Evaluation Of Patients Visiting The Emergency Department With The Occlusion Of Central Venous Catheter Used For Hemodialysis
Year 2021,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 172 - 177, 17.11.2021
Filiz Kaya
Şeyhmus Kaya
Engin Özakın
Ahmet Tuğrul Zeytin
In hemodialysis patients, the rate of central venous catheter (CVC) use as a venous access device is 13-25%. This application has complications such as catheter-related thrombosis. In CVC occlusion, anticoagulant and thrombolytic treatments are used to clear the obstruction. The catheter is also renewed when necessary.
This study aims to evaluate the catheter occlusion-related visits to the emergency department (ED) in terms of patient and catheter characteristics and investigate the applied treatments.
This retrospective study was conducted at an ED of a university hospital between 01.01.2015-31.12.2020. All patients over 17 years of age, who visited the ED with occlusion of CVC used for hemodialysis, were included in the study.
52 ED visits were included in the study. The mean age was 63.15 and 34 (65.4%) were female. 33 of the CVC (63.5%) were uncuffed. Right subclavian vein was the most frequently obstructed catheter location as seen in 14 visits (26.9%). Catheter occlusion was seen in 0-1 year of catheter use at most (11 visits). In 17 visits (31%) a drug (unfractionated heparin in 10, alteplase in 7) was used to clear the obstruction. No statistically significant difference was detected between two drugs in catheter patency. In 15 of all visits and 10 of those administered a drug, catheter clearance was successful in the ED. No statistically significant relationship of successful catheter patency with patients’ additional diseases and laboratory tests was detected. In 30 of all patients (57.7%), a CVC was placed because of the unsuccessful catheter clearance and the need for urgent dialysis.
Emergency physicians need to identify CVC occlusions and make appropriate interventions, especially in patients who require urgent dialysis. Emergency physicians should keep unfractionated heparin and alteplase in mind to reduce the need for catheter replacement.
Acknowledgements: We thank to Muzaffer Bilgin PhD for the statistical support.
- 1. Lok CE. Fistula first initiative: advantages and pitfalls. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;2:1043e53.
- 2. Ethier J, Mendelssohn DC, Elder SJ, et al. Vascular Access use and outcomes: an international perspective from the dialysis outcomes and practice patterns study. Nephrol Dial Transpl. 2008;23:3219e26.
- 3. Pisoni, RL, Zepel L, Port FK, Robinson BM. Trends in US vascular access use, patient preferences, and related practices: an update from the US DOPPS practice monitor with international comparisons. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65, 905–15.
- 4. Shah S, Leonard AC, Meganathan K, Christianson AL, Thakar CV. Gender and racial disparities in initial hemodialysis access and outcomes in incident end-stage renal disease patients. Am J Nephrol. 2018;48, 4–14.
- 5. Gunawansa N, Sudusinghe DH, Wijayaratne DR. Hemodialysis Catheter-Related Central Venous Thrombosis: Clinical Approach to Evaluation and Management. Ann Vasc Surg. 2018;51:298-305.
- 6. Niyyar VD, Chan MR. Interventional nephrology: Catheter dysfunction--prevention and troubleshooting. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013;8(7):1234-43.
- 7. Marr KA, Sexton DJ, Conlon PJ, Corey GR, Schwab SJ, Kirkland KB. Catheter-related bacteremia and outcome of attempted catheter salvage in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Ann Intern Med. 1997;127(4):275-80.
- 8. Hodges TC, Fillinger MF, Zwolak RM, Walsh DB, Bech F, Cronenwett JL. Longitudinal comparison of dialysis access methods: risk factors for failure. J Vasc Surg. 1997;26(6):1009-19.
- 9. Wall C, Moore J, Thachil J. Catheter-related thrombosis: A practical approach. J Intensive Care Soc. 2016;17(2):160-7.
- 10. Brophy DF, Martin EJ, Gehr TW, Carr ME Jr. Enhanced anticoagulant activity of enoxaparin in patients with ESRD as measured by thrombin generation time. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004;44(2):270-7.
- 11. Clase CM, Crowther MA, Ingram AJ, et al. Thrombolysis for restoration of patency to hemodialysis central venous catheters: a systematic review. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2001;11:127-36.
Hemodiyaliz İçin Kullanılan Santral Venöz Kateterin Tıkanıklığı İle Acil Servise Başvuran Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2021,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 172 - 177, 17.11.2021
Filiz Kaya
Şeyhmus Kaya
Engin Özakın
Ahmet Tuğrul Zeytin
Hemodiyaliz hastalarında venöz yol aracı olarak santral venöz kateter (SVK) kullanım oranı %13-25'dir. Bu uygulamanın katetere bağlı tromboz gibi komplikasyonları vardır. SVK oklüzyonunda tıkanıklığı gidermek için antikoagülan ve trombolitik tedaviler kullanılır. Gerektiğinde kateter de yenilenir.
Bu çalışma, kateter tıkanması ile ilgili acil servise (AS) yapılan başvuruları hasta ve kateter özellikleri açısından değerlendirmeyi ve uygulanan tedavileri araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Bu retrospektif çalışma 01.01.2015-31.12.2020 tarihleri arasında bir üniversite hastanesinin acil servisinde yapılmıştır. Hemodiyaliz için kullanılan SVK tıkanıklığı ile acil servise başvuran 17 yaş üstü tüm hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.
Çalışmaya 52 acil servis başvurusu dahil edildi. Olguların yaş ortalaması 63.15 olup 34'ü (%65.4) kadındı. SVK'nın 33'ü (%63.5) kafsızdı. Sağ subklavian ven 14 başvuruda (%26.9) en sık tıkanan kateter yeri idi. Kateter tıkanıklığı en fazla 0-1 yıllık kateter kullanımında (11 başvuru) görüldü. Başvuruların 17’sinde (%31) tıkanıklığı gidermek için bir ilaç (10'da fraksiyone olmayan heparin, 7'de alteplaz) kullanıldı. Kateter açıklığı sağlamada iki ilaç arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Tüm başvuruların 15'inde ve ilaç uygulananların 10'unda, acil serviste kateter açıklığı başarılı şekilde sağlandı. Başarılı kateter açıklığı ile hastaların ek hastalıkları ve laboratuvar testleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı. Tüm hastaların 30'unda (%57.7) kateter açıklığının başarısız olması ve acil diyaliz ihtiyacı nedeniyle SVK yerleştirildi.
Acil hekimlerinin özellikle acil diyalize ihtiyacı olan hastalarda SVK tıkanıklıklarını tespit etmeleri ve uygun müdahaleleri yapmaları gerekmektedir. Acil hekimleri kateter değiştirme ihtiyacını azaltmak için fraksiyone olmayan heparin ve alteplazı akılda tutmalıdır.
- 1. Lok CE. Fistula first initiative: advantages and pitfalls. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;2:1043e53.
- 2. Ethier J, Mendelssohn DC, Elder SJ, et al. Vascular Access use and outcomes: an international perspective from the dialysis outcomes and practice patterns study. Nephrol Dial Transpl. 2008;23:3219e26.
- 3. Pisoni, RL, Zepel L, Port FK, Robinson BM. Trends in US vascular access use, patient preferences, and related practices: an update from the US DOPPS practice monitor with international comparisons. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65, 905–15.
- 4. Shah S, Leonard AC, Meganathan K, Christianson AL, Thakar CV. Gender and racial disparities in initial hemodialysis access and outcomes in incident end-stage renal disease patients. Am J Nephrol. 2018;48, 4–14.
- 5. Gunawansa N, Sudusinghe DH, Wijayaratne DR. Hemodialysis Catheter-Related Central Venous Thrombosis: Clinical Approach to Evaluation and Management. Ann Vasc Surg. 2018;51:298-305.
- 6. Niyyar VD, Chan MR. Interventional nephrology: Catheter dysfunction--prevention and troubleshooting. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013;8(7):1234-43.
- 7. Marr KA, Sexton DJ, Conlon PJ, Corey GR, Schwab SJ, Kirkland KB. Catheter-related bacteremia and outcome of attempted catheter salvage in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Ann Intern Med. 1997;127(4):275-80.
- 8. Hodges TC, Fillinger MF, Zwolak RM, Walsh DB, Bech F, Cronenwett JL. Longitudinal comparison of dialysis access methods: risk factors for failure. J Vasc Surg. 1997;26(6):1009-19.
- 9. Wall C, Moore J, Thachil J. Catheter-related thrombosis: A practical approach. J Intensive Care Soc. 2016;17(2):160-7.
- 10. Brophy DF, Martin EJ, Gehr TW, Carr ME Jr. Enhanced anticoagulant activity of enoxaparin in patients with ESRD as measured by thrombin generation time. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004;44(2):270-7.
- 11. Clase CM, Crowther MA, Ingram AJ, et al. Thrombolysis for restoration of patency to hemodialysis central venous catheters: a systematic review. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2001;11:127-36.