Research Article
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Year 2020, , 1 - 28, 28.02.2020


Turkey, which has historically witnessed almost all types of terrorism, has also suffered from hundreds of martyrs and thousands of casualties as a result of the coup attempt carried out by the Fetullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) with its members infiltrated through various levels of the state. Although the organization committed acts of violence on July 15, 2016, its organization and activities date back well before. This terrorist organization differs from its counterparts due to its methods, types of actions, recruitment and indoctrination, organization, exploitation of the religion and connections abroad. Therefore, FETO is an important research subject that should be of interest to terrorism studies with its tactics and strategy, which also uses the advantages of the 21st century.
The aim of this study is to analyze the dynamics that constitute the organizational model, strategy and motivations of FETO and to reveal the unique characteristics of the organization in this respect. The basic assumption of the research is that these dynamics, despite their similarities with other terrorist organizations, have significant differences, and therefore FETO is a new type of terrorist organization. Organizational models, strategies and motivational sources of various terrorist organizations were examined by taking historical perspective into consideration. These were compared with FETO, similarities and differences were determined and the basic assumption of the study was questioned through comparative case studies.


  • Ankara C. Başsavcılığı 2016/109268 soruşturma numaralı, 2017/19707 esas numaralı, 2017/3376 numaralı iddianame
  • Army, U. S. (2007). A military guide to terrorism in the twenty-first century.US Army TRADOC G2 Handbook.
  • Arquilla, J. ve Ronfeldt, D. (2001). Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy. Rand Corporation.
  • Arquilla, J., ve Ronfeldt, D. (1999). The advent of netwar: Analytic background. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 193-206.
  • Arslan, H. (2017) Rüya Metaforu Üzerinden Din İstismarı: FETÖ Örneği. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, (87), 33-47.
  • Avcı, E. (2011). Radikal islamcı terörizmin meşru gösterilmesi: Türkiye Hizbullahı örneği. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara.
  • Bartholdy, J. L. (1821). Memoirs of the Secret Societies of the South of Italy: Particulary the Carbonari. John Murray.
  • Bernstein, M., ve Crosby, F. (1980). An empirical examination of relative deprivation theory. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(5), 442-456.
  • Boot, M. (2013). Görünmeyen ordular: Gerilla tarihi. İnkılap Kitabevi.
  • Box, M., & McCormack, G. (2004). Terror in Japan: The Red Army (1969-2001) and Aum Supreme Truth (1987-2000). Critical Asian Studies, 91-112.
  • Crenshaw, M. (2006). Have motivations for terrorism changed. Tangled roots: Social and psychological factors in the genesis of terrorism, 11, 51-57.
  • Cronin, A. K. (2003). Behind the curve: Globalization and international terrorism. International security, 27(3), 30-58.
  • Davis, M. (2007). The FLN’s Strategy for Gaining an Independent Algeria, 1954-1962. Ronald E. McNair Program, 1-13.
  • Demir, C. K. (2017). Sebeplerinden Mücadele Yöntemlerine Etnik Ayrılıkçı Terörizm: PIRA, ETA, PKK. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Demir, H. (2019). Radikal/yıkıcı kült gruplar: Kavram ve teorik bir çerçeve. 1-13.
  • Dishman, C. (2016). Terrorist and criminal dynamics: A look beyond the horizon. Matfess, H. and Miklaucic, M (Ed.), Beyond Convergence: World Without Order, 137-155.
  • Erickson, E. J. (2013). Ottomans and Armenians: A Study in Counterinsurgency. Springer.
  • FETÖ, Din İstismarı, İhanet ve Tehdit, İç Güvenlik Stratejileri Dairesi Başkanlığı
  • Fromkin, D. (1975). The strategy of terrorism. Foreign Affairs,53(4), 683-698.
  • Frost, T. (1876). The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876 (Cilt. 1). Tinsley Bros.
  • Frost, T. (1876). The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876 (Cilt 2). Tinsley Bros.
  • Hâkimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu Genel Kurul Kararı, Karar No: 2016/426, Tutanak No:17, 24.08.2016, 20160825-5.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2019
  • Heger, L., Jung, D., ve Wong, W. H. (2012). Organizing for resistance: How group structure impacts the character of violence. Terrorism and Political Violence,24(5), 743-768.
  • Hoffman, B., The End of Empire and the Origins of Contemporary Terrorism, Inside Terrorism (p. 43-62), Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2019 (Erişim Tarihi: 13.09.2019)
  • Hudson, R. A. (1999). The sociology and psychology of terrorism: Who becomes a terrorist and why? Library of Congress Washington Dc Federal Research Div.
  • Hutchinson, M. C. (1972). The concept of revolutionary terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 16(3), 383-396.
  • Kalyvas, S. N. (2003). The ontology of “political violence”: action and identity in civil wars. Perspectives on politics,1(3), 475-494.
  • Kilberg, J. (2012). A basic model explaining terrorist group organizational structure. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 35(11), 810-830.
  • Kydd, A. H. ve Walter, B. F. (2006). The strategies of terrorism. International security, 31(1), 49-80.
  • Laqueur, W. (2002). A history of terrorism. Transaction Publishers
  • Laqueur, W. (2004). Voices of Terror: Manifestos. Writings and Manuals of AL Qaeda.
  • Marighella, C. (2011). Minimanual of the urban guerrilla. Praetorian Press LLC.
  • Miller, M. A. (2003). The intellectual origins of modern terrorism in Europe. Terrorism in context, 28-41.
  • Novak, D. (1954). Anarchism and individual terrorism. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 20(2), 176-184.
  • Olson, K. B. (1999). Aum Shinrikyo: Once and Future Threat? Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(4), 513-516.
  • Price, H. E. (1977). The strategy and tactics of revolutionary terrorism. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 19(1), 52-66.
  • Rapoport, D. C. (2001). The fourth wave: September 11 in the history of terrorism. Current History,100(650), 419.
  • Rapoport, D. C. (2002). The Four Waves of Rebel Terror and September. Anthropoetics, (1).
  • Rath, R. J. (1964). The Carbonari: Their Origins, Initiation Rites, and Aims. The American Historical Review, 69(2), 353-370.
  • Shiver, C. (1964). The Carbonari. Social Science, 234-241.
  • Simon, J. D. (2008). The forgotten terrorists: Lessons from the history of terrorism. Terrorism and political violence, 20(2), 195-214.
  • TBMM. (2017). ‘‘FETÖ/PDY Meclis Araştırma Komisyonu Raporu’’ Erişim tarihi: 02.09.2019.
  • Thorup, M. (2008). The anarchist and the partisan—Two types of terror in the history of irregular warfare. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20(3), 333-355.
  • Wilkinson, P. (2000). The strategic implications of terrorism. Terrorism and political violence: A sourcebook, 19-49.


Year 2020, , 1 - 28, 28.02.2020


Tarihsel olarak terörizm tiplerinin hemen hepsine şahitlik eden Türkiye, Fetullahçı Terörist Örgüt (FETÖ)’ün devletin çeşitli kademelerine sızdırdığı, elemanlarıyla gerçekleştirmeye çalıştığı darbe girişimi neticesinde yüzlerce şehit ve binlerce yaralı vermiştir. Her ne kadar örgüt, şiddet eylemlerini 15 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde gerçekleştirmiş olsa da kuruluşu ve gelişimi bunun çok öncesine uzanmaktadır. Terörist örgüt; uyguladığı yöntemler, eylem tipleri, eleman temini, örgütlenme, din istismarı, yurt dışı bağlantıları gibi birçok özellik sebebiyle benzerlerinden farklılık arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle FETÖ, 21’inci yüzyılın getirdiği avantajları da kullanan taktik ve stratejisiyle terörizm çalışmalarının odaklanması gereken önemli bir araştırma konusudur.
Bu çalışmanın amacı; FETÖ’nün organizasyon modelini, stratejisini ve motivasyonlarını oluşturan dinamiklerin araştırılması ve bu doğrultuda örgütün kendine özgü özelliklerinin ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Araştırmanın temel varsayımı; bu dinamiklerin diğer terörist örgütlerle benzer yanlarına rağmen önemli farklılıklar taşıdığı, bu sebeple de FETÖ’ nün kendine özgü yeni tip bir terörist örgüt olduğudur. Çalışmada tarihsel perspektif göz önünde bulundurularak çeşitli terörist örgütlerin organizasyon modelleri, stratejileri ve motivasyon kaynakları incelenmiştir. Bunlar FETÖ ile karşılaştırılarak benzerlikler ve farklılıklar belirlenmiş ve çalışmanın temel varsayımı karşılaştırmalı vaka analizleri aracılığıyla sorgulanmıştır.


  • Ankara C. Başsavcılığı 2016/109268 soruşturma numaralı, 2017/19707 esas numaralı, 2017/3376 numaralı iddianame
  • Army, U. S. (2007). A military guide to terrorism in the twenty-first century.US Army TRADOC G2 Handbook.
  • Arquilla, J. ve Ronfeldt, D. (2001). Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy. Rand Corporation.
  • Arquilla, J., ve Ronfeldt, D. (1999). The advent of netwar: Analytic background. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 193-206.
  • Arslan, H. (2017) Rüya Metaforu Üzerinden Din İstismarı: FETÖ Örneği. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, (87), 33-47.
  • Avcı, E. (2011). Radikal islamcı terörizmin meşru gösterilmesi: Türkiye Hizbullahı örneği. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara.
  • Bartholdy, J. L. (1821). Memoirs of the Secret Societies of the South of Italy: Particulary the Carbonari. John Murray.
  • Bernstein, M., ve Crosby, F. (1980). An empirical examination of relative deprivation theory. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(5), 442-456.
  • Boot, M. (2013). Görünmeyen ordular: Gerilla tarihi. İnkılap Kitabevi.
  • Box, M., & McCormack, G. (2004). Terror in Japan: The Red Army (1969-2001) and Aum Supreme Truth (1987-2000). Critical Asian Studies, 91-112.
  • Crenshaw, M. (2006). Have motivations for terrorism changed. Tangled roots: Social and psychological factors in the genesis of terrorism, 11, 51-57.
  • Cronin, A. K. (2003). Behind the curve: Globalization and international terrorism. International security, 27(3), 30-58.
  • Davis, M. (2007). The FLN’s Strategy for Gaining an Independent Algeria, 1954-1962. Ronald E. McNair Program, 1-13.
  • Demir, C. K. (2017). Sebeplerinden Mücadele Yöntemlerine Etnik Ayrılıkçı Terörizm: PIRA, ETA, PKK. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Demir, H. (2019). Radikal/yıkıcı kült gruplar: Kavram ve teorik bir çerçeve. 1-13.
  • Dishman, C. (2016). Terrorist and criminal dynamics: A look beyond the horizon. Matfess, H. and Miklaucic, M (Ed.), Beyond Convergence: World Without Order, 137-155.
  • Erickson, E. J. (2013). Ottomans and Armenians: A Study in Counterinsurgency. Springer.
  • FETÖ, Din İstismarı, İhanet ve Tehdit, İç Güvenlik Stratejileri Dairesi Başkanlığı
  • Fromkin, D. (1975). The strategy of terrorism. Foreign Affairs,53(4), 683-698.
  • Frost, T. (1876). The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876 (Cilt. 1). Tinsley Bros.
  • Frost, T. (1876). The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876 (Cilt 2). Tinsley Bros.
  • Hâkimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu Genel Kurul Kararı, Karar No: 2016/426, Tutanak No:17, 24.08.2016, 20160825-5.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 24.10.2019
  • Heger, L., Jung, D., ve Wong, W. H. (2012). Organizing for resistance: How group structure impacts the character of violence. Terrorism and Political Violence,24(5), 743-768.
  • Hoffman, B., The End of Empire and the Origins of Contemporary Terrorism, Inside Terrorism (p. 43-62), Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2019 (Erişim Tarihi: 13.09.2019)
  • Hudson, R. A. (1999). The sociology and psychology of terrorism: Who becomes a terrorist and why? Library of Congress Washington Dc Federal Research Div.
  • Hutchinson, M. C. (1972). The concept of revolutionary terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 16(3), 383-396.
  • Kalyvas, S. N. (2003). The ontology of “political violence”: action and identity in civil wars. Perspectives on politics,1(3), 475-494.
  • Kilberg, J. (2012). A basic model explaining terrorist group organizational structure. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 35(11), 810-830.
  • Kydd, A. H. ve Walter, B. F. (2006). The strategies of terrorism. International security, 31(1), 49-80.
  • Laqueur, W. (2002). A history of terrorism. Transaction Publishers
  • Laqueur, W. (2004). Voices of Terror: Manifestos. Writings and Manuals of AL Qaeda.
  • Marighella, C. (2011). Minimanual of the urban guerrilla. Praetorian Press LLC.
  • Miller, M. A. (2003). The intellectual origins of modern terrorism in Europe. Terrorism in context, 28-41.
  • Novak, D. (1954). Anarchism and individual terrorism. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 20(2), 176-184.
  • Olson, K. B. (1999). Aum Shinrikyo: Once and Future Threat? Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(4), 513-516.
  • Price, H. E. (1977). The strategy and tactics of revolutionary terrorism. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 19(1), 52-66.
  • Rapoport, D. C. (2001). The fourth wave: September 11 in the history of terrorism. Current History,100(650), 419.
  • Rapoport, D. C. (2002). The Four Waves of Rebel Terror and September. Anthropoetics, (1).
  • Rath, R. J. (1964). The Carbonari: Their Origins, Initiation Rites, and Aims. The American Historical Review, 69(2), 353-370.
  • Shiver, C. (1964). The Carbonari. Social Science, 234-241.
  • Simon, J. D. (2008). The forgotten terrorists: Lessons from the history of terrorism. Terrorism and political violence, 20(2), 195-214.
  • TBMM. (2017). ‘‘FETÖ/PDY Meclis Araştırma Komisyonu Raporu’’ Erişim tarihi: 02.09.2019.
  • Thorup, M. (2008). The anarchist and the partisan—Two types of terror in the history of irregular warfare. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20(3), 333-355.
  • Wilkinson, P. (2000). The strategic implications of terrorism. Terrorism and political violence: A sourcebook, 19-49.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arman Sert 0000-0001-7101-6702

Cenker Demir This is me 0000-0001-8016-7123

Engin Avcı This is me 0000-0002-5881-1530

Publication Date February 28, 2020
Submission Date November 6, 1899
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Sert, A., Demir, C., & Avcı, E. (2020). STRATEJİ, ÖRGÜTLENME VE MOTİVASYONUYLA KENDİNE ÖZGÜ BİR TERÖRİST ÖRGÜT: FETÖ. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, Özel Sayı(International Security Congress Special Issue), 1-28.

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