Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 179 - 189, 04.03.2025



  • 1. Cooper CJ, Murphy TP, Cutlip DE, et al. Stenting and medical therapy for atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(1):13-22. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1310753.
  • 2. Rimmer JM, Gennari FJ. Atherosclerotic renovascular disease and progressive renal failure. Ann Intern Med. 1993;118(9):712-719. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-118-9-199305010-00010.
  • 3. Prince M, Tafur JD, White CJ. When and How Should We Revascularize Patients With Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis? JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2019;12(6):505-517. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.10.023.
  • 4. Jean WJ, al-Bitar I, Zwicke DL, et al. High incidence of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn. 1994;32(1):8-10. doi: 10.1002/ccd.1810320103.
  • 5. Edwards MS, Craven TE, Burke GL, Dean RH, Hansen KJ. Renovascular disease and the risk of adverse coronary events in the elderly: a prospective, population-based study. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(2):207-213. doi: 10.1001/archinte.165.2.207.
  • 6. van de Ven PJ, Kaatee R, Beutler JJ, et al. Arterial stenting and balloon angioplasty in ostial atherosclerotic renovascular disease: a randomised trial. Lancet. 1999;353(9149):282-286. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(98)04432-8.
  • 7. Meredith D, Bazemore TC, Shah A, Dilley J, Stouffer GA. Identification of Factors Associated With Improved Survival After Renal Artery Stenting. Am J Cardiol. 2017;119(4):664-668. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.10.054.
  • 8. O'Keeffe H, Green D, de Bhailis A, et al. Long Term Outcomes After Renal Revascularization for Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease in the ASTRAL Trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024;17(9):e013979. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.123.013979.
  • 9. Burlacu A, Siriopol D, Nistor I, et al. Clinical SYNTAX Score - a good predictor for renal artery stenosis in acute myocardial infarction patients: analysis from the REN-ACS trial. Arch Med Sci. 2017;13(4):837-844. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2016.60374.
  • 10. Rundback JH, Sacks D, Kent KC, et al. AHA Councils on Cardiovascular Radiology, High Blood Pressure Research, Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, and Clinical Cardiology, and the Society of Interventional Radiology FDA Device Forum Committee. American Heart Association. Guidelines for the reporting of renal artery revascularization in clinical trials. American Heart Association. Circulation. 2002;106(12):1572-1585. doi: 10.1161/01.cir.0000029805.87199.45.
  • 11. Stevens LA, Coresh J, Greene T, Levey AS. Assessing kidney function--measured and estimated glomerular filtration rate. N Engl J Med. 2006;354(23):2473-2483. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra054415.
  • 12. Mehran R, Aymong ED, Nikolsky E, et al. A simple risk score for prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy after percutaneous coronary intervention: development and initial validation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;44(7):1393-1399. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2004.06.068.
  • 13. Rudski LG, Lai WW, Afilalo J, et al. Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010;23(7):685-713; quiz 786-788. doi: 10.1016/j.echo.2010.05.010.
  • 14. Sokolow M, Lyon TP. The ventricular complex in left ventricular hypertrophy as obtained by unipolar precordial and limb leads. Am Heart J. 1949;37(2):161-186. doi: 10.1016/0002-8703(49)90562-1.
  • 15. Wallace EL, Tasan E, Cook BS, Charnigo R, Abdel-Latif AK, Ziada KM. Long-Term Outcomes and Causes of Death in Patients With Renovascular Disease Undergoing Renal Artery Stenting. Angiology. 2016;67(7):657-663. doi: 10.1177/0003319715609013.
  • 16. ASTRAL Investigators; Wheatley K, Ives N, et al. Revascularization versus medical therapy for renal-artery stenosis. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(20):1953-62. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa0905368.
  • 17. Bax L, Woittiez AJ, Kouwenberg HJ, et al. Stent placement in patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis and impaired renal function: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150(12):840-848, W150-1. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-150-12-200906160-00119.
  • 18. Bates MC, Campbell JE, Stone PA, Jaff MR, Broce M, Lavigne PS. Factors affecting long-term survival following renal artery stenting. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007;69(7):1037-1043. doi: 10.1002/ccd.21121.
  • 19. van Domburg RT, Takkenberg JJ, van Herwerden LA, Venema AC, Bogers AJ. Short-term and 5-year outcome after primary isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery: results of risk stratification in a bilocation center. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(4):733-40. doi: 10.1016/s1010-7940(02)00052-0.
  • 20. Selvaraj CL, Gurm HS, Gupta R, Ellis SG, Bhatt DL. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a predictor of mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol. 2005;96(6):756-759. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2005.05.016.
  • 21. Lederman RJ, Mendelsohn FO, Santos R, Phillips HR, Stack RS, Crowley JJ. Primary renal artery stenting: characteristics and outcomes after 363 procedures. Am Heart J. 2001;142(2):314-323. doi: 10.1067/mhj.2001.116958.
  • 22. Cavefors O, Holmqvist J, Bech-Hanssen O, et al. Regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction associated with critical illness: incidence and effect on outcome. ESC Heart Fail. 2021;8(6):5415-5423. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.13633.
  • 23. Ferrante G, Barbieri L, Sponzilli C, et al. Predictors of Mortality and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Anterior STEMI: Results from a Single Center Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(23):5634. doi: 10.3390/jcm10235634.
  • 24. Li Y, Zhang X, Yang L, et al. Association between polypharmacy and mortality in the older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022;100:104630. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104630.
  • 25. Perreault S, Schnitzer ME, Disso E, Qazi J, Boivin-Proulx LA, Dorais M. Polypharmacy and risk of mortality among patients with heart failure following hospitalization: a nested case-control study. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):19963. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24285-4.
  • 26. Dregoesc MI, Bolboacă SD, Dorolțan PM, Istrate M, Marc MC, Iancu AC. Long-Term Mortality After Renal Artery Stenting in Patients With Severe Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis and High-Risk Clinical Manifestations. Am J Hypertens. 2021;34(8):880-887. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab027.
  • 27. Leertouwer TC, Gussenhoven EJ, Bosch JL, et al. Stent placement for renal arterial stenosis: where do we stand? A meta-analysis. Radiology. 2000;216(1):78-85. doi: 10.1148/radiology.216.1.r00jl0778.

Predictors of major adverse events after stent implantation for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 179 - 189, 04.03.2025


Objectives: Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS) is the most frequently seen cause of secondary hypertension (HT). ARAS associated with adverse cardiovascular events independently of other traditional cardiovascular risk factors, and increased mortality. Percutaneous transluminal renal arterial stenting (PTRS) is important methods in ARAS treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate major adverse events (MAE) and potential predictors in patients undergoing PTRS for ARAS by evaluating variables before and immediately after the procedure, including the SYNTAX score.

Methods: One hundred and five consecutive patients who underwent PTRS over a period of approximately 10 years were included in our study. Patients were divided into two groups, MAE negative (-) and MAE positive (+), according to the occurrence of MAE. After comparing both groups with difference tests, independent predictors were investigated with univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Afterwards, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed on independent predictors.

Results: The average age of the patients was 63.32±11.62 years (range: 30-83 years) and 52 (49.5%) of them were male. Sixty-two patients constituted the MAE (-) and 43 the MAE (+) groups. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and the total number of antihypertensives after the procedure were identified as independent predictors. As a result of the ROC analysis, a cutoff value of ≤55% for LVEF was determined to have area under the curve (AUC) 0.733, 69.8% sensitivity, and 77.42% specificity (P<0.001). The use of more than 3 antihypertensive drugs after the procedure was found to have AUC 0.624, 34.88% sensitivity, and 82.26% specificity (P=0.023).

Conclusions: LVEF, COPD, and the postprocedural total number of antihypertensives were independent predictors for MAE seen after PTRS in ARAS patients. These predictors can be used to estimate the risk in these patients. To be able to prevent adverse events, it is important that patients with these markers are treated and followed up more closely.

Ethical Statement

This study was approved by the Health Sciences University Bursa Yüksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital Medical Sciences Ethics Committee (Decision no: 2024-TBEK 2024/07/04 and date: 31.07.2024)


  • 1. Cooper CJ, Murphy TP, Cutlip DE, et al. Stenting and medical therapy for atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(1):13-22. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1310753.
  • 2. Rimmer JM, Gennari FJ. Atherosclerotic renovascular disease and progressive renal failure. Ann Intern Med. 1993;118(9):712-719. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-118-9-199305010-00010.
  • 3. Prince M, Tafur JD, White CJ. When and How Should We Revascularize Patients With Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis? JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2019;12(6):505-517. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2018.10.023.
  • 4. Jean WJ, al-Bitar I, Zwicke DL, et al. High incidence of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn. 1994;32(1):8-10. doi: 10.1002/ccd.1810320103.
  • 5. Edwards MS, Craven TE, Burke GL, Dean RH, Hansen KJ. Renovascular disease and the risk of adverse coronary events in the elderly: a prospective, population-based study. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(2):207-213. doi: 10.1001/archinte.165.2.207.
  • 6. van de Ven PJ, Kaatee R, Beutler JJ, et al. Arterial stenting and balloon angioplasty in ostial atherosclerotic renovascular disease: a randomised trial. Lancet. 1999;353(9149):282-286. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(98)04432-8.
  • 7. Meredith D, Bazemore TC, Shah A, Dilley J, Stouffer GA. Identification of Factors Associated With Improved Survival After Renal Artery Stenting. Am J Cardiol. 2017;119(4):664-668. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.10.054.
  • 8. O'Keeffe H, Green D, de Bhailis A, et al. Long Term Outcomes After Renal Revascularization for Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease in the ASTRAL Trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024;17(9):e013979. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.123.013979.
  • 9. Burlacu A, Siriopol D, Nistor I, et al. Clinical SYNTAX Score - a good predictor for renal artery stenosis in acute myocardial infarction patients: analysis from the REN-ACS trial. Arch Med Sci. 2017;13(4):837-844. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2016.60374.
  • 10. Rundback JH, Sacks D, Kent KC, et al. AHA Councils on Cardiovascular Radiology, High Blood Pressure Research, Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, and Clinical Cardiology, and the Society of Interventional Radiology FDA Device Forum Committee. American Heart Association. Guidelines for the reporting of renal artery revascularization in clinical trials. American Heart Association. Circulation. 2002;106(12):1572-1585. doi: 10.1161/01.cir.0000029805.87199.45.
  • 11. Stevens LA, Coresh J, Greene T, Levey AS. Assessing kidney function--measured and estimated glomerular filtration rate. N Engl J Med. 2006;354(23):2473-2483. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra054415.
  • 12. Mehran R, Aymong ED, Nikolsky E, et al. A simple risk score for prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy after percutaneous coronary intervention: development and initial validation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;44(7):1393-1399. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2004.06.068.
  • 13. Rudski LG, Lai WW, Afilalo J, et al. Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010;23(7):685-713; quiz 786-788. doi: 10.1016/j.echo.2010.05.010.
  • 14. Sokolow M, Lyon TP. The ventricular complex in left ventricular hypertrophy as obtained by unipolar precordial and limb leads. Am Heart J. 1949;37(2):161-186. doi: 10.1016/0002-8703(49)90562-1.
  • 15. Wallace EL, Tasan E, Cook BS, Charnigo R, Abdel-Latif AK, Ziada KM. Long-Term Outcomes and Causes of Death in Patients With Renovascular Disease Undergoing Renal Artery Stenting. Angiology. 2016;67(7):657-663. doi: 10.1177/0003319715609013.
  • 16. ASTRAL Investigators; Wheatley K, Ives N, et al. Revascularization versus medical therapy for renal-artery stenosis. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(20):1953-62. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa0905368.
  • 17. Bax L, Woittiez AJ, Kouwenberg HJ, et al. Stent placement in patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis and impaired renal function: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150(12):840-848, W150-1. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-150-12-200906160-00119.
  • 18. Bates MC, Campbell JE, Stone PA, Jaff MR, Broce M, Lavigne PS. Factors affecting long-term survival following renal artery stenting. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007;69(7):1037-1043. doi: 10.1002/ccd.21121.
  • 19. van Domburg RT, Takkenberg JJ, van Herwerden LA, Venema AC, Bogers AJ. Short-term and 5-year outcome after primary isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery: results of risk stratification in a bilocation center. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(4):733-40. doi: 10.1016/s1010-7940(02)00052-0.
  • 20. Selvaraj CL, Gurm HS, Gupta R, Ellis SG, Bhatt DL. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a predictor of mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Am J Cardiol. 2005;96(6):756-759. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2005.05.016.
  • 21. Lederman RJ, Mendelsohn FO, Santos R, Phillips HR, Stack RS, Crowley JJ. Primary renal artery stenting: characteristics and outcomes after 363 procedures. Am Heart J. 2001;142(2):314-323. doi: 10.1067/mhj.2001.116958.
  • 22. Cavefors O, Holmqvist J, Bech-Hanssen O, et al. Regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction associated with critical illness: incidence and effect on outcome. ESC Heart Fail. 2021;8(6):5415-5423. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.13633.
  • 23. Ferrante G, Barbieri L, Sponzilli C, et al. Predictors of Mortality and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Anterior STEMI: Results from a Single Center Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(23):5634. doi: 10.3390/jcm10235634.
  • 24. Li Y, Zhang X, Yang L, et al. Association between polypharmacy and mortality in the older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022;100:104630. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104630.
  • 25. Perreault S, Schnitzer ME, Disso E, Qazi J, Boivin-Proulx LA, Dorais M. Polypharmacy and risk of mortality among patients with heart failure following hospitalization: a nested case-control study. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):19963. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24285-4.
  • 26. Dregoesc MI, Bolboacă SD, Dorolțan PM, Istrate M, Marc MC, Iancu AC. Long-Term Mortality After Renal Artery Stenting in Patients With Severe Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis and High-Risk Clinical Manifestations. Am J Hypertens. 2021;34(8):880-887. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab027.
  • 27. Leertouwer TC, Gussenhoven EJ, Bosch JL, et al. Stent placement for renal arterial stenosis: where do we stand? A meta-analysis. Radiology. 2000;216(1):78-85. doi: 10.1148/radiology.216.1.r00jl0778.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cardiology
Journal Section Original Articles

Fatih Koca 0000-0002-6824-1017

Ömer Furkan Demir 0000-0002-0230-8442

Early Pub Date February 11, 2025
Publication Date March 4, 2025
Submission Date January 28, 2025
Acceptance Date February 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


AMA Koca F, Demir ÖF. Predictors of major adverse events after stent implantation for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. Eur Res J. March 2025;11(2):179-189. doi:10.18621/eurj.1628550

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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