Clinical, Pathological, and Toxicological Investigation of Premix-Induced Copper Poisoning in Sheep
Year 2022,
Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 70 - 78, 23.12.2022
Mehmet Tuzcu
Özgür Özdemir
Zeynep Çelik
Yavuz Ulusoy
Rabia Salik
Bahadır Kılınç
Muhammed Öner
Osman Dağar
Gökhan Akçakavak
Selçuk Pekkaya
Adem Tarakci
Copper poisoning is a pathological condition resulting from an imbalance between the uptake and excretion of copper. Acute poisoning is usually observed after administering anthelmintic drugs, mineral mixtures, or excessively soluble copper salts. The material of the present study consists of 900 yearling sheep. Sick animals had abdominal pain, diarrhea, hemoglobinuria, icterus, and death. As a result of the necropsies, severe icterus was determined in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, serosas, and adipose tissue around the organs. It was observed that the liver was dark brown or yellowish and easily disintegrated. The gallbladders were full, the bile was dark in color and granular. It was observed that the kidneys were quite swollen and dark black. The urinary bladders contained dark red urine due to hemoglobinuria. Histopathological examination revealed hydropic degeneration, vacuolar degeneration, steatosis, multifocal necrosis, and dissociation in hepatocytes, yellowish-brown granules in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, as well as yellowish-green bile pigments in the hepatocyte cytoplasm and bile ducts. Mononuclear cell infiltration and bile duct increase were determined in portal areas. In the staining of liver sections with Rodanin, positive staining in reddish color was detected in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Swelling and vacuolar degeneration in the tubular epithelium in the kidneys and bilirubin pigment were noted. This study it is aimed to reveal the clinical, toxicological, and pathological findings of acute copper poisoning in sheep, which is determined to be caused by feed additives and to draw attention to feed additive poisoning events that have been encountered quite frequently in recent years.
- Anchordoquy M, Anchordoquy J, Nikoloff N, Pascua A, Furnus, C. (2017) High copper concentrations produce genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in bovine cumulus cells. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-9683-0
- Anon (2004). MWS-2. Temassız Sıcaklık Ölçümüne Sahip Mikrodalga Parçalama Sistemi. V.3.0 Kullanma Talimatı. Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH
- Blakley BR. (2021). Copper Poisoning in Animals. Retrieved, from MSD Manual
- Borobia M, Villanueva-Saz S, Ruiz de Arcaute M, Fernández A, Verde MT, González JM, Navarro T, Benito AA, Arnal JL, De las Heras M, Ortín, A. (2022) Copper Poisoning, a Deadly Hazard for Sheep. Animals, 12(18), 2388. Retrieved from
- Brown DL, Van Wettere AJ, Cullen JM. (2017) Hepatobiliary system and exocrine pancreas. In Pathologic basis of veterinary disease (pp. 412-70. e1): Elsevier.
- Commission, E. 2003. Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition on the use of copper in feedingstuffs. Health & Consumer Protection Directorate General, Directorate C—Scientific Opinions, C2 Management of Scientific Committees, 1-47.
- Cullen JM, SM. (2015) Liver and biliary system. In M. G. Maxie (Ed.), Pathology of Domestic Animals (6 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 259-351): Elsevier Ltd. .
Cutlip, R. (1988) Book Review: Jensen and Swift's Diseases of Sheep. In: SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
- Eroksuz Y, Incili CA, Karabulut B, Yılmaz I, Yerlikaya Z, Eroksuz H. (2021) Pathological Changes due to Copper Toxication in Two Sheep. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 35(3), p.187-89.
- Gupta R. (2018) A review of copper poisoning in animals: sheep, goat and cattle. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, 3(5), 1-4.
- Gupta RC (2012) Veterinary toxicology: basic and clinical principles: Academic press.
- Gutwerk D, Krämer R. (2005) Mikrowellenaufschlüsse steuern. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 53(10), 1052-53.
- Haywood S, Paris J, Ryvar R, Botteron C. (2008) Brain copper elevation and neurological changes in north ronaldsay sheep: a model for neurodegenerative disease? Journal of comparative pathology, 139(4), p.252-55.
- Karademir B. (2006) Molibdenin hayvanlar için enzimsel fonksiyonları. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 12(2), 217-24.
- Kerr LA, McGavin HD. (1991) Chronic copper poisoning in sheep grazing pastures fertilized with swine manure. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 198(1), 99-101.
- Laur N, Kinscherf R, Pomytkin K, Kaiser L, Knes O, Deigner HP. (2020) ICP-MS trace element analysis in serum and whole blood. PloS one, 15(5), e0233357.
- Luna LG. (1968) Manual of histologic staining methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
- Moeller RB. (2004) Hepatobiliary system: Toxic response of the hepatobiliary system. Veterinary Clinical Toxicology, p.61-68.
- Nederbragt, H, Van den Ingh, T, Wensvoort, P. 1984. Pathobiology of copper toxicity. Veterinary Quarterly, 6(4), p.179-235.
- N.M.L.K.186 (2007).Nordic Committe on Food Analyssis,Trace Elements As, Cd, Hg, Pb and other elements.Determination by ICP-MS after pressure digestion.
- Oruc HH, Cengiz M, Beskaya A. (2009) Chronic copper toxicosis in sheep following the use of copper sulfate as a fungicide on fruit trees. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 21(4), 540-43.
- Pugh DG, Baird NN. (2012) Sheep & Goat Medicine-E-Book: Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Woolliams JA, Suttle NF, Wiener G, Field AC, Woolliams C. (1982) The effect of breed of sire on the accumulation of copper in lambs, with particular reference to copper toxicity. Animal Science, 35(3), 299-307. doi:10.1017/S0003356100000969
Koyunlarda Premiks Kaynaklı Bakır Zehirlenmesinin Klinik, Patolojik ve Toksikolojik İncelenmesi
Year 2022,
Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 70 - 78, 23.12.2022
Mehmet Tuzcu
Özgür Özdemir
Zeynep Çelik
Yavuz Ulusoy
Rabia Salik
Bahadır Kılınç
Muhammed Öner
Osman Dağar
Gökhan Akçakavak
Selçuk Pekkaya
Adem Tarakci
Bakır zehirlenmesi, bakırın vücuda alınımı ve atılımı arasındaki dengesizlikten kaynaklanan patolojik bir durumdur. Akut zehirlenme genellikle antihelmintik ilaçlar, mineral karışımları veya aşırı miktarda çözünür bakır tuzlarının uygulanmasından sonra görülür. Sunulan bu çalışmanın materyalini 900 toklu oluşturmaktadır. Hasta hayvanlarda abdominal sancı, ishal, hemoglobinüri, ikterus ve ölüm bulunmaktaydı. Yapılan nekropsiler sonucu deri altı yağ dokusu, serozalar ve organların etrafındaki yağ dokuda şiddetli sarılık belirlendi. Karaciğerin koyu kahve ya da sarımtırak renkte ve kolay parçalandığı görüldü. Safra keseleri dolgun, safra koyu renkte ve granüler yapıdaydı. Böbreklerin oldukça şişkin ve koyu siyah renkte olduğu görüldü. İdrar keseleri hemoglobinüriye bağlı olarak koyu kırmızı renkte idrar içermekteydi. Histopatolojik muayenede hepatositlerde hidropik dejenerasyon, vakuoler dejenerasyon, yağlanma, multifokal nekrozlar ve dissosiasyon, hepatositlerin sitoplazmasında sarı kahve renkte granüllerin yanı sıra hepatosit sitoplazmaları ve safra kanalcıklarında sarımsı-yeşil renkte safra pigmentlerine rastlandı. Portal alanlarda mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonları ile safra kanalı artışı belirlendi. Karaciğer kesitlerine Rodaninle yapılan boyamalarda hepatositlerin sitoplazmalarında kırmızımsı renkte pozitif boyanmalar tespit edildi, Böbreklerde tubul epitellerinde şişkinlik ve vakuoler dejenerasyon, bilurubin pigmenti dikkati çekti. Sunulan bu çalışmada koyunlarda görülen ve yem katkısından kaynaklandığı belirlenen akut bakır zehirlenmesinin klinik, toksikolojik ve patolojik bulgularının ortaya konulması ve son yıllarda oldukça sık karşılaşılan yem katkısı kaynaklı zehirlenme olaylarına dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
- Anchordoquy M, Anchordoquy J, Nikoloff N, Pascua A, Furnus, C. (2017) High copper concentrations produce genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in bovine cumulus cells. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-9683-0
- Anon (2004). MWS-2. Temassız Sıcaklık Ölçümüne Sahip Mikrodalga Parçalama Sistemi. V.3.0 Kullanma Talimatı. Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH
- Blakley BR. (2021). Copper Poisoning in Animals. Retrieved, from MSD Manual
- Borobia M, Villanueva-Saz S, Ruiz de Arcaute M, Fernández A, Verde MT, González JM, Navarro T, Benito AA, Arnal JL, De las Heras M, Ortín, A. (2022) Copper Poisoning, a Deadly Hazard for Sheep. Animals, 12(18), 2388. Retrieved from
- Brown DL, Van Wettere AJ, Cullen JM. (2017) Hepatobiliary system and exocrine pancreas. In Pathologic basis of veterinary disease (pp. 412-70. e1): Elsevier.
- Commission, E. 2003. Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition on the use of copper in feedingstuffs. Health & Consumer Protection Directorate General, Directorate C—Scientific Opinions, C2 Management of Scientific Committees, 1-47.
- Cullen JM, SM. (2015) Liver and biliary system. In M. G. Maxie (Ed.), Pathology of Domestic Animals (6 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 259-351): Elsevier Ltd. .
Cutlip, R. (1988) Book Review: Jensen and Swift's Diseases of Sheep. In: SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
- Eroksuz Y, Incili CA, Karabulut B, Yılmaz I, Yerlikaya Z, Eroksuz H. (2021) Pathological Changes due to Copper Toxication in Two Sheep. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 35(3), p.187-89.
- Gupta R. (2018) A review of copper poisoning in animals: sheep, goat and cattle. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, 3(5), 1-4.
- Gupta RC (2012) Veterinary toxicology: basic and clinical principles: Academic press.
- Gutwerk D, Krämer R. (2005) Mikrowellenaufschlüsse steuern. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 53(10), 1052-53.
- Haywood S, Paris J, Ryvar R, Botteron C. (2008) Brain copper elevation and neurological changes in north ronaldsay sheep: a model for neurodegenerative disease? Journal of comparative pathology, 139(4), p.252-55.
- Karademir B. (2006) Molibdenin hayvanlar için enzimsel fonksiyonları. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 12(2), 217-24.
- Kerr LA, McGavin HD. (1991) Chronic copper poisoning in sheep grazing pastures fertilized with swine manure. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 198(1), 99-101.
- Laur N, Kinscherf R, Pomytkin K, Kaiser L, Knes O, Deigner HP. (2020) ICP-MS trace element analysis in serum and whole blood. PloS one, 15(5), e0233357.
- Luna LG. (1968) Manual of histologic staining methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
- Moeller RB. (2004) Hepatobiliary system: Toxic response of the hepatobiliary system. Veterinary Clinical Toxicology, p.61-68.
- Nederbragt, H, Van den Ingh, T, Wensvoort, P. 1984. Pathobiology of copper toxicity. Veterinary Quarterly, 6(4), p.179-235.
- N.M.L.K.186 (2007).Nordic Committe on Food Analyssis,Trace Elements As, Cd, Hg, Pb and other elements.Determination by ICP-MS after pressure digestion.
- Oruc HH, Cengiz M, Beskaya A. (2009) Chronic copper toxicosis in sheep following the use of copper sulfate as a fungicide on fruit trees. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 21(4), 540-43.
- Pugh DG, Baird NN. (2012) Sheep & Goat Medicine-E-Book: Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Woolliams JA, Suttle NF, Wiener G, Field AC, Woolliams C. (1982) The effect of breed of sire on the accumulation of copper in lambs, with particular reference to copper toxicity. Animal Science, 35(3), 299-307. doi:10.1017/S0003356100000969