An Investigation of Structural, Optical and Pyroelectrical Properties of LiTaO3
Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 372 - 381, 01.03.2025
Mustafa Buyukharman
Ahmet Ünverdi
Fahrettin Sarcan
Şule Özdilek
Alican Ökçün
Ayşe Erol
In this study, structural, optical, and pyroelectric properties of Z-cut single crystal LiTaO3 bulk materials with thicknesses of 27 µm and 250 µm are analyzed. XRD results show characteristic diffraction peaks of Z-cut LiTaO3 at (012), (006), and (202), along with a Ta2O5 peak due to Li-deficiency. The strong (006) peak confirms a high c-orientation, indicating pyroelectric potential. Raman spectroscopy confirms agreement with known vibration modes of bulk LiTaO3. Band gap values for the 27 µm and 250 µm samples are determined as 4.44 eV and 4.65 eV, respectively, with both showing a direct band gap. Temperature changes from 30 ℃ to 180 ℃ were applied at rates of 50 ℃, 100 ℃, and 150 ℃. As temperatures rose, negative pyroelectric currents were observed; with cooling, currents shifted positive. The 250 µm thick, 24 mm² LiTaO3 wafer produced about 4 nA at 50 ℃ rate, rising to 12-13 nA at 150 ℃. With larger surface areas yielding higher currents, measurements on three wafers at a 50 ℃ change showed the highest-area sample producing ~7.5 nA, while the smallest yielded ~0.5 nA. The mean pyroelectric current density was higher in 27 µm (180 µA/m²) than in 250 µm (125 µA/m²), and the pyroelectric coefficient increased with decreasing thickness, measured at 33.43 µC/m²∙K (27 µm) and 23.22 µC/m²∙K (250 µm). These results suggest the potential of LiTaO3 crystals in IR detectors and self-powered deep UV detector applications due to their wide band gap.
Supporting Institution
Nero Industries Defence Inc.
Project Number
118C117 (Tübitak 2244 Industrial Fellowship PhD Program)
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Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 372 - 381, 01.03.2025
Mustafa Buyukharman
Ahmet Ünverdi
Fahrettin Sarcan
Şule Özdilek
Alican Ökçün
Ayşe Erol
Project Number
118C117 (Tübitak 2244 Industrial Fellowship PhD Program)
- [1] Dinh T. V., Choi I. Y., Son Y. S., and Kim J. C., “A review on non-dispersive infrared gas sensors: Improvement of sensor detection limit and interference correction”, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 231, 529–538, (2016).
- [2] Rogalski A., “Infrared detectors: Status and trends”, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 27, 59–210, (2003).
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- [23] Yan, T., Zheng, F., Yu, Y., Qin, S., Liu, H., Wang, J., and Yu, D., “Formation mechanism of black LiTaO3 single crystals through chemical reduction”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 44, 158–162, (2011).
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- [25] Vilarinho P.M., Barroca N., Zlotnik S., Félix P., and Fernandes M.H., “Are lithium niobate (LiNbO3) and lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) ferroelectrics bioactive?”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 39, 395–402, (2014).
- [26] Kostritskii S.M., Aillerie M., Bourson P., and Kip D., “Raman spectroscopy study of compositional inhomogeneity in lithium tantalate crystals”, Applied Physics B, 95, 125–130, (2009).
- [27] Abdurakhmonov S.D., and Gorelik V.S., “Overtone Raman Scattering in Lithium Tantalate Single Crystals”, Optical Spectroscopy, 127, 587–590, (2019).
- [28] Sanna S., Neufeld S., Rüsing M., Berth G., Zrenner A., and Schmidt W. G., “Raman scattering efficiency in LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 crystals”, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Material Physics, 91, 224302, (2015).
- [29] Palatnikov M., Sidorov N., Pyatyshev A., and Skrabatun A., “Comparison of Raman Spectra of Optically Nonlinear LiTaO3:Cr3+ (0.005 wt%) Crystal Laser Excited in Visible (532 nm) and Near-IR (785 nm) Areas”, Photonics, 10, 439, (2023).
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- [31] Ismangil A., Jenie R.P., Irmansyah, and Irzaman, “Development of Lithium Tantallite (LiTaO3) for Automatic Switch on LAPAN-IPB Satellite Infra-red Sensor”, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 24, 329–334, (2015).
- [32] Stokowski S., Venables J., Byer N., and Ensign T., “Ion-beam milled, high-detectivity pyroelectric detectors”, Infrared Physics, 16 (3): 331–334, (1976).