Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 65 - 73, 01.03.2025
Berfin Vapor
Ekrem Tunca
Project Number
- [1] Meldrum, R.U., Roughton, F.J., “Carbonic anhydrase. Its preparation and properties”, The Journal of Physiology, 80: 113-142, (1933).
- [2] Krebs, H.A., Roughton, F.J., “Carbonic anhydrase as a tool in studying the mechanism of reactions involving H2CO3, CO2 or HCO3ˉ, Biochemical Journal, 43: 550-555, (1948).
- [3] Supuran, C.T., “Carbonic anhydrases: novel therapeutic applications for inhibitors and activators”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 7: 168-181, (2008).
- [4] Capasso, C., Supuran, C.T., “An overview of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carbonic anhydrases from Bacteria: can bacterial carbonic anhydrases shed new light on evolution of bacteria?”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 30: 325-332, (2015).
- [5] Bertucci, A., Moya, A., Tambutté, S., Allemand, D., Supuran, C.T., Zoccola, D., “Carbonic anhydrases in anthozoan corals – A review”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 21: 1437-1450, (2013).
- [6] Del Prete, S., Vullo, D., Fisher, G.M., Andrews, K.T., Poulsen, S.A., Capasso, C., Supuran, C.T., “Discovery of a new family of carbonic anhydrases in the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum – The η-carbonic anhydrases”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 24: 4389-4396, (2014).
- [7] Kikutani, S., Nakajima, K., Nagasato, J., Tsuji, Y., Miyatake, A., Matsuda, Y., “Thylakoid luminal theta-carbonic anhydrase critical for growth and photosynthesis in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornitum”, PNAS, 113: 9828-9833, (2016).
- [8] Nocentini, A., Supuran, C.T., Capasso, C., “An overview on the recently discovered iota-carbonic anhydrases”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 36: 1988-1995, (2021).
- [9] Supuran, C.T., “A simple yet multifaceted 90 years old, evergreen enzyme: Carbonic anhydrase, its inhibition and activation”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 93: 129411, (2023).
- [10] Aspatwar, A., Supuran, C.T., Waheed, A., Sly, W.S., Parkkila, S., “Mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase VA and VB: properties and roles in health and disease”, The Journal of Physiology, 601: 257-274, (2023).
- [11] Lynch, C.J., Fox, H., Hazen, S.A., Stanley, B.A., Dogson, S., Lanoue, K.F., “Role of hepatic carbonic anhydrase in de novo lipogenesis”, Biochemical Journal, 310: 197-202, (1995).
- [12] Alterio, V., Di Fiore, A., D’Ambrosio, K., Supuran, C.T., De Simone, G., “Multiple binding modes of inhibitors to carbonic anhydrases: How to design specific drugs targeting 15 different isoforms?”, Chemical Reviews, 112: 4421-4468, (2012).
- [13] Jang, B.G., Yun, S.M., Ahn, K., Song, J.H., Jo, S.A., Kim, Y.Y., Kim, D.K., Park, M.H., Han, C., Koh, Y.H., “Plasma carbonic anhydrase II protein is elevated in Alzheimer’s disease”, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 21: 939-945, (2010).
- [14] Sluch, I.M., Elliott, M.S., Dvorak, J., Ding, K., Farris, B.K., “Acetazolamide: A new treatment for visual vertigo”, Neuro-Ophthalmology, 41: 315-320, (2017).
- [15] Kaya, E.D., Erğun, B., Demir, Y., Alım, Z., Beydemir, Ş., “The in vitro impacts of some plant extracts on carbonic anhydrase I, II and paraoxonase-1”, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 47: 51-59, (2019).
- [16] Aydın, T., Yurtvermez, B., Şentürk, M., Kazaz, C., Çakır, A., “Inhibitory effects of metabolites isolated from Artemisia drancunculus L. against the human carbonic anhydrase I (hCA I) and II (hCA II)”, Records of Natural Products, 13: 216-225, (2019).
- [17] Sethi, K.K., Verma, S.M., Kumar, P.M., Mishra, R., Supuran, C.T., “Carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibition with natural products: Leucas cephalotes”, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1: 41-46, (2011).
- [18] Sethi, K.K., Suresh, P., Mondal, S., “Carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibition with natural products: Abrus precatorius”, Current Enzyme Inhibition, 7: 119-124, (2011).
- [19] Hazer, O., Akkbik, M., Güngör, K., “Simultaneous determination of the main organic acids in Anatolian black pine by HPLC with DAD detector”, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 11: 181-195, (2016).
- [20] Said, O., Aksut, Y., Yardimci, R.E., Karatas, S., Yigit, H., Tel, A.Z., Arda, N., “Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of methanol extracts from various plant parts of pomegranate and Anatolian black pine”, Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 5: 50-62, (2022).
- [21] Iglesias, J., Pazos, M., Lois, S., Medina, I., “Contribution of galloylation and polymerization to the antioxidant activity of polyphenols in fish lipid systems”, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 7423-7431, (2010).
- [22] Frontela-Saseta, C., Lopez-Nicolas, R., Gonzalez-Bermudez, C.A., Peso-Echarri, P., Ros-Berruezo, G., Martinez-Gracia, C., Virgili, F., “Evaluation of antioxidant activity and antiproliferative effect of fruit juices enriched with Pycnogenol® in colon carcinoma cells. The effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion”, Phytotherapy Research, 25: 1870-1875, (2011).
- [23] Dilek, E., Erol, H.S., Cakir, A., Koc, M., Halici, M.B., “Natural product inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes: osajin and pomiferin”, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 123: 219-224, (2017).
- [24] Demir, T., Gunesli, Z., Sonmez, F., Bilen, C., Yavuz, E., Gencer, N., “Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase I and II with total anthocyanins extracted from sweet cherry cultivars”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14: 935-941, (2015).
- [25] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Süzen, Y., “Synthesis and characterization of a proton transfer salt between dipicolinic acid and 2-amino-6-methylbenzothiazole and its complexes, and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Polyhedron, 61: 56-64, (2013).
- [26] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Dal, H., Baş, M., “Synthesis and characterization of complexes of a novel proton transfer salt and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 30: 195-203, (2015).
- [27] Al-Dhrub, A.H.A., Sahin, S., Ozmen, I., Tunca, E., Bulbul, M., “Immobilization and characterization of human carbonic anhydrase I on amine functionalized magnetic nanoparticles”, Process Biochemistry, 57: 95-104, (2017).
- [28] Tunca, E., Bülbül, M., İlkimen, H., Saygılı Canlıdinç, R., Yenikaya, C., “Investigation of the effects of the proton transfer salts of 2-aminopyridine derivatives with 5-sulfosalicylic acid and their Cu(II) complexes on cancer-related carbonic anhydrases: CA IX and CA XII”, Chemical Papers, 74: 2365-2374, (2020).
- [29] Okumuş, A., Elmas, G., Binici, A., Tunca, E., Hökelek, T., Kılıç, Z., “Phosphorus-nitrogen compounds: part 70. Syntheses of tetraaminomono/bis(4-fluorobenzyl)spiro(N/N)cyclotriphos-phazanes: structural characterization, Hirshfeld surface analysis and comparative evaluation of esterase activities of hCA I and hCA II isoenzymes”, New Journal of Chemistry, 47: 8578-8588, (2023).
- [30] Verpoorte, J.A., Mehta, S., Edsall, J.T., “Esterase activities of human carbonic anhydrases B and C”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 242: 4221-4229, (1967).
- [31] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Dal, H., “Synthesis and characterization of a proton transfer salt between 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and 2-aminobenzothiazole, and its complexes and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 29: 353-361, (2014).
- [32] Karaçam, H., Tunca E., Kaygısız, Y., İmdat, G., Bülbül, M., “Investigation of the effects of some edible mushroom extracts on human carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43: 187-193, (2015).
- [33] Alkan Alkaya, Z., İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Tunca, E., Bülbül, M., Tunç, T., Sarı, M., “Synthesis and characterization of Cu(II) complexes of 2-amino-6-sulfamoylbenzothiazole and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Polyhedron, 151: 199-205, (2018).
- [34] Bhatt, A., Mahon, B.P., Cruzerio, V.W.D., Cornelio, B., Laronze-Cochard, M., Ceruso, M., Sapi, J., Rance, G.A., Khlobystov, A.N., Fontana, A., Roitberg, A., Supuran, C.T., McKenna, R., “Structure-activity relationships of benzenesulfonamide-based inhibitors towards carbonic anhydrase isoform specifity”, ChemBioChem, 18: 213-222, (2017).
- [35] Marcus, Y., “The effectiveness of solvents as hydrogen bond donors”, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 20: 929-944, (1991).
- [36] Akkemik, E., Aybek, A., Felek, I., “Effects of cefan melon (Cucumıs melo) seed extracts on human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase I-II enzymes”, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17: 14699-14713, (2019).
- [37] Aydın, F.G., Türkoğlu, E.A., Kuzu, M., Taşkın, T., “In vitro carbonic anhydrase inhibitory effects of the extracts of Satureja cuneifolia”, Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 8: 1146-1150, (2021).
The Effects of Anatolian Black Pine Cone Extracts on Carbonic Anhydrase Enzymes
Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 65 - 73, 01.03.2025
Berfin Vapor
Ekrem Tunca
Nowadays, there is an increasing trend in the use of natural products to treat diseases or alleviate their effects. This situation has emerged as a result of the side effect problem seen in the use of synthetic drugs. In this study, Anatolian black pine cone extracts were prepared using solvents of different polarities (water, methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, n-hexane). Then, the effects of these extracts on the esterase activities of hCA I and hCA II isoenzymes, which are associated with many physiological disorders, were examined in vitro. IC50 values were in the range of 5.10 to 49.50 μg/mL for hCA I and 2.57 to 15.07 μg/mL for hCA II. It can be said that these results are promising in terms of the potential of Anatolian black pine cone as a natural pharmacological agent.
Ethical Statement
There are no conflicts of interest.
Supporting Institution
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK)
Project Number
The authors would like to thank TUBITAK for supporting this study (grant number 1919B012105233).
- [1] Meldrum, R.U., Roughton, F.J., “Carbonic anhydrase. Its preparation and properties”, The Journal of Physiology, 80: 113-142, (1933).
- [2] Krebs, H.A., Roughton, F.J., “Carbonic anhydrase as a tool in studying the mechanism of reactions involving H2CO3, CO2 or HCO3ˉ, Biochemical Journal, 43: 550-555, (1948).
- [3] Supuran, C.T., “Carbonic anhydrases: novel therapeutic applications for inhibitors and activators”, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 7: 168-181, (2008).
- [4] Capasso, C., Supuran, C.T., “An overview of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carbonic anhydrases from Bacteria: can bacterial carbonic anhydrases shed new light on evolution of bacteria?”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 30: 325-332, (2015).
- [5] Bertucci, A., Moya, A., Tambutté, S., Allemand, D., Supuran, C.T., Zoccola, D., “Carbonic anhydrases in anthozoan corals – A review”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 21: 1437-1450, (2013).
- [6] Del Prete, S., Vullo, D., Fisher, G.M., Andrews, K.T., Poulsen, S.A., Capasso, C., Supuran, C.T., “Discovery of a new family of carbonic anhydrases in the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum – The η-carbonic anhydrases”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 24: 4389-4396, (2014).
- [7] Kikutani, S., Nakajima, K., Nagasato, J., Tsuji, Y., Miyatake, A., Matsuda, Y., “Thylakoid luminal theta-carbonic anhydrase critical for growth and photosynthesis in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornitum”, PNAS, 113: 9828-9833, (2016).
- [8] Nocentini, A., Supuran, C.T., Capasso, C., “An overview on the recently discovered iota-carbonic anhydrases”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 36: 1988-1995, (2021).
- [9] Supuran, C.T., “A simple yet multifaceted 90 years old, evergreen enzyme: Carbonic anhydrase, its inhibition and activation”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 93: 129411, (2023).
- [10] Aspatwar, A., Supuran, C.T., Waheed, A., Sly, W.S., Parkkila, S., “Mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase VA and VB: properties and roles in health and disease”, The Journal of Physiology, 601: 257-274, (2023).
- [11] Lynch, C.J., Fox, H., Hazen, S.A., Stanley, B.A., Dogson, S., Lanoue, K.F., “Role of hepatic carbonic anhydrase in de novo lipogenesis”, Biochemical Journal, 310: 197-202, (1995).
- [12] Alterio, V., Di Fiore, A., D’Ambrosio, K., Supuran, C.T., De Simone, G., “Multiple binding modes of inhibitors to carbonic anhydrases: How to design specific drugs targeting 15 different isoforms?”, Chemical Reviews, 112: 4421-4468, (2012).
- [13] Jang, B.G., Yun, S.M., Ahn, K., Song, J.H., Jo, S.A., Kim, Y.Y., Kim, D.K., Park, M.H., Han, C., Koh, Y.H., “Plasma carbonic anhydrase II protein is elevated in Alzheimer’s disease”, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 21: 939-945, (2010).
- [14] Sluch, I.M., Elliott, M.S., Dvorak, J., Ding, K., Farris, B.K., “Acetazolamide: A new treatment for visual vertigo”, Neuro-Ophthalmology, 41: 315-320, (2017).
- [15] Kaya, E.D., Erğun, B., Demir, Y., Alım, Z., Beydemir, Ş., “The in vitro impacts of some plant extracts on carbonic anhydrase I, II and paraoxonase-1”, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 47: 51-59, (2019).
- [16] Aydın, T., Yurtvermez, B., Şentürk, M., Kazaz, C., Çakır, A., “Inhibitory effects of metabolites isolated from Artemisia drancunculus L. against the human carbonic anhydrase I (hCA I) and II (hCA II)”, Records of Natural Products, 13: 216-225, (2019).
- [17] Sethi, K.K., Verma, S.M., Kumar, P.M., Mishra, R., Supuran, C.T., “Carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibition with natural products: Leucas cephalotes”, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1: 41-46, (2011).
- [18] Sethi, K.K., Suresh, P., Mondal, S., “Carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibition with natural products: Abrus precatorius”, Current Enzyme Inhibition, 7: 119-124, (2011).
- [19] Hazer, O., Akkbik, M., Güngör, K., “Simultaneous determination of the main organic acids in Anatolian black pine by HPLC with DAD detector”, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 11: 181-195, (2016).
- [20] Said, O., Aksut, Y., Yardimci, R.E., Karatas, S., Yigit, H., Tel, A.Z., Arda, N., “Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of methanol extracts from various plant parts of pomegranate and Anatolian black pine”, Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 5: 50-62, (2022).
- [21] Iglesias, J., Pazos, M., Lois, S., Medina, I., “Contribution of galloylation and polymerization to the antioxidant activity of polyphenols in fish lipid systems”, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58: 7423-7431, (2010).
- [22] Frontela-Saseta, C., Lopez-Nicolas, R., Gonzalez-Bermudez, C.A., Peso-Echarri, P., Ros-Berruezo, G., Martinez-Gracia, C., Virgili, F., “Evaluation of antioxidant activity and antiproliferative effect of fruit juices enriched with Pycnogenol® in colon carcinoma cells. The effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion”, Phytotherapy Research, 25: 1870-1875, (2011).
- [23] Dilek, E., Erol, H.S., Cakir, A., Koc, M., Halici, M.B., “Natural product inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes: osajin and pomiferin”, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 123: 219-224, (2017).
- [24] Demir, T., Gunesli, Z., Sonmez, F., Bilen, C., Yavuz, E., Gencer, N., “Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase I and II with total anthocyanins extracted from sweet cherry cultivars”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14: 935-941, (2015).
- [25] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Süzen, Y., “Synthesis and characterization of a proton transfer salt between dipicolinic acid and 2-amino-6-methylbenzothiazole and its complexes, and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Polyhedron, 61: 56-64, (2013).
- [26] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Dal, H., Baş, M., “Synthesis and characterization of complexes of a novel proton transfer salt and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 30: 195-203, (2015).
- [27] Al-Dhrub, A.H.A., Sahin, S., Ozmen, I., Tunca, E., Bulbul, M., “Immobilization and characterization of human carbonic anhydrase I on amine functionalized magnetic nanoparticles”, Process Biochemistry, 57: 95-104, (2017).
- [28] Tunca, E., Bülbül, M., İlkimen, H., Saygılı Canlıdinç, R., Yenikaya, C., “Investigation of the effects of the proton transfer salts of 2-aminopyridine derivatives with 5-sulfosalicylic acid and their Cu(II) complexes on cancer-related carbonic anhydrases: CA IX and CA XII”, Chemical Papers, 74: 2365-2374, (2020).
- [29] Okumuş, A., Elmas, G., Binici, A., Tunca, E., Hökelek, T., Kılıç, Z., “Phosphorus-nitrogen compounds: part 70. Syntheses of tetraaminomono/bis(4-fluorobenzyl)spiro(N/N)cyclotriphos-phazanes: structural characterization, Hirshfeld surface analysis and comparative evaluation of esterase activities of hCA I and hCA II isoenzymes”, New Journal of Chemistry, 47: 8578-8588, (2023).
- [30] Verpoorte, J.A., Mehta, S., Edsall, J.T., “Esterase activities of human carbonic anhydrases B and C”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 242: 4221-4229, (1967).
- [31] İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Sarı, M., Bülbül, M., Tunca, E., Dal, H., “Synthesis and characterization of a proton transfer salt between 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and 2-aminobenzothiazole, and its complexes and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 29: 353-361, (2014).
- [32] Karaçam, H., Tunca E., Kaygısız, Y., İmdat, G., Bülbül, M., “Investigation of the effects of some edible mushroom extracts on human carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43: 187-193, (2015).
- [33] Alkan Alkaya, Z., İlkimen, H., Yenikaya, C., Tunca, E., Bülbül, M., Tunç, T., Sarı, M., “Synthesis and characterization of Cu(II) complexes of 2-amino-6-sulfamoylbenzothiazole and their inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes”, Polyhedron, 151: 199-205, (2018).
- [34] Bhatt, A., Mahon, B.P., Cruzerio, V.W.D., Cornelio, B., Laronze-Cochard, M., Ceruso, M., Sapi, J., Rance, G.A., Khlobystov, A.N., Fontana, A., Roitberg, A., Supuran, C.T., McKenna, R., “Structure-activity relationships of benzenesulfonamide-based inhibitors towards carbonic anhydrase isoform specifity”, ChemBioChem, 18: 213-222, (2017).
- [35] Marcus, Y., “The effectiveness of solvents as hydrogen bond donors”, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 20: 929-944, (1991).
- [36] Akkemik, E., Aybek, A., Felek, I., “Effects of cefan melon (Cucumıs melo) seed extracts on human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase I-II enzymes”, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17: 14699-14713, (2019).
- [37] Aydın, F.G., Türkoğlu, E.A., Kuzu, M., Taşkın, T., “In vitro carbonic anhydrase inhibitory effects of the extracts of Satureja cuneifolia”, Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 8: 1146-1150, (2021).