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Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 68 - 72, 31.12.2019


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, non-spesifik bel
ağrısı (NSBA) olan yaşlılarda yürüyüş parametreleri ve ağrı şiddeti arasındaki
ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Gözlemsel bu çalışmaya, 17
NSBA olan yaşlı (yaş ≥ 65 yıl) birey katıldı. Demografik ve klinik bilgiler
kaydedildi. Ağrı şiddeti Vizuel Analog Skala (VAS) ile değerlendirildi. Yürüyüş
parametreleri (yürüme hızı, adım döngüsü, adım uzunluğu ve ambulasyon indeksi),
altı dakika boyunca kişinin rahat yürüme hızına göre ayarlanmış bir koşu bandı
ile değerlendirildi.

Bulgular: VAS skoru ile yürüme hızı (r =
-0.517, p = 0.034) ve ambulasyon indeksi (r = -0.496, p = 0.043) arasında
ilişki vardı. VAS skoru ile adım uzunluğu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
bir ilişki yoktu (p> 0.05).

Sonuç: NSBA olan yaşlılarda ağrı şiddeti
ile yürüme parametreleri arasında negatif bir ilişki vardı. NSBA olan
yaşlılarda ağrı şiddetinin artması yürüyüşü sınırlandırabilir.


  • Referans 1. Kanasi E, Ayilavarapu S, Jones J. The aging population: demographics and the biology of aging. Periodontology 2000. 2016;72(1):13-8.Referans 2. Beard JR, Officer A, de Carvalho IA, Sadana R, Pot AM, Michel JP, et al. The World report on ageing and health: a policy framework for healthy ageing. Lancet (London, England). 2016;387(10033):2145-54.Referans 3. Roberts S, Colombier P, Sowman A, Mennan C, Rolfing JH, Guicheux J, et al. Ageing in the musculoskeletal system. Acta orthopaedica. 2016;87(sup363):15-25.Referans 4. Beyera GK, O'Brien J, Campbell S. Health-care utilisation for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based observational studies. Rheumatology international. 2019;39(10):1663-79.Referans 5. Maher C, Underwood M, Buchbinder R. Non-specific low back pain. Lancet (London, England). 2017;389(10070):736-47.Referans 6. Chenot JF, Greitemann B, Kladny B, Petzke F, Pfingsten M, Schorr SG. Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 2017;114(51-52):883-90.Referans 7. Driscoll T, Jacklyn G, Orchard J, Passmore E, Vos T, Freedman G, et al. The global burden of occupationally related low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2014;73(6):975-81.Referans 8. Nascimento P, Costa LOP, Araujo AC, Poitras S, Bilodeau M. Effectiveness of interventions for non-specific low back pain in older adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physiotherapy. 2019;105(2):147-62.Referans 9. Koch C, Hansel F. Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain and Motor Control During Gait. Frontiers in psychology. 2018;9:2236.Referans 10. Ghamkhar L, Kahlaee AH. Trunk muscles activation pattern during walking in subjects with and without chronic low back pain: a systematic review. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2015;7(5):519-26.Referans 11. Laird RA, Gilbert J, Kent P, Keating JL. Comparing lumbo-pelvic kinematics in people with and without back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2014;15:229.Referans 12. Radebold A, Cholewicki J, Polzhofer GK, Greene HS. Impaired postural control of the lumbar spine is associated with delayed muscle response times in patients with chronic idiopathic low back pain. Spine. 2001;26(7):724-30.Referans 13. Hodges PW, Tucker K. Moving differently in pain: a new theory to explain the adaptation to pain. Pain. 2011;152(3 Suppl):S90-8.Referans 14. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. "Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of psychiatric research. 1975;12(3):189-98.Referans 15. Gungen C, Ertan T, Eker E, Yasar R, Engin F. [Reliability and validity of the standardized Mini Mental State Examination in the diagnosis of mild dementia in Turkish population]. Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry. 2002;13(4):273-81.Referans 16. Reed MD, Van Nostran W. Assessing pain intensity with the visual analog scale: a plea for uniformity. Journal of clinical pharmacology. 2014;54(3):241-4.Referans 17. Newell D, Shead V, Sloane L. Changes in gait and balance parameters in elderly subjects attending an 8-week supervised Pilates programme. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. 2012;16(4):549-54.Referans 18. Gatton ML, Pearcy MJ, Pettet GJ, Evans JH. A three-dimensional mathematical model of the thoracolumbar fascia and an estimate of its biomechanical effect. Journal of biomechanics. 2010;43(14):2792-7.Referans 19. Myers TW. Anatomy Trains E-Book: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013.Referans 20. Barker PJ, Briggs CA. Attachments of the posterior layer of lumbar fascia. Spine. 1999;24(17):1757-64.Referans 21. Wilke J, Macchi V, De Caro R, Stecco C. Fascia thickness, aging and flexibility: is there an association? Journal of anatomy. 2019;234(1):43-9.Referans 22. Hides JA, Belavy DL, Cassar L, Williams M, Wilson SJ, Richardson CA. Altered response of the anterolateral abdominal muscles to simulated weight-bearing in subjects with low back pain. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2009;18(3):410-8.Referans 23. Hodges PW, Richardson CA. Inefficient muscular stabilization of the lumbar spine associated with low back pain. A motor control evaluation of transversus abdominis. Spine. 1996;21(22):2640-50.Referans 24. Russo M, Deckers K, Eldabe S, Kiesel K, Gilligan C, Vieceli J, et al. Muscle Control and Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 2018;21(1):1-9.

Gait Parameters and Pain Severity in Elderly with Non-Specific Low Back Pain

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 68 - 72, 31.12.2019


Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the relationship
between gait parameters and pain severity in elderly with non-specific low back
pain (NSLBP).

Material and Methods: Seventeen older adults
(age ≥ 65 years) with NSLBP participated in this cross-sectional study. The
demographic and clinic information was recorded. Pain severity was assessed by
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The gait parameters (walking speed, step cycle, step
length, ambulation index and, walking distance) were assessed by a motor-driven
treadmill adjusted to the subject’s comfortable walking speed during six

Results: There was a relationship between the VAS
score and walking speed (r = -0.517, p =0.034), ambulation index (r = -0.496, p
=0.043). There was no statistically significant relationship between VAS score
and step length (p> 0.05).

Conclusions: There was a negative
correlation between the pain severity and gait parameters in elderly with NSLBP.
Increased pain severity in the elderly with NSBA may limit walking.


  • Referans 1. Kanasi E, Ayilavarapu S, Jones J. The aging population: demographics and the biology of aging. Periodontology 2000. 2016;72(1):13-8.Referans 2. Beard JR, Officer A, de Carvalho IA, Sadana R, Pot AM, Michel JP, et al. The World report on ageing and health: a policy framework for healthy ageing. Lancet (London, England). 2016;387(10033):2145-54.Referans 3. Roberts S, Colombier P, Sowman A, Mennan C, Rolfing JH, Guicheux J, et al. Ageing in the musculoskeletal system. Acta orthopaedica. 2016;87(sup363):15-25.Referans 4. Beyera GK, O'Brien J, Campbell S. Health-care utilisation for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based observational studies. Rheumatology international. 2019;39(10):1663-79.Referans 5. Maher C, Underwood M, Buchbinder R. Non-specific low back pain. Lancet (London, England). 2017;389(10070):736-47.Referans 6. Chenot JF, Greitemann B, Kladny B, Petzke F, Pfingsten M, Schorr SG. Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 2017;114(51-52):883-90.Referans 7. Driscoll T, Jacklyn G, Orchard J, Passmore E, Vos T, Freedman G, et al. The global burden of occupationally related low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2014;73(6):975-81.Referans 8. Nascimento P, Costa LOP, Araujo AC, Poitras S, Bilodeau M. Effectiveness of interventions for non-specific low back pain in older adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physiotherapy. 2019;105(2):147-62.Referans 9. Koch C, Hansel F. Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain and Motor Control During Gait. Frontiers in psychology. 2018;9:2236.Referans 10. Ghamkhar L, Kahlaee AH. Trunk muscles activation pattern during walking in subjects with and without chronic low back pain: a systematic review. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2015;7(5):519-26.Referans 11. Laird RA, Gilbert J, Kent P, Keating JL. Comparing lumbo-pelvic kinematics in people with and without back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2014;15:229.Referans 12. Radebold A, Cholewicki J, Polzhofer GK, Greene HS. Impaired postural control of the lumbar spine is associated with delayed muscle response times in patients with chronic idiopathic low back pain. Spine. 2001;26(7):724-30.Referans 13. Hodges PW, Tucker K. Moving differently in pain: a new theory to explain the adaptation to pain. Pain. 2011;152(3 Suppl):S90-8.Referans 14. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. "Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of psychiatric research. 1975;12(3):189-98.Referans 15. Gungen C, Ertan T, Eker E, Yasar R, Engin F. [Reliability and validity of the standardized Mini Mental State Examination in the diagnosis of mild dementia in Turkish population]. Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry. 2002;13(4):273-81.Referans 16. Reed MD, Van Nostran W. Assessing pain intensity with the visual analog scale: a plea for uniformity. Journal of clinical pharmacology. 2014;54(3):241-4.Referans 17. Newell D, Shead V, Sloane L. Changes in gait and balance parameters in elderly subjects attending an 8-week supervised Pilates programme. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies. 2012;16(4):549-54.Referans 18. Gatton ML, Pearcy MJ, Pettet GJ, Evans JH. A three-dimensional mathematical model of the thoracolumbar fascia and an estimate of its biomechanical effect. Journal of biomechanics. 2010;43(14):2792-7.Referans 19. Myers TW. Anatomy Trains E-Book: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013.Referans 20. Barker PJ, Briggs CA. Attachments of the posterior layer of lumbar fascia. Spine. 1999;24(17):1757-64.Referans 21. Wilke J, Macchi V, De Caro R, Stecco C. Fascia thickness, aging and flexibility: is there an association? Journal of anatomy. 2019;234(1):43-9.Referans 22. Hides JA, Belavy DL, Cassar L, Williams M, Wilson SJ, Richardson CA. Altered response of the anterolateral abdominal muscles to simulated weight-bearing in subjects with low back pain. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2009;18(3):410-8.Referans 23. Hodges PW, Richardson CA. Inefficient muscular stabilization of the lumbar spine associated with low back pain. A motor control evaluation of transversus abdominis. Spine. 1996;21(22):2640-50.Referans 24. Russo M, Deckers K, Eldabe S, Kiesel K, Gilligan C, Vieceli J, et al. Muscle Control and Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 2018;21(1):1-9.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Research

Gülşah Özsoy

Nursen İlçin 0000-0003-0174-8224

İsmail Özsoy

Barış Gürpınar This is me

Öznur Büyükturan

Buket Büyükturan

Caner Karartı

Senem Şaş

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date October 8, 2019
Acceptance Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Özsoy, G., İlçin, N., Özsoy, İ., Gürpınar, B., et al. (2019). Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi, 2(3), 68-72.
AMA Özsoy G, İlçin N, Özsoy İ, Gürpınar B, Büyükturan Ö, Büyükturan B, Karartı C, Şaş S. Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti. JoGS. December 2019;2(3):68-72.
Chicago Özsoy, Gülşah, Nursen İlçin, İsmail Özsoy, Barış Gürpınar, Öznur Büyükturan, Buket Büyükturan, Caner Karartı, and Senem Şaş. “Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri Ve Ağrı Şiddeti”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 2, no. 3 (December 2019): 68-72.
EndNote Özsoy G, İlçin N, Özsoy İ, Gürpınar B, Büyükturan Ö, Büyükturan B, Karartı C, Şaş S (December 1, 2019) Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 2 3 68–72.
IEEE G. Özsoy, N. İlçin, İ. Özsoy, B. Gürpınar, Ö. Büyükturan, B. Büyükturan, C. Karartı, and S. Şaş, “Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti”, JoGS, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 68–72, 2019.
ISNAD Özsoy, Gülşah et al. “Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri Ve Ağrı Şiddeti”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 2/3 (December 2019), 68-72.
JAMA Özsoy G, İlçin N, Özsoy İ, Gürpınar B, Büyükturan Ö, Büyükturan B, Karartı C, Şaş S. Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti. JoGS. 2019;2:68–72.
MLA Özsoy, Gülşah et al. “Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri Ve Ağrı Şiddeti”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 3, 2019, pp. 68-72.
Vancouver Özsoy G, İlçin N, Özsoy İ, Gürpınar B, Büyükturan Ö, Büyükturan B, Karartı C, Şaş S. Non-Spesifik Bel Ağrılı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yürüme Parametreleri ve Ağrı Şiddeti. JoGS. 2019;2(3):68-72.

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