Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 6, 981 - 989, 04.11.2019



  • [1] Geliebter A, Aversa A. Emotional eating in overweight, normal weight, and underweight individuals. Eat Behav 2003;3:341-7.
  • [2] Nolan LJ, Halperin LB, Geliebter A. Emotional Appetite Questionnaire. Construct validity and relationship with BMI. Appetite 2010;54:314-9.
  • [3] Masheb RM, Grilo CM. Emotional overeating and its associations with eating disorder psychopathology among overweight patients with binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 2006;39:141-6.
  • [4] Eldredge KL, Agras WS. Weight and shape overconcern and emotional eating in binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 1996:19;73-82.
  • [5] Ricca V, Castellini G, Fioravanti G, Sauro CL, Rotella F, Ravaldi C, et al. Emotional eating in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Compr Psychiatry 2012;53:245-51.
  • [6] Turan Ş, Poyraz CA, Özdemir A. Binge Eating Disorder. Curr Approach Psychiatry 2015;7:419-35.
  • [7] Pinaquy S, Chabrol H, Simon C, Louvet JP, Barbe P. Emotional eating, alexithymia, and binge eating disorder in obese women. Obesity 2003;11:195-201.
  • [8] Gianini LM, White MA, Masheb RM. Eating pathology, emotion regulation, and emotional overeating in obese adults with binge eating disorder. Eat Behav 2013;14:309-13.
  • [9] Allison KC, Wadden TA, Sarwer DB, Fabricatore AN, Crerand CE, Gibbons LM, et al. Night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder among persons seeking bariatric surgery: prevalence and related features. Obesity 2006;14:77-82.
  • [11] Chesler BE. Emotional eating: a virtually untreated risk factor for outcome following bariatric surgery. Sci World J 2012;2012:365961.
  • [11]. Chesler BE. Emotional eating: a virtually untreated risk factor for outcome following bariatric surgery. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 365961.
  • [12] Canetti L, Berry EM, Elizur Y. Psychosocial predictors of weight loss and psychological adjustment following bariatric surgery and a weight loss program: The mediating role of emotional eating. Int J Eat Disord 2009;42:109-17.
  • [13] Fischer S, Chen E, Katterman S, Roerhig M, Bochierri-Ricciardi L, Munoz D, et al. Emotional eating in a morbidly obese bariatric surgery-seeking population. Obes Surg 2007;17:778-4.
  • [14] American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM–5®). American Psychiatric Pub 2013.
  • [15] McElroy SL, Kotwal R, KeckPE. Comorbidity of eating disorders with bipolar disorder and treatment implications. Bipolar Disord 2006;8:686-95.
  • [16] Martin K, Woo J, Timmins V, Collins J, Islam A, Newton D, et al. Binge eating and emotional eating behaviors among adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord 2016;195:88-95.
  • [17] Duarte-Guerra LS, Coêlho BM, Santo MA, Lotufo-Neto F, Wang YP. Morbidity persistence and comorbidity of mood, anxiety, and eating disorders among preoperative bariatric patients. Psychiatry Res 2017;257:1-6.
  • [18] Alciati A, Gesuele F, Rizzi A, Sarzi-Puttini P, Foschi D. Childhood parental loss and bipolar spectrum in obese bariatric surgery candidates. Int J Psychiatry Med 2011;41:155-71.
  • [19] Grothe KB, Mundi MS, Himes SM, Sarr MG, Clark MM, Geske JR, et al. Bipolar disorder symptoms in patients seeking bariatric surgery. Obesity Surg 2014;24:1909-14.
  • [20] Arnow B, Kenardy J, Agras WS. The Emotional Eating Scale: The development of a measure to assess coping with negative affect by eating. Int J Eat Disord 1995;18:79-90.
  • [21] Michopoulos V, Powers A, Moore C, Villarreal S, Ressler KJ, Bradley B. The mediating role of emotion dysregulation and depression on the relationship between childhood trauma exposure and emotional eating. Appetite 2015;91:129-36.
  • [22] Akiskal HS, Akiskal KK, Haykal RF, Manning JS, Connor PD. TEMPS-A: progress towards validation of a self-rated clinical version of the Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire. J Affect Disord 2005;85:3-16.
  • [23] Demirel B, Yavuz KF, Karadere ME, Şafak Y, Türkçapar MH. [The Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)’s Reliability And Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index and Emotional Schemas]. J Cogn Behav Psychother Res 2014;3:171-81. [Article in Turkish]
  • [24] Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4:561-71.
  • [25] Hisli N. [A study on the validity of Beck Depression Inventory]. Psikoloji Dergisi 1988;6:118-22. [Article in Turkish]
  • [26] Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:893-7.
  • [27] Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: psychometric properties. J Cogn Psychother 1998;12:163-72.
  • [28] Vahip S, Kesebir S, Alkan M, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS. Affective temperaments in clinically-well subjects in Turkey: initial psychometric data on the TEMPS-A. J Affect Disord 2005;85:113-25.
  • [29] Schag K, Schönleber J, Teufel M, Zipfel S, GielKE. Food-related impulsivity in obesity and Binge Eating Disorder -a systematic review. Obes Rev 2013;14:477-95.
  • [30] Fassino S, Leombruni P, Pierò A, Abbate-Daga G, Rovera GG. Mood, eating attitudes, and anger in obese women with and without binge eating disorder. J Psychosom Res 2003;54:559-66.
  • [31] Akiskal HS, Akiskal K. Cyclothymic, hyperthymic, and depressive temperaments as subaffective variants of mood disorders. American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry 1992;11:43-62.
  • [32] Martin GC, Wertheim EH, Prior M, Smart D, Sanson A, Oberklaid F. A longitudinal study of the role of childhood temperament in the later development of eating concerns. Int J Eat Disord 2000;27:150-162.
  • [33] Taymur I, Budak E, Onen S, Bicer B, Dilektaslı E, Cayci M, et al. The relationship between childhood and adult attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder and general psychopathological features in individuals who apply for bariatric surgery. Bariatr Surg Pract Patient Care 2016;11:116-22.
  • [34] Lin PI, McInnis MG, Potash JB, Willour V, MacKinnon DF, DePaulo JR, et al. Clinical correlates and familial aggregation of age at onset in bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:240-6.

The relationship between emotional appetite and bipolar features in obese and non-obese individuals

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 6, 981 - 989, 04.11.2019


Objectives: It is known that many different positive
and negative emotions can affect appetite and also, individuals who have
bipolar features often have emotional fluctuations. In this study, it was aimed
to investigate the relationship between emotional appetite and bipolar features
in obese individuals.

Methods: One
hundred and ninety

obese individuals who applied for bariatric surgery and 136 non-obese
individuals were evaluated with Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ), Beck-
Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck-Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and The Temperament
Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San-Diego Auto-questionnaire (TEMPS-A)
in the study.

Results: In obese individuals who applied for
bariatric surgery, the frequency of bipolar disorder was found to be 2% and
binge eating disorder (BED) frequency was 51.2%. It was found that scores of
appetite in negative emotions were higher in obese individuals with BED
compared to obese individuals and it was higher in obese individuals compared
to normal weight individuals. Cyclothymic features explained 27.2%, 25.8% and
15.7% of scores of appetite in negative situations of obese individuals with
BED, obese individuals without BED and normal weight individuals, respectively.

As a result of this study, it can be concluded that
scores of appetite in negative situations may be affected by cyclothymic
features in obese individuals with BED, in obese and normal weight individuals.
Depression and anxiety symptoms are effective factors in explaining scores of appetite
in negative situations of obese individuals with BED, obese and normal weight


  • [1] Geliebter A, Aversa A. Emotional eating in overweight, normal weight, and underweight individuals. Eat Behav 2003;3:341-7.
  • [2] Nolan LJ, Halperin LB, Geliebter A. Emotional Appetite Questionnaire. Construct validity and relationship with BMI. Appetite 2010;54:314-9.
  • [3] Masheb RM, Grilo CM. Emotional overeating and its associations with eating disorder psychopathology among overweight patients with binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 2006;39:141-6.
  • [4] Eldredge KL, Agras WS. Weight and shape overconcern and emotional eating in binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 1996:19;73-82.
  • [5] Ricca V, Castellini G, Fioravanti G, Sauro CL, Rotella F, Ravaldi C, et al. Emotional eating in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Compr Psychiatry 2012;53:245-51.
  • [6] Turan Ş, Poyraz CA, Özdemir A. Binge Eating Disorder. Curr Approach Psychiatry 2015;7:419-35.
  • [7] Pinaquy S, Chabrol H, Simon C, Louvet JP, Barbe P. Emotional eating, alexithymia, and binge eating disorder in obese women. Obesity 2003;11:195-201.
  • [8] Gianini LM, White MA, Masheb RM. Eating pathology, emotion regulation, and emotional overeating in obese adults with binge eating disorder. Eat Behav 2013;14:309-13.
  • [9] Allison KC, Wadden TA, Sarwer DB, Fabricatore AN, Crerand CE, Gibbons LM, et al. Night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder among persons seeking bariatric surgery: prevalence and related features. Obesity 2006;14:77-82.
  • [11] Chesler BE. Emotional eating: a virtually untreated risk factor for outcome following bariatric surgery. Sci World J 2012;2012:365961.
  • [11]. Chesler BE. Emotional eating: a virtually untreated risk factor for outcome following bariatric surgery. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 365961.
  • [12] Canetti L, Berry EM, Elizur Y. Psychosocial predictors of weight loss and psychological adjustment following bariatric surgery and a weight loss program: The mediating role of emotional eating. Int J Eat Disord 2009;42:109-17.
  • [13] Fischer S, Chen E, Katterman S, Roerhig M, Bochierri-Ricciardi L, Munoz D, et al. Emotional eating in a morbidly obese bariatric surgery-seeking population. Obes Surg 2007;17:778-4.
  • [14] American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM–5®). American Psychiatric Pub 2013.
  • [15] McElroy SL, Kotwal R, KeckPE. Comorbidity of eating disorders with bipolar disorder and treatment implications. Bipolar Disord 2006;8:686-95.
  • [16] Martin K, Woo J, Timmins V, Collins J, Islam A, Newton D, et al. Binge eating and emotional eating behaviors among adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord 2016;195:88-95.
  • [17] Duarte-Guerra LS, Coêlho BM, Santo MA, Lotufo-Neto F, Wang YP. Morbidity persistence and comorbidity of mood, anxiety, and eating disorders among preoperative bariatric patients. Psychiatry Res 2017;257:1-6.
  • [18] Alciati A, Gesuele F, Rizzi A, Sarzi-Puttini P, Foschi D. Childhood parental loss and bipolar spectrum in obese bariatric surgery candidates. Int J Psychiatry Med 2011;41:155-71.
  • [19] Grothe KB, Mundi MS, Himes SM, Sarr MG, Clark MM, Geske JR, et al. Bipolar disorder symptoms in patients seeking bariatric surgery. Obesity Surg 2014;24:1909-14.
  • [20] Arnow B, Kenardy J, Agras WS. The Emotional Eating Scale: The development of a measure to assess coping with negative affect by eating. Int J Eat Disord 1995;18:79-90.
  • [21] Michopoulos V, Powers A, Moore C, Villarreal S, Ressler KJ, Bradley B. The mediating role of emotion dysregulation and depression on the relationship between childhood trauma exposure and emotional eating. Appetite 2015;91:129-36.
  • [22] Akiskal HS, Akiskal KK, Haykal RF, Manning JS, Connor PD. TEMPS-A: progress towards validation of a self-rated clinical version of the Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire. J Affect Disord 2005;85:3-16.
  • [23] Demirel B, Yavuz KF, Karadere ME, Şafak Y, Türkçapar MH. [The Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)’s Reliability And Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index and Emotional Schemas]. J Cogn Behav Psychother Res 2014;3:171-81. [Article in Turkish]
  • [24] Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4:561-71.
  • [25] Hisli N. [A study on the validity of Beck Depression Inventory]. Psikoloji Dergisi 1988;6:118-22. [Article in Turkish]
  • [26] Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:893-7.
  • [27] Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: psychometric properties. J Cogn Psychother 1998;12:163-72.
  • [28] Vahip S, Kesebir S, Alkan M, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS. Affective temperaments in clinically-well subjects in Turkey: initial psychometric data on the TEMPS-A. J Affect Disord 2005;85:113-25.
  • [29] Schag K, Schönleber J, Teufel M, Zipfel S, GielKE. Food-related impulsivity in obesity and Binge Eating Disorder -a systematic review. Obes Rev 2013;14:477-95.
  • [30] Fassino S, Leombruni P, Pierò A, Abbate-Daga G, Rovera GG. Mood, eating attitudes, and anger in obese women with and without binge eating disorder. J Psychosom Res 2003;54:559-66.
  • [31] Akiskal HS, Akiskal K. Cyclothymic, hyperthymic, and depressive temperaments as subaffective variants of mood disorders. American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry 1992;11:43-62.
  • [32] Martin GC, Wertheim EH, Prior M, Smart D, Sanson A, Oberklaid F. A longitudinal study of the role of childhood temperament in the later development of eating concerns. Int J Eat Disord 2000;27:150-162.
  • [33] Taymur I, Budak E, Onen S, Bicer B, Dilektaslı E, Cayci M, et al. The relationship between childhood and adult attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder and general psychopathological features in individuals who apply for bariatric surgery. Bariatr Surg Pract Patient Care 2016;11:116-22.
  • [34] Lin PI, McInnis MG, Potash JB, Willour V, MacKinnon DF, DePaulo JR, et al. Clinical correlates and familial aggregation of age at onset in bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:240-6.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychiatry, Medical Physiology
Journal Section Original Articles

Ersin Budak 0000-0002-6507-505X

İbrahim Taymur 0000-0002-7017-4730

Sinay Önen 0000-0002-5683-3971

Hacı Murat Çaycı 0000-0002-4833-1509

Güliz Şenormancı This is me 0000-0001-8000-0075

Publication Date November 4, 2019
Submission Date June 14, 2018
Acceptance Date August 7, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 6


AMA Budak E, Taymur İ, Önen S, Çaycı HM, Şenormancı G. The relationship between emotional appetite and bipolar features in obese and non-obese individuals. Eur Res J. November 2019;5(6):981-989. doi:10.18621/eurj.433962

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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