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Hasta emniyet tutumları ve hata yönetimi iklimi ile algılanan liderlik tarzları etkileşimi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma

Year 2019, Issue: 53, 157 - 182, 30.06.2019


Bu çalışmada sağlık çalışanlarının hasta emniyetine ilişkin tutumları ile örgütte algılanan hata yönetim iklimi ve liderlik tarzının etkileşimi tanımlayıcı ve ilişkisel modellerle incelenmiştir. Tanımlayıcı araştırma modelinde; örnekleme ait tanımlayıcı demografik bulgular sunulmuştur. İstanbul’da özel bir hastane zincirinde, 258 sağlık çalışanı üzerinde araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlişkisel model kapsamında değişkenler arasındaki ilişki korelâsyon analizleri ile etkileşim ise regresyon analizleri vasıtasıyla yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, örgütte algılanan hata yönetimi iklimi ve algılanan etkileşimsel liderlik tarzı ile sağlık çalışanlarının hasta emniyetine ilişkin tutumları arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • ACSNI; (1993), Advisory Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Installations: Human Factors Study Group Third Report: Organising for Safety, Sheffiel: HSE Books. ARIKAN, Rauf; (2004), Araştırma Teknikleri ve Rapor Hazırlama, Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım. ARON, David ve HEADRICK, Linda; (2002), “Educating physicians prepared to improve care and safety is no accident: it requires a systematic approach”, Quality and safety in health care, 11(2), pp. 168-173. AVOLIO, Bruce J., BASS, Bernard M. ve JUNG, Dong I.; (1999), “Re-examining the Components of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72(4), pp. 441-462. BAKER, David, DAY, Rachel ve SALAS, Eduardo; (2006), “Teamwork as an essential component of high‐reliability organizations”, Health services research, 41(4p2), pp. 1576-1598. BAYKAL Ülkü, ŞAHİN Nevin H. ve ALTUNTAŞ Serap; (2010), “Hasta Güvenliği Tutum Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması”, Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 7(1), ss. 39-45. BODUR, Said ve FILIZ, Emel; (2009), “A survey on patient safety culture in primary healthcare services in Turkey”, International Journal for Quality In Health Care, 21(5), ss. 348-355. BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener; (2010), Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı: İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum, Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık. CATCHPOLE, Ken R., GIDDINGS, Anthony E., WILKINSON, Michael, HIRST, Guy, DALE, Trevor ve DE LEVAL, Marc R.; (2007), “Improving patient safety by identifying latent failures in successful operations”, Surgery, 142(1), pp. 102-110. CHAMPOUX, Daniele ve BRUN, Jean-Piere; (2003), “Occupational health and safety management in small size enterprises: an overview of the situation and avenues for intervention and research”, Safety Science, 41(4), pp. 301-318. CHILLAREGE, Kelly A., NORDSTROM, Cynthia R. ve WILLIAMS, Karen B.; (2003), “Learning from our mistakes: Error management training for mature learners”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(3), pp. 369-385. CHU-WEININGER, Ming Ying Lisa, WUESTE, Laura, LUCKE, Joseph F., WEAVIND, Liza, MAZABOB, Janine ve THOMAS, Eric J.; (2010), “The impact of a tele-ICU on provider attitudes about teamwork and safety climate”, Quality and Safety In Health Care, 19(6), pp. e39-e39. CIGULAROV, Konstantin P., CHEN, Peter Y. ve ROSECRANCE, John; (2010), “The effects of error management climate and safety communication on safety: A multi-level study”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(5), pp. 1498-1506. DAĞDEVIREN, Metin ve YÜKSEL İhsan; (2008), “Developing a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model for behavior-based safety management”, Information Sciences, 178(6), pp. 1717-1733. DEILKÅS, Ellen ve HOFOSS, Dag; (2010), “Patient safety culture lives in departments and wards: Multilevel partitioning of variance in patient safety culture”, BMC Health Services Research, 10(85), pp. 1-5. ERASLAN, Levent; (2006), “Liderlikte post-modern bir paradigma: dönüşümcü liderlik”, International Journal of Human Sciences, 1(1). FERNÁNDEZ-MUÑIZ, Beatriz, MONTES-PEÓN, Jose Manuel ve VÁZQUEZ-ORDÁS, Camilo Jose; (2007), “Safety management system: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20(1), pp. 52-68. FIRTH-COZENS, Jenny ve MOWBRAY, Derek; (2001), “Leadership and the quality of care”, Quality in Health Care, 10(suppl 2), pp. ii3-ii7. FLANAGAN, Brendan, NESTEL, Debra ve JOSEPH, Michele; (2004), “Making patient safety the focus: crisis resource management in the undergraduate curriculum”, Medical education, 38(1), pp. 56-66. FLIN, Rhona; (2007), “Measuring safety culture in healthcare: A case for accurate diagnosis”, Safety Science, 45(6), pp. 653-667. FLIN, Rhona ve YULE, Steven; (2004), “Leadership for safety: industrial experience”, Quality and safety in health care, 13(suppl 2), pp. ii45-ii51. FLIN, Rhona, FLETCHER, Gavin, MCGEORGE, Peter, SUTHERLAND, Alasdairve PATEY, Rona E.; (2003), “Anaesthetists' attitudes to teamwork and safety”, Anaesthesia, 58(3), pp. 233-242. GREENBERG, Caprice C., REGENBOGEN, Scott E., STUDDERT, David M., LIPSITZ, Stuart R., ROGERS, Selwyn O., ZINNER, Michael J. ve GAWANDE, Atul A.; (2007), “Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients”, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 204(4), pp. 533-540. GUCHAIT, Priyanko, KIM, Min Gyung ve NAMASIVAYAM, Karthik; (2012), “Error management at different organizational levels–Frontline, manager, and company”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), pp. 12-22. HALES, Brigette M. ve PRONOVOST, Peter J.; (2006), “The checklist—a tool for error management and performance improvement”, Journal of critical care, 21(3), pp. 231-235. HELMREICH, Robert L.; (1998), “Error management as organisational strategy”, Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Seminar, Citeseer. HELMREICH, Robert L. ve DAVIES, Jan M.; (2004), “Culture, threat, and error: lessons from aviation”, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthési, 51, pp. R1-R4. HUANG, David T., CLERMONT, Gilles, KONG, Lan, WEISSFELD, Lisa A., SEXTON, J. Bryan, ROWAN, Kathy M. ve ANGUS, Derek C.; (2010), “Intensive care unit safety culture and outcomes: a US multicenter study”, International journal for quality in health care, 22(3), pp. 151-161. KOHN Linda T., CORRIGAN Janet M. ve DONALDSON Molla S.; (2000), To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Washington: National Academies Press. MANSER, Tanja; (2009), “Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic domains of healthcare: a review of the literature”, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 53(2), pp. 143-151. MCCOLL-KENNEDY, Janet R. ve ANDERSON, Ronald D.; (2002), “Impact of Leadership Style and Emotions on Subordinate Performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, 13, pp. 545-559. MCCONAUGHEY, Edie; (2008), “Crew resource management in healthcare: the evolution of teamwork training and MedTeams®”, The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing, 22(2), pp. 96-104. MCCULLOCH, Peter, MISHRA, Amit, HANDA, Ashok, DALE, Trevor, HIRST, Guy & CATCHPOLE, Ken; (2009), “The effects of aviation-style non-technical skills training on technical performance and outcome in the operating theatre”, Quality and safety In Health Care, 18(2), pp. 109-115. MCDONALD, Nicholas, CORRIGAN, Siobhan, DALY, Colin ve CROMIE, Sam; (2000), “Safety management systems and safety culture in aircraft maintenance organisations”, Safety Science, 34(1), pp. 151-176. MOHR, Julie J., ABELSON, Herbert T. ve BARACH, Paul; (2002), “Creating effective leadership for improving patient safety”, Quality Management in Healthcare, 11(1), pp. 69-78. NAVEH, Eitan, KATZ-NAVON, Tal ve STREN, Zvi; (2005), “Treatment errors in healthcare: a safety climate approach”, Management Science, 51(6), pp. 948-960. NIEVA, Veronica ve Sorra, Joann; (2003), “Safety culture assessment: a tool for improving patient safety in healthcare organizations”, Quality and safety in health care, 12(suppl 2), pp. ii17-ii23. Orhunbilge, Neyran; (2010), Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi Yayını. PFEFFER, Jeffrey; (1997), “The Ambiguity of Leadership”, Academy of Management Review, pp. 104-112. PRONOVOST, Peter, WEAST, Brad, HOLZMUELLER, Christine G., ROSENSTEIN, Beryl J., KIDWELL, Richard P., HALLER, Karen B., FEROLI, E. Robert, SEXTON, J. Bryan ve RUBIN, Haya; (2003), “Evaluation of the culture of safety: survey of clinicians and managers in an academic medical center”, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 12(6), pp. 405-410. REIMAN, Teemu, PIETIKAINEN, Elina ve OEDEWALD, Pia; (2010), “Multilayered approach to patient safety culture”, Quality and Safety In Health Care, qshc. 2008.029793. SARGUT, A. Selami; (2015), Lider Yöneticinin Benliğine Yolculuk, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım. SOLIS‐TRAPALA, Ivonne L., CARTHEY, Jane, FAREWELL, Vern T. ve DE LEVAL, Marc R.; (2007), “Dynamic modelling in a study of surgical error management”, Statistics in medicine, 26(28), pp. 5189-5202. TEKARSLAN, Erdal, KILINÇ, Tanıl, ŞENCAN, Hüner ve BAYSAL, Can; (2000), Davranışların sosyal psikolojisi, İstanbul: İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi. THOMAS, Eric J., SEXTON, J. Bryan, NEILANDS, Torsten B., FRANKEL, Allan ve HELMREICH, Robert L.; (2005), “The effect of executive walk rounds on nurse safety climate attitudes: a randomized trial of clinical units”, BMC health services research, 5(1), pp. 28. THOMAS, Matthew J.; (2004), “Predictors of threat and error management: Identification of core nontechnical skills and implications for training systems design”, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 14(2), pp. 207-231. VAN DYCK, Cathy, FRESE, Michael, BAER, Markus ve SONNENTAG, Sabine; (2005), “Organizational error management culture and its impact on performance: a two-study replication”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), pp. 1228. YANG, Cheng-Chia, WANG, Yi-Shun, CHANG, Sue-Ting, GUO, Suh-Er ve HUANG, Mei-Fen; (2009), “A study on the leadership behavior, safety culture, and safety performance of the healthcare industry”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 53, pp. 1148-1155. ZOHAR, Dov; (2002), “The effects of leadership dimensions, safety climate, and assigned priorities on minor injuries in work groups”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(1), pp. 75-92. ZOHAR, Dov, LIVNE, Yael, TENNE-GAZIT, Orly, ADMI, Hanna ve DONCHIN, Yoel; (2007), “Healthcare climate: A framework for measuring and improving patient safety”, Critical care medicine, 35(5), pp. 1312-1317.

The interactions between patient safety attitudes, error management climate and leadership styles: A research on the private hospital staff

Year 2019, Issue: 53, 157 - 182, 30.06.2019


In this study the interactions between patient safety attitudes, error management climate and leadership styles has been analyzed through descriptive and relational models. In the descriptive model; the demographic information of the sample is presented. The research has been conducted on 258 employees of a private hospital chain staff in İstanbul. In the relational model, interaction between the variables has been interpreted by correlation and regression analysis. The results reveals that there are statistically significant relationships between the error management climate, leadership styles and patient safety attitudes.


  • ACSNI; (1993), Advisory Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Installations: Human Factors Study Group Third Report: Organising for Safety, Sheffiel: HSE Books. ARIKAN, Rauf; (2004), Araştırma Teknikleri ve Rapor Hazırlama, Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım. ARON, David ve HEADRICK, Linda; (2002), “Educating physicians prepared to improve care and safety is no accident: it requires a systematic approach”, Quality and safety in health care, 11(2), pp. 168-173. AVOLIO, Bruce J., BASS, Bernard M. ve JUNG, Dong I.; (1999), “Re-examining the Components of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72(4), pp. 441-462. BAKER, David, DAY, Rachel ve SALAS, Eduardo; (2006), “Teamwork as an essential component of high‐reliability organizations”, Health services research, 41(4p2), pp. 1576-1598. BAYKAL Ülkü, ŞAHİN Nevin H. ve ALTUNTAŞ Serap; (2010), “Hasta Güvenliği Tutum Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması”, Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 7(1), ss. 39-45. BODUR, Said ve FILIZ, Emel; (2009), “A survey on patient safety culture in primary healthcare services in Turkey”, International Journal for Quality In Health Care, 21(5), ss. 348-355. BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener; (2010), Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı: İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum, Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık. CATCHPOLE, Ken R., GIDDINGS, Anthony E., WILKINSON, Michael, HIRST, Guy, DALE, Trevor ve DE LEVAL, Marc R.; (2007), “Improving patient safety by identifying latent failures in successful operations”, Surgery, 142(1), pp. 102-110. CHAMPOUX, Daniele ve BRUN, Jean-Piere; (2003), “Occupational health and safety management in small size enterprises: an overview of the situation and avenues for intervention and research”, Safety Science, 41(4), pp. 301-318. CHILLAREGE, Kelly A., NORDSTROM, Cynthia R. ve WILLIAMS, Karen B.; (2003), “Learning from our mistakes: Error management training for mature learners”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(3), pp. 369-385. CHU-WEININGER, Ming Ying Lisa, WUESTE, Laura, LUCKE, Joseph F., WEAVIND, Liza, MAZABOB, Janine ve THOMAS, Eric J.; (2010), “The impact of a tele-ICU on provider attitudes about teamwork and safety climate”, Quality and Safety In Health Care, 19(6), pp. e39-e39. CIGULAROV, Konstantin P., CHEN, Peter Y. ve ROSECRANCE, John; (2010), “The effects of error management climate and safety communication on safety: A multi-level study”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(5), pp. 1498-1506. DAĞDEVIREN, Metin ve YÜKSEL İhsan; (2008), “Developing a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model for behavior-based safety management”, Information Sciences, 178(6), pp. 1717-1733. DEILKÅS, Ellen ve HOFOSS, Dag; (2010), “Patient safety culture lives in departments and wards: Multilevel partitioning of variance in patient safety culture”, BMC Health Services Research, 10(85), pp. 1-5. ERASLAN, Levent; (2006), “Liderlikte post-modern bir paradigma: dönüşümcü liderlik”, International Journal of Human Sciences, 1(1). FERNÁNDEZ-MUÑIZ, Beatriz, MONTES-PEÓN, Jose Manuel ve VÁZQUEZ-ORDÁS, Camilo Jose; (2007), “Safety management system: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20(1), pp. 52-68. FIRTH-COZENS, Jenny ve MOWBRAY, Derek; (2001), “Leadership and the quality of care”, Quality in Health Care, 10(suppl 2), pp. ii3-ii7. FLANAGAN, Brendan, NESTEL, Debra ve JOSEPH, Michele; (2004), “Making patient safety the focus: crisis resource management in the undergraduate curriculum”, Medical education, 38(1), pp. 56-66. FLIN, Rhona; (2007), “Measuring safety culture in healthcare: A case for accurate diagnosis”, Safety Science, 45(6), pp. 653-667. FLIN, Rhona ve YULE, Steven; (2004), “Leadership for safety: industrial experience”, Quality and safety in health care, 13(suppl 2), pp. ii45-ii51. FLIN, Rhona, FLETCHER, Gavin, MCGEORGE, Peter, SUTHERLAND, Alasdairve PATEY, Rona E.; (2003), “Anaesthetists' attitudes to teamwork and safety”, Anaesthesia, 58(3), pp. 233-242. GREENBERG, Caprice C., REGENBOGEN, Scott E., STUDDERT, David M., LIPSITZ, Stuart R., ROGERS, Selwyn O., ZINNER, Michael J. ve GAWANDE, Atul A.; (2007), “Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients”, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 204(4), pp. 533-540. GUCHAIT, Priyanko, KIM, Min Gyung ve NAMASIVAYAM, Karthik; (2012), “Error management at different organizational levels–Frontline, manager, and company”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), pp. 12-22. HALES, Brigette M. ve PRONOVOST, Peter J.; (2006), “The checklist—a tool for error management and performance improvement”, Journal of critical care, 21(3), pp. 231-235. HELMREICH, Robert L.; (1998), “Error management as organisational strategy”, Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Seminar, Citeseer. HELMREICH, Robert L. ve DAVIES, Jan M.; (2004), “Culture, threat, and error: lessons from aviation”, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthési, 51, pp. R1-R4. HUANG, David T., CLERMONT, Gilles, KONG, Lan, WEISSFELD, Lisa A., SEXTON, J. Bryan, ROWAN, Kathy M. ve ANGUS, Derek C.; (2010), “Intensive care unit safety culture and outcomes: a US multicenter study”, International journal for quality in health care, 22(3), pp. 151-161. KOHN Linda T., CORRIGAN Janet M. ve DONALDSON Molla S.; (2000), To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Washington: National Academies Press. MANSER, Tanja; (2009), “Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic domains of healthcare: a review of the literature”, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 53(2), pp. 143-151. MCCOLL-KENNEDY, Janet R. ve ANDERSON, Ronald D.; (2002), “Impact of Leadership Style and Emotions on Subordinate Performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, 13, pp. 545-559. MCCONAUGHEY, Edie; (2008), “Crew resource management in healthcare: the evolution of teamwork training and MedTeams®”, The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing, 22(2), pp. 96-104. MCCULLOCH, Peter, MISHRA, Amit, HANDA, Ashok, DALE, Trevor, HIRST, Guy & CATCHPOLE, Ken; (2009), “The effects of aviation-style non-technical skills training on technical performance and outcome in the operating theatre”, Quality and safety In Health Care, 18(2), pp. 109-115. MCDONALD, Nicholas, CORRIGAN, Siobhan, DALY, Colin ve CROMIE, Sam; (2000), “Safety management systems and safety culture in aircraft maintenance organisations”, Safety Science, 34(1), pp. 151-176. MOHR, Julie J., ABELSON, Herbert T. ve BARACH, Paul; (2002), “Creating effective leadership for improving patient safety”, Quality Management in Healthcare, 11(1), pp. 69-78. NAVEH, Eitan, KATZ-NAVON, Tal ve STREN, Zvi; (2005), “Treatment errors in healthcare: a safety climate approach”, Management Science, 51(6), pp. 948-960. NIEVA, Veronica ve Sorra, Joann; (2003), “Safety culture assessment: a tool for improving patient safety in healthcare organizations”, Quality and safety in health care, 12(suppl 2), pp. ii17-ii23. Orhunbilge, Neyran; (2010), Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi Yayını. PFEFFER, Jeffrey; (1997), “The Ambiguity of Leadership”, Academy of Management Review, pp. 104-112. PRONOVOST, Peter, WEAST, Brad, HOLZMUELLER, Christine G., ROSENSTEIN, Beryl J., KIDWELL, Richard P., HALLER, Karen B., FEROLI, E. Robert, SEXTON, J. Bryan ve RUBIN, Haya; (2003), “Evaluation of the culture of safety: survey of clinicians and managers in an academic medical center”, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 12(6), pp. 405-410. REIMAN, Teemu, PIETIKAINEN, Elina ve OEDEWALD, Pia; (2010), “Multilayered approach to patient safety culture”, Quality and Safety In Health Care, qshc. 2008.029793. SARGUT, A. Selami; (2015), Lider Yöneticinin Benliğine Yolculuk, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım. SOLIS‐TRAPALA, Ivonne L., CARTHEY, Jane, FAREWELL, Vern T. ve DE LEVAL, Marc R.; (2007), “Dynamic modelling in a study of surgical error management”, Statistics in medicine, 26(28), pp. 5189-5202. TEKARSLAN, Erdal, KILINÇ, Tanıl, ŞENCAN, Hüner ve BAYSAL, Can; (2000), Davranışların sosyal psikolojisi, İstanbul: İ.Ü. İşletme Fakültesi. THOMAS, Eric J., SEXTON, J. Bryan, NEILANDS, Torsten B., FRANKEL, Allan ve HELMREICH, Robert L.; (2005), “The effect of executive walk rounds on nurse safety climate attitudes: a randomized trial of clinical units”, BMC health services research, 5(1), pp. 28. THOMAS, Matthew J.; (2004), “Predictors of threat and error management: Identification of core nontechnical skills and implications for training systems design”, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 14(2), pp. 207-231. VAN DYCK, Cathy, FRESE, Michael, BAER, Markus ve SONNENTAG, Sabine; (2005), “Organizational error management culture and its impact on performance: a two-study replication”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), pp. 1228. YANG, Cheng-Chia, WANG, Yi-Shun, CHANG, Sue-Ting, GUO, Suh-Er ve HUANG, Mei-Fen; (2009), “A study on the leadership behavior, safety culture, and safety performance of the healthcare industry”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 53, pp. 1148-1155. ZOHAR, Dov; (2002), “The effects of leadership dimensions, safety climate, and assigned priorities on minor injuries in work groups”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(1), pp. 75-92. ZOHAR, Dov, LIVNE, Yael, TENNE-GAZIT, Orly, ADMI, Hanna ve DONCHIN, Yoel; (2007), “Healthcare climate: A framework for measuring and improving patient safety”, Critical care medicine, 35(5), pp. 1312-1317.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

İrem Serger This is me

Hakkı Aktaş

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Acceptance Date January 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 53


APA Serger, İ., & Aktaş, H. (2019). Hasta emniyet tutumları ve hata yönetimi iklimi ile algılanan liderlik tarzları etkileşimi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(53), 157-182.

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