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Sıva türünün tarihi camilerin özgün akustik karakterlerinin korunmasına etkileri

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 309 - 340, 30.01.2023


Çalışma, tarih boyunca camilerin malzeme özelliklerinin değişimi ve algılanan akustik çevre üzerindeki etkilerine odaklanarak Batı Anadolu’daki iki tarihi caminin akustik özelliklerine katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Tarihi camilerin özgün işitsel ortamlarının korunması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çünkü ibadethanenin akustik algısı, kullanıcıları görsel algıları kadar etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, camilerin mevcut ve özgün akustik ortamlarını karşılaştırmak amacıyla benzer hacim boyutlarında, farklı kubbe kombinasyonlarına sahip iki tarihi camide saha ölçümleri ve akustik simülasyonlar yapılmıştır. Nesnel akustik parametreler olarak T30 (yansışım süresi), EDT ve STI değerleri, camilerin restorasyon çalışmalarında uygulanan sıvaların özelliklerinin değişimine odaklanılarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın her iki durumu için de özgün harçların ortamı farklılaştırılabileceği ve ilk yapıldıkları zaman ortamın kulağa çok farklı gelebileceği tespit edilmiştir. Anadolu'nun bu kadar önemli tarihi eserlerinin akustik belgeleme çalışmaları, arkeoakustik ve tarihi koruma alanlarına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bununla birlikte, çalışma malzeme özelliklerinin değişimine odaklanmıştır. Makalenin bulguları “mevcut akustik karakterini ölçerek tarihi bir mekânın malzemelerinin özgünlüğü hakkında yorum yapmak mümkün müdür?” sorusunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • 3382-1, T. E. I., (2010). Akustik- Odaların akustik parametrelerinin ölçülmesi, Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Standartları Enstitüsü.
  • Abdelazeez, M. K., Hammad, R. and Mustafa, A., (1991). Acoustics of King Abdullah Mosque. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90(3), pp. 1441-1445.
  • Abdou, A., (2003). Measurement of acoustical characteristics of mosques in Saudi Arabia. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(3), pp. 1505-1517.
  • Acun, H., (1999). Manisa’da Türk Devri Yapıları. Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Alberdi, E., Galindo, M. and León-Rodríguez, Á. L., (2021). Evolutionary analysis of the acoustics of the Baroque Church of San Luis de los Franceses. Applied Sciences, Cilt 11, p. 1402.
  • Aslanoğlu, İ., (1978). Tire’de Camiler ve Üç Mescit (Mosques in Tire). Ankara, Türkiye: ODTU Mimarlik Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Blevins, M. G., Buck, A. T., Peng, Z., Wang, L. M. (2013). Quantifying the just noticeable difference of reverberation time with band-limited noise centered around 1000 Hz using a transformed up-down adaptive method. Toronto; Canada, International Symposium on Room Acoustics.
  • Bozkurt, T. S. and Demirkale, S. Y., (2019). Laboratory analyses and numerical simulation for sound absorption of plasters in historical buildings. Journal of Cultural Heritage, Cilt 36, pp. 103-117.
  • CAHRISMA, (1999). Conservation of the Acoustical Heritage by the Revival and Identification of Sinan’s Mosques’ Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey: Yıldız Technical University.
  • Carvalho, A. and Monterio, C. G., (2009). Comparison of the acoustics of mosques and catholic churches. Krakow, The Sixteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Committee, t. I., (2012). UNESCO ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage). Available at:
  • Dordevic, Z., Novkovic, D. and Andric, U., (2019). Archaeoacoustic examination of Lazarica Church. Acoustics, Cilt 1, pp. 423-438.
  • Drury, P. and McPherson, A., (2008). Conservation principles policies and guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment, London: English Heritage.
  • Eldien, H. H. and Qahtani, H. A., (2012). The Acoustical Performance of Mosque Main Prayer Hall Geometry in the Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia, Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference.
  • Elkhateeb, A., Adas, A., Attia, M. and Balila, Y., (2015). The Acoustics of Masjids, Why They Differ from the Classical Speech Rooms. Florence, Italy, 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Elkhateeb, A. and Ismail, M., (2007). Sounds from the past the acoustics of Sultan Hassan Mosque and Madrasa. Building Acoustics, 14(2), pp. 109-132.
  • Erdoğan, C. Ü., (2006). Manisa Cami ve Mescitlerinin Cephe Düzeni. İzmir, Türkiye: Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk İslam Sanatı Anabilim Dalı.
  • Ergin, N., (2008). The soundscape of sixteenth-century Istanbul mosques: Architecture and Qur’an recital. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 67(2), pp. 204-221.
  • Ergin, N., (2016). Mekân/Yazı/Ses: Osmanlı’da Kadınların Cami Hamiliğine İlişkin Bir İnceleme. %1 içindeC. Katipoğlu, dü. Mekânlar/Zamanlar/İnsanlar: Hamilik ve Mimarlık Tarihi. Ankara, Türkiye: Middle East Technical University Press.
  • Ersen, A., Gürdal, E., Güleç, A., Alkan, N., Ersan, H.Ö., M. Eruş, M., Çağıran, E., Baykır, M. and Akıncı, G., (2013). Geleneksel harçlar ve koruma harçları, restorasyon ve konservasyon calışmaları (A traditional mortar and mortars protecting plaster report), İstanbul, Türkiye: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
  • Grabar, O., (1983). Symbols and Signs in Islamic Architecture. %1 içindeR. Holod, dü. In Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic World Today. New York, USA: Millerton.
  • Hamadah, H. A. and Hamouda, H. M., (1998). Assessment of speech in large auditoria case study: Kuwait State Mosque. Applied Acoustics, 54(4), pp. 273-289.
  • İpekçi, E., Sağın, E. U. and Böke, H., (2019). Interior plastering of Ottoman bath buildings. Case Studies in Construction Materials, Cilt 11.
  • Ismail, M. R., (2013). A parametric investigation of the acoustical performance of contemporary mosques. Frontiers of Architectural Research, Cilt 2, pp. 30-41.
  • Karabiber, Z., (2000). A New Approach to An Ancient Subject: Cahrisma Project. Garmisch-Partekirchen, 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Karabiber, Z. and Erdoğan, S., (2002). Comparison of The Acoustical Properties of An Ancient and A Recent Mosque. Seville, Spain, Forum Acusticum; Spanish Acoustical Society (SEA).
  • Kayılı, M., (1988). Mimar Sinan’ın Camilerindeki Akustik Verilerin Değerlendirilmesi. %1 içindeMimarbaşı Koca Sinan: Yaşadığı Çağ ve Eserleri. İstanbul, Türkiye: T.C. Başbakanlık Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, pp. 545-555.
  • Kitapçı, K. and Çelik Başok, G., (2021). The acoustic characterization of worship ambiance and speech intelligibility in wooden hypostyle structures: The case of the Aslanhane Mosque.. Acoustics Australia, Cilt 49, pp. 425-440.
  • Kleiner, M., Klepper, D. L. and Torres, R. R., (2010). Worship Space Acoustics. FL, USA: J.Ross Publising.
  • Kolay, İ. A., (2016). Osmanlı Dönemi İnşaat Belgelerine Göre Anıtsal Yapılarda Örtü ve Duvar Sistemleri. İstanbul, Türkiye, 8. Çatı ve Cephe Sempozyumu.
  • Koutsouris, G., Norgaard, A. K., Christensen, C. L. and Rindel, J. H., (2016). Discretisation of Curved Surfaces and Choice of Simulation Parameters in Acoustic Modeling of Religious Spaces. Greece, The 23rd International Congress on Sound & Vibration.
  • Kuttruff, H., (2009). Room acoustics. Oxon: Spon Press.
  • Long, M., (2014). Architectural acousticsUSA. USA: Elsevier Academic Press,.
  • Odabaş, E., Sü Gül, Z. and Çalışkan , M., (2011). Doğramacızade Ali Paşa Camii’nin Akustik Ölçümlerle Değerlendirilmesi. Ankara, Türkiye, 9. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi.
  • Omar, N. M., Al-Sayad, Z. M., Maarouf, I. S. and Al-Hagla, K. S., (2020). The documentation of archaeoacoustics identity of Sultan-Barquq complex. Alexandria Engineering Journal, Cilt 59, pp. 4159-4169.
  • Orfali, W. A., (2007). Sound Parameters in Mosques. Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 153rd Meeting of Acoustical Society of America.
  • Postma, B. N. J. and Katz, B. F. G., (2015). Creation and calibration method of acoustical models for historic virtual reality auralizations. Virtual Reality, Cilt 19, pp. 161-180.
  • Prodi, N. and Marsilo, M., (2003). On the effect of domed ceiling in worship spaces: A scale model study of a mosque. Building Acoustics, 10(2), pp. 117-133.
  • Rindel, J. H., (2001). The use of computer modelling in room acoustics. Journal of Vibroengineering, 3(4), pp. 219-224.
  • Suarez, R., Alonso, A. and Sendra, J. J., (2015). Intangible cultural heritage: The sound of the romanesque cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Journal of Cultural Heritage, Cilt 16, pp. 239-243.
  • Suárez, R., Alonso, A. and Sendra, J. J., (2018). Virtual acoustic environment reconstruction of the hypostyle mosque of Cordoba. Applied Acoustics, Cilt 140, pp. 214-224.
  • Suarez, R., Sendra, J. J., Navarro, J. and Leon- Rodriguez, A. L., (2004). The acoustics of the cathedral-mosque of Córdoba. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(2), pp. 362-375.
  • Sü Gül , Z. and Çalışkan, M., (2013). Impact of design decisions on acoustical comfort parameters: Case study of Doğramacızade Ali Paşa Mosque. Applied Acoustics, Cilt 74, pp. 834- 844.
  • Sü Gül, Z., (2019). Acoustical impact of architectonics and material features in the lifespan of two monumental sacred structures. Acoustics , 1(3), pp. 493-516.
  • Sü Gül, Z. and Çalışkan, M., (2013). Acoustical Design of Turkish Religious Affairs Mosque. Montreal, Acoustical Society of America.
  • Sü Gül, Z., Çalışkan, M. and Tavukçuoğlu, A., (2014). Geçmişten günümüze Süleymaniye Camii akustiği. Megaron, Cilt 9, p. 201–216.
  • Sü, Z. and Yılmazer, S., (2008). The acoustical characteristics of the Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara, Turkey. Architectural Science Review, Cilt 51, pp. 21-30.
  • Tanaç Zeren, M., Yelkenci Sert, F. and Yılmaz Karaman, Ö., (2016). The acoustic character of space as intangible cultural heritage: example of sephardic synagogues in İzmir. Yapı, Issue 418, pp. 132-139.
  • Tavukçuoğlu, A., Aydın, A. and Çalıskan, M., (2011). Tarihi Türk Hamamlarının Akustik Nitelikleri: Özgün Hali ve Bugünkü Durumu. Ankara, Türkiye, TAKDER 9th National Congress.
  • Topaktaş, L., (2003). Acoustical Properties of Classical Ottoman Mosques Simulation and Measurements. Ankara, Türkiye: The Graduate School of Applied and Natural Science of Middle East Technical University.
  • Utami , S. S., (2005). An acoustical analysis of domes coupled to rooms, with special application to the Darusshol Mosque. Salt Lake City, USA: Brigham Young University.
  • Wetiz, C. A., Claus, L. C. and Rindel, J. H., (2002). Comparison Between In-situ Recordings and Auralizations for Mosques and Byzantine Churches. Lyngby, Denmark, Joint Baltic-Nordic Acoustical Meeting.
  • Yelkenci Sert, F. and Yılmaz Karaman, Ö., (2021). An investigation on the effects of architectural features on the acoustical environment of historical mosques. Acoustics, 3(3), pp. 559-580.
  • Yelkenci Sert, F. (2021). Ege Bölgesindeki Tarihi Camilerde Farkli Mekansal Kurgulara Bağli Akustik Koşullarin Analizi. İzmir, Türkiye: Dokuz Eylül University.

Effects of plaster choice on conservation of the original acoustical character of historical mosques

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 309 - 340, 30.01.2023


The study aims to contribute acoustic characteristics of two monumental mosques in Western Anatolia: focusing on the change of material properties of the prayer hall and its effects on the perceived acoustical environment during history. Preserving the authentic auditory environments of historical mosques has great importance. Because the acoustical perception of the prayer hall affects users as much as their visual perception. Field measurements and acoustical simulations were held in two historical mosques with similar room volumes but different dome combinations to compare the present and probable original acoustical environments. The values of T30, EDT and STI are investigated by focusing on the change of plaster properties during restoration works. It is found that the original mortars could be differentiated for both cases and they might sound very different when the time they were first built. Acoustic documentation of such important historical monuments of Anatolia is quite a good contribution to the field of archaeoacoustics and historical conservation. However, the study focused on the change of material properties. The findings of the paper can raise the question; of whether it is possible to comment on the originality of materials of a historical space by measuring its current acoustical character.


  • 3382-1, T. E. I., (2010). Akustik- Odaların akustik parametrelerinin ölçülmesi, Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Standartları Enstitüsü.
  • Abdelazeez, M. K., Hammad, R. and Mustafa, A., (1991). Acoustics of King Abdullah Mosque. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90(3), pp. 1441-1445.
  • Abdou, A., (2003). Measurement of acoustical characteristics of mosques in Saudi Arabia. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(3), pp. 1505-1517.
  • Acun, H., (1999). Manisa’da Türk Devri Yapıları. Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Alberdi, E., Galindo, M. and León-Rodríguez, Á. L., (2021). Evolutionary analysis of the acoustics of the Baroque Church of San Luis de los Franceses. Applied Sciences, Cilt 11, p. 1402.
  • Aslanoğlu, İ., (1978). Tire’de Camiler ve Üç Mescit (Mosques in Tire). Ankara, Türkiye: ODTU Mimarlik Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Blevins, M. G., Buck, A. T., Peng, Z., Wang, L. M. (2013). Quantifying the just noticeable difference of reverberation time with band-limited noise centered around 1000 Hz using a transformed up-down adaptive method. Toronto; Canada, International Symposium on Room Acoustics.
  • Bozkurt, T. S. and Demirkale, S. Y., (2019). Laboratory analyses and numerical simulation for sound absorption of plasters in historical buildings. Journal of Cultural Heritage, Cilt 36, pp. 103-117.
  • CAHRISMA, (1999). Conservation of the Acoustical Heritage by the Revival and Identification of Sinan’s Mosques’ Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey: Yıldız Technical University.
  • Carvalho, A. and Monterio, C. G., (2009). Comparison of the acoustics of mosques and catholic churches. Krakow, The Sixteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Committee, t. I., (2012). UNESCO ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage). Available at:
  • Dordevic, Z., Novkovic, D. and Andric, U., (2019). Archaeoacoustic examination of Lazarica Church. Acoustics, Cilt 1, pp. 423-438.
  • Drury, P. and McPherson, A., (2008). Conservation principles policies and guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment, London: English Heritage.
  • Eldien, H. H. and Qahtani, H. A., (2012). The Acoustical Performance of Mosque Main Prayer Hall Geometry in the Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia, Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference.
  • Elkhateeb, A., Adas, A., Attia, M. and Balila, Y., (2015). The Acoustics of Masjids, Why They Differ from the Classical Speech Rooms. Florence, Italy, 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Elkhateeb, A. and Ismail, M., (2007). Sounds from the past the acoustics of Sultan Hassan Mosque and Madrasa. Building Acoustics, 14(2), pp. 109-132.
  • Erdoğan, C. Ü., (2006). Manisa Cami ve Mescitlerinin Cephe Düzeni. İzmir, Türkiye: Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk İslam Sanatı Anabilim Dalı.
  • Ergin, N., (2008). The soundscape of sixteenth-century Istanbul mosques: Architecture and Qur’an recital. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 67(2), pp. 204-221.
  • Ergin, N., (2016). Mekân/Yazı/Ses: Osmanlı’da Kadınların Cami Hamiliğine İlişkin Bir İnceleme. %1 içindeC. Katipoğlu, dü. Mekânlar/Zamanlar/İnsanlar: Hamilik ve Mimarlık Tarihi. Ankara, Türkiye: Middle East Technical University Press.
  • Ersen, A., Gürdal, E., Güleç, A., Alkan, N., Ersan, H.Ö., M. Eruş, M., Çağıran, E., Baykır, M. and Akıncı, G., (2013). Geleneksel harçlar ve koruma harçları, restorasyon ve konservasyon calışmaları (A traditional mortar and mortars protecting plaster report), İstanbul, Türkiye: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
  • Grabar, O., (1983). Symbols and Signs in Islamic Architecture. %1 içindeR. Holod, dü. In Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic World Today. New York, USA: Millerton.
  • Hamadah, H. A. and Hamouda, H. M., (1998). Assessment of speech in large auditoria case study: Kuwait State Mosque. Applied Acoustics, 54(4), pp. 273-289.
  • İpekçi, E., Sağın, E. U. and Böke, H., (2019). Interior plastering of Ottoman bath buildings. Case Studies in Construction Materials, Cilt 11.
  • Ismail, M. R., (2013). A parametric investigation of the acoustical performance of contemporary mosques. Frontiers of Architectural Research, Cilt 2, pp. 30-41.
  • Karabiber, Z., (2000). A New Approach to An Ancient Subject: Cahrisma Project. Garmisch-Partekirchen, 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
  • Karabiber, Z. and Erdoğan, S., (2002). Comparison of The Acoustical Properties of An Ancient and A Recent Mosque. Seville, Spain, Forum Acusticum; Spanish Acoustical Society (SEA).
  • Kayılı, M., (1988). Mimar Sinan’ın Camilerindeki Akustik Verilerin Değerlendirilmesi. %1 içindeMimarbaşı Koca Sinan: Yaşadığı Çağ ve Eserleri. İstanbul, Türkiye: T.C. Başbakanlık Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, pp. 545-555.
  • Kitapçı, K. and Çelik Başok, G., (2021). The acoustic characterization of worship ambiance and speech intelligibility in wooden hypostyle structures: The case of the Aslanhane Mosque.. Acoustics Australia, Cilt 49, pp. 425-440.
  • Kleiner, M., Klepper, D. L. and Torres, R. R., (2010). Worship Space Acoustics. FL, USA: J.Ross Publising.
  • Kolay, İ. A., (2016). Osmanlı Dönemi İnşaat Belgelerine Göre Anıtsal Yapılarda Örtü ve Duvar Sistemleri. İstanbul, Türkiye, 8. Çatı ve Cephe Sempozyumu.
  • Koutsouris, G., Norgaard, A. K., Christensen, C. L. and Rindel, J. H., (2016). Discretisation of Curved Surfaces and Choice of Simulation Parameters in Acoustic Modeling of Religious Spaces. Greece, The 23rd International Congress on Sound & Vibration.
  • Kuttruff, H., (2009). Room acoustics. Oxon: Spon Press.
  • Long, M., (2014). Architectural acousticsUSA. USA: Elsevier Academic Press,.
  • Odabaş, E., Sü Gül, Z. and Çalışkan , M., (2011). Doğramacızade Ali Paşa Camii’nin Akustik Ölçümlerle Değerlendirilmesi. Ankara, Türkiye, 9. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi.
  • Omar, N. M., Al-Sayad, Z. M., Maarouf, I. S. and Al-Hagla, K. S., (2020). The documentation of archaeoacoustics identity of Sultan-Barquq complex. Alexandria Engineering Journal, Cilt 59, pp. 4159-4169.
  • Orfali, W. A., (2007). Sound Parameters in Mosques. Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 153rd Meeting of Acoustical Society of America.
  • Postma, B. N. J. and Katz, B. F. G., (2015). Creation and calibration method of acoustical models for historic virtual reality auralizations. Virtual Reality, Cilt 19, pp. 161-180.
  • Prodi, N. and Marsilo, M., (2003). On the effect of domed ceiling in worship spaces: A scale model study of a mosque. Building Acoustics, 10(2), pp. 117-133.
  • Rindel, J. H., (2001). The use of computer modelling in room acoustics. Journal of Vibroengineering, 3(4), pp. 219-224.
  • Suarez, R., Alonso, A. and Sendra, J. J., (2015). Intangible cultural heritage: The sound of the romanesque cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Journal of Cultural Heritage, Cilt 16, pp. 239-243.
  • Suárez, R., Alonso, A. and Sendra, J. J., (2018). Virtual acoustic environment reconstruction of the hypostyle mosque of Cordoba. Applied Acoustics, Cilt 140, pp. 214-224.
  • Suarez, R., Sendra, J. J., Navarro, J. and Leon- Rodriguez, A. L., (2004). The acoustics of the cathedral-mosque of Córdoba. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(2), pp. 362-375.
  • Sü Gül , Z. and Çalışkan, M., (2013). Impact of design decisions on acoustical comfort parameters: Case study of Doğramacızade Ali Paşa Mosque. Applied Acoustics, Cilt 74, pp. 834- 844.
  • Sü Gül, Z., (2019). Acoustical impact of architectonics and material features in the lifespan of two monumental sacred structures. Acoustics , 1(3), pp. 493-516.
  • Sü Gül, Z. and Çalışkan, M., (2013). Acoustical Design of Turkish Religious Affairs Mosque. Montreal, Acoustical Society of America.
  • Sü Gül, Z., Çalışkan, M. and Tavukçuoğlu, A., (2014). Geçmişten günümüze Süleymaniye Camii akustiği. Megaron, Cilt 9, p. 201–216.
  • Sü, Z. and Yılmazer, S., (2008). The acoustical characteristics of the Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara, Turkey. Architectural Science Review, Cilt 51, pp. 21-30.
  • Tanaç Zeren, M., Yelkenci Sert, F. and Yılmaz Karaman, Ö., (2016). The acoustic character of space as intangible cultural heritage: example of sephardic synagogues in İzmir. Yapı, Issue 418, pp. 132-139.
  • Tavukçuoğlu, A., Aydın, A. and Çalıskan, M., (2011). Tarihi Türk Hamamlarının Akustik Nitelikleri: Özgün Hali ve Bugünkü Durumu. Ankara, Türkiye, TAKDER 9th National Congress.
  • Topaktaş, L., (2003). Acoustical Properties of Classical Ottoman Mosques Simulation and Measurements. Ankara, Türkiye: The Graduate School of Applied and Natural Science of Middle East Technical University.
  • Utami , S. S., (2005). An acoustical analysis of domes coupled to rooms, with special application to the Darusshol Mosque. Salt Lake City, USA: Brigham Young University.
  • Wetiz, C. A., Claus, L. C. and Rindel, J. H., (2002). Comparison Between In-situ Recordings and Auralizations for Mosques and Byzantine Churches. Lyngby, Denmark, Joint Baltic-Nordic Acoustical Meeting.
  • Yelkenci Sert, F. and Yılmaz Karaman, Ö., (2021). An investigation on the effects of architectural features on the acoustical environment of historical mosques. Acoustics, 3(3), pp. 559-580.
  • Yelkenci Sert, F. (2021). Ege Bölgesindeki Tarihi Camilerde Farkli Mekansal Kurgulara Bağli Akustik Koşullarin Analizi. İzmir, Türkiye: Dokuz Eylül University.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatma Yelkenci Sert 0000-0001-7683-7163

Özgül Yılmaz Karaman 0000-0002-9083-0766

Publication Date January 30, 2023
Submission Date May 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Yelkenci Sert, F., & Yılmaz Karaman, Ö. (2023). Effects of plaster choice on conservation of the original acoustical character of historical mosques. GRID - Architecture Planning and Design Journal, 6(1), 309-340.