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Yapay Zeka, ve Yapay Zekanın Küresel Ekonomide İstihdam Üzerinde Yaratıcı-Yıkım Etkisi

Year 2024, Issue: 69, 45 - 53, 30.12.2024


Yapay zeka (AI) her geçen gün dünya insanlığının hayatına daha fazla katılıyor. Başlangıçta basit araçlar olarak karşımıza çıkan yapay zeka, zamanla hayatımıza daha etkin bir şekilde girmeye başladı. Yapay zeka üç temel gerçeğe dayanarak ortaya çıktı. Öncelikle yapay zekanın arkasında elektronik gelişmeler var. İkinci faktör ise elektronik destekli bilgi işlem teknolojisinin gelişmesidir. Yapay zekanın üçüncü geliştirici unsuru ise insanlığın bilgi toplumuna geçişi ve bilgi toplumuna dönüşüm sonucunda bilginin arşivlenmesi ve dijitalleşmesidir. Yapay zekanın bugünkü gelişim düzeyinde, yapay zekanın ekonomik hayata katılması nedeniyle toplumlarda işsizliğin artabileceğine dair endişeler artmış görünüyor. Bu bağlamda bu makalede öncelikle yapay zekayı oluşturan ve ortaya çıkaran unsurlar ortaya konulmaktadır. Daha sonra yapay zeka ile istihdam arasındaki olası ilişki araştırılmıştır. Araştırmaya göre yapay zeka çalışmalarının zamanla artarak gelişeceği, bu gelişmeyle birlikte yapay zekanın rutin ve otomasyona dayalı iş gücü gerektiren işlerde insanların yerini makinelerin almasına neden olacağı görüldü. . Araştırmaya göre yapay zeka çalışmalarının zamanla artarak gelişeceği, bu gelişmeyle birlikte yapay zekanın rutin ve otomasyona dayalı iş gücü gerektiren işlerde insanların yerini makinelerin almasına neden olacağı görülmüştür. Ancak süreç içerisinde yapay zekanın gelişmesiyle birlikte, yeni iş alanlarının ortaya çıkması ve üretim artışlarının meydana gelmesi de söz konusu olacaktır. Bu durumda, gelecekte ekonomik düzeyde, değişen iş koşullarına uygun olarak işgücünün niteliklerinin iyileştirilmesi ihtiyacının, işgücünün işsizliğinden daha fazla öne çıkması beklenmelidir.

Ethical Statement

Etik kurul onayına gerek yoktur.

Supporting Institution

Destekleyen kurum yoktur.


Teşekkür gereği yoktur.


  • -Abuselidze, G. and Mamaladze,L., (2021), The impact of artificial intelligence on employment before and during pandemic: A comparative analysis, Con-Masted 2020, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840, 012040, IOP Publishing,1,G, Retrieved from 10.1088/1742-6596/1840/ 1/012040/pdf, on 10.03.2024, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1840/1/012040.
  • -Acemoğlu,D.; Autor,D.; Hazell,J. And Restrepo,P., (2022), Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from Online Vacancies, Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 40, Number S1. Retrievede from, on 08.08.2024.
  • -Acemoğlu, D. and Restrepo,P., (2020), The wrong kind of AI? Artificial intelligence and the future of labour demand, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Volume 13,1, 25–35, Retrieved from, on 14.05. 2024.
  • -Acemoğlu,D. And Restrepo,P., (2018), Artificial Intelligence, Automation And Work, NBER Working Paper (24196), Retrieved from January, on 10.05.2024.
  • - Aderibigbe, A.O.; Ohenhen, P.E.; Nwaobia, N.K.; Gidiagba, J.O. and Ani, E.C., Artifıcial Intelligence In Developıng Countrıes:Bridging The Gap Between Potential Andimplementation, Computer Science & IT Research Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, p.185-199, December, Retrieved from http://doi. 10.51594/csitrj.v4i3.629, on 10.8.2024.
  • - Addo, P. (2023), Artificial intelligence, developing-country science and bilateral co operation, in Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research, OECD Publishing, Paris, Retrieved from, on 10.08.2024.
  • -Akalın,B. and Veranyurt, Ü.,(2021), Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Yönetiminde Yapay Zeka, Acta Infologica, 5(1), 231-240. Retrieved from, on 27.06.2024.
  • -Arslan, K. (2020), Eğitimde Yapay Zeka ve Uygulamaları, Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 71-88, Retrieved from 1174773, on 02.05.2024. - Balkanlı,A.O., The Development of Technology-Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Differentiation, Мattex 2024, Conference Proceedings, v. 1, 167 – 173, Retrieved from 4_1_balkanli. pdf, on 10.12.2024. -Balkanlı,A.O.,(2022), Küresel Dünyada Finansal Krizlerin Anatomisi, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: Kitapyurdu Yayınları.
  • -Balkanlı,A.O.,(2019),Ekonomik Gelişme ve Uluslararası Ticarette Nano elektronik, Eğitim ve İnsan Sermayesinin Etkenliğinin Değişimi ve Endüstri 4.0 Devrimi, Journal of Current Researches on Business and Economics (JoCReBE) , Vol..9, (1), 107-132.
  • -Balkanlı,A.O., ( 2002), Küresel Ekonominin Belirleyici Faktörleri Üzerine, Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol: 21 (1),13-26.
  • -Batal, M.Selçuk, (2016), Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları Ve Yapay Zekanın Geleceği,ı_Ve_Yapay_Zekanın_Gelecegı#fullTextFileContent, Conference Paper · April, Retrieved from http://doi.10.13140/RG.2.2.10796.21127, on 05.05.2024.
  • -Başer,M.Y.and Olcay,A.,(2022),Akıllı Turizmde Yapay Zekâ Teknolojisi, Gaziantep Unıversıty Journal Of Socıal Scıences, 21(3), 1795-1817, Retrieved from https://dergipark., on 10.05.2024.
  • -Briciu V., Briciu, A., Moraru, A. and Daiana, M., (2022), Labour Market New Challenges: the COVID-19 Pandemic Context’s, Akaki Tsereteli State University International Scientific and Practical Conference, Retrieved from 359628838, on 10.05.2024.
  • -Brinkman, William F.;Haggan, Douglas E. and Troutman, William W.,(1998), A History of the Invention of theTransistor and Where It Will Lead Us, Ieee Journal Of Solıd-State Cırcuıts, Vol. 32,12, Retrieved from, on 28.04. 2024.
  • -Buchmeister,B, Palcic,I. And Ojstersek,R., (2019), Artıfıcıal Intellıgence In Manufacturıng Companıes And Broader: An Overvıew, Retrieved from Pdfs/2019/ Sc_Book_ 2019-007.Pdf, Daaam Internatıonal Scıentıfıc Book,(081-098 Ch.07), on 10.04.2024.
  • -Carrera,E.,Lorena,F.M., Zambrano, L., Yandry,H., Rade,V., Yasmina, L.,(2022), Replacement of human personnel by artificial intelligence: advantages and disadvantages, Retrieved from v15n25/ v15n25_a04.pdf Investigación y Negocios [online], vol.15, (25), 31-38, on 11.03.2024.
  • - Digitalk, (2020), Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Development A New Policy and Regulatory Framework, Retrieved from 326191582688955286/pdf/ Harnessing-Artificial-Intelligence-for-Development-A-New-Policy-and-Regulatory-Framework.pdf, WorldBank, on 10.08.2024.
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Artificial Intelligence, its Creative-Destruction Impact on Employment In Global Economy

Year 2024, Issue: 69, 45 - 53, 30.12.2024


Artificial intelligence (AI) is participating more and more in the lives of the world's humanity day by day. Artificial intelligence, which first appeared as simple apparatuses and their behaviors, has begun to enter our lives more effectively over time. Artificial intelligence emerged based on three basic facts. First of all, behind artificial intelligence are electronic developments. Secondly factor is development of information-processing technology at the support of electronics. The third developer element of AI is humanity's move to the information society and the archiving and digitization of information as a result of transformation into an information society. At today's level of development of artificial intelligence, concerns that unemployment may increase in societies due to the participation of artificial intelligence in economic life seem to have increased. In this context, in this article, firstly, the elements that constitute and reveal artificial intelligence are revealed. Then, possible relation between AI and employment were researched. According to the research, it has been seen that artificial intelligence studies will increase and develop over time, and with this development, artificial intelligence will cause machines to replace people in jobs that involve routine and automated labor force. However, it is also possible that new job areas will arise and production increases will occur in the process. In this case, it should be expected that in the future, on an economic level, the need to improve the qualifications of the workforce in line with changing job conditions will be more prominent than the unemployment of the workforce.


  • -Abuselidze, G. and Mamaladze,L., (2021), The impact of artificial intelligence on employment before and during pandemic: A comparative analysis, Con-Masted 2020, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840, 012040, IOP Publishing,1,G, Retrieved from 10.1088/1742-6596/1840/ 1/012040/pdf, on 10.03.2024, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1840/1/012040.
  • -Acemoğlu,D.; Autor,D.; Hazell,J. And Restrepo,P., (2022), Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from Online Vacancies, Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 40, Number S1. Retrievede from, on 08.08.2024.
  • -Acemoğlu, D. and Restrepo,P., (2020), The wrong kind of AI? Artificial intelligence and the future of labour demand, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Volume 13,1, 25–35, Retrieved from, on 14.05. 2024.
  • -Acemoğlu,D. And Restrepo,P., (2018), Artificial Intelligence, Automation And Work, NBER Working Paper (24196), Retrieved from January, on 10.05.2024.
  • - Aderibigbe, A.O.; Ohenhen, P.E.; Nwaobia, N.K.; Gidiagba, J.O. and Ani, E.C., Artifıcial Intelligence In Developıng Countrıes:Bridging The Gap Between Potential Andimplementation, Computer Science & IT Research Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, p.185-199, December, Retrieved from http://doi. 10.51594/csitrj.v4i3.629, on 10.8.2024.
  • - Addo, P. (2023), Artificial intelligence, developing-country science and bilateral co operation, in Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research, OECD Publishing, Paris, Retrieved from, on 10.08.2024.
  • -Akalın,B. and Veranyurt, Ü.,(2021), Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Yönetiminde Yapay Zeka, Acta Infologica, 5(1), 231-240. Retrieved from, on 27.06.2024.
  • -Arslan, K. (2020), Eğitimde Yapay Zeka ve Uygulamaları, Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 71-88, Retrieved from 1174773, on 02.05.2024. - Balkanlı,A.O., The Development of Technology-Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Differentiation, Мattex 2024, Conference Proceedings, v. 1, 167 – 173, Retrieved from 4_1_balkanli. pdf, on 10.12.2024. -Balkanlı,A.O.,(2022), Küresel Dünyada Finansal Krizlerin Anatomisi, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: Kitapyurdu Yayınları.
  • -Balkanlı,A.O.,(2019),Ekonomik Gelişme ve Uluslararası Ticarette Nano elektronik, Eğitim ve İnsan Sermayesinin Etkenliğinin Değişimi ve Endüstri 4.0 Devrimi, Journal of Current Researches on Business and Economics (JoCReBE) , Vol..9, (1), 107-132.
  • -Balkanlı,A.O., ( 2002), Küresel Ekonominin Belirleyici Faktörleri Üzerine, Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol: 21 (1),13-26.
  • -Batal, M.Selçuk, (2016), Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları Ve Yapay Zekanın Geleceği,ı_Ve_Yapay_Zekanın_Gelecegı#fullTextFileContent, Conference Paper · April, Retrieved from http://doi.10.13140/RG.2.2.10796.21127, on 05.05.2024.
  • -Başer,M.Y.and Olcay,A.,(2022),Akıllı Turizmde Yapay Zekâ Teknolojisi, Gaziantep Unıversıty Journal Of Socıal Scıences, 21(3), 1795-1817, Retrieved from https://dergipark., on 10.05.2024.
  • -Briciu V., Briciu, A., Moraru, A. and Daiana, M., (2022), Labour Market New Challenges: the COVID-19 Pandemic Context’s, Akaki Tsereteli State University International Scientific and Practical Conference, Retrieved from 359628838, on 10.05.2024.
  • -Brinkman, William F.;Haggan, Douglas E. and Troutman, William W.,(1998), A History of the Invention of theTransistor and Where It Will Lead Us, Ieee Journal Of Solıd-State Cırcuıts, Vol. 32,12, Retrieved from, on 28.04. 2024.
  • -Buchmeister,B, Palcic,I. And Ojstersek,R., (2019), Artıfıcıal Intellıgence In Manufacturıng Companıes And Broader: An Overvıew, Retrieved from Pdfs/2019/ Sc_Book_ 2019-007.Pdf, Daaam Internatıonal Scıentıfıc Book,(081-098 Ch.07), on 10.04.2024.
  • -Carrera,E.,Lorena,F.M., Zambrano, L., Yandry,H., Rade,V., Yasmina, L.,(2022), Replacement of human personnel by artificial intelligence: advantages and disadvantages, Retrieved from v15n25/ v15n25_a04.pdf Investigación y Negocios [online], vol.15, (25), 31-38, on 11.03.2024.
  • - Digitalk, (2020), Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Development A New Policy and Regulatory Framework, Retrieved from 326191582688955286/pdf/ Harnessing-Artificial-Intelligence-for-Development-A-New-Policy-and-Regulatory-Framework.pdf, WorldBank, on 10.08.2024.
  • -Dirican,C., (2015), The Impacts of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence On Business and Economics, Social and Behavioral Sciences ,195, 564 – 573, (World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Impacts of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence On Business and Economics), Retrieved from article/pii/ S187704281503613, on 14.05.2024.
  • -Duggal,N., (2024), Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence [AI], Retrieved from,, Mar 21,on14.05.2024.
  • - Filippucci, F. et al. (2024), The impact of Artificial Intelligence on productivity, distribution and growth: Key mechanisms, initial evidence and policy challenges, OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers, No. 15, OECD Publishing, Paris, Retrieved from, on 08.08.2024.
  • -Gaudin, S.,(2007), Retrieved from, computerprocessors/ the-transistor-- the- most-important-invention-of-the-20thcentury-.html, on 20.05.2023.
  • -Green, A. (2024), Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market, OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers, No. 14, OECD Publishing, Paris, Retrieved from, on 07.08.2024.
  • -Htet,A.; Liana,S.R.; Aung,T. And Bhaumik, A., (2023), AI Technology Development and its Impact on Developing Countries, IJCRT, Volume 11, Issue 5, Retrieved from, on 12.08.2024.
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  • -İşler,B. and Kılıç,M.Y.,(2021), Eğitimde Yapay Zekâ Kullanımı Ve Gelişimi, e-Journal of New Media / Yeni Medya Elektronik Dergi,Volume 5 (1), 1-11, Retrieved from en/download/article-file/1106175, on 20.05.2024.
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  • -Kambur,E., (2021), Emotional Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence, Florya Chronicles of Political Economy,Year 7,(2),147-168, Retrieved from https:// dergipark. en/pub/fcpe/issue/66453/982671, on 20.05.2024.
  • -Korkmaz,M., Sarıkaya,M.and Kapukaya,E.E., (2024), Yapay zekâ: Temel bilgiler ve önemli algoritmalar, TOTBİD Dergi, Retrieved from pdf_1333.pdf, on 14.05.2024 10.5578/totbid.dergisi.2024.02.
  • -Makridakis,S.,(2017), The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms Futures, Volume 90, 46-60, , Retrieved from science/article/pii/S0016328717300046, on 06.04.2024, https://doi. org/ 10.1016/j.futures.2017.03.006.
  • -Mannuru,N.R.;Shariar,S.;Teel,Z. And Vaidya (and 17 autors), (2023), Artificial intelligence in developing countries: The impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for development, Information Development, Vol:1/19, Retrieved from http://doi.10.1177/02666669231200628, on 10.08.2024.
  • -Murat,G. and Şengül,B., (2023),Yapay Zekânın İstihdama Yönelik Etkileri, Journal of Social Policy Conferences 85,199–213,Retrieved from http://doi. 10.26650/jspc.2023.85.1331159, on 07.05.2024.
  • -Mykhailo,Z., Mendelo,V., Chumaiev,Y., Kernas, A., Zaporozhtsev,Y.,(2024), Analysis Of Contemporary Methods Of Integrating Emotional Intelligence Into Artificıal Intelligence Systems: Advantages, Disadvantages, And Perspectives, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.102, Retrieved from, on 10.01.2024.
  • - Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development, (2024), What is AI? Can you make a clear distinction between AI and non-AI systems?, (M.Grobelnik; K.Perset and S.Russell), Retrieved from wonk/definition, on 08.08.2024
  • -Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (2023), Stocktaking for the development of an AI incident definition, OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers, No. 4, OECD Publishing, Paris, Retrieved from on 08.08.2024.
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There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Developmental Economy - Micro, Welfare Economics, Industrial Economy
Journal Section Makaleler

Ali Osman Balkanlı 0000-0003-1074-9069

Early Pub Date December 27, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date June 27, 2024
Acceptance Date August 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 69


APA Balkanlı, A. O. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, its Creative-Destruction Impact on Employment In Global Economy. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(69), 45-53.

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