Modern Spatial Econometrics İn Practice: A Guidetogeoda, Geoda Space And Pysal, GeoDa Press LLC.
  • ARBIA, Giuseppe; (2014), A Primer For Spatial Econometrics: With Applications in R., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • BOURDIEU, Pierre, and Loïc JD WACQUANT; (1992), An ınvitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
  • BRILMAN, Jean; (2002), Nowoczesnekoncepcje i metodyzarządzania. PWE, Warszawa.
  • BARNETT, Homer Garner; (1953), The Basis of Cultural Change, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
  • CASTIGLIONE, Dario; Jan W. VAN DETH, and Guglielmo WOLLEB; (2008), The Handbook of Social Capital, : USA: Oxford University Press on Demand.
  • CLIFF, Andrew David, and J. Keith ORD; (1972), Spatial Autocorrelation, London: Pion.
  • COLEMAN, James S.; (1988), “Socialcapital In the Creation of Human Capital”, American Journal of Sociology, 94, pp. 95-120.
  • CONWAY, Edmund; (2009), Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Ekonomi Fikri, İstanbul: Domingo Yayınevi.
  • DAKHLI, Mourad, and Dirk DE CLERCQ; (2004), “Human Capital, Socialcapital, And Innovation: A Multi-Country Study”, Entrepreneurship &Regional Development, 16(2), pp. 107-128.
  • ECHEBARRIA, Carmen, and Jose M. BARRUTIA; (2013), “Limits of Social Capital as a Driver of Innovation: An Empirical Analysis in the Context of European Regions”, Regional Studies, 47(7), pp.1001-1017.
  • ELHORST, J. Paul; (2014), Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data To Spatial Panels .Berlin:Springer.
  • FIELD, John (2006), Sosyal Sermaye, Çev.: Bahar BİLGEN ve Bayram ŞEN, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • FREEMAN, Christopher and Luc SOETE; (1997), The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Oxon: Psychology Press.
  • GARCIA, Rosanna and Roger CALANTONE; (2002), “A Critical Look at Technological Innovation Typology and Innovativenessterminology: A Literature Review”, Journal of Product İnnovation Management, 19(2), pp. 110-132.
  • GETIS, Arthur; (2007), “Reflections on Spatial Autocorrelation” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 37(4), pp. 491-496.
  • GHAZINOORY, Sepehr; Ali BITAAB and Ardeshir LOHRASBI; (2014), “Social Capital and National Innovation System: A Cross-Country Analysis”, Cross Cultural Management-An International Journal, 21(4), pp. 453-475.
  • HAUSER, Christoph; Gottfried TAPPEINER and Janette WALDE; (2007), “The Learning Region: The Impact of Social Capital And Weak Ties on Innovation” Regional Studies, 41(1), pp. 75-88.
  • KAASA, Anneli; (2009), “Effects of Different Dimensions of Social Capital on Innovative Activity: Evidence from Europe at the Regional Level” Technovation, 29 (3), pp. 218-233.
  • KRUGMAN, Paul; (1979), “A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income”, Journal of Political Economy, 87(2), pp. 253-266
  • MANSFIELD, Edwin; (1968), Industrial Research and Technological Innovation; An Econometric Analysis, New York City: Norton Publications.
  • MORAN, Patrick A.P.; (1950a), “Notes on Continuous Stochastic Phenomena”, Biometrika 37, pp. 17-23.
  • MORAN, Patrick A.P.; (1950b), “A Test for the Serial Independence of Residuals”, Biometrika 37, pp. 178-181.
  • MUNSEY, Lizzie; (2015), Ekonomi Kitabı, İkinci Basım, Çev.: Yosun AKVERDİ ve Suphi Nejat AĞIRNASLI, İstanbul: Alfa yayınları.
  • NARAYAN, Deepa and Lant PRITCHETT (2000). Social Capital: Evidence and Implications in Partha DASGUPTA and Ismail SERAGELDİN (Ed.), Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, The World Bank Publications, pp.269-295.
  • ORD, Keith; (1975), “Estimation Methods For Models of Spatial Interaction”,Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association, 70(349), pp. 120-126.
  • OSTROM, Elinior; (2000), “Social Capital: A Fad or A Fundamental Concept”, Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, 172(173), pp. 172-215.
  • O'SULLIVAN, David and Lawrence DOOLEY; (2008), Applying Innovation, London: Sage Publications.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; Robert LEONARDI and Raffaella Y. NANETTI; (1993), Making Democracy Work, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; (1995), “Tuning In, Tuning Out: The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America”, PS: Political Science & Politics, 28(04), pp. 664-683.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; (2001), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York City:Simon and Schuster Publications,.
  • SCHUMPETER, Joseph Alois; (1934), TheTheory of Economic Development: An Inquiry Into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interests andThe Business Cycle, London: Oxford University Press.
  • PASSERON, Jean C. and Pierre BOURDIEU; (1973), Grundlagen Einer Theorie Der Symbolischen Gewalt, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
  • TOBLER, Waldo R.; (1979), “A Geographical Migration Probability Density Function. Ontario Geography”, 13, pp. 41-46.
  • TURANLI, Rona ve Ercan SARIDOĞAN; (2010), Bilim-Teknoloji-İnovasyon Temelli Ekonomi ve Toplum. İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • VEGA, S. Halleck and J. Paul ELHORST; (2015), “The SLX Model”, Journal of Regional Science, 3, pp. 339-364.


Year 2017, Issue: 50, 95 - 120, 19.12.2017


Today two issues
are indispensable for the economic development; social capital and innovation.
This study is carried out to examine relationship between these two issues. The
main hypothesis of this study claims that social capital has a positive effect
upon innovation. This positive effect is analyzed with an econometric
method.  This analysis involves 81 city
of Turkey. Besides classical regression analysis, spatial econometric analysis
is applied. Many supportive results for the main hypothesis are obtained from
econometric analyses.


  • ANSELIN, Luc.; (1988), Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models, Dorddrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • ANSELIN, Luc; Anil K. BERA, Raymond FLORAX and Mann J. YOON; (1996), “Simple Diagnostic Tests for Spatial Dependence”,Regional Science And Urban Economics, 26(1), pp. 77-104.
  • ANSELIN, Luc and Sergio Joseph REY; (2014), Modern Spatial Econometrics İn Practice: A Guidetogeoda, Geoda Space And Pysal, GeoDa Press LLC.
  • ARBIA, Giuseppe; (2014), A Primer For Spatial Econometrics: With Applications in R., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • BOURDIEU, Pierre, and Loïc JD WACQUANT; (1992), An ınvitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
  • BRILMAN, Jean; (2002), Nowoczesnekoncepcje i metodyzarządzania. PWE, Warszawa.
  • BARNETT, Homer Garner; (1953), The Basis of Cultural Change, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
  • CASTIGLIONE, Dario; Jan W. VAN DETH, and Guglielmo WOLLEB; (2008), The Handbook of Social Capital, : USA: Oxford University Press on Demand.
  • CLIFF, Andrew David, and J. Keith ORD; (1972), Spatial Autocorrelation, London: Pion.
  • COLEMAN, James S.; (1988), “Socialcapital In the Creation of Human Capital”, American Journal of Sociology, 94, pp. 95-120.
  • CONWAY, Edmund; (2009), Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Ekonomi Fikri, İstanbul: Domingo Yayınevi.
  • DAKHLI, Mourad, and Dirk DE CLERCQ; (2004), “Human Capital, Socialcapital, And Innovation: A Multi-Country Study”, Entrepreneurship &Regional Development, 16(2), pp. 107-128.
  • ECHEBARRIA, Carmen, and Jose M. BARRUTIA; (2013), “Limits of Social Capital as a Driver of Innovation: An Empirical Analysis in the Context of European Regions”, Regional Studies, 47(7), pp.1001-1017.
  • ELHORST, J. Paul; (2014), Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data To Spatial Panels .Berlin:Springer.
  • FIELD, John (2006), Sosyal Sermaye, Çev.: Bahar BİLGEN ve Bayram ŞEN, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • FREEMAN, Christopher and Luc SOETE; (1997), The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Oxon: Psychology Press.
  • GARCIA, Rosanna and Roger CALANTONE; (2002), “A Critical Look at Technological Innovation Typology and Innovativenessterminology: A Literature Review”, Journal of Product İnnovation Management, 19(2), pp. 110-132.
  • GETIS, Arthur; (2007), “Reflections on Spatial Autocorrelation” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 37(4), pp. 491-496.
  • GHAZINOORY, Sepehr; Ali BITAAB and Ardeshir LOHRASBI; (2014), “Social Capital and National Innovation System: A Cross-Country Analysis”, Cross Cultural Management-An International Journal, 21(4), pp. 453-475.
  • HAUSER, Christoph; Gottfried TAPPEINER and Janette WALDE; (2007), “The Learning Region: The Impact of Social Capital And Weak Ties on Innovation” Regional Studies, 41(1), pp. 75-88.
  • KAASA, Anneli; (2009), “Effects of Different Dimensions of Social Capital on Innovative Activity: Evidence from Europe at the Regional Level” Technovation, 29 (3), pp. 218-233.
  • KRUGMAN, Paul; (1979), “A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income”, Journal of Political Economy, 87(2), pp. 253-266
  • MANSFIELD, Edwin; (1968), Industrial Research and Technological Innovation; An Econometric Analysis, New York City: Norton Publications.
  • MORAN, Patrick A.P.; (1950a), “Notes on Continuous Stochastic Phenomena”, Biometrika 37, pp. 17-23.
  • MORAN, Patrick A.P.; (1950b), “A Test for the Serial Independence of Residuals”, Biometrika 37, pp. 178-181.
  • MUNSEY, Lizzie; (2015), Ekonomi Kitabı, İkinci Basım, Çev.: Yosun AKVERDİ ve Suphi Nejat AĞIRNASLI, İstanbul: Alfa yayınları.
  • NARAYAN, Deepa and Lant PRITCHETT (2000). Social Capital: Evidence and Implications in Partha DASGUPTA and Ismail SERAGELDİN (Ed.), Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, The World Bank Publications, pp.269-295.
  • ORD, Keith; (1975), “Estimation Methods For Models of Spatial Interaction”,Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association, 70(349), pp. 120-126.
  • OSTROM, Elinior; (2000), “Social Capital: A Fad or A Fundamental Concept”, Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, 172(173), pp. 172-215.
  • O'SULLIVAN, David and Lawrence DOOLEY; (2008), Applying Innovation, London: Sage Publications.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; Robert LEONARDI and Raffaella Y. NANETTI; (1993), Making Democracy Work, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; (1995), “Tuning In, Tuning Out: The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America”, PS: Political Science & Politics, 28(04), pp. 664-683.
  • PUTNAM, Robert D.; (2001), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York City:Simon and Schuster Publications,.
  • SCHUMPETER, Joseph Alois; (1934), TheTheory of Economic Development: An Inquiry Into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interests andThe Business Cycle, London: Oxford University Press.
  • PASSERON, Jean C. and Pierre BOURDIEU; (1973), Grundlagen Einer Theorie Der Symbolischen Gewalt, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
  • TOBLER, Waldo R.; (1979), “A Geographical Migration Probability Density Function. Ontario Geography”, 13, pp. 41-46.
  • TURANLI, Rona ve Ercan SARIDOĞAN; (2010), Bilim-Teknoloji-İnovasyon Temelli Ekonomi ve Toplum. İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • VEGA, S. Halleck and J. Paul ELHORST; (2015), “The SLX Model”, Journal of Regional Science, 3, pp. 339-364.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Ercan Kılıç

Ali Koçyiğit This is me

Publication Date December 19, 2017
Acceptance Date July 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 50


APA Kılıç, M. E., & Koçyiğit, A. (2017). SOSYAL SERMAYENİN İNOVASYON ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNİN TÜRKİYE AÇISINDAN İNCELENMESİ: MEKANSAL EKONOMETRİK ANALİZ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(50), 95-120.

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