Year 2015,
Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 0 - , 30.06.2015
Feyza Yıldırım Okay
Suat Özdemir
Kablosuz Algılayıcı Ağlarda (KAA) algılayıcı düğümlerin sahaya dağıtımı üzerinde durulması gereken önemli konulardan biridir. Uygun bir dağıtım ile yönlendirme, veri füzyonu, iletişim gibi KAA’daki problemlerin karmaşıklığı azaltılabilmektedir. Mobil KAA’lardaki (MKAA) düğümler hareket yetenekleri sayesinde ağ içerisinde yer değiştirebilmektedir. Dağıtımın optimizasyonu ile yer değiştirmeden dolayı tüketilen enerji minimize edilerek KAA’ların yaşam süreleri uzatılabilmektedir. Bu makalede uygun dağıtım senaryolarının bulunabilmesi için son zamanlarda geliştirilen çok amaçlı evrimsel algoritmalardan ayrıştırmaya dayalı çok amaçlı evrimsel algoritma (MOEA/D) ve hızlı ve elitist çok amaçlı genetik algoritma (NSGA-II) kullanılmaktadır. Bu çok amaçlı evrimsel algoritmalar ile mobil düğümlerin uygun olarak yer değiştirmesi sağlanarak kapsama alanının maksimize edilmesi ve algılayıcıların ilk pozisyonlarından son pozisyonlarına kadar aldıkları yol hesaplanarak yer değiştirme için gerekli olan enerjinin minimize edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Benzetim çalışmaları sonuçları domine-edilemeyen çözümlerin algılayıcıların yer değiştirme mesafeleri ile kapsanan alan arasında bir ödünleşime sahip olduğunu açıkça ortaya koymaktadır.
- Howard, A., Mataric, M. J. ve Sukhatme, G. S., “Mobile Sensor Network Deployment using Potential Fields: A Distributed, Scalable Solution to the Area Coverage Problem", In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS02), Fukuoka, 299-308, June 25-27 2002.
- Zou, Y. ve Chakrabarty, K., “Sensor Deployment and Target Localization Based on Virtual Fources”, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Cilt 2, 1293-1302, 2003.
- Wang, G., Cao, G. ve La Porta, T. F., “Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment”, IEEE INFOCOM, Cilt 4, 2469-2479, 2004.
- Pac, M. R., Erkmen, A. M. ve Erkmen, İ., “Scalable Self-Deployment of Mobile Sensor Networks: A Fluid Dynamics Approach”, Proceeding of 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems, 1446-1451, 2006.
- Chang, R.-S. ve Wang, S.-H., “Self-Deployment by Density Control in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Cilt 57, 1745-1755, 2008.
- Cardei, M., Thai, M. T., Li, Y. ve Wu, W., “Energy-Efficient Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM’05, Cilt 3, 1976-1984, 2005.
- Jia, J., Chen, J., Chang, G., Wen, Y. ve Song, J., “Multi-objective optimization for coverage control in wireless sensor network with adjustable sensing radius”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Cilt 57, 1767-1775, 2009.
- Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K., Zhang, Q. ve Zeinalipour-Yazti, D., “A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the deployment and power assignment problem in wireless sensor networks”, Computer Networks, Cilt 54, 960–976, 2010.
- Konstantinidis, A., Yang, “Multi-objective K-connected Deployment ve Power Assignment in WSNs using a problem-spesific constrained evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition,” Computer Communications, Cilt 54, No 6, 960-976, 2010.
- Konstantinidis, A. ve Yang, K., “Multi-objective energy-efficient dense deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks using a hybrid problem-specific MOEA/D”, Applied Soft Computing, Cilt 11, 4117–4134, 2011.
- Pradhan, P. M., Baghel, V. ve Bernard, M., “Energy Efficient Layout for a Wireless Sensor Network using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization”, 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Patiala, India, 65-70, 2009.
- Jourdan, D. B. ve Week, O. L., “Layout Optimization for a Wireless Sensor Network Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm”, Vehicular Technology Conference, Cilt 5, 2466-2470, 2004.
- Deb, K., Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley and Sons, 1st Edition, 25-40, 2001.
- Coello, C.A.C., Lamont, G.B. ve Van Veldhuizen, D.A., Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems, Springer, 2nd Edition, 116-120, 2007.
- Knowles, J. D. ve Corne, D.W., “Approximating the nondominated front using the Pareto archived evolution strategy”, Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 8, No 2, 149–172, 2000.
- Zhang, Q. ve Li, H., “MOEA/D: a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 11, 712–731, 2007.
- Li, H. ve Zhang, Q., " Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA/D and NSGA-II", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 13, No 2, 284-302, 2009.
- Zhang, Q., Liu, W., Tsang, E. ve Virginas, B., “Expensive Multiobjective Optimization by MOEA/D with Gaussian Process Model”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 14, No 3, 456-474, 2010.
- Srinivas, N. ve Deb, K., “Multiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting in genetic algorithms”, Journal of Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 2, No 3, 221–248, 1994.
- Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S. ve Meyarivan, T., “A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II”, IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 6, No 2, 182–197, 2002.
- Özdemir, S., “Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks via Homomorphic Encription,” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 23, No 2, 365-373, 2008.
Year 2015,
Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 0 - , 30.06.2015
Feyza Yıldırım Okay
Suat Özdemir
- Howard, A., Mataric, M. J. ve Sukhatme, G. S., “Mobile Sensor Network Deployment using Potential Fields: A Distributed, Scalable Solution to the Area Coverage Problem", In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS02), Fukuoka, 299-308, June 25-27 2002.
- Zou, Y. ve Chakrabarty, K., “Sensor Deployment and Target Localization Based on Virtual Fources”, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Cilt 2, 1293-1302, 2003.
- Wang, G., Cao, G. ve La Porta, T. F., “Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment”, IEEE INFOCOM, Cilt 4, 2469-2479, 2004.
- Pac, M. R., Erkmen, A. M. ve Erkmen, İ., “Scalable Self-Deployment of Mobile Sensor Networks: A Fluid Dynamics Approach”, Proceeding of 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems, 1446-1451, 2006.
- Chang, R.-S. ve Wang, S.-H., “Self-Deployment by Density Control in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Cilt 57, 1745-1755, 2008.
- Cardei, M., Thai, M. T., Li, Y. ve Wu, W., “Energy-Efficient Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM’05, Cilt 3, 1976-1984, 2005.
- Jia, J., Chen, J., Chang, G., Wen, Y. ve Song, J., “Multi-objective optimization for coverage control in wireless sensor network with adjustable sensing radius”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Cilt 57, 1767-1775, 2009.
- Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K., Zhang, Q. ve Zeinalipour-Yazti, D., “A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the deployment and power assignment problem in wireless sensor networks”, Computer Networks, Cilt 54, 960–976, 2010.
- Konstantinidis, A., Yang, “Multi-objective K-connected Deployment ve Power Assignment in WSNs using a problem-spesific constrained evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition,” Computer Communications, Cilt 54, No 6, 960-976, 2010.
- Konstantinidis, A. ve Yang, K., “Multi-objective energy-efficient dense deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks using a hybrid problem-specific MOEA/D”, Applied Soft Computing, Cilt 11, 4117–4134, 2011.
- Pradhan, P. M., Baghel, V. ve Bernard, M., “Energy Efficient Layout for a Wireless Sensor Network using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization”, 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Patiala, India, 65-70, 2009.
- Jourdan, D. B. ve Week, O. L., “Layout Optimization for a Wireless Sensor Network Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm”, Vehicular Technology Conference, Cilt 5, 2466-2470, 2004.
- Deb, K., Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley and Sons, 1st Edition, 25-40, 2001.
- Coello, C.A.C., Lamont, G.B. ve Van Veldhuizen, D.A., Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems, Springer, 2nd Edition, 116-120, 2007.
- Knowles, J. D. ve Corne, D.W., “Approximating the nondominated front using the Pareto archived evolution strategy”, Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 8, No 2, 149–172, 2000.
- Zhang, Q. ve Li, H., “MOEA/D: a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 11, 712–731, 2007.
- Li, H. ve Zhang, Q., " Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA/D and NSGA-II", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 13, No 2, 284-302, 2009.
- Zhang, Q., Liu, W., Tsang, E. ve Virginas, B., “Expensive Multiobjective Optimization by MOEA/D with Gaussian Process Model”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 14, No 3, 456-474, 2010.
- Srinivas, N. ve Deb, K., “Multiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting in genetic algorithms”, Journal of Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 2, No 3, 221–248, 1994.
- Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S. ve Meyarivan, T., “A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II”, IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation, Cilt 6, No 2, 182–197, 2002.
- Özdemir, S., “Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks via Homomorphic Encription,” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 23, No 2, 365-373, 2008.