DETERMINATION of SHELF LIFE of CHASTE TREE (Vitex agnus castus) and PINE HONEYDEW (Marchalina hellenica) HONEYS
Year 2017,
Volume: 42 Issue: 5, 577 - 587, 10.08.2017
Aytül Uçak Koç
Mete Karacaoğlu
Hilal Nadeem Şahin
Mustafa Doğan
Chaste tree
and pine honeys were bought from three different producers (natural) and three local
markets (commercial). The honey samples were stored for 30 months at room
temperature. The shelf life of the samples was estimated for indices of HMF and
diastase activity. The values for HMF formation and diastase deactivation fitted
to a zero-order reaction. The highest rate
of HMF formation was observed in the chaste tree honey as 2.674±0.013 mg/kg/month
while the least value was observed in the pine honey as 0.435±0.037 mg/kg/month.
The maximum diastase deactivation was determined in the natural chaste tree honey
as 0.613±0.000 DU/kg/months and the minimum was 0.318±0.002 DU/kg/month for the
commercial chaste tree sample. In terms of HMF, all honeys except commercial chaste
tree honey, have exhibited longer shelf life than 30 months of storage. The
results showed that the shelf life of the commercial honeys depend on the botanical
origin, pH, electrical conductivity, temperature and storage.
- Horn, H., Hammes, W.P. (2002). The influence of temperature on honey quality parameters. Dtsch. Lebensmitt. Rundsch, 98, 366–372.
- Lee H.S., Nagy, S. (1990). Relatıve reactıvıtıes of sugars ın the formatıon of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural ın sugar-catalyst model systems. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,14 (3): 171–178.
- Karkacier, M., Gurel, F., Efendi, Y., Yaygın, E., MUtaf, S. (1999Effects of different storage conditions on the quality of flowers honey and honeydew. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 8, 35-43.
- Karkacier, M., Gurel, F., Ozdemir, F. (2000). Identification of different honeys using sugar composition determined by HPLC. Gıda, 25:69-73.
- Kayacier, A., Karaman, S. (2008). Rheological and some physicochemical characteristics of selected Turkish honeys. Journal of Texture Studies, 39, 17–27.
- Khalil, M.I., Sulaiman, S.A , Gan, S.H.(2010). High 5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentrations are found in Malaysian honey samples stored for more than one year. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Volume 48, Issues 8–9, August–September 2010, Pages 2388–2392.
- Kucuk, M., Kolayli, S., Karaoglu, S., Ulusoy, E., Baltaci, C., Candan, F. (2007). Biological activities and chemical composition of three honeys of different types from Anatolia. Food Chemistry, 100(2), 526–534.
- Kroh, L. W. (1994). Caramelisation in food and beverages. Food Chemistry, 51, 373–379.
- Persano Oddo L., Pulcini P. (1999) A scientific note on the Phadebas method for honeys with low enzyme content, Apidologie, 30:347–348.
- Sanz, M.L., Polemis, N., Morales, V. et al. (2005). In vitro investigation into the potential prebiotic activity of honey oligosaccharides. J. Agric. Food Chem.,53:2914-2921.
- Sahinler N., Gul, A. (2005). Effect of heating and storage on honey hydroxy methylfurfural and diastase activity. Journal of Food Technology, 3(2):152-157.
- Sanchez M.D., Huidobro J.F., Mato I., Muniategui S., Sancho M.T. (2001) Correlation between proline content of honeys and botanical origin, Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch,97, 171–175.
- Sancho, M.T., Muniategui, S., Huidobro, J.F., Lozano, J.S. (1992). Aging of honey. J. Agric. Food Chem.,40, 134–138.
- Senyuva, H. Z., Gilbert, J., Silici, S., Charlton, A., Dal, C., Guerel, N., et al. (2009). Profiling Turkish honeys to determine authenticity using physical and chemical characteristics. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(9), 3911–3919.
- Silici, S. (2002). Chemical and Polynological analysis of honey samples belenging to different regions of Turkey. The first German bee products and apitherapy congress, Passau, Germany, 23-24 March 2002, pp.61-61.
- Silici, S., Gokceoglu, M. (2007). Pollen analysis of honeys from Mediterranean regions of Anatolia. Grana, 46, 57–64.
- Singh, N., Bath, P.K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chem. 58, 129–133.
- Singh, N., Bath, P.K. (1998). Relationship between heating and hydroxymethylfurfural formation in different honey types. J. Food Sci. Technol., 35, 154–156.
- Singhal, R.S. Kulkarni, P.R., Rege, D.V. 1997. Honey Qality Criteria in: Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, England.
- Spano, N., Casula, L., Panzanelli, A., Pilo, M. I., Piu, P.C., Scanu, R., Tapparo, A., Sanna, G. (2006). An RP-HPLC determination of 5- hydroxymethylfurfural in honey: The case of strawberry tree honey, Talanta Volume 68, Issue 4, 15, Pages 1390–1395.
- Tosi, E., Ciappini, M., Re, E., Lucero, H. (2002). Honey thermal treatment effects on hydroxymethylfurfural content. Food Chem. 77, 71–74.
- Turhan, I., Tetik, N., Karhan, M., Gürel, F., Tavukçuoğlu, H.R. (2008). Quality of honeys influenced by thermal treatment. Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. LWT 41: 1396-1399.
- Wang, X.H., Gheldof, N., Engeseth, N.J. (2004). Effect of processing and storage on antioxidant capacity of honey. J. Food Sci., 69:96–101.
- White, J. W. (1978). Honey. Advances in Food Research, 24: 287–374.
- Yılmaz, H., Küfrevioğlu, İ. (2001). Composition of Honeys Collected from Eastern and South-Eastern Anatolia and Effect of Storage on Hydroxymethylfurfural Content and Diastase Activity. Turk J Agric For., 25:347-349.
- Zappala, M., Fallico, B., Arena. E., Verzera. A. (2005). Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: a comparison. Food Control., 16. 273–277.
HAYIT (Vitex agnus castus) ve ÇAM BALININ (Marchalina hellenica) RAF ÖMRÜNÜN BELİRLENMESİ
Year 2017,
Volume: 42 Issue: 5, 577 - 587, 10.08.2017
Aytül Uçak Koç
Mete Karacaoğlu
Hilal Nadeem Şahin
Mustafa Doğan
Hayıt ve
çam balları üç farklı üretici (doğal) ve üç farklı yerel marketten (ticari)
satın alınmış ve bal örnekleri 30 ay oda sıcaklığında depolanmıştır. Bal
örneklerinin raf ömrü HMF miktarı ve diastaz aktivite indeksleri üzerinden
tahmin edilmiştir. HMF oluşumu ve diastaz deaktivasyonu sıfırıncı dereceden kinetik
modele uyumlu bulunmuştur. En yüksek HMF oluşum hızı hayıt ballarında
2.674±0.013 mg/kg/ay olarak hesaplanırken en düşük hız çam balında 0.435±0.037
mg/kg/ay olarak belirlenmiştir. Diastaz sayısı bakımından ise, en yüksek (0.613±0.000
DU/kg/ay) ve en düşük (0.318±0.002 DU/kg/ay) deaktivasyon hızı doğal ve ticari hayıt
ballarında belirlenmiştir. Balların 30 ay depolanması sonunda HMF bakımından
ticari hayıt balı hariç diğer tüm ballar daha uzun raf ömrüne sahip olmuştur.
Bu sonuçlar ticari balların raf ömrünün botanik orjin, pH, elektriksel
iletkenlik, sıcaklık ve depolamaya bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir.
- Horn, H., Hammes, W.P. (2002). The influence of temperature on honey quality parameters. Dtsch. Lebensmitt. Rundsch, 98, 366–372.
- Lee H.S., Nagy, S. (1990). Relatıve reactıvıtıes of sugars ın the formatıon of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural ın sugar-catalyst model systems. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,14 (3): 171–178.
- Karkacier, M., Gurel, F., Efendi, Y., Yaygın, E., MUtaf, S. (1999Effects of different storage conditions on the quality of flowers honey and honeydew. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 8, 35-43.
- Karkacier, M., Gurel, F., Ozdemir, F. (2000). Identification of different honeys using sugar composition determined by HPLC. Gıda, 25:69-73.
- Kayacier, A., Karaman, S. (2008). Rheological and some physicochemical characteristics of selected Turkish honeys. Journal of Texture Studies, 39, 17–27.
- Khalil, M.I., Sulaiman, S.A , Gan, S.H.(2010). High 5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentrations are found in Malaysian honey samples stored for more than one year. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Volume 48, Issues 8–9, August–September 2010, Pages 2388–2392.
- Kucuk, M., Kolayli, S., Karaoglu, S., Ulusoy, E., Baltaci, C., Candan, F. (2007). Biological activities and chemical composition of three honeys of different types from Anatolia. Food Chemistry, 100(2), 526–534.
- Kroh, L. W. (1994). Caramelisation in food and beverages. Food Chemistry, 51, 373–379.
- Persano Oddo L., Pulcini P. (1999) A scientific note on the Phadebas method for honeys with low enzyme content, Apidologie, 30:347–348.
- Sanz, M.L., Polemis, N., Morales, V. et al. (2005). In vitro investigation into the potential prebiotic activity of honey oligosaccharides. J. Agric. Food Chem.,53:2914-2921.
- Sahinler N., Gul, A. (2005). Effect of heating and storage on honey hydroxy methylfurfural and diastase activity. Journal of Food Technology, 3(2):152-157.
- Sanchez M.D., Huidobro J.F., Mato I., Muniategui S., Sancho M.T. (2001) Correlation between proline content of honeys and botanical origin, Dtsch. Lebensm. Rundsch,97, 171–175.
- Sancho, M.T., Muniategui, S., Huidobro, J.F., Lozano, J.S. (1992). Aging of honey. J. Agric. Food Chem.,40, 134–138.
- Senyuva, H. Z., Gilbert, J., Silici, S., Charlton, A., Dal, C., Guerel, N., et al. (2009). Profiling Turkish honeys to determine authenticity using physical and chemical characteristics. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(9), 3911–3919.
- Silici, S. (2002). Chemical and Polynological analysis of honey samples belenging to different regions of Turkey. The first German bee products and apitherapy congress, Passau, Germany, 23-24 March 2002, pp.61-61.
- Silici, S., Gokceoglu, M. (2007). Pollen analysis of honeys from Mediterranean regions of Anatolia. Grana, 46, 57–64.
- Singh, N., Bath, P.K. (1997). Quality evaluation of different types of Indian honey. Food Chem. 58, 129–133.
- Singh, N., Bath, P.K. (1998). Relationship between heating and hydroxymethylfurfural formation in different honey types. J. Food Sci. Technol., 35, 154–156.
- Singhal, R.S. Kulkarni, P.R., Rege, D.V. 1997. Honey Qality Criteria in: Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, England.
- Spano, N., Casula, L., Panzanelli, A., Pilo, M. I., Piu, P.C., Scanu, R., Tapparo, A., Sanna, G. (2006). An RP-HPLC determination of 5- hydroxymethylfurfural in honey: The case of strawberry tree honey, Talanta Volume 68, Issue 4, 15, Pages 1390–1395.
- Tosi, E., Ciappini, M., Re, E., Lucero, H. (2002). Honey thermal treatment effects on hydroxymethylfurfural content. Food Chem. 77, 71–74.
- Turhan, I., Tetik, N., Karhan, M., Gürel, F., Tavukçuoğlu, H.R. (2008). Quality of honeys influenced by thermal treatment. Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. LWT 41: 1396-1399.
- Wang, X.H., Gheldof, N., Engeseth, N.J. (2004). Effect of processing and storage on antioxidant capacity of honey. J. Food Sci., 69:96–101.
- White, J. W. (1978). Honey. Advances in Food Research, 24: 287–374.
- Yılmaz, H., Küfrevioğlu, İ. (2001). Composition of Honeys Collected from Eastern and South-Eastern Anatolia and Effect of Storage on Hydroxymethylfurfural Content and Diastase Activity. Turk J Agric For., 25:347-349.
- Zappala, M., Fallico, B., Arena. E., Verzera. A. (2005). Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: a comparison. Food Control., 16. 273–277.