What are the Limits? The Role of Designers on Preserving the Identity in Adaptive Reuse of Urban Industrial Areas
Year 2021,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 61 - 73, 31.03.2021
Gamze Karayılanoğlu
Ceren Çelik
Cities are organisms that expand and transform. This expansion can include industrial sites into the city's organism and create abandoned areas. Adaptive reusing them plays a significant role in the sustainable urbanization goal. However, the interventions in the processes may cause the loss of the regional identity. This study aims to determine the designer's interference limit through a comprehensive literature review and examination of a case study, Lx Factory in Lisbon, Portugal. The results of the research indicate that designers should adopt a participatory design process and an inclusive approach to maintaining the regional identity in the adaptive reuse projects.
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Year 2021,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 61 - 73, 31.03.2021
Gamze Karayılanoğlu
Ceren Çelik
- [1] Lynch, K., Kent İmgesi, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul, (2010).
- [2] Kariptaş, F. S., “Haliç Kıyısında Tarihi bir Sanayi Yapısı: Unkapanı Değirmeni”, Tasarım+kuram Dergisi, Vol. 5, Issue: 7, (pp. 54-64), (2009).
- [3] Badiani, B. & Scala, B., “Can social significance be a good reason for the restoration of industrial buildings? The case of Borghetto’s warehouse (Brescia, Italy) - the reuse of a redundant industrial building”, In D. Fiorani, L. Kealy, S.F. Musso (Eds.), Conservation Adaptation Keeping Alive the Spirit of the Place Adaptive Reuse of Heritage with Symbolic Value (pp. 359-368). EAAE Transactions on Architectural Education no. 65. 2nd edition ISBN 978-2-930301-66-2, (2017).
- [4] Bianca, S., “Adaptive Reuse and Its Problems: A Discussion, Designing in Islamic Cultures 3, Adaptive Reuse Integrating Traditional Areas into the Modern Urban Fabric”, In M. B. Sevcenko, (Ed). Designing in Islamic Cultures 3: Adaptive Reuse. (p. 87). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, (1983).
- [5] Lefebvre, H., Şehir Hakkı, Sel Yayıncılık, Istanbul, (2010).
- [6] United Nations “68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN” https://population.un.org/wup/Publications/Files/WUP2018-PressRelease.pdf, Accessed at: 19.08.2020.
- [7] Vardopoulos, I., “Critical sustainable development factors in the adaptive reuse of urban industrial buildings. A fuzzy DEMATEL approach”, Sustainable Cities and Society Volume 50, October 2019, 101684, (2019).
- [8] UNESCO, “Culture for Sustainable Urban Development” http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/culture-and-development/culture-for-sustainable-urban-development/, (2020), Accessed at: 21.08.2020.
- [9] UNDP, Sustainable Developments. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/cities/, (2015), Accessed at: 14.09.2020.
- [10] Merlino, K., “The Impact of Older Buildings on Neighborhoods”. In Building Reuse: Sustainability, Preservation, and the Value of Design (pp. 27-33). SEATTLE: University of Washington Press, (2018).
- [11] Robiglio, M., “The Adaptive Reuse Toolkit: How Cities Can Turn their Industrial Legacy into Infrastructure for Innovation and Growth” (pp. 3-4, Rep.). German Marshall Fund of the United States, (2016).
- [12] Falconer, K., “The industrial heritage in Britain – the first fifty years”, La revue pour l’histoire du CNRS [En ligne], 14 | 2006, mis en ligne le 03 mai 2008, consulté le 22 août 2020, (2006).
- [13] The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), “The Nizhny Tagil Charter For The Industrial Heritage / July, 2003” https://ticcih.org/about/charter/, (2003), Accessed at: 19.09.2020.
- [14] Foster, G., “Circular economy strategies for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage buildings to reduce environmental impacts”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling Volume 152, January 2020, 104507, (2020).
- [15] Vecco, M., “Genius loci as a meta-concept”, Journal of Cultural Heritage Volume 41, January–February 2020, Pages 225-231, (2020).
- [16] UCLG, “Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2020, 4th Report, Towards The Localization Of The SDGs. How to accelerate transformative actions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak”, (2020).
- [17] Crespi, L. (Ed.), Designing Interiors: A Guide for Contemporary Interior Landscape Design, Cultural, Theoretical, and Innovative Approaches To Contemporary Interior Design, IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, (2020).
- [18] Brooker G. & Stone S., Rereading Interior Architecture and Design Principles of remodeling existing buildings, RIBA Enterprises, London, (2004).
- [19] Murialdo, F., “Adaptive use and Reuse: A Time-Specific Process”. In D. Fiorani, L. Kealy, S.F. Musso (Eds.), Conservation Adaptation Keeping Alive the Spirit of the Place Adaptive Reuse of Heritage with Symbolic Value, EAAE Transactions on Architectural Education no. 65. 2nd edition ISBN 978-2-930301-66-2, (2017).
- [20] UCLG, “Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments”, p. 3, (2014).
- [21] UNESCO, “Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development”. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000245999, (2015), Accessed at: 14.09.2020.
- [22] Duxbury, N., Hosagrahar J., Pascual, J., “Why must culture be at the heart of sustainable urban development?” Culture 21 Agenda 21 for culture, UCLG. https://www.eesc.europa.eu/resources/docs/why-must-culture-be-at-the-heart-of-sustainable-urban-developement.pdf, (2016).
- [23] Xie, F., “A Life Cycle Model Of İndustrial Heritage Development”, Annals of Tourism Research, No: 55, (pp.141–154), (2015).
- [24] Zarrilli, B. & Brito, M., “Lisbon And The Alcântara Neighbourhood Changes: Is Tourism Invading or Renovating?” GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosite, Year X, no. 2, vol. 20, November 2017, p.254-271 Article no. 20111-253, (2017).
- [25] Cantel S., “The Adaptive Reuse of Historic Industrial Buildings: Regulation Barriers, Best Practices and Case Studies”, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, (2005).
- [26] Holl, S., Parallax, Birkhauser-Publishers for Architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin, (2000).
- [27] Karayilanoglu, G. & Celik, C., “Atıl Durumdaki Sanayi Yapılarının Yeniden İşlevlendirilmesinde Mekan Kimliğinin Korunması ve Malzeme Kullanımı: Lx Factory Örneği” In proceedings of the 6th International Interior Architecture Symposium, Istanbul: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, (2018).