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Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder

Year 2018, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 131 - 139, 28.06.2018


Psychoeducation is defined as a structured and systemic therapy that emphasizes on diseases and their corresponding treatment. Psychoeducation has educational and psychosocial objectives and involves training methods since using both techniques and method is redundant. Psychoeducation for patients with bipolar disorder focuses on informing about the disease and its treatment, evaluating attitude toward the illness and treatment compliance, improving of symptoms and social and occupational functioning, upgrading the quality of life, reducing suicide risk and duration and number of hospitalization, preventing depressive and hypo (mania) attack, and considering the contribution of the family. Psychoeducation can be applied to a group or an individual in combination with other treatments. Psychoeducation for patients with bipolar disorder is required to prevent learning disorders and distractions administered to euthymic patients. Psychiatric nurses play an important role in the preparation and implementation of easy-to-apply cost-effective psychoeducation programs to meet the needs of patients and their families.


  • Akçin, E. (2000). Yataklı tedavi kurumlarında hasta eğitimine yönelik hemşirelik etkinlikleri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Alataş, G., Kurt, E., Alataş, E. T., Bilgiç, V. ve Karatepe, H. T. (2007). Duygudurum bozukluklarında psikoeğitim. Düşünen Adam, 20(4), 196–205.
  • Ardahan, M. (2003). Hemşirelerin savunuculuk rolü. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 7(2), 23–28.
  • Avşar, G. ve Kaşıkçı, M. (2009). Ülkemizde hasta eğitiminin durumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12(3), 67–73.
  • Bauer, M. S., McBride, L., Williford, W. O., Glick, H., Kinosian, B., Altsuhler, L. … Sajatovic, M. D. (2006). Cooperative Studies Program 430 Study Team: Collaborative care for bipolar disorder, II: Impact on clinical outcome, function, and costs. Psychiatric Services, 57(7), 937–945.
  • Berk, L., Hallam, K. T., Colom, F., Vieta, E., & Hasty, M. (2010). Enhancing medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp, 25(1), 1–16.
  • Bordbar, M. R. F., & Faridhosseini, F. (2012). Psychoeducation for Bipolar Mood Disorder. Clinical, Research and Treatment Approaches to Affective Disorders, 13, 323–344.
  • Bostancı, N. (2008). Evre I-II meme kanseri hastalarına uygulanan psikoeğitimin kanser uyum, anksiyete, depresyon ve duygudurum profiline etkisi. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Colom, F., & Lam, D. (2005). Psychoeduction: Improving outcomes in bipolar disorders. European Psychiatry, 20(5), 359–364.
  • Colom, F., & Vieta, E. (2006). Clinical diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of bipolar disorder. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Colom, F., & Vieta, E. (2012). Bipolar bozukluğun klinik, tanısal ve terapötik yönleri. L Tamam & E. Özalp (Ed.), Bipolar bozuklukta psikoeğitim el kitabı içinde (s. 1–20). Ankara: Bilimsel Araştırrnalar Basın Yayın ve Tanıtım Ldt. Şti.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Martinez-Aran, A., Reinares, M., Goikolea, J. M., & Benabarre, A. (2003a). A randomized trial on the efficacy of group psychoeducation in the prophylaxis of recurrences in bipolar patients whose disease is in remission. Archieves General Psychiatry, 60(4), 402–407.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Reinares, M., Martinez-Aran, A., Torrent, C., Goikolea, J. M., Gasto, C. (2003b). Psychoeducation efficacy in bipolar disorders: Beyond compliance enhancement. Journal Clinical Psychiatry, 64(9), 1101–1105.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Sa´nchez-Moreno, J., Palomino-Otiniano, R., Reinares, M., Goikolea, J. M. … Martinez-Aran, A. (2009). Group psychoeducation for stabilised bipolar disorders: 5-year outcome of a randomised clinical trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(3), 260–265.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Tacchi, M. J., Sanchez-Moreno, J., & Scott, J. ( 2005). Identifying and improving non-adherence in bipolar disorders. Bipolar Disorder, 7(s5), 24–31.
  • Çakır, S. ve Özerdem, A. (2010). İki uçlu bozuklukta psikoterapötik ve psikososyal sağaltımlar: Sistematik bir gözden geçirme. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 21(2), 143–154.
  • Çakır, S., Bensusan, R., Akca, Z. K., & Yazıcı, O. (2009). Does a psychoeducational approach reach targeted patients with bipolar disorder? Journal of Affective Disorders, 119(1), 190–193.
  • Çuhadar, D., & Çam, M. O. (2014). Effectiveness of psychoeducation in reducing internalized stigmatization in patients with bipolar disorder. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 28(1), 62–66.
  • Deep, C. A., Lebowitz, B. D., Patterson, T. L., Lacro, J. P., & Jeste, D. V. (2007). Medication adherence skills training for middle-aged and elderly adulth with bipolar disorder: A case study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 9(6); 636-645.
  • Doğan, S. (2003). Aile ve ruhsal bozukluklar. 10. Ulusal Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi, özet kitabı içinde (s. 9–10). Ankara:Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • D’Souza, R., Piskulic, D., & Sundram, S. (2010). A brief dyadic group based sychoeducation program improves relapse ratesin recently remitted bipolar disorder: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 120(1–3), 272–276.
  • Gençtürk, N. T. (2004). Meme kanserli kadinlarin birinci derece akrabalarinin bilgi arama davranişlarinin değerlendirilmesi ve bilgi gereksinimlerinin giderilmesinde eğitimin etkinliği. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Greenberg, L., Fihe, S. B., Cohen, C., Larson, M. B. A., Rubinton, P., & Glick, I. D. (1988). An interdisciplinary psychoeducation prograrn for schizophrenic patients and their families in an acute care setting. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 39(3), 277–281.
  • Gümüş, A. B. (2006). Şizofrenide hasta ve ailelerinin yaşadığı güçlükler, psikoeğitim ve hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 1(2), 23–34.
  • Goodwin, G. M., Haddad, P. M., Ferrier, I. N., Aronson, J. K., Barnes, T. R. H., Cipriani, A. … Young, A. H. (2016). Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: Revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(6), 495–553.
  • Harkın, S., & Eker, F. (2012). Effectiveness of six-week psychoeducation program on adherence of patients with bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 138(3), 409–416.
  • Javadpour, A., Hedayati, A., Dehbozorgi, G. R., & Azizi, A. (2013). The impact of a simple individual psycho-education program on quality of life, rate of relapse and medication adherence in bipolar disorder patients. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 6(3), 208–213.
  • Katz, M. R., Irish, J. C., & Devins, G. M. (2004). Development and pilot testing of a psychoeducational intervention for oral cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 13(9), 642–653.
  • Ketter, T. A. (2010). Diagnostic features, prevalence and impact of bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(6), 14–21.
  • Kilbourne, A. M., Cornelius, J. R., Han, X., Pincus, H. A., Shad, M., Salloum, I. ... Haas, G. L. (2004). Burden of general medical conditions among individuals with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 6(5), 368–373.
  • Kurdal, E., Tanrıverdi, D., & Savaş, H. A. (2013). The effect of psychoeducation on the functioning level of patients with bipolar disorder. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36(3), 312–328.
  • Merikangas, K. R., Akiskal, H. S., Angst, J., Greenberg, P. E., Hirschfeld, R. M., Petukhova, M., & Kessler, R. C. (2007). Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(5), 543–552.
  • Miklowitz, D. J., George, E. L., Richards, J. A., Simoneau, T. L., & Suddath, R. L. (2003). A randomized study of family-focused psychoeducation and pharmacotherapy in the outpatient management of bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 904–912.
  • Nehir, S. (2011). Psikiyatri hemşireliğinde psikoeğitim. I. Uluslararası, V. Ulusal Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Kongresi özet kitabı içinde (207–209). İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü.
  • Novick, D. M., Swartz, H. A., & Frank, E. (2010). Suicide attempts in bipolar I and bipolar II disorder: A review and meta-analysis of the evidence. Bipolar Disorders, 12(1), 1–9.
  • Özpulat, F. (2010). Sağlığın korunması ve geliştirilmesinde hemşirenin çağdaş bir rolü: Eğitici kimliği. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, Sempozyum Özel Sayısı, 293–297.
  • Peet, M., & Harvey, N. S. (1991). Lithium maintenance: 1. a standard education program for patients. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 158(2), 197–200.
  • Perry, A., Tarrier, N., Morriss, R., McCarthy, E., & Limb, K. (1999). Randomised controlled trial of efficacy of teaching patients with bipolar disorder to identify early symptoms of relapse and obtain treatment. Bmj, 318(7177), 149-153.
  • Reid, J., Llyod, C., & Groot, L. (2005). The psychoeducational needs of parents who have an adult son or daughter with a mental illness. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 4(2), 1–13.
  • Rouget, B. W., & Aubry, J. M. (2007). Efficacy of psychoeducational approaches on bipolar disorders: A review of the literature. Journal of Affectives Disorders, 98(1), 11–27.
  • Saarmann, L., Daugherty, J., & Riegel, B. (2000). Patient teaching to promote behavioral change. Nursing Outlook, 48(6), 281-287.
  • Sabancıoğulları, S., & Doğan, S. (2003). The effects of patient education in lithium therapy on quality of life and compliance. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 17(6), 270–275.
  • Sachs, G. S., & Rush, A. J. (2003). Response, remission, and recovery in bipolar disorders: What are the realistic treatment goals? The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64(6), 18–22.
  • Simon, G. E., Ludman, E. J., Bauer, M. S., Unützer, J., & Operskalski, B. (2006). Longterm effectiveness and cost of a systematic care program for bipolar disorder. Archieves of General Psychiatry, 63(5), 500–508.
  • Soykan, Ç. (2000). Şizofren hastalarının aileleriyle yapılan iletişim becerileri odaklı psiko-eğitim grup programının aile işlevlerindeki etkisi. (Doktora Tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Stafford, N., & Colom, F. (2013). Purpose and effectiveness of psychoeducation in patients with bipolar disorder in a bipolar clinic setting. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127(442), 11–18.
  • Şenyuva, E. ve Taşocak, G. (2007). Hemşirelerin hasta eğitimi etkinlikleri ve hasta eğitim süreci. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florance Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi, 15(59), 100–106.
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Bipolar Bozuklukta Psikoeğitim

Year 2018, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 131 - 139, 28.06.2018


Psikoeğitim hastalık ve tedavisi ile ilişkili sistematik, yapılandırılmış ve öğretici bilgi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Hastada istendik davranış değişikliği oluşturmada eğitim yöntem ve tekniklerinin kullanıldığı, eğitimsel ve psikososyal amaçları olan çalışmalardır. Bipolar bozukluk hastaları için psikoeğitim, hastalık ve tedavisi hakkında bilgilenme, hastalığa karşı tutum, tedavi uyumu, belirtilerin iyileşmesi, depresif ve hipo(manik) atakları önleme, hastanede yatış süresini ve sayısını azaltma, sosyal ve mesleki işlevsellikte düzelme, intihar riskini azaltma ve yaşam kalitesini yükseltmeye ve ailenin tedaviye katkısı üzerine odaklanmıştır. Psikoeğitim, grup psikoeğitimi ya da bireysel psikoeğitim olmak üzere diğer tedavilere ek olarak uygulanabilmektedir. Bipolar bozuklukta psikoeğitimin ötimik hastalara verilmesi dikkat dağınıklığının engellenmesi ve öğrenmenin sağlanması için gereklidir. Kolay uygulanabilir, maliyeti düşük, hasta ve hasta ailelerinin gereksinimlerine yönelik psikoeğitim programları hazırlamada ve uygulamada psikiyatri hemşireleri uygun bir konuma sahiptirler.


  • Akçin, E. (2000). Yataklı tedavi kurumlarında hasta eğitimine yönelik hemşirelik etkinlikleri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Alataş, G., Kurt, E., Alataş, E. T., Bilgiç, V. ve Karatepe, H. T. (2007). Duygudurum bozukluklarında psikoeğitim. Düşünen Adam, 20(4), 196–205.
  • Ardahan, M. (2003). Hemşirelerin savunuculuk rolü. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 7(2), 23–28.
  • Avşar, G. ve Kaşıkçı, M. (2009). Ülkemizde hasta eğitiminin durumu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12(3), 67–73.
  • Bauer, M. S., McBride, L., Williford, W. O., Glick, H., Kinosian, B., Altsuhler, L. … Sajatovic, M. D. (2006). Cooperative Studies Program 430 Study Team: Collaborative care for bipolar disorder, II: Impact on clinical outcome, function, and costs. Psychiatric Services, 57(7), 937–945.
  • Berk, L., Hallam, K. T., Colom, F., Vieta, E., & Hasty, M. (2010). Enhancing medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp, 25(1), 1–16.
  • Bordbar, M. R. F., & Faridhosseini, F. (2012). Psychoeducation for Bipolar Mood Disorder. Clinical, Research and Treatment Approaches to Affective Disorders, 13, 323–344.
  • Bostancı, N. (2008). Evre I-II meme kanseri hastalarına uygulanan psikoeğitimin kanser uyum, anksiyete, depresyon ve duygudurum profiline etkisi. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Colom, F., & Lam, D. (2005). Psychoeduction: Improving outcomes in bipolar disorders. European Psychiatry, 20(5), 359–364.
  • Colom, F., & Vieta, E. (2006). Clinical diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of bipolar disorder. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Colom, F., & Vieta, E. (2012). Bipolar bozukluğun klinik, tanısal ve terapötik yönleri. L Tamam & E. Özalp (Ed.), Bipolar bozuklukta psikoeğitim el kitabı içinde (s. 1–20). Ankara: Bilimsel Araştırrnalar Basın Yayın ve Tanıtım Ldt. Şti.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Martinez-Aran, A., Reinares, M., Goikolea, J. M., & Benabarre, A. (2003a). A randomized trial on the efficacy of group psychoeducation in the prophylaxis of recurrences in bipolar patients whose disease is in remission. Archieves General Psychiatry, 60(4), 402–407.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Reinares, M., Martinez-Aran, A., Torrent, C., Goikolea, J. M., Gasto, C. (2003b). Psychoeducation efficacy in bipolar disorders: Beyond compliance enhancement. Journal Clinical Psychiatry, 64(9), 1101–1105.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Sa´nchez-Moreno, J., Palomino-Otiniano, R., Reinares, M., Goikolea, J. M. … Martinez-Aran, A. (2009). Group psychoeducation for stabilised bipolar disorders: 5-year outcome of a randomised clinical trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(3), 260–265.
  • Colom, F., Vieta, E., Tacchi, M. J., Sanchez-Moreno, J., & Scott, J. ( 2005). Identifying and improving non-adherence in bipolar disorders. Bipolar Disorder, 7(s5), 24–31.
  • Çakır, S. ve Özerdem, A. (2010). İki uçlu bozuklukta psikoterapötik ve psikososyal sağaltımlar: Sistematik bir gözden geçirme. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 21(2), 143–154.
  • Çakır, S., Bensusan, R., Akca, Z. K., & Yazıcı, O. (2009). Does a psychoeducational approach reach targeted patients with bipolar disorder? Journal of Affective Disorders, 119(1), 190–193.
  • Çuhadar, D., & Çam, M. O. (2014). Effectiveness of psychoeducation in reducing internalized stigmatization in patients with bipolar disorder. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 28(1), 62–66.
  • Deep, C. A., Lebowitz, B. D., Patterson, T. L., Lacro, J. P., & Jeste, D. V. (2007). Medication adherence skills training for middle-aged and elderly adulth with bipolar disorder: A case study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 9(6); 636-645.
  • Doğan, S. (2003). Aile ve ruhsal bozukluklar. 10. Ulusal Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi, özet kitabı içinde (s. 9–10). Ankara:Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • D’Souza, R., Piskulic, D., & Sundram, S. (2010). A brief dyadic group based sychoeducation program improves relapse ratesin recently remitted bipolar disorder: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 120(1–3), 272–276.
  • Gençtürk, N. T. (2004). Meme kanserli kadinlarin birinci derece akrabalarinin bilgi arama davranişlarinin değerlendirilmesi ve bilgi gereksinimlerinin giderilmesinde eğitimin etkinliği. (Doktora Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Greenberg, L., Fihe, S. B., Cohen, C., Larson, M. B. A., Rubinton, P., & Glick, I. D. (1988). An interdisciplinary psychoeducation prograrn for schizophrenic patients and their families in an acute care setting. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 39(3), 277–281.
  • Gümüş, A. B. (2006). Şizofrenide hasta ve ailelerinin yaşadığı güçlükler, psikoeğitim ve hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 1(2), 23–34.
  • Goodwin, G. M., Haddad, P. M., Ferrier, I. N., Aronson, J. K., Barnes, T. R. H., Cipriani, A. … Young, A. H. (2016). Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: Revised third edition recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(6), 495–553.
  • Harkın, S., & Eker, F. (2012). Effectiveness of six-week psychoeducation program on adherence of patients with bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 138(3), 409–416.
  • Javadpour, A., Hedayati, A., Dehbozorgi, G. R., & Azizi, A. (2013). The impact of a simple individual psycho-education program on quality of life, rate of relapse and medication adherence in bipolar disorder patients. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 6(3), 208–213.
  • Katz, M. R., Irish, J. C., & Devins, G. M. (2004). Development and pilot testing of a psychoeducational intervention for oral cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 13(9), 642–653.
  • Ketter, T. A. (2010). Diagnostic features, prevalence and impact of bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(6), 14–21.
  • Kilbourne, A. M., Cornelius, J. R., Han, X., Pincus, H. A., Shad, M., Salloum, I. ... Haas, G. L. (2004). Burden of general medical conditions among individuals with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 6(5), 368–373.
  • Kurdal, E., Tanrıverdi, D., & Savaş, H. A. (2013). The effect of psychoeducation on the functioning level of patients with bipolar disorder. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 36(3), 312–328.
  • Merikangas, K. R., Akiskal, H. S., Angst, J., Greenberg, P. E., Hirschfeld, R. M., Petukhova, M., & Kessler, R. C. (2007). Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(5), 543–552.
  • Miklowitz, D. J., George, E. L., Richards, J. A., Simoneau, T. L., & Suddath, R. L. (2003). A randomized study of family-focused psychoeducation and pharmacotherapy in the outpatient management of bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 904–912.
  • Nehir, S. (2011). Psikiyatri hemşireliğinde psikoeğitim. I. Uluslararası, V. Ulusal Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Kongresi özet kitabı içinde (207–209). İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü.
  • Novick, D. M., Swartz, H. A., & Frank, E. (2010). Suicide attempts in bipolar I and bipolar II disorder: A review and meta-analysis of the evidence. Bipolar Disorders, 12(1), 1–9.
  • Özpulat, F. (2010). Sağlığın korunması ve geliştirilmesinde hemşirenin çağdaş bir rolü: Eğitici kimliği. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, Sempozyum Özel Sayısı, 293–297.
  • Peet, M., & Harvey, N. S. (1991). Lithium maintenance: 1. a standard education program for patients. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 158(2), 197–200.
  • Perry, A., Tarrier, N., Morriss, R., McCarthy, E., & Limb, K. (1999). Randomised controlled trial of efficacy of teaching patients with bipolar disorder to identify early symptoms of relapse and obtain treatment. Bmj, 318(7177), 149-153.
  • Reid, J., Llyod, C., & Groot, L. (2005). The psychoeducational needs of parents who have an adult son or daughter with a mental illness. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 4(2), 1–13.
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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Reviews

Funda Gümüş 0000-0002-3827-0909

Sevim Buzlu 0000-0002-1668-4182

Publication Date June 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Gümüş, F., & Buzlu, S. (2018). Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 26(2), 131-139.
AMA Gümüş F, Buzlu S. Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. June 2018;26(2):131-139.
Chicago Gümüş, Funda, and Sevim Buzlu. “Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26, no. 2 (June 2018): 131-39.
EndNote Gümüş F, Buzlu S (June 1, 2018) Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26 2 131–139.
IEEE F. Gümüş and S. Buzlu, “Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 131–139, 2018.
ISNAD Gümüş, Funda - Buzlu, Sevim. “Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26/2 (June 2018), 131-139.
JAMA Gümüş F, Buzlu S. Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2018;26:131–139.
MLA Gümüş, Funda and Sevim Buzlu. “Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 26, no. 2, 2018, pp. 131-9.
Vancouver Gümüş F, Buzlu S. Psychoeducation in Bipolar Disorder. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2018;26(2):131-9.