Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 567 - 594, 24.11.2021


“Beyazların üstünlüğü” hareketleri, beyaz insanların diğerlerine göre daha üstün olduğunu savunan, beyazlara sembolik ve maddi anlamda ayrıcalık yükleyen fikirler etrafında şekillenen, aşırı sağ içerisinde kendisine yer bulan etnik hareketlerdir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde (ABD) “beyazların üstünlüğü” hareketleri, Kuzey Amerika’nın keşfinin ardından Amerikalı yerlilere karşı başlamıştır. “Beyazların üstünlüğü” hareketleri Afrika Kıtası’ndaki sömürge ülkelerden getirilen siyahlara karşı geliştirilen nefret söylemi üzerinden büyümüştür. Günümüzde ise Yahudi ve Müslüman karşıtlığını da içerisinde barındıran bu hareketler artan bir şekilde varlıklarını sürdürmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; ABD’de “beyazların üstünlüğünü” esas alan etnik temelli aşırı sağ hareketleri, Nükleer Silah Tümeni (The Atomwaffen Division - NST) isimli örgüt çerçevesinde incelemektir. Araştırmanın temel varsayımı; ABD’de yaşanabilecek muhtemel bir kriz/kaos durumunun aşılamaması durumunda “beyazların üstünlüğü” hareketinin siyasal maksatlı şiddet eylemleri düzenleyebileceği, gelecekte bu hareketlerin ABD için daha büyük bir tehdit olmaya devam edeceğidir. Çalışma kapsamında öncelikle “beyazların üstünlüğü” kavramı incelenmiş, kavramın tarihsel süreçteki yeri ortaya konulmuş, ABD’deki “beyazların üstünlüğü” örgütlenmeleri ve son olarak örnek olay çerçevesinde NST örgütü araştırılmıştır. “Beyazların üstünlüğü” kavramının etnik temelde kendisine yer bulduğu ancak sadece etnisite değil dini farklılıkların da söz konusu fikri savunanlar tarafından istismar edildiği, beyazların üstünlüğü savunucusu örgütlerin gelecekte ABD için bir tehdit unsuru olmaya devam edeceği, çalışmanın sonuçları arasındadır.


  • Aksu, A. (2009). Kriz yönetimi ve vizyoner liderlik. Journal of Yaşar University, 4(15), ss.2435-2450.
  • Alapo, R. ve Rockefeller, D. (2019). The state of white supremacy in America: It ıs time to stand together. Philosophy Study, 9(5), 287-291. doi: 10.17265/2159-5313/2019.05.006.
  • Alexander, J. (28 Şubat 2018). Discord is purging alt-right, white nationalist and hateful servers. Erişim tarihi: 05 Eylül 2020, /28/17061774/discord-alt-right-atomwaffen-ban-centipede-central-nordic-resistance-movement.
  • Anti Defamation League. (18 Nisan 2016). White Supremacist Prison Gangs in the United States. A Preliminary Inventory. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (2017). A dark and constant rage: 25 years of right-wing terrorism in the United States. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (2018a). New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy Report. ADL Center on Extremism, s. 52.
  • Anti Defamation League. (2018b). Atomwaffen Division (NST). Erişim tarihi: 07 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (11 Şubat 2020). White supremacists double down on propaganda in 2019. Erişim tarihi: 07 Eylül 2020, white-supremacists-double-down-on-propaganda-in-2019.
  • Anti Defamation League. (tarih yok) Traditional White Supremacists. Erişim tarihi: 08 Eylül 2020, terms/traditional-white-supremacists.
  • Berlet, C. ve Vysotsky, S. (2006). Overview of U.S. White Supremacist groups. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 34(1), ss.11–48.
  • Beutel, A. (2017). Key concepts to understand violent white supremacy. Research Brief. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020, START_KeyConceptsToUnderstandViolent WhiteSupremacy_ResearchBrief _April 2017.pdf.
  • Blee, K. M. (2002). Inside organized racism: Women in the hate movement. University of California Press.
  • Blessing, J. ve Roberts, E. (2018). The rhetoric of white supremacist terror: Assessing the attribution of threat. Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism. Working Paper Series. New York: Syracuse University.
  • Bonds, A. ve Inwood, J. (2015). Beyond white privilege: Geographies of white supremacy and settler colonialism. Progress in Human Geography. 40. ss. 1- 19. doi: 10.1177/0309132515613166.
  • Carter, D.B. (2012). A Blessing or a Curse? State Support for Terrorist Groups International Organization, 66. s.s. 129-151. doi:10.1017/ S0020818311000312.
  • Deutsche Welle. (29 Ekim 2019). Gab goes dark after Pittsburgh synagogue attack. Erişim tarihi: 09 Eylül 2020,
  • Diker, N. ve Ökten, A. N. (2009). Kaos’ dan düzene; sinerjetik toplum, sinerjik yönetim ve sinerjist planlama-örnek olay: 1999 Marmara depremleri sonrası kaos ve kendi-kendine organizasyon süreci içinde bir ilkokulun yapımı. Megaron, 4(3), 147-162.
  • Etter, G.W., McElreath, D.H. ve Quarles, C.L.. (2005). The Ku Klux Klan: Evolution towards revolution. Journal of Gang Research (12,3) ss.1-16.
  • Fredrickson, G. M. (1981). White supremacy: A comparative study of American and South African history. Oxford Univers.ty Press.
  • Gardiner, W.J. (2009). Reflections on the history of white supremacy in the united states, s.2. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020, white_supremacy_us.pdf.
  • Goldman, A. (25 Mart 2020). Man Suspected of Planning Attack on Missouri Hospital Is Killed, Officials Say. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Guess, T. J. (2006). The social construction of whiteness: Racism by intent, racism by consequence. Critical Sociology, 32(4), ss.649-673.
  • Hatewatch. (22 Şubat 2018). Atomwaffen and the SIEGE parallax: how one neo-Nazi’s life’s work is fueling a younger generation. Erişim tarihi: 11 Eylül 2020,
  • Hough, G. (2006). American terrorism and the Christian Identity movement: a proliferation threat from non-state actors. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 3(1), ss.79–100. doi:10.1002/aps.43.
  • Jackson, S. (2019). A schema of right-wing extremism in the United States. International Center for Counter Terrorism - ICCT Policy Brief October 2019, doi: 10.19165/2019.2.06.
  • Jones, S. G., Doxsee, C., ve Harrington, N. (2020). The escalating terrorism problem in the United States. Center for Strategic and International Studies Report. Erişim tarihi: 01 Ekim 2020.
  • Kaplan, J. (2003). Dreams and realities in cyberspace: White aryan resistance and the world church of the creator, Patterns of Prejudice, 37:2, ss.139-155, doi: 10.1080/0031322032000084679.
  • Kosnar, M. ve Helsel,P. (27 Mart 2020). FBI says man killed in Missouri wanted to bomb hospital amid coronavirus epidemic. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Lebovic, M. (29 Ocak 2018). Inside Atomwaffen, where Blaze Bernstein’s alleged killer trained for race war. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Martinez, E. (1998). What is white supremacy? Erişim tarihi: 15 Eylül 2020,
  • McCauley, C. ve Moskalenko, S. (2017). Understanding political radicalization: The two-pyramids model. American Psychologist, 72(3), 205–216.
  • Miller, M.E. (27 Aralık 2019). The war of races: How a hateful ideology echoes through American history. Erişim tarihi: 9 Eylül 2020,
  • Moser, B. (21 Ağustos 2017). How YouTube became the worldwide leader in white supremacy. Erişim tarihi: 13 Eylül 2020, 144141/youtube-became-worldwide-leader-white-supremacy.
  • Nogueira, S. G. (2013). Ideology of white racial supremacy: Colonization and de-colonization processes. Psicologia e Sociedade, 25 (SPL.ISSUE), ss. 23-32. doi: 10.1590/S0102-71822013000500004.
  • Perliger, A. (2012). Challengers from the sidelines: Understanding America’s violent far-right. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Pitcavage, M. (2015). With hate in their hearts. The state of white supremacy in the United States. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020, education/resources/reports/state-of-white-supremacy.
  • Plummer, K. (27 Nisan 2020). Who is Paul Joseph Watson? Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Potok, M. (25 Haziran 2012). Racist skinheads. Understanding the threat. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project. Southern Poverty Law Center. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Poverty, S. (2019). Ku Klux Klan: A history of racism and violence. Southern Poverty Law Center, 6th Ed. Erişim tarihi: 17 Eylül 2020, 1., ss.1–7.
  • Price, B.C. (2012). Targeting top terrorists: How leadership decapitation contributes to counterterrorism. International Security 36, no. 4. ss. 9–46.
  • Rapoport, D.C. (2004). The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism. Cronin, A.K. ve Lused, J.M. (Der.) Attacking Terrorism: Elements of a Grand Strtategy içinde (ss.46-73). Washington: Georgetown University Presss.
  • Schulberg, J. ve O’Brien, L. (04 Ocak 2018) We Found The Neo-Nazi Twitter Account Tied To A Virginia Double Homicide. Erişim tarihi: 18 Eylül 2020,
  • Silva, E. (2012). Music and friends: right-wing domestic terrorism and its culture and ınfluence. Research paper.
  • Simi, P. ve Futrell, R. (2012). Neo-Nazi Movements in Europe and United States. doi: 10.1002/9780470674871.wbespm353.
  • Spiro, A. (25 Şubat 2018). US Neo-Nazi group celebrated killing of Jewish student. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020,
  • SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center. (tarih yok) National Socialist Movement. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020,
  • Sweeney, M. M. ve Perliger, A. (2018). Explaining the spontaneous nature of far-right violence in the United States. Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), ss.52–71.
  • The Institute for Economics & Peace. (2019). Global terrorism index 2019 measuring the impact of terrorism. Erişim tarihi: 01 Ekim 2020. web.pdf.
  • The Middle East Media Research Institute. (8 Temmuz 2019). White Supremacist Online Incitement. Özel Rapor No. 8160. Erişim tarihi: 15 Eylül 2020,
  • The Soufan Center. (2019a). White Supremacy Extremism: The Transnational Rise of the Violent White Supremacist Movement. Erişim tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020,
  • The Soufan Center. (2019b). Intelbrief: The Atomwaffen Division (NST): A Brief Profile. Erişim tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020,
  • Thompson, B., ve Gibson, T. (2020). Not so homegrown hatred: Neo-Nazis in America. Westminister College, Working Paper.
  • Treitler, V. B. (2015). Social agency and white supremacy in immigration studies. Sociology of race and ethnicity, 1(1), ss.153-165.
  • Ware, J. (2019). Siege: The Atomwaffen Division and Rising Far-Right Terrorism in the United States. International Center for Counter Terrorism - ICCT Policy Brief. doi: 10.19165/2019.2.05


Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 567 - 594, 24.11.2021


White supremacy movements are ethnic movements within the far-right, which argue that white people are superior to others. White supremacy movements have grown steadily over hate speech against African colonies in the USA. The purpose of this study; is to examine the ethnic far right movements based on the white supremacy in the USA within the framework of The Atomwaffen Division (AWD) organization. The basic assumption of the research is “if a possible crisis / chaos in the USA cannot be overcome, the white supremacy movements can organize political acts of violence, and these movements will continue to be a greater threat for the USA in the future”. Within the scope of this study, firstly, the concept of white supremacy examined, the place of the concept in the historical process explored, the white supremacy organizations in the USA were researched and finally the AWD organization was handled within the framework of the case study. It is among the results of the study that the concept of “white supremacy” finds its place not only ethnicity but also religious differences and those ethnic-based “white supremacist” organizations will continue to be a security threat for the USA in the future.


  • Aksu, A. (2009). Kriz yönetimi ve vizyoner liderlik. Journal of Yaşar University, 4(15), ss.2435-2450.
  • Alapo, R. ve Rockefeller, D. (2019). The state of white supremacy in America: It ıs time to stand together. Philosophy Study, 9(5), 287-291. doi: 10.17265/2159-5313/2019.05.006.
  • Alexander, J. (28 Şubat 2018). Discord is purging alt-right, white nationalist and hateful servers. Erişim tarihi: 05 Eylül 2020, /28/17061774/discord-alt-right-atomwaffen-ban-centipede-central-nordic-resistance-movement.
  • Anti Defamation League. (18 Nisan 2016). White Supremacist Prison Gangs in the United States. A Preliminary Inventory. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (2017). A dark and constant rage: 25 years of right-wing terrorism in the United States. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (2018a). New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy Report. ADL Center on Extremism, s. 52.
  • Anti Defamation League. (2018b). Atomwaffen Division (NST). Erişim tarihi: 07 Eylül 2020,
  • Anti Defamation League. (11 Şubat 2020). White supremacists double down on propaganda in 2019. Erişim tarihi: 07 Eylül 2020, white-supremacists-double-down-on-propaganda-in-2019.
  • Anti Defamation League. (tarih yok) Traditional White Supremacists. Erişim tarihi: 08 Eylül 2020, terms/traditional-white-supremacists.
  • Berlet, C. ve Vysotsky, S. (2006). Overview of U.S. White Supremacist groups. Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 34(1), ss.11–48.
  • Beutel, A. (2017). Key concepts to understand violent white supremacy. Research Brief. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020, START_KeyConceptsToUnderstandViolent WhiteSupremacy_ResearchBrief _April 2017.pdf.
  • Blee, K. M. (2002). Inside organized racism: Women in the hate movement. University of California Press.
  • Blessing, J. ve Roberts, E. (2018). The rhetoric of white supremacist terror: Assessing the attribution of threat. Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism. Working Paper Series. New York: Syracuse University.
  • Bonds, A. ve Inwood, J. (2015). Beyond white privilege: Geographies of white supremacy and settler colonialism. Progress in Human Geography. 40. ss. 1- 19. doi: 10.1177/0309132515613166.
  • Carter, D.B. (2012). A Blessing or a Curse? State Support for Terrorist Groups International Organization, 66. s.s. 129-151. doi:10.1017/ S0020818311000312.
  • Deutsche Welle. (29 Ekim 2019). Gab goes dark after Pittsburgh synagogue attack. Erişim tarihi: 09 Eylül 2020,
  • Diker, N. ve Ökten, A. N. (2009). Kaos’ dan düzene; sinerjetik toplum, sinerjik yönetim ve sinerjist planlama-örnek olay: 1999 Marmara depremleri sonrası kaos ve kendi-kendine organizasyon süreci içinde bir ilkokulun yapımı. Megaron, 4(3), 147-162.
  • Etter, G.W., McElreath, D.H. ve Quarles, C.L.. (2005). The Ku Klux Klan: Evolution towards revolution. Journal of Gang Research (12,3) ss.1-16.
  • Fredrickson, G. M. (1981). White supremacy: A comparative study of American and South African history. Oxford Univers.ty Press.
  • Gardiner, W.J. (2009). Reflections on the history of white supremacy in the united states, s.2. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020, white_supremacy_us.pdf.
  • Goldman, A. (25 Mart 2020). Man Suspected of Planning Attack on Missouri Hospital Is Killed, Officials Say. Erişim tarihi: 06 Eylül 2020,
  • Guess, T. J. (2006). The social construction of whiteness: Racism by intent, racism by consequence. Critical Sociology, 32(4), ss.649-673.
  • Hatewatch. (22 Şubat 2018). Atomwaffen and the SIEGE parallax: how one neo-Nazi’s life’s work is fueling a younger generation. Erişim tarihi: 11 Eylül 2020,
  • Hough, G. (2006). American terrorism and the Christian Identity movement: a proliferation threat from non-state actors. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 3(1), ss.79–100. doi:10.1002/aps.43.
  • Jackson, S. (2019). A schema of right-wing extremism in the United States. International Center for Counter Terrorism - ICCT Policy Brief October 2019, doi: 10.19165/2019.2.06.
  • Jones, S. G., Doxsee, C., ve Harrington, N. (2020). The escalating terrorism problem in the United States. Center for Strategic and International Studies Report. Erişim tarihi: 01 Ekim 2020.
  • Kaplan, J. (2003). Dreams and realities in cyberspace: White aryan resistance and the world church of the creator, Patterns of Prejudice, 37:2, ss.139-155, doi: 10.1080/0031322032000084679.
  • Kosnar, M. ve Helsel,P. (27 Mart 2020). FBI says man killed in Missouri wanted to bomb hospital amid coronavirus epidemic. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Lebovic, M. (29 Ocak 2018). Inside Atomwaffen, where Blaze Bernstein’s alleged killer trained for race war. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Martinez, E. (1998). What is white supremacy? Erişim tarihi: 15 Eylül 2020,
  • McCauley, C. ve Moskalenko, S. (2017). Understanding political radicalization: The two-pyramids model. American Psychologist, 72(3), 205–216.
  • Miller, M.E. (27 Aralık 2019). The war of races: How a hateful ideology echoes through American history. Erişim tarihi: 9 Eylül 2020,
  • Moser, B. (21 Ağustos 2017). How YouTube became the worldwide leader in white supremacy. Erişim tarihi: 13 Eylül 2020, 144141/youtube-became-worldwide-leader-white-supremacy.
  • Nogueira, S. G. (2013). Ideology of white racial supremacy: Colonization and de-colonization processes. Psicologia e Sociedade, 25 (SPL.ISSUE), ss. 23-32. doi: 10.1590/S0102-71822013000500004.
  • Perliger, A. (2012). Challengers from the sidelines: Understanding America’s violent far-right. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Pitcavage, M. (2015). With hate in their hearts. The state of white supremacy in the United States. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020, education/resources/reports/state-of-white-supremacy.
  • Plummer, K. (27 Nisan 2020). Who is Paul Joseph Watson? Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Potok, M. (25 Haziran 2012). Racist skinheads. Understanding the threat. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project. Southern Poverty Law Center. Erişim tarihi: 14 Eylül 2020,
  • Poverty, S. (2019). Ku Klux Klan: A history of racism and violence. Southern Poverty Law Center, 6th Ed. Erişim tarihi: 17 Eylül 2020, 1., ss.1–7.
  • Price, B.C. (2012). Targeting top terrorists: How leadership decapitation contributes to counterterrorism. International Security 36, no. 4. ss. 9–46.
  • Rapoport, D.C. (2004). The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism. Cronin, A.K. ve Lused, J.M. (Der.) Attacking Terrorism: Elements of a Grand Strtategy içinde (ss.46-73). Washington: Georgetown University Presss.
  • Schulberg, J. ve O’Brien, L. (04 Ocak 2018) We Found The Neo-Nazi Twitter Account Tied To A Virginia Double Homicide. Erişim tarihi: 18 Eylül 2020,
  • Silva, E. (2012). Music and friends: right-wing domestic terrorism and its culture and ınfluence. Research paper.
  • Simi, P. ve Futrell, R. (2012). Neo-Nazi Movements in Europe and United States. doi: 10.1002/9780470674871.wbespm353.
  • Spiro, A. (25 Şubat 2018). US Neo-Nazi group celebrated killing of Jewish student. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020,
  • SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center. (tarih yok) National Socialist Movement. Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2020,
  • Sweeney, M. M. ve Perliger, A. (2018). Explaining the spontaneous nature of far-right violence in the United States. Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), ss.52–71.
  • The Institute for Economics & Peace. (2019). Global terrorism index 2019 measuring the impact of terrorism. Erişim tarihi: 01 Ekim 2020. web.pdf.
  • The Middle East Media Research Institute. (8 Temmuz 2019). White Supremacist Online Incitement. Özel Rapor No. 8160. Erişim tarihi: 15 Eylül 2020,
  • The Soufan Center. (2019a). White Supremacy Extremism: The Transnational Rise of the Violent White Supremacist Movement. Erişim tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020,
  • The Soufan Center. (2019b). Intelbrief: The Atomwaffen Division (NST): A Brief Profile. Erişim tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020,
  • Thompson, B., ve Gibson, T. (2020). Not so homegrown hatred: Neo-Nazis in America. Westminister College, Working Paper.
  • Treitler, V. B. (2015). Social agency and white supremacy in immigration studies. Sociology of race and ethnicity, 1(1), ss.153-165.
  • Ware, J. (2019). Siege: The Atomwaffen Division and Rising Far-Right Terrorism in the United States. International Center for Counter Terrorism - ICCT Policy Brief. doi: 10.19165/2019.2.05
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Articles

Erol Başaran Bural 0000-0002-3355-2018

Publication Date November 24, 2021
Submission Date June 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 2




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