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Effect of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and etidronic acid on the surface roughness of Biodentine: in vitro

Year 2017, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 19 - 23, 02.01.2017


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 9% etidronic acid (HEBP) and 17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) on the surface roughness of Biodentine.

Materials and Method: Biodentine (Septodont) was mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, five drops of liquid were added into the capsule containing the powder. Then the capsule was placed in a triturator for 30 sec. The prepared mixture was placed into a mold (diameter: 5 mm, depth: 3 mm). The Biodentine surfaces were polished with silicon carbide abrasive papers. The surface roughness of 30 samples was measured at baseline using a portable surface roughness tester. For this purpose, a 5 mN force was applied onto three different locations of the samples with a speed of 0.8 mm/sec. The samples were divided into two groups according to the irrigation solution (n=15); first group was treated with 9% HEBP, and the second group was treated with 17% EDTA. The surface roughness of the samples was measured again after 1 and 2 min of irrigant application. Data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test.

Results: For HEBP, no significant difference was found between the surface roughness values at 0., 1., and 2 min (p=0.107; ANOVA). For EDTA, the surface roughness value at 1 min was significantly greater than the baseline value (p<0.001; t-test). The surface roughness changes at the two time periods were significantly different between the EDTA and HEBP groups (p=0.003 for 0-1 min passage, p=0.021 for 1-2 min passage).

Conclusion: The use of 17% EDTA may result in deterioration of Biodentine’s surface during perforation repair and root canal treatment.


  • Sarkar NK, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2005;31:97–100.
  • Parirokh M, Torabinejad M. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review—part III: clinical applications, drawbacks, and mechanism of action. J Endod 2010;36:400–13.
  • Torabinejad M, Chivian N. Clinical applications of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 1999;25:197–205.
  • Guneser MB, Akbulut MB, Eldeniz AU. Effect of various endodontic irrigants on the push-out bond strength of biodentine and conventional root perforation repair materials. J Endod 2013;39:380–4.
  • El-Ma’aita AM, Qualtrough AJE, Watts DC. The effect of smear layer on the push-out bond strength of root canal calcium silicate cements. Dent Mater 2013;29:797–803.
  • Torabinejad M, Handysides R, Khademi AA, Bakland LK. Clinical implications of the smear layer in endodontics: a review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002;94:658–66.
  • Economides N, Liolios E, Kolokuris I, Beltes P. Long-term evaluation of the influence of smear layer removal on the sealing ability of different sealers. J Endod 1999;25:123–5.
  • Calt S, Serper A. Time-dependent effects of EDTA on dentin structures. J Endod 2002;28:17–9.
  • Grawehr M, Sener B, Waltimo T, Zehnder M. Interactions of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid with sodium hypochlorite in aqueous solutions. Int Endod J 2003;36:411–7.
  • Zehnder M, Schmidlin P, Sener B, Waltimo T. Chelation in root canal therapy reconsidered. J Endod 2005;31:817–20.
  • Lottanti S, Gautschi H, Sener B, Zehnder M. Effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic, etidronic and peracetic acid irrigation on human root dentine and the smear layer. Int Endod J 2009;42:335–43.
  • Torabinejad M, Parirokh M. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review--part II: leakage and biocompatibility investigations. J Endod 2010;36:190–202.
  • Torabinejad M, Hong CU, McDonald F, Pitt Ford TR. Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end filling material. J Endod 1995;21:349–53.
  • Boutsioukis C, Noula G, Lambrianidis T. Ex vivo study of the efficiency of two techniques for the removal of mineral trioxide aggregate used as a root canal filling material. J Endod 2008;34:1239–42.
  • Caronna V, Himel V, Yu Q, Zhang J-F, Sabey K. Comparison of the surface hardness among 3 materials used in an experimental apexification model under moist and dry environments. J Endod 2014;40:986–9.
  • De-Deus G, Zehnder M, Reis C, Fidel S, Fidel RA, Galan J Jr, et al. Longitudinal co-site optical microscopy study on the chelating ability of etidronate and EDTA using a comparative single-tooth model. J Endod 2008;34:71–5.
  • Tartari T, Duarte Junior AP, Silva Júnior JO, Klautau EB, Silva E Souza Junior MH, Silva E Souza Junior Pde A. Etidronate from medicine to endodontics: effects of different irrigation regimes on root dentin roughness. J Appl Oral Sci 2013;21:409–15.
  • Hülsmann M, Heckendorff M, Lennon A. Chelating agents in root canal treatment: mode of action and indications for their use. Int Endod J 2003;36:810–30.
  • Ulusoy Öİ, Görgül G. Effects of different irrigation solutions on root dentine microhardness, smear layer removal and erosion. Aust Endod J 2013;39:66-72.
  • Kumar Y, Lohar J, Bhat S, Bhati M, Gandhi A, Mehta A. Comparative evaluation of demineralization of radicular dentin with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 10% citric acid, and MTAD at different time intervals: An in vitro study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2016;6:44-8.
  • Hu X, Ling J, Gao Y. Effects of irrigation solutions on dentin wettability and roughness. J Endod 2010;36:1064-7.
  • Ma S, Cai J, Zhan X, Wu Y. Effects of etchant on the nanostructure of dentin: an atomic force microscope study. Scanning 2009;31:28-34.

Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro

Year 2017, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 19 - 23, 02.01.2017


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı %9 etidronik asit (HEBP) ve %17 etilendiamin tetraasetik asitin (EDTA) Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Biodentine (Septodont) üretici firma talimatları doğrultusunda karıştırıldı. Kısaca, tek doz toz içeren kapsül içerisine 5 damla likit eklendi. Daha sonra kapsül, karıştırıcıda 30 sn karıştırıldı. Hazırlanan karışım 5 mm çapında, 3 mm derinliğinde çelik kalıp içine yerleştirildi. Biodentine yüzeyleri silikon karbid zımpara kağıtlarla parlatıldı. Otuz örneğin başlangıç yüzey pürüzlülüğü, portatif yüzey pürüzlük cihazı (Perthometer M2) kullanılarak ölçüldü. Bu amaçla, örneklerin üç farklı bölgesine 0.8 mm/sn hızla 5 mN kuvvet uygulandı. Örnekler kullanılan irrigasyon solüsyonuna göre iki gruba ayrıldı (n=15). Birinci gruptaki örneklere %9 HEBP, ikinci gruptaki örneklere %17 EDTA uygulandı. Örneklerin yüzey pürüzlülüğü irrigasyon uygulamasından sonra 1. ve 2. dakikalarda ölçüldü. Bütün zaman dilimlerinde, her bir örneğin üzerinde farklı bölgelerden 3 ölçüm yapıldı. Veri tek yönlü ANOVA ve bağımsız örneklem t-testi ile istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi.

Bulgular: HEBP grubunda 0., 1. ve 2. dakika değerleri arasında fark yoktu (p=0.107; ANOVA). Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü değerleri,EDTA kullanımında, 1. dakika sonunda başlangıç değerlerine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde arttı (p<0.001; t-testi). İki zaman dilimindeki yüzey pürüzlülük değişimleri EDTA ve HEBP grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak farklıydı (0-1 dakika geçişi için p=0.003, 1-2 dakika geçişi için p=0.021).

Sonuç: Perforasyon tedavisi ve kök kanal tedavisi sırasında %17 EDTA kullanımı Biodentine yüzeyinde bozulmalara neden olabilmektedir.


  • Sarkar NK, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2005;31:97–100.
  • Parirokh M, Torabinejad M. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review—part III: clinical applications, drawbacks, and mechanism of action. J Endod 2010;36:400–13.
  • Torabinejad M, Chivian N. Clinical applications of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 1999;25:197–205.
  • Guneser MB, Akbulut MB, Eldeniz AU. Effect of various endodontic irrigants on the push-out bond strength of biodentine and conventional root perforation repair materials. J Endod 2013;39:380–4.
  • El-Ma’aita AM, Qualtrough AJE, Watts DC. The effect of smear layer on the push-out bond strength of root canal calcium silicate cements. Dent Mater 2013;29:797–803.
  • Torabinejad M, Handysides R, Khademi AA, Bakland LK. Clinical implications of the smear layer in endodontics: a review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002;94:658–66.
  • Economides N, Liolios E, Kolokuris I, Beltes P. Long-term evaluation of the influence of smear layer removal on the sealing ability of different sealers. J Endod 1999;25:123–5.
  • Calt S, Serper A. Time-dependent effects of EDTA on dentin structures. J Endod 2002;28:17–9.
  • Grawehr M, Sener B, Waltimo T, Zehnder M. Interactions of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid with sodium hypochlorite in aqueous solutions. Int Endod J 2003;36:411–7.
  • Zehnder M, Schmidlin P, Sener B, Waltimo T. Chelation in root canal therapy reconsidered. J Endod 2005;31:817–20.
  • Lottanti S, Gautschi H, Sener B, Zehnder M. Effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic, etidronic and peracetic acid irrigation on human root dentine and the smear layer. Int Endod J 2009;42:335–43.
  • Torabinejad M, Parirokh M. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review--part II: leakage and biocompatibility investigations. J Endod 2010;36:190–202.
  • Torabinejad M, Hong CU, McDonald F, Pitt Ford TR. Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end filling material. J Endod 1995;21:349–53.
  • Boutsioukis C, Noula G, Lambrianidis T. Ex vivo study of the efficiency of two techniques for the removal of mineral trioxide aggregate used as a root canal filling material. J Endod 2008;34:1239–42.
  • Caronna V, Himel V, Yu Q, Zhang J-F, Sabey K. Comparison of the surface hardness among 3 materials used in an experimental apexification model under moist and dry environments. J Endod 2014;40:986–9.
  • De-Deus G, Zehnder M, Reis C, Fidel S, Fidel RA, Galan J Jr, et al. Longitudinal co-site optical microscopy study on the chelating ability of etidronate and EDTA using a comparative single-tooth model. J Endod 2008;34:71–5.
  • Tartari T, Duarte Junior AP, Silva Júnior JO, Klautau EB, Silva E Souza Junior MH, Silva E Souza Junior Pde A. Etidronate from medicine to endodontics: effects of different irrigation regimes on root dentin roughness. J Appl Oral Sci 2013;21:409–15.
  • Hülsmann M, Heckendorff M, Lennon A. Chelating agents in root canal treatment: mode of action and indications for their use. Int Endod J 2003;36:810–30.
  • Ulusoy Öİ, Görgül G. Effects of different irrigation solutions on root dentine microhardness, smear layer removal and erosion. Aust Endod J 2013;39:66-72.
  • Kumar Y, Lohar J, Bhat S, Bhati M, Gandhi A, Mehta A. Comparative evaluation of demineralization of radicular dentin with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 10% citric acid, and MTAD at different time intervals: An in vitro study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2016;6:44-8.
  • Hu X, Ling J, Gao Y. Effects of irrigation solutions on dentin wettability and roughness. J Endod 2010;36:1064-7.
  • Ma S, Cai J, Zhan X, Wu Y. Effects of etchant on the nanostructure of dentin: an atomic force microscope study. Scanning 2009;31:28-34.
There are 22 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Article

Özgür İlke Atasoy Ulusoy

Yelda Nayir Paltun This is me

Nuran Ulusoy This is me

Publication Date January 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 34 Issue: 1


APA Atasoy Ulusoy, Ö. İ., Nayir Paltun, Y., & Ulusoy, N. (2017). Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro. Acta Odontologica Turcica, 34(1), 19-23.
AMA Atasoy Ulusoy Öİ, Nayir Paltun Y, Ulusoy N. Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro. Acta Odontol Turc. January 2017;34(1):19-23. doi:10.17214/gaziaot.277881
Chicago Atasoy Ulusoy, Özgür İlke, Yelda Nayir Paltun, and Nuran Ulusoy. “Etilendiamin Tetraasetik Asit Ve Etidronik Asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34, no. 1 (January 2017): 19-23.
EndNote Atasoy Ulusoy Öİ, Nayir Paltun Y, Ulusoy N (January 1, 2017) Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34 1 19–23.
IEEE Ö. İ. Atasoy Ulusoy, Y. Nayir Paltun, and N. Ulusoy, “Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro”, Acta Odontol Turc, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 19–23, 2017, doi: 10.17214/gaziaot.277881.
ISNAD Atasoy Ulusoy, Özgür İlke et al. “Etilendiamin Tetraasetik Asit Ve Etidronik Asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34/1 (January 2017), 19-23.
JAMA Atasoy Ulusoy Öİ, Nayir Paltun Y, Ulusoy N. Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro. Acta Odontol Turc. 2017;34:19–23.
MLA Atasoy Ulusoy, Özgür İlke et al. “Etilendiamin Tetraasetik Asit Ve Etidronik Asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, vol. 34, no. 1, 2017, pp. 19-23, doi:10.17214/gaziaot.277881.
Vancouver Atasoy Ulusoy Öİ, Nayir Paltun Y, Ulusoy N. Etilendiamin tetraasetik asit ve etidronik asitin Biodentine yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisi: in vitro. Acta Odontol Turc. 2017;34(1):19-23.