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Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu Olan Bireylere Yönelik Hortikültürel Terapi Temelli Uygulamalar

Year 2025, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 538 - 559, 29.01.2025


Madde kullanım bozukluğu, tıbbi, sosyal, hukuki ve toplumsal yönleri olan çok boyutlu bir sorundur ve bu sorun önemli tedavi ve destek süreçleri gerektirmektedir. Bu sorunun tedavi ve destek ile ilgili süreçlerinde hortikültürel terapinin sıklıkla kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Hortikültürel terapi, bitkilerle uğraşarak doğanın iyileştirici gücünü kullanmayı amaçlayan bir tedavi yöntemidir. Ayrıca hortikültürel terapi, bahçeleri, grup terapilerini ve hayvan destekli müdahaleleri de içerebilmektedir. Madde bağımlılığı tedavisinde kullanılan bu terapi yöntemi, bireylerin fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal iyilik hallerini geliştirme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu çalışma, madde kullanım bozukluğu olan bireylere yönelik hortikültürel terapi temelli uygulamalara dair literatüre yer vererek, madde kullanım bozukluğu alanında hortikültürel terapi temelli uygulamaları gerçekleştirmek isteyen uygulayıcılara alternatif tedavi ve destek süreçlerini tanıtmayı ve sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Abu Dabrh, A. M., Meore, A., Wilson, E. W., & Perlman, A. (2022). Horticultural therapy: An ancient ıntegrative approach for modern times. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 28(4), 290–293.
  • Agazarian, Y. M. (1992). Contemporary theories of group psychotherapy: A systems approach to the group-as-a-whole. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 42(2), 177–203.
  • Akpınar Külekçi, E., & Sezen, İ. (2020). Peyzaj tasarım sürecinde iyileştirme bahçeleri. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(Özel Sayı), 337-350.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Barut, B., & Kara, Y. (2020). Ekolojik sosyal hizmet perspektifinden hortikültürel terapi. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 31(1), 218-240.
  • Bradley, L., & Baldwin, K. (2013). How to organize a community garden. NC State Extension, NC State University, Raleigh.
  • Brown, G., Bos, E., & Brady, G. (2020). Building health and wellbeing in prison: learning from the master gardener programme in a midlands prison. Issues and Innovations in Prison Health Research, 139–165.
  • Chandler, C. K. (2012). Animal-assisted therapy in counseling. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Connery, H. S., McHugh, R. K., Reilly, M., Shin, S., & Greenfield, S. F. (2020). Substance use disorders in global mental health delivery: Epidemiology, treatment gap, and implementation of evidence-based treatments. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 28(5), 316–327.
  • Connolly, S., Govoni, T. D., Jiang, X., Terranella, A., Guy, G. P., Jr, Green, J. L., & Mikosz, C. (2024). Characteristics of alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among persons aged 13-18 years being assessed for substance use disorder treatment - United States, 2014-2022. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 73(5), 93–98.
  • Contalbrigo, L., De Santis, M., Toson, M., Montanaro, M., Farina, L., Costa, A., & Nava, F. A. (2017). The Efficacy of dog assisted therapy in detained drug users: a pilot study in an Italian Attenuated Custody Institute. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 683.
  • Dell, C., Kosteniuk, B., Doi, C., Chalmers, D., & Butt, P. (2023). The role of the human-canine bond in recovery from substance use disorder: A scoping review and narrative synthesis protocol. Human-Animal Interactions, 0029.
  • Dennis, M. L., Scott, C. K., Funk, R., & Foss, M. A. (2005). The duration and correlates of addiction and treatment careers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2), S51-S62
  • Dennis, M., & Scott, C. K. (2007). Managing addiction as a chronic condition. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 4(1), 45.
  • Detweiler, M. B., Lane, S., Spencer, L., Lutgens, B., Halling, M. H., Rudder, T. F., & Lehmann, L. (2015). Horticultural therapy: a pilot study on modulating cortisol levels and indices of substance craving, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and quality of life in veterans. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 21(4), 36.
  • Er, F. (2021). Askerlerde başlıca ruhsal-davranışsal sorunlar ve sosyal hizmet uygulamaları. Sakarya, H., Çetinkaya, Büyükbodur, A., & Ademhan Tunaç, Ç. (Ed.). Askeri sosyal hizmet içinde (183-206). Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Er, F., Canatan Gençer, Ç., Barut, B., Kara, Y. (2020). Sosyal hizmet uygulamalarında ekopsikolojiyi düşünmek. Aurum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 73-82.
  • Europol. (2024). EU drug markets analysis 2024.
  • Erath, T. G., LaCroix, R., O'Keefe, E., Higgins, S. T., & Rawson, R. A. (2024). Substance use patterns, sociodemographics, and health profiles of harm reduction service recipients in Burlington, Vermont. Harm Reduction Journal, 21(1), 76.
  • Fine, A. H., Beck, A. M., & Ng, Z. (2019). The state of animal-assisted interventions: Addressing the contemporary ıssues that will shape the future. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(20), 3997.
  • Fredrickson-MacNamara, M., & Butler, K. (2010). Animal selection procedures in animal-assisted interaction programs. In A. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (pp. 111–134). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Galaj, E., Barrera, E. D., & Ranaldi, R. (2020). Therapeutic efficacy of environmental enrichment for substance use disorders. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 188, 172829.
  • Giménez-Meseguer, J., Tortosa-Martínez, J., & Cortell-Tormo, J. M. (2020). The benefits of physical exercise on mental disorders and quality of life in substance use disorders patients. systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3680. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17103680
  • Gonzalez, M. T., Hartig, T., Patil, G. G., Martinsen, E. W., & Kirkevold, M. (2011). A prospective study of group cohesiveness in therapeutic horticulture for clinical depression. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 20(2), 119–129.
  • Haggerty, J. M., & Mueller, M. K. (2017) Animal-assisted Stress reduction programs in higher education. Innovative Higher Education, 42, 379-389.
  • Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Nottle, C., Hazel, S. J., Milton, A. G., McDowall, S., Mani, B., Koblar, S. (2023). Developing and planning a protocol for implementing health promoting animal assisted interventions (AAI) in a tertiary health setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 6780.
  • Hansen-Ketchum, P., Marck, P., & Reutter, L. (2009). Engaging with nature to promote health: New Directions for Nursing Research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1527–1538.
  • Henn, M., Weinstein, M., & Foard, N. (2009). A short ıntroduction to social research. SAGE Publications.
  • Jauk-Ajamie, D., & Blackwood, A. (2022). "I grow every day, like plants.” An evaluation of a gardening program for women in a residential community corrections setting. Women & Criminal Justice, 1–24.
  • Johnson-Jennings, M., Paul, K., Olson, D., LaBeau, M., & Jennings, D. (2020). Ode’imin Giizis: Proposing and piloting gardening as an indigenous childhood health intervention. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 31(2), 871–888.
  • Kabakcı, M. (2022). Huzurevindeki Yaşlılara Uygulanan Bahçecilik Faaliyetlerinin Psikolojik İyi Oluş ve Depresyona Etkisi: Tek Kör Randomize Kontrollü Çalışma (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Ordu Üniversitesi.
  • Kara, Y. (2024). Brighten up the rainbow: Ecology-based group work for LGBTQ+ people. Journal of Homosexuality, 71(5), 1356–1371.
  • Kara, Y. (2023). Supporting living together: Group work on animal rights for children. Children & Society, 37(5), 1418-1431. DOI: 10.1111/chso.12745
  • Kocaeli Bitkileri. (2024). Tüm bitkiler. (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2024)
  • Kruger, K. A., & Serpell, J. A. (2006). Animal-assisted interventions in mental health: Definitions and theoretical foundations. In A. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (pp. 21–38). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Lehmann, L. P., Detweiler, J. G., & Detweiler, M. B. (2018). Veterans in substance abuse treatment program self-initiate box gardening as a stress reducing therapeutic modality. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 36, 50–53.
  • López, G., Orchowski, L. M., Reddy, M. K., Nargiso, J., & Johnson, J. E. (2021). A review of research-supported group treatments for drug use disorders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16(1), 51. DOI: 10.1186/s13011-021-00371-0
  • Magura, S., & Marshall, T. (2020). The effectiveness of interventions intended to improve employment outcomes for persons with substance use disorder: an updated systematic review. Substance Use & Misuse, 1–7. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1797810
  • Marti, L., Hünerwadel, E., Hut, B., Christ, S. M., Däster, F., Schettle, M., Seiler, A., Blum, D., & Hertler, C. (2024). Characteristics and clinical challenges in patients with substance use disorder in palliative care-experience from a tertiary center in a high-income country. BMC Palliative Care, 23(1), 28.
  • Mayo Clinic. (2023). Drug addiction (substance use disorder) - Symptoms and causes.
  • Missen, K., Alindogan, M. A., Forrest, S., & Waller, S. (2021). Evaluating the effects of a Therapeutic Day rehabilitation program and inclusion of gardening in an Australian Rural Community Health Service. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 27(6), 496–502.
  • Monfort Montolio, M., & Sancho-Pelluz, J. (2019). Animal-assisted therapy in the residential treatment of dual pathology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 120.
  • Moore, K. A., & Bradley, L. K. (2018). North Carolina extension gardener handbook. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Morton C. M. (2019). Community social deprivation and availability of substance use treatment and mutual aid recovery groups. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14(1), 33.
  • Murroni, V., Cavalli, R., Basso, A., Borella, E., Meneghetti, C., Melendugno, A., Pazzaglia, F. (2021). Effectiveness of therapeutic gardens for people with dementia: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9595.
  • Muslu, G. K., & Conk, Z. (2011). Hayvan destekli uygulamalar ve çocuklarda kullanımı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 4(2), 83-88.
  • Özkul, T. (2014). Türkiye’de hayvan destekli terapi uygulamalarından örnekler. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, 36-36.
  • Öztürk, F. C. (2023). Uyuşturucu madde bağımlılığı ve Türkiye’de uyuşturucu madde kullanımının incelenmesi. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, 47(3), 1071-1083.
  • Panțiru, I., Ronaldson, A., Sima, N., Dregan, A., & Sima, R. (2024). The impact of gardening on well-being, mental health, and quality of life: an umbrella review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 45.
  • Perveen, F. (2013). Effects of horticulture therapy for elderly with dementia in an institutional setting: A literature review (Degree thesis). Arcada University of Applied Sciences Human Ageing and Elderly Services.
  • Peters, E. T., & Kirby, E. (2008). Community gardening. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
  • Pouya, S. (2018). The importance of horticulture therapy and gardening for older adults in nursing home. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 8(2), 146-166.
  • Rehm, J., Marmet, S., Anderson, P., Gual, A., Kraus, L., Nutt, D. J., Room, R., Samokhvalov, A. V., Scafato, E., Trapencieris, M., Wiers, R. W., & Gmel, G. (2013). Defining substance use disorders: do we really need more than heavy use? Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 48(6), 633–640.
  • Sakıcı, Ç., Var, M., & Hocaoğlu, Ç. (2014). Türkiye’deki ruh ve sinir hastalıkları bölge hastane bahçelerinin terapi açısından değerlendirilmesi. Ormancılık Dergisi, 10(1), 59-71.
  • Sancho, M., De Gracia, M., Rodríguez, R. C., Mallorquí-Bagué, N., Sánchez-González, J., Trujols, J., Sánchez, I., Jiménez-Murcia, S., & Menchón, J. M. (2018). Mindfulness-based ınterventions for the treatment of substance and behavioral addictions: a systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 95.
  • Scott, C. K., Foss, M. A., & Dennis, M. L. (2005). Pathways in the relapse—treatment—recovery cycle over 3 years. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2), S63-S72.
  • Sempik, J., Aldridge, J., & Becker, S. (2005). Health, well-being and social inclusion: Therapeutic horticulture in the UK. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Siu, A. M. H., Kam, M., & Mok, I. (2020). Horticultural Therapy program for people with mental illness: A mixed-method evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research And Public Health, 17(3), 711.
  • Spano, G., D'Este, M., Giannico, V., Carrus, G., Elia, M., Lafortezza, R., Panno, A., & Sanesi, G. (2020). Are community gardening and horticultural ınterventions beneficial for psychosocial well-being? A meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3584.
  • Tam, C.L., & Foo, Y.C. (2012). Contributory factors of drug abuse and the accessibility of drugs. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 4(9), 1621-1625.
  • Thaneshwari, P. K., Sharma, R., & Sahare, H. A. (2018). Therapeutic gardens in healthcare: A review. Annals of Biology, 34(2), 162–166.
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  • Tu, H. (2022). Effect of horticultural therapy on mental health: a meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29(4), 603–615.
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  • Wasmuth, S., Pritchard, K., & Kaneshiro, K. (2016). Occupation-based intervention for addictive disorders: a systematic review. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 62, 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.11.011
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  • Wołyńczyk-Gmaj, D., Ziółkowska, A., Rogala, P., Ścigała, D., Bryła, L., Gmaj, B., & Wojnar, M. (2021). Can dog-assisted ıntervention decrease anxiety level and autonomic agitation in patients with anxiety disorders? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(21), 5171.
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Year 2025, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 538 - 559, 29.01.2025



  • Abu Dabrh, A. M., Meore, A., Wilson, E. W., & Perlman, A. (2022). Horticultural therapy: An ancient ıntegrative approach for modern times. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 28(4), 290–293.
  • Agazarian, Y. M. (1992). Contemporary theories of group psychotherapy: A systems approach to the group-as-a-whole. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 42(2), 177–203.
  • Akpınar Külekçi, E., & Sezen, İ. (2020). Peyzaj tasarım sürecinde iyileştirme bahçeleri. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(Özel Sayı), 337-350.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Barut, B., & Kara, Y. (2020). Ekolojik sosyal hizmet perspektifinden hortikültürel terapi. Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 31(1), 218-240.
  • Bradley, L., & Baldwin, K. (2013). How to organize a community garden. NC State Extension, NC State University, Raleigh.
  • Brown, G., Bos, E., & Brady, G. (2020). Building health and wellbeing in prison: learning from the master gardener programme in a midlands prison. Issues and Innovations in Prison Health Research, 139–165.
  • Chandler, C. K. (2012). Animal-assisted therapy in counseling. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Connery, H. S., McHugh, R. K., Reilly, M., Shin, S., & Greenfield, S. F. (2020). Substance use disorders in global mental health delivery: Epidemiology, treatment gap, and implementation of evidence-based treatments. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 28(5), 316–327.
  • Connolly, S., Govoni, T. D., Jiang, X., Terranella, A., Guy, G. P., Jr, Green, J. L., & Mikosz, C. (2024). Characteristics of alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among persons aged 13-18 years being assessed for substance use disorder treatment - United States, 2014-2022. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 73(5), 93–98.
  • Contalbrigo, L., De Santis, M., Toson, M., Montanaro, M., Farina, L., Costa, A., & Nava, F. A. (2017). The Efficacy of dog assisted therapy in detained drug users: a pilot study in an Italian Attenuated Custody Institute. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 683.
  • Dell, C., Kosteniuk, B., Doi, C., Chalmers, D., & Butt, P. (2023). The role of the human-canine bond in recovery from substance use disorder: A scoping review and narrative synthesis protocol. Human-Animal Interactions, 0029.
  • Dennis, M. L., Scott, C. K., Funk, R., & Foss, M. A. (2005). The duration and correlates of addiction and treatment careers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2), S51-S62
  • Dennis, M., & Scott, C. K. (2007). Managing addiction as a chronic condition. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 4(1), 45.
  • Detweiler, M. B., Lane, S., Spencer, L., Lutgens, B., Halling, M. H., Rudder, T. F., & Lehmann, L. (2015). Horticultural therapy: a pilot study on modulating cortisol levels and indices of substance craving, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and quality of life in veterans. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 21(4), 36.
  • Er, F. (2021). Askerlerde başlıca ruhsal-davranışsal sorunlar ve sosyal hizmet uygulamaları. Sakarya, H., Çetinkaya, Büyükbodur, A., & Ademhan Tunaç, Ç. (Ed.). Askeri sosyal hizmet içinde (183-206). Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
  • Er, F., Canatan Gençer, Ç., Barut, B., Kara, Y. (2020). Sosyal hizmet uygulamalarında ekopsikolojiyi düşünmek. Aurum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 73-82.
  • Europol. (2024). EU drug markets analysis 2024.
  • Erath, T. G., LaCroix, R., O'Keefe, E., Higgins, S. T., & Rawson, R. A. (2024). Substance use patterns, sociodemographics, and health profiles of harm reduction service recipients in Burlington, Vermont. Harm Reduction Journal, 21(1), 76.
  • Fine, A. H., Beck, A. M., & Ng, Z. (2019). The state of animal-assisted interventions: Addressing the contemporary ıssues that will shape the future. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(20), 3997.
  • Fredrickson-MacNamara, M., & Butler, K. (2010). Animal selection procedures in animal-assisted interaction programs. In A. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (pp. 111–134). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Galaj, E., Barrera, E. D., & Ranaldi, R. (2020). Therapeutic efficacy of environmental enrichment for substance use disorders. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 188, 172829.
  • Giménez-Meseguer, J., Tortosa-Martínez, J., & Cortell-Tormo, J. M. (2020). The benefits of physical exercise on mental disorders and quality of life in substance use disorders patients. systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3680. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17103680
  • Gonzalez, M. T., Hartig, T., Patil, G. G., Martinsen, E. W., & Kirkevold, M. (2011). A prospective study of group cohesiveness in therapeutic horticulture for clinical depression. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 20(2), 119–129.
  • Haggerty, J. M., & Mueller, M. K. (2017) Animal-assisted Stress reduction programs in higher education. Innovative Higher Education, 42, 379-389.
  • Hamilton-Bruce, M. A., Young, J., Nottle, C., Hazel, S. J., Milton, A. G., McDowall, S., Mani, B., Koblar, S. (2023). Developing and planning a protocol for implementing health promoting animal assisted interventions (AAI) in a tertiary health setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 6780.
  • Hansen-Ketchum, P., Marck, P., & Reutter, L. (2009). Engaging with nature to promote health: New Directions for Nursing Research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1527–1538.
  • Henn, M., Weinstein, M., & Foard, N. (2009). A short ıntroduction to social research. SAGE Publications.
  • Jauk-Ajamie, D., & Blackwood, A. (2022). "I grow every day, like plants.” An evaluation of a gardening program for women in a residential community corrections setting. Women & Criminal Justice, 1–24.
  • Johnson-Jennings, M., Paul, K., Olson, D., LaBeau, M., & Jennings, D. (2020). Ode’imin Giizis: Proposing and piloting gardening as an indigenous childhood health intervention. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 31(2), 871–888.
  • Kabakcı, M. (2022). Huzurevindeki Yaşlılara Uygulanan Bahçecilik Faaliyetlerinin Psikolojik İyi Oluş ve Depresyona Etkisi: Tek Kör Randomize Kontrollü Çalışma (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Ordu Üniversitesi.
  • Kara, Y. (2024). Brighten up the rainbow: Ecology-based group work for LGBTQ+ people. Journal of Homosexuality, 71(5), 1356–1371.
  • Kara, Y. (2023). Supporting living together: Group work on animal rights for children. Children & Society, 37(5), 1418-1431. DOI: 10.1111/chso.12745
  • Kocaeli Bitkileri. (2024). Tüm bitkiler. (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2024)
  • Kruger, K. A., & Serpell, J. A. (2006). Animal-assisted interventions in mental health: Definitions and theoretical foundations. In A. Fine (Ed.), Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice (pp. 21–38). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
  • Lehmann, L. P., Detweiler, J. G., & Detweiler, M. B. (2018). Veterans in substance abuse treatment program self-initiate box gardening as a stress reducing therapeutic modality. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 36, 50–53.
  • López, G., Orchowski, L. M., Reddy, M. K., Nargiso, J., & Johnson, J. E. (2021). A review of research-supported group treatments for drug use disorders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16(1), 51. DOI: 10.1186/s13011-021-00371-0
  • Magura, S., & Marshall, T. (2020). The effectiveness of interventions intended to improve employment outcomes for persons with substance use disorder: an updated systematic review. Substance Use & Misuse, 1–7. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1797810
  • Marti, L., Hünerwadel, E., Hut, B., Christ, S. M., Däster, F., Schettle, M., Seiler, A., Blum, D., & Hertler, C. (2024). Characteristics and clinical challenges in patients with substance use disorder in palliative care-experience from a tertiary center in a high-income country. BMC Palliative Care, 23(1), 28.
  • Mayo Clinic. (2023). Drug addiction (substance use disorder) - Symptoms and causes.
  • Missen, K., Alindogan, M. A., Forrest, S., & Waller, S. (2021). Evaluating the effects of a Therapeutic Day rehabilitation program and inclusion of gardening in an Australian Rural Community Health Service. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 27(6), 496–502.
  • Monfort Montolio, M., & Sancho-Pelluz, J. (2019). Animal-assisted therapy in the residential treatment of dual pathology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 120.
  • Moore, K. A., & Bradley, L. K. (2018). North Carolina extension gardener handbook. The University of North Carolina Press.
  • Morton C. M. (2019). Community social deprivation and availability of substance use treatment and mutual aid recovery groups. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14(1), 33.
  • Murroni, V., Cavalli, R., Basso, A., Borella, E., Meneghetti, C., Melendugno, A., Pazzaglia, F. (2021). Effectiveness of therapeutic gardens for people with dementia: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9595.
  • Muslu, G. K., & Conk, Z. (2011). Hayvan destekli uygulamalar ve çocuklarda kullanımı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 4(2), 83-88.
  • Özkul, T. (2014). Türkiye’de hayvan destekli terapi uygulamalarından örnekler. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, 36-36.
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Derleme

Yunus Kara 0000-0002-7812-5845

Berçem Barut 0000-0002-9134-9456

Publication Date January 29, 2025
Submission Date June 15, 2024
Acceptance Date October 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Kara, Y., & Barut, B. (2025). Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu Olan Bireylere Yönelik Hortikültürel Terapi Temelli Uygulamalar. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 538-559.


Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.