Research Article
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Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul

Year 2018, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 149 - 157, 26.10.2018


Aim: In this study, we aimed to measure the quality of life of adults over 45 years old living in Silivri district of Istanbul and to show the relation with sociodemographic factors.

Method: In this cross–sectional study, we collected the data from people over 45 years who live in Silivri district. In our study questions on demographic status were asked beside the 36 questions existing in the SF 36 forms.

Results: A total of 705 individuals were interviewed: 597 males and 108 females, the mean age of 60.36±11.77 years. The physical function found to be statistically different was according to age we determined that there are statistically significant differences between males and females according to the scores of the health quality of life parameters (p<0.05). There was a significant difference present on bodily pain and physical function among the variables of quality of life according to the BMI classification (p<0.05).

Conclusion: According to the results of our study, females living in Silivri district have significantly lower scores of the variables of SF 36.


  • Barros, M. B. d. A., César, C. L. G., Carandina, L., & Torre, G. D. (2006). Desigualdades sociais na prevalência de doenças crônicas no Brasil, PNAD-2003. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 11, 911–926.
  • Blyth, F. M., March, L. M., Brnabic, A. J., Jorm, L. R., Williamson, M., & Cousins, M. J. (2001). Chronic pain in Australia: A prevalence study. Pain, 89(2-3), 127-134.
  • Bouhassira, D., Lantéri-Minet, M., Attal, N., Laurent, B., & Touboul, C. (2008). Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the general population. Pain, 136(3), 380–387.
  • Brown, N., Melville, M., Gray, D., Young, T., Skene, A. M., & Hampton, J. R. (2000). Comparison of the SF-36 health survey questionnaire with the Nottingham Health Profile in long-term survivors of a myocardial infarction. Journal of Public Health, 22(2), 167–175.
  • Canbaz, S., Sünter, A. T., Dabak, S., & Pekşen, Y. (2003). The prevalence of chronic diseases and quality of life in elderly people in Samsun. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 33(5), 335–340.
  • Curcani, M., & Tan, M. (2011). The factors affecting the quality of life of patients who have undergone kidney transplants. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 27(5), 1092–1097.
  • Demiral, Y., Ergor, G., Unal, B., Semin, S., Akvardar, Y., Kıvırcık, B., & Alptekin, K. (2006). Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC Public Health, 6(1), 247–255.
  • Fillingim, R. B., King, C. D., Ribeiro-Dasilva, M. C., Rahim-Williams, B., & Riley, J. L. (2009). Sex, gender, and pain: A review of recent clinical and experimental findings. The Journal of Pain, 10(5), 447–485.
  • Frank, L. D., Andresen, M. A., & Schmid, T. L. (2004). Obesity relationships with community design, physical activity, and time spent in cars. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27(2), 87–96.
  • Han, K.T., Park, E. C., Kim, J. H., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. (2014). Is marital status associated with quality of life? Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12(1), 109–119.
  • Ihlebæk, C., Hansson, T. H., Lærum, E., Brage, S., Eriksen, H. R., Holm, S. H. . . . Indahl, A. (2006). Prevalence of low back pain and sickness absence: A``borderline’’study in Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 34(5), 555–558.
  • Kirchengast, S., & Haslinger, B. (2008). Gender differences in health-related quality of life among healthy aged and old-aged Austrians: Cross-sectional analysis. Gender Medicine, 5(3), 270–278.
  • Kocyigit, H. (1999). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of short form-36 (SF-36): A study in a group of patients will rheumatic diseases. Turk J Drugs Ther, 12, 102–106.
  • Kornstein, S. G., Schatzberg, A. F., Thase, M. E., Yonkers, K. A., McCullough, J. P., Keitner, G. I. . . . Harrison, W. (2000). Gender differences in chronic major and double depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 60(1), 1–11.
  • Kroenke, K., & Spitzer, R. L. (1998). Gender differences in the reporting of physical and somatoform symptoms. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60(2), 150–155.
  • Lima, M. G., Barros, M. B. d. A., César, C. L. G., Goldbaum, M., Carandina, L., & Ciconelli, R. M. (2009). Health related quality of life among the elderly: A population-based study using SF-36 survey. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 25(10), 2159–2167.
  • Mallmann, D. G., Galindo Neto, N. M., Sousa, J. d. C., & Vasconcelos, E. M. R. d. (2015). Health education as the main alternative to promote the health of the elderly. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 20(6), 1763–1772.
  • Pappa, E., Kontodimopoulos, N., Papadopoulos, A. A., & Niakas, D. (2009). Assessing the socio-economic and demographic impact on health-related quality of life: Evidence from Greece. International Journal of Public Health, 54(4), 241–249.
  • Pinar, R. (2005). Reliability and construct validity of the SF-36 in Turkish cancer patients. Quality of Life Research, 14(1), 259–264.
  • Ramos, L. R. (2003). Fatores determinantes do envelhecimento saudável em idosos residentes em centro urbano: Projeto Epidoso, São Paulo. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 19, 793–797.
  • Regitz-Zagrosek, V. (2012). Sex and gender differences in health: Science & Society Series on Sex and Science. EMBO Reports, 13(7), 596–603.
  • Rollman, G. B., & Lautenbacher, S. (2001). Sex differences in musculoskeletal pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 17(1), 20–24.
  • Rustøen, T., Wahl, A. K., Hanestad, B. R., Lerdal, A., Paul, S., & Miaskowski, C. (2004). Gender differences in chronic pain—findings from a population-based study of Norwegian adults. Pain Management Nursing, 5(3), 105–117.
  • Simon, R. W. (2002). Revisiting the relationships among gender, marital status, and mental health. American Journal of Sociology, 107(4), 1065–1096.
  • Tajvar, M., Arab, M., & Montazeri, A. (2008). Determinants of health-related quality of life in elderly in Tehran, Iran. BMC Public Health, 8(1), 323–331.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2018a). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi. Retrieved from
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı.(2018b). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları, 2017. Retrieved from
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2018c). Nüfus projeksiyonları, 2018-2080. Retrieved from
  • Van Son, M., De Vries, J., Roukema, J., & Den Oudsten, B. (2013). Health status, health-related quality of life, and quality of life following ankle fractures: A systematic review. Injury, 44(11), 1391–1402.
  • Vlassoff, C. (2007). Gender differences in determinants and consequences of health and illness. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition, 25(1), 47–61.
  • Ware JE, K. M., & Gandek, B. (2014). SF-36 Health survey manual & interpretation guide Lincoln, RI: Qualiymetric Incorporated.
  • Ware Jr, J. E., & Sherbourne, C. D. (1992). The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical Care, 473–483.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). Health promotion. Retrieved from
  • Yakar, M. (2014). Türkiye’de ilçelere göre medyan yaş dağılımının mekânsal ve istatistiksel analizi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 9(11), 559–591.
Year 2018, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 149 - 157, 26.10.2018



  • Barros, M. B. d. A., César, C. L. G., Carandina, L., & Torre, G. D. (2006). Desigualdades sociais na prevalência de doenças crônicas no Brasil, PNAD-2003. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 11, 911–926.
  • Blyth, F. M., March, L. M., Brnabic, A. J., Jorm, L. R., Williamson, M., & Cousins, M. J. (2001). Chronic pain in Australia: A prevalence study. Pain, 89(2-3), 127-134.
  • Bouhassira, D., Lantéri-Minet, M., Attal, N., Laurent, B., & Touboul, C. (2008). Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the general population. Pain, 136(3), 380–387.
  • Brown, N., Melville, M., Gray, D., Young, T., Skene, A. M., & Hampton, J. R. (2000). Comparison of the SF-36 health survey questionnaire with the Nottingham Health Profile in long-term survivors of a myocardial infarction. Journal of Public Health, 22(2), 167–175.
  • Canbaz, S., Sünter, A. T., Dabak, S., & Pekşen, Y. (2003). The prevalence of chronic diseases and quality of life in elderly people in Samsun. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 33(5), 335–340.
  • Curcani, M., & Tan, M. (2011). The factors affecting the quality of life of patients who have undergone kidney transplants. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 27(5), 1092–1097.
  • Demiral, Y., Ergor, G., Unal, B., Semin, S., Akvardar, Y., Kıvırcık, B., & Alptekin, K. (2006). Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC Public Health, 6(1), 247–255.
  • Fillingim, R. B., King, C. D., Ribeiro-Dasilva, M. C., Rahim-Williams, B., & Riley, J. L. (2009). Sex, gender, and pain: A review of recent clinical and experimental findings. The Journal of Pain, 10(5), 447–485.
  • Frank, L. D., Andresen, M. A., & Schmid, T. L. (2004). Obesity relationships with community design, physical activity, and time spent in cars. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27(2), 87–96.
  • Han, K.T., Park, E. C., Kim, J. H., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. (2014). Is marital status associated with quality of life? Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12(1), 109–119.
  • Ihlebæk, C., Hansson, T. H., Lærum, E., Brage, S., Eriksen, H. R., Holm, S. H. . . . Indahl, A. (2006). Prevalence of low back pain and sickness absence: A``borderline’’study in Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 34(5), 555–558.
  • Kirchengast, S., & Haslinger, B. (2008). Gender differences in health-related quality of life among healthy aged and old-aged Austrians: Cross-sectional analysis. Gender Medicine, 5(3), 270–278.
  • Kocyigit, H. (1999). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of short form-36 (SF-36): A study in a group of patients will rheumatic diseases. Turk J Drugs Ther, 12, 102–106.
  • Kornstein, S. G., Schatzberg, A. F., Thase, M. E., Yonkers, K. A., McCullough, J. P., Keitner, G. I. . . . Harrison, W. (2000). Gender differences in chronic major and double depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 60(1), 1–11.
  • Kroenke, K., & Spitzer, R. L. (1998). Gender differences in the reporting of physical and somatoform symptoms. Psychosomatic Medicine, 60(2), 150–155.
  • Lima, M. G., Barros, M. B. d. A., César, C. L. G., Goldbaum, M., Carandina, L., & Ciconelli, R. M. (2009). Health related quality of life among the elderly: A population-based study using SF-36 survey. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 25(10), 2159–2167.
  • Mallmann, D. G., Galindo Neto, N. M., Sousa, J. d. C., & Vasconcelos, E. M. R. d. (2015). Health education as the main alternative to promote the health of the elderly. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 20(6), 1763–1772.
  • Pappa, E., Kontodimopoulos, N., Papadopoulos, A. A., & Niakas, D. (2009). Assessing the socio-economic and demographic impact on health-related quality of life: Evidence from Greece. International Journal of Public Health, 54(4), 241–249.
  • Pinar, R. (2005). Reliability and construct validity of the SF-36 in Turkish cancer patients. Quality of Life Research, 14(1), 259–264.
  • Ramos, L. R. (2003). Fatores determinantes do envelhecimento saudável em idosos residentes em centro urbano: Projeto Epidoso, São Paulo. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 19, 793–797.
  • Regitz-Zagrosek, V. (2012). Sex and gender differences in health: Science & Society Series on Sex and Science. EMBO Reports, 13(7), 596–603.
  • Rollman, G. B., & Lautenbacher, S. (2001). Sex differences in musculoskeletal pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 17(1), 20–24.
  • Rustøen, T., Wahl, A. K., Hanestad, B. R., Lerdal, A., Paul, S., & Miaskowski, C. (2004). Gender differences in chronic pain—findings from a population-based study of Norwegian adults. Pain Management Nursing, 5(3), 105–117.
  • Simon, R. W. (2002). Revisiting the relationships among gender, marital status, and mental health. American Journal of Sociology, 107(4), 1065–1096.
  • Tajvar, M., Arab, M., & Montazeri, A. (2008). Determinants of health-related quality of life in elderly in Tehran, Iran. BMC Public Health, 8(1), 323–331.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2018a). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi. Retrieved from
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı.(2018b). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları, 2017. Retrieved from
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Başkanlığı. (2018c). Nüfus projeksiyonları, 2018-2080. Retrieved from
  • Van Son, M., De Vries, J., Roukema, J., & Den Oudsten, B. (2013). Health status, health-related quality of life, and quality of life following ankle fractures: A systematic review. Injury, 44(11), 1391–1402.
  • Vlassoff, C. (2007). Gender differences in determinants and consequences of health and illness. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition, 25(1), 47–61.
  • Ware JE, K. M., & Gandek, B. (2014). SF-36 Health survey manual & interpretation guide Lincoln, RI: Qualiymetric Incorporated.
  • Ware Jr, J. E., & Sherbourne, C. D. (1992). The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical Care, 473–483.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). Health promotion. Retrieved from
  • Yakar, M. (2014). Türkiye’de ilçelere göre medyan yaş dağılımının mekânsal ve istatistiksel analizi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 9(11), 559–591.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Suphi Vehid This is me 0000-0002-7531-0455

Abdülhamit Enes Camcıoğlu This is me 0000-0002-9085-3394

Uğurcan Sayılı 0000-0002-5925-2128

Esin Çetinkaya Sümer This is me 0000-0001-8828-6792

Sıdıka İpek Akdeniz This is me 0000-0001-9391-6226

Ethem Erginöz 0000-0002-2338-4014

Eray Yurtseven 0000-0003-0565-6407

Publication Date October 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Vehid, S., Camcıoğlu, A. E., Sayılı, U., Çetinkaya Sümer, E., et al. (2018). Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 26(3), 149-157.
AMA Vehid S, Camcıoğlu AE, Sayılı U, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz Sİ, Erginöz E, Yurtseven E. Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. October 2018;26(3):149-157.
Chicago Vehid, Suphi, Abdülhamit Enes Camcıoğlu, Uğurcan Sayılı, Esin Çetinkaya Sümer, Sıdıka İpek Akdeniz, Ethem Erginöz, and Eray Yurtseven. “Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26, no. 3 (October 2018): 149-57.
EndNote Vehid S, Camcıoğlu AE, Sayılı U, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz Sİ, Erginöz E, Yurtseven E (October 1, 2018) Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26 3 149–157.
IEEE S. Vehid, A. E. Camcıoğlu, U. Sayılı, E. Çetinkaya Sümer, S. İ. Akdeniz, E. Erginöz, and E. Yurtseven, “Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 149–157, 2018.
ISNAD Vehid, Suphi et al. “Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 26/3 (October 2018), 149-157.
JAMA Vehid S, Camcıoğlu AE, Sayılı U, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz Sİ, Erginöz E, Yurtseven E. Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2018;26:149–157.
MLA Vehid, Suphi et al. “Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 26, no. 3, 2018, pp. 149-57.
Vancouver Vehid S, Camcıoğlu AE, Sayılı U, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz Sİ, Erginöz E, Yurtseven E. Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults Over 45 Years: A Cross Sectional Study from Istanbul. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2018;26(3):149-57.