Research Article
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The Relationship between Depression, Anxiety and Physical Activity Level among Secondary School Students

Year 2015, Volume: 2015 Issue: 4, 58 - 67, 30.04.2015


The purpose of the present research is studying the relationship between depression, anxiety and physical activity among young individuals who study at secondary schools. On voluntary basis, 226 male and 137 female; a total of 363 students between the ages 13-19 (average 15,44±1,25) participated in the research. The data related to physical activity variable were collected with “IPAQ Long Form – International Physical Activity Questionnaire; data related to Depression variable were collected with “Beck Depression Inventory”, and data related to Anxiety variable were collected with “Beck Anxiety Inventory”. Statistical analyses revealed that 63.3% of male students, and 75.1% of female students were not physically active or didn’t have adequate physical activity levels; and physical activity level of male students were significantly higher than female students (Independent Sample T-test; p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences across genders in terms of Anxiety and Depression scores (Independent Sample T-test; p<0.05), and physical activity classification (One Way ANOVA; p>0.05). Additionally, there were no statistically significant correlations between anxiety, depression and physical activity (Pearson Correlation; p>0.05). Consequently, we can claim that physical activity level is quite low among secondary school students. However, depression and anxiety aren’t affected from physical activity level.


  • Akandere M, Bastug G, Kumartaslı M. (2013). Investıgatıon of depressıv esymptomsın chıldren dependıng on exercıse. International Journal of AcademicResearch. 5 (4),236-240.
  • Aşkın R. (1999). Depresyon el kitabı. 2. baskı. Konya: Roche.
  • Bacanlı H. (2006). Gelişim ve öğrenme.12. Baskı. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Bursnall P. (2014). There lationship between physical activity and depressiv esymptoms in adolescents: a systematicreview. World views Evid Based Nurs. 2014 Dec;11(6):376-82.
  • Cao H, Qian Q, Weng T, Yuan C, Sun Y, Wang H, Tao F. (2011). Screen time, physical activity and mental health among urban adolescents in China. PrevMed. 2011 Oct;53(4-5):316-20.
  • Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjöström M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth BE, Pratt M, Ekelund U, Yngve A, Sallis JF, Oja P. (2003). International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-Country ReliabilityandValidity. Medicine Science and Sports Exercise. 35: 1381–95.
  • Dehghan M, Akhtar-Danesh, N, Merchant AT. (2005). Child hood obesity, prevalence and
  • prevention. NutritionJournal, 4, 24-32.
  • Faigenbaum AD. (2000). Strength training for children and adolescents. Clin Sports Med, 19, 593-619.
  • Guberman C, Manassis, K. (2011). Sympt omatologyand family functioning in children and adolescent swith comorbida nxiety and depression. J Can Acad, Child AdolescPsychiatry. 20(3), 186–195.
  • Hisli N. (1989). Beck Depresyon Envanterinin Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Geçerliği ve Güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi, 7 (23) ; 3-13.
  • Kashani JH, Carlson GA, Beck N. (1987). Depression, depressiv esymptoms and depressive moodamong a comunity sample of adolescents. Am J Psychiatry, 144:931-934.
  • Koruç Z. Perican B. (2004). Egzersizin depresyon tedavisindeki yeri ve etkileri. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (1),49-64.
  • Lundy SM. Silva GE, Kaemingk KL, Goodwin JL, Quan SF (2010). Cognitive functioning and academic performance in elementary school children with anxious / depressed and with drawn symptoms. Open Pediat,Med J. 4,1–9.
  • Martinsen EW. (2008). Physica lactivity in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression
  • Melnyk BM, Jacobson D, Kelly S, O’haver J, Small L, Mays MZ. (2009). İmproning the mental jealt helty life styl choice and physical healt of hispanic adolescent: A randomized controlled pilot study. Journal Of School Health. 9, 575-584. Nord J Psychiatry. 62, (47), 25–29.
  • Modrzejewska R, Bomba J. (2009). A comparative study on adolescent depression in the general population of junior high school adolescents in a bigcity. Archivesof Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 11 ( 4), 31-35.
  • Neal DR. (2005). Treatment of depression in children and adolescents.Lancet. 366(9489), 33–40.
  • Öztürk M. (2005) Üniversitede eğitim-öğretim gören öğrencilerde Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketinin geçerliliği ve güvenirliği ve fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Öztürk O. (2002). Ruh sağlığı ve bozuklukları (9.baskı). Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri.
  • Paluska S, Schwenk T. (2000). Physical activity and mental health. Sports Medicine, 29, 167-180.
  • Penedo FJ, Dahn JR. (2005). Exerciseandwell-being: A review of mental and physical health benefit sassociated with physical activity. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18, 189-193.
  • Prasad A, St-Hilaire S, Wong Maria M, Peterson T, Loftin J. (2009). Physical activity and depressiv esymptoms in rural adolescents. North American Journal of Psychology. 11 ( 1),173-187.
  • Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin E, Brunet J, Chaiton ,Low, N. Barnett, T. O'Loughlin, J. (2013). Linking depression symptomtrajectories in adolescen cetophysical activity and team sports parti cipation in young adults. Preventive Medicine, 56 ( 2), 95-98.
  • Strohle A. (2009). Physical activity, exercise, depressionand anxiety disorders. J Neural Transm.116(6),777–784.
  • Tao FB, Xu ML, Kim SD, Sun Y, Su PY, Huang K. (2007). Physical activity might not be the protective factor for health risk behavi our sandpsychopathological symptoms in adolescents. J Paediatr Child Health. Nov;43(11):762-7.
  • Tyson P, Wilson K, Crone D, Brailsford R, Laws K. (2010). Physical activity and menta lhealth in a studen tpopulation. Journal of MentalHealth. 19 (6), 492- 499.
  • Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H.(1998). Turkish version of the BeckAnxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J CognPsychother. 12: 163-72
  • Uzbay İT. (2002). Anksiyetenin nörobiyolojisi. Klinik Psikiyatri, 1, 5-13.
  • Van de Loo DA, Johnson MD. ( 1995). The youngfemale athlete. Clin Sports Med, 14, 687-707.
  • Yeung RR. (1996). Theacuteeffects of exercise on moodstate. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 40, 123-141.
  • Yüksel N. (2001). Ruhsal hastalıklar, 2. Baskı. Ankara: Çizgi Tıp Yayınevi.

Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinde Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyi ile Depresyon ve Anksiyete İlişkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 2015 Issue: 4, 58 - 67, 30.04.2015


Bu araştırmanın amacı ortaöğretim okullarında öğrenim gören gençlerin fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ile depresyon ve anksiyete ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya gönüllü ve 13-19 yaşları arasında, yaş ortalaması 15,44±1,25 olan 226 erkek ve 137 kız öğrenci olmak üzere toplamda 363 kişi katılmıştır. Araştırmanın fiziksel aktivite değişkeniyle ilgili veriler “Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi Uzun Formu (UFAA Uzun Form - International Physical Activity Questionnaire)” ile Depresyon değişkeni ile ilgili veriler “Beck Depresyon Envanteri” ile ve anksiyete değişkeniyle ilgili veriler de “Beck Anksiyete Envanteri” ile toplanmıştır. Yapılan istatiksel analizler sonucunda erkek öğrencilerin %63,3’ün, kız öğrencilerinde %75,1’in aktif olmadığı veya yetersiz aktivite düzeyine sahip olduğu ve erkek öğrencilerin fiziksel aktivite düzeyinin kız öğrencilerden anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur (Bağımsız T-testi; p<0,05). Anksiyete ve Depresyon puanları arasında cinsiyetler acısından (Bağımsız T-testi; p>0,05) ve fiziksel aktivite sınıflaması açısından (Tek Yönlü ANOVA; p>0,05) anlamlı bir fark yoktur. Ayrıca fiziksel aktivite ile depresyon ve anksiyete arasındada anlamlı bir ilişki (Pearson korelasyon; p>0,05) bulunamamıştır. Sonuç olarak orta öğretim öğrencilerinde fiziksel aktivite düzeyinin oldukça düşük olmasına rağmen depresyon ve anksiyetenin bundan etkilenmediği söylenebilir.


  • Akandere M, Bastug G, Kumartaslı M. (2013). Investıgatıon of depressıv esymptomsın chıldren dependıng on exercıse. International Journal of AcademicResearch. 5 (4),236-240.
  • Aşkın R. (1999). Depresyon el kitabı. 2. baskı. Konya: Roche.
  • Bacanlı H. (2006). Gelişim ve öğrenme.12. Baskı. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Bursnall P. (2014). There lationship between physical activity and depressiv esymptoms in adolescents: a systematicreview. World views Evid Based Nurs. 2014 Dec;11(6):376-82.
  • Cao H, Qian Q, Weng T, Yuan C, Sun Y, Wang H, Tao F. (2011). Screen time, physical activity and mental health among urban adolescents in China. PrevMed. 2011 Oct;53(4-5):316-20.
  • Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjöström M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth BE, Pratt M, Ekelund U, Yngve A, Sallis JF, Oja P. (2003). International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-Country ReliabilityandValidity. Medicine Science and Sports Exercise. 35: 1381–95.
  • Dehghan M, Akhtar-Danesh, N, Merchant AT. (2005). Child hood obesity, prevalence and
  • prevention. NutritionJournal, 4, 24-32.
  • Faigenbaum AD. (2000). Strength training for children and adolescents. Clin Sports Med, 19, 593-619.
  • Guberman C, Manassis, K. (2011). Sympt omatologyand family functioning in children and adolescent swith comorbida nxiety and depression. J Can Acad, Child AdolescPsychiatry. 20(3), 186–195.
  • Hisli N. (1989). Beck Depresyon Envanterinin Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Geçerliği ve Güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi, 7 (23) ; 3-13.
  • Kashani JH, Carlson GA, Beck N. (1987). Depression, depressiv esymptoms and depressive moodamong a comunity sample of adolescents. Am J Psychiatry, 144:931-934.
  • Koruç Z. Perican B. (2004). Egzersizin depresyon tedavisindeki yeri ve etkileri. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15 (1),49-64.
  • Lundy SM. Silva GE, Kaemingk KL, Goodwin JL, Quan SF (2010). Cognitive functioning and academic performance in elementary school children with anxious / depressed and with drawn symptoms. Open Pediat,Med J. 4,1–9.
  • Martinsen EW. (2008). Physica lactivity in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression
  • Melnyk BM, Jacobson D, Kelly S, O’haver J, Small L, Mays MZ. (2009). İmproning the mental jealt helty life styl choice and physical healt of hispanic adolescent: A randomized controlled pilot study. Journal Of School Health. 9, 575-584. Nord J Psychiatry. 62, (47), 25–29.
  • Modrzejewska R, Bomba J. (2009). A comparative study on adolescent depression in the general population of junior high school adolescents in a bigcity. Archivesof Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 11 ( 4), 31-35.
  • Neal DR. (2005). Treatment of depression in children and adolescents.Lancet. 366(9489), 33–40.
  • Öztürk M. (2005) Üniversitede eğitim-öğretim gören öğrencilerde Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketinin geçerliliği ve güvenirliği ve fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Öztürk O. (2002). Ruh sağlığı ve bozuklukları (9.baskı). Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri.
  • Paluska S, Schwenk T. (2000). Physical activity and mental health. Sports Medicine, 29, 167-180.
  • Penedo FJ, Dahn JR. (2005). Exerciseandwell-being: A review of mental and physical health benefit sassociated with physical activity. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18, 189-193.
  • Prasad A, St-Hilaire S, Wong Maria M, Peterson T, Loftin J. (2009). Physical activity and depressiv esymptoms in rural adolescents. North American Journal of Psychology. 11 ( 1),173-187.
  • Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin E, Brunet J, Chaiton ,Low, N. Barnett, T. O'Loughlin, J. (2013). Linking depression symptomtrajectories in adolescen cetophysical activity and team sports parti cipation in young adults. Preventive Medicine, 56 ( 2), 95-98.
  • Strohle A. (2009). Physical activity, exercise, depressionand anxiety disorders. J Neural Transm.116(6),777–784.
  • Tao FB, Xu ML, Kim SD, Sun Y, Su PY, Huang K. (2007). Physical activity might not be the protective factor for health risk behavi our sandpsychopathological symptoms in adolescents. J Paediatr Child Health. Nov;43(11):762-7.
  • Tyson P, Wilson K, Crone D, Brailsford R, Laws K. (2010). Physical activity and menta lhealth in a studen tpopulation. Journal of MentalHealth. 19 (6), 492- 499.
  • Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H.(1998). Turkish version of the BeckAnxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J CognPsychother. 12: 163-72
  • Uzbay İT. (2002). Anksiyetenin nörobiyolojisi. Klinik Psikiyatri, 1, 5-13.
  • Van de Loo DA, Johnson MD. ( 1995). The youngfemale athlete. Clin Sports Med, 14, 687-707.
  • Yeung RR. (1996). Theacuteeffects of exercise on moodstate. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 40, 123-141.
  • Yüksel N. (2001). Ruhsal hastalıklar, 2. Baskı. Ankara: Çizgi Tıp Yayınevi.
There are 32 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Burçin Ölçücü This is me

Şerife Vatansever This is me

Gülsen Özcan

Yakup Paktaş This is me

Akın Çelik

Publication Date April 30, 2015
Submission Date March 28, 2015
Acceptance Date April 3, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2015 Issue: 4


APA Ölçücü, B., Vatansever, Ş., Özcan, G., Paktaş, Y., et al. (2015). The Relationship between Depression, Anxiety and Physical Activity Level among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Turkish Education Sciences, 2015(4), 58-67.