Research Article
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Russian Great Power Regionalism and the Collective Security Treaty Organisation: Strategic Instrumentalisation and its Limitations

Year 2024, Issue: 69, 117 - 128, 30.12.2024


The concept of Great Power Regionalism offers a critical lens through which to analyze the ways global powers leverage regional organizations to safeguard their geopolitical interests. This article explores the functionality of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) as a regional security apparatus, with a focus on Russia’s strategic use of the CSTO to consolidate its influence over former Soviet republics. While originally founded to foster security cooperation among its members, the CSTO has increasingly become an instrument of Russian geopolitical strategy. This shift has generated unease, particularly due to the CSTO’s tendency towards non-intervention or selective engagement in security crises involving or within its member states. The perception that the CSTO prioritizes Russia’s national interests over the diverse security concerns of its members has cast doubt on its efficacy as a provider of collective security. This article contends that Russia’s instrumentalization of the CSTO, in line with the dynamics of Great Power Regionalism, has constrained the organization's capacity to address a broad spectrum of security challenges, ultimately undermining its internal cohesion and credibility.


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Rus Büyük Güç Bölgeselciliği ve Kolektif Güvenlik Anlaşması Örgütü: Stratejik Araçsallaştırma ve Sınırlılıkları

Year 2024, Issue: 69, 117 - 128, 30.12.2024


Büyük Güç Bölgeselciliği kavramı, küresel aktörlerin jeopolitik çıkarlarını güvence altına almak amacıyla bölgesel örgütleri nasıl kullandıklarını analiz etmek için kritik bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Bu makale, Rusya’nın eski Sovyet devletleri üzerindeki etkisini pekiştirmek için Kolektif Güvenlik Anlaşması Örgütü’nü (KGAÖ) kullanmasına odaklanarak KGAÖ’nün bir bölgesel güvenlik örgütü olarak işlevselliğini irdelemektedir. Başlangıçta güvenlik işbirliğini teşvik etmek için kurulan KGAÖ, giderek Rusya’nın stratejik gündemine hizmet eder hale gelmiş ve üye devletler arası ya da üye devletlerin iç güvenlik krizlerine yönelik müdahalesizlik ya da seçici müdahale politikaları nedeniyle rahatsızlığa neden olmuştur. KGAÖ’nün, üyelerinin farklı güvenlik ihtiyaçlarından ziyade Rusya’nın çıkarlarına öncelik verdiği algısı, üyeleri arasında örgütün kolektif bir güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak etkinliğinin sorgulanmasına yol açmıştır. Makale, Rusya'nın Büyük Güç Bölgeselciliği bağlamında KGAÖ’yü araçsallaştırmasının örgütün çeşitli güvenlik kaygılarını ele alma kabiliyetini sınırladığı ve nihayetinde örgütün uyumunu ve güvenilirliğini zayıflattığını öne sürmektedir.


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  • Akipress (2022, 17 September). CSTO calls for peaceful regulation of border conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Erişim adresi _border_conflict_betweenKyrgyzstan_and_Tajikistan/.
  • Allison, R. (2018). Protective integration and security policy coordination in Eurasia: comparing the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the Collective Security Treaty Organisation. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 11(3), 297-338.
  • Ambrosio, T. (2024, 4 March). The Collective Security Treaty Organization: a lifeless, shambling ‘alliance’. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Walsh School of Foreign Service. Erişim adresi https://gjia.
  • Anadolu Agency, (2024, 23 February). Armenia suspends participation in Russia-led regional military alliance. Erişim adresi
  • Avetisyan, A. (2023, 7 September). Tensions rise between Armenia, Russia. Eurasianet. Erişim adresi
  • Balassa, Bela (1961). The theory of economic integration. Illinois: Richard D. Irwin.
  • Balcı, Z. S. (2021). Regional security complexity in post-Soviet Eurasia: CSTO dilemma. Bölgesel Araştırmalar, 5(1), 87-114. Erişim adresi
  • Blagov, S. (2024). CSTO, divided they stand. Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich. Erişim adresi
  • Cochrane, J. D. ve Sloan, J. W. (1973). LAFTA and the CACM: A comparative analysis of integration in Latin America. The Journal of Developing Areas, 8(1), 13-38. Erişim adresi 4190091.pdf.
  • Davidzon, I. (2022). Regional security governance in post-Soviet Eurasia: the history and effectiveness of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Davies, A. (2022, 19 September). Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border clashes claim nearly 100 lives. BBC News. Erişim adresi
  • De Lombaerde, P. ve Söderbaum, F. (2013). Editors’ introduction: reading the intellectual history of regionalism. Philippe De Lombaerde ve Fredrik Söderbaum (Eds.), Regionalism: four-volume set of the SAGE library of international relations içinde (s. xviii - xlviii). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Denha, R. E. (1969). The role of the U.S. as an external actor in the integration of Latin America. Journal of Common Market Studies, 7(3), 199-216.
  • Dragneva, R. ve Wolczuk, K. (2017). The Eurasian Economic Union: deals, rules and the exercise of power. Chatham House Research Paper, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs. Erişim adresi
  • Dreyer, I. ve Popescu, N. (2014). The Eurasian Customs Union: The economics and the politics. European Union Institute for Security Studies. Erişim adresi files/EUISSFiles/Brief_11_Eurasian_Union.pdf.
  • Dugin, A. (1997). Osnovy geopolitiki: geopoliticheskoye budushcheye rossii. Moskva: Arktogeya.
  • Dugin, A. (2014). Eurasian mission: an introduction to neo-eurasianism. London: Arktos.
  • Elder, M. (2010, 14 June). Kyrgyzstan tests Russia’s regional commitments. Global Post. Erişim adresi
  • Eurasianet (2010, 03 August). Tashkent throws temper tantrum over new Russian base in Kyrgyzstan. Erişim adresi
  • Evseev, V. (2013). O protivorechivosti rossiysko-uzbekskikh otnosheniy v voyenno-politicheskoy sfere. Mirovaya Ekonomika i Mezhdunarodnyye Otnosheniya, 6, 73-74.
  • Garibov, A. (2019, 13 December). Pashinyan tries to leverage Armenia’s CSTO membership against Azerbaijan. Eurasia Daily Monitor. Erişim adresi
  • Gottesman, E. (2015, 24 December). The limits of collective security in Eurasia. The Diplomat. Erişim adresi
  • Grigoryan, A. (2014). Armenia: joining under the gun. S. Frederick Starr ve Svante E. Cornell (Eds.). Putin’s grand strategy; the Eurasian Union and its discontents içinde (s. 98-109). Washington: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program.
  • Guliyev, F. ve Gawrich, A. (2021). NATO vs. the CSTO: security threat perceptions and responses to secessionist conflicts in Eurasia. Post-Communist Economies, 33(2-3), 283-304. https://www.
  • Haas, E. (1958). The uniting of Europe: political, social and economic forces 1950-1957. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Heathershaw, J. (2007). Worlds apart: the making and remaking of geopolitical space in the US–Uzbekistani strategic partnership. Central Asian Survey, 26(1), 123–140. 02634930701423558
  • Hveem, H. (2003). The regional project in global governance. Fredrik Söderbaum ve Timothy Shaw (Eds.). Theories of new regionalism içinde (s. 81-98). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Iordanova, I. (2024, 8 Avgust). Zatulin: Rossiya ne budet prosit' pomoshchi ODKB posle vtorzheniya VSU v Kurskuyu oblast. Gazeta. Erişim adresi
  • Jarosiewicz, A. ve Fischer, V. (2015). The Eurasian Economic Union – more political, less economic. OSW Commentary, 157. Erişim adresi
  • Kaczmarski, M. (2017). Non-western visions of regionalism: China’s new Silk Road and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union. International Affairs, 93(6), 1357-1376.
  • Kaiser, K. (1968). The interaction of regional subsystems: some preliminary notes on recurrent patterns and the role of superpowers. World Politics, 21(1), 84-107.
  • Kaiser, R. ve Chinn, J. (1995). Russian-Kazakh relations in Kazakhstan. Post-Soviet Geography, 36(5), 257–273.
  • Karagiannis, E. (2014). The Russian interventions in South Ossetia and Crimea compared: military performance, legitimacy and goals. Contemporary Security Policy, 35(3), 400–420. 10.1080/13523260.2014.963965.
  • Kartashov, I. (2012, 29 İyun). Uzbekistan zayavil o vykhode iz ODKB. Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Erişim adresi
  • Kavkazskiy Uzel (2024, 3 İyun). Glavnoye o kritike Armeniyey ODKB i Kremlya. Erişim adresi https://www.
  • Khamidov, S. (2023, 06 April). Central Asia’s strained security architecture. The Diplomat. Erişim adresi
  • Khanna, P. (2009). The second world: how emerging powers are redefining global competion in the twenty-first century. New York: Random House.
  • Khurramov, K. (2022, 15 May). Bumazhnyy tigr ili voyenno-politicheskiy blok. 30 let deyatel'nosti ODKB. Ozodi. Erişim adresi
  • Klein, M. (2019). Russia’s military policy in the post-Soviet space. SWP Research Paper. Erişim adresi
  • Kropatcheva, E. (2016). Russia and the Collective Security Treaty Organisation: multilateral policy or unilateral ambitions?, Europe-Asia Studies, 68(9), 1526–1552. 1238878.
  • Kucera, J. (2015, 14 April). CSTO faces new wave of criticism over ineffectiveness. Eurasianet. Erişim adresi
  • Kucera, J. (2015, 10 December). Russia again tries — and fails — to get allies’ support against Turkey. Eurasianet. Erişim adresi
  • Laruelle, M. ve Peyrouse, S. (2011). The United States in Central Asia: reassessing a challenging partnership. Strategic Analysis, 35(3), 427–438.
  • Laruelle, M., Royce, D. ve Beyssembayev, S. (2019). Untangling the puzzle of “Russia’s influence” in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 60(2), 211–243. 2019.1645033.
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There are 91 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects European and Region Studies
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Turgut Demirtepe 0000-0001-6191-5085

Otabek Omonkulov This is me 0000-0001-8706-7635

Early Pub Date December 27, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date September 22, 2024
Acceptance Date October 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 69


APA Demirtepe, M. T., & Omonkulov, O. (2024). Rus Büyük Güç Bölgeselciliği ve Kolektif Güvenlik Anlaşması Örgütü: Stratejik Araçsallaştırma ve Sınırlılıkları. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(69), 117-128.

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