The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques in The Domain of Ergonomics: A Literature Review
Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 237 - 265, 01.03.2025
Aylin Adem
Uğur Atıcı
Mehmet Burak Şenol
Metin Dağdeviren
Ergonomics briefly aims to provide work and human harmony. In providing it, there are different kinds of problems need to be solved by various methods. To generate reasonable solutions for these problems the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques are utilized in the literature. A systematic review of literature was carried out at the intersection of ergonomics and MCDM to figure out the answers to the questions about how MCDM techniques are employed in ergonomics problems, on which subjects the application area is concentrated, which MCDM technique is frequently utilized. Electronic databases were investigated in the years between 2010 to 2024. It was determined that MCDM techniques are utilized to solve a wide range of ergonomic problems from design to ergonomic risk score calculation. It was specified that the AHP and TOPSIS techniques are frequently employed and the fuzzy extensions of these two methods are frequently preferred by the authors.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 237 - 265, 01.03.2025
Aylin Adem
Uğur Atıcı
Mehmet Burak Şenol
Metin Dağdeviren
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