Traditional children's games are among the works and arts accepted as a traditional heritage in the field of folklore. Children's games are important works used to transfer the traditions, customs, understanding and culture of a nation to the next generation. They almost act as a bridge between two generations. In addition, these games have a great impact on children's psychomotor, mental, linguistic and moral development. Therefore, traditional children's games are considered as versatile works and they appear as works that should be evaluated in many respects. Based on these views, we studied traditional children's games from Hakkâri region in this study. Data was collected on the basis of the interview method in three villages in Yüksekova, Çukurca and the Center, the study area of which is located within the borders of Hakkâri province today. The interview group is separated into three generations: old, young and children. Our main purpose in this study is to find the answers to these questions: What games were used to be played before? How many of these continued after a generation or two and what new games were added to them? In addition, a comparison is made between the three villages identified in terms of the names, quantity and style of play.
Di nav kereste û mîrateyên folklorê de lîstikên zarokan huner û berhemine sereke ne. Çimkî lîstikên zarokan yek ji wan huneran e ku ji bo neqilkirina çand, tore, adet, nirx, reng û rewşa miletekî di navbera nifşên cuda de wezîfeya pireyê pêk tînin. Herwiha di geşedana zarokan a fîzîkî, zêhnî, zimanî û exlaqî de tesîreke lîstikan a mezin heye ku îroj bêguman herkes vê nêrînê qebûl dike. Lewma lîstikên zarokan ên qedîm piralî ne û dibe ku ji gelek alîyan ve bên nirxandin. Em ê jî li dor van nêrînan di vê xebatê de li ser lîstikên zarokan ên qedîm ên li devera Hekarîyê rawestin. Qada xebatê bi devera Hekarîyê hat sînorkirin ku bi giştî ji Gever, Çelê û Navendê sê gund hatin hilbijartin. Piştre bi rêbaza mulaqatê lîstik û awayên lîstina wan hatin berhevkirin û kesên ku mulaqat bi wan re hat kirin, weku sê nifş hatin dîyarkirin ku yek jê; nifşa kal û pîran e, nifşa din; a kesên navsere ye û nifşa sêyem jî zarok bixwe ne. Mebesta sereke ya vê xebatê ew e ka berê çi lîstik hebûne û bi demê re kîjan ji van lîstikan winda bûne yan jî hêj zindî mane. Herwiha îmkana berawirdkirina navçeyan hem ji aliyê hebûn û nebûna lîstikan hem jî ji alîyê lîstina wan ve bi saya vê xebatê ronî dibe.
Bêjeyên Sereke: Lîstikên Qedîm, Zarok, Hekarî, Folklor, Berawirdkirin
Primary Language | Kurdi |
Subjects | Turkish Folklore |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 30, 2021 |
Published in Issue | Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1 |