Year 2025,
Erken Görünüm, 1 - 1
Emel Kuram
Fatih Aydınlı
Ömer Faruk Akkuzu
Babür Özçelik
- [1] E. Kuram, “Rheological, mechanical and morphological properties of hybrid hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)/walnut (Juglans regia L.) shell flour-filled acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composite,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 22, pp. 2107-2117, Nov 2020.
- [2] C. Badji, J. Beigbeder, H. Garay, A. Bergeret, J.-C. Benezet, V. Desauziers, “Natural weathering of hemp fibers reinforced polypropylene biocomposites: Relationships between visual and surface aspects, mechanical properties and microstructure based on statistical approach,” Composites Science and Technology, vol.167, pp. 440-447, Oct 2018.
- [3] H. Q. Ali, M. A. Raza, A. Westwood, F. A. Ghauri, H. Asgar, “Development and mechanical characterization of composites based on unsaturated polyester reinforced with maleated high oleic sunflower oil-treated cellulose fiber,” Polymer Composites, vol. 40, pp. 901-908, Mar 2019.
- [4] R. R. F. Ramos, D. D. Siqueira, R. M. R. Wellen, I. F. Leite, G. M. Glenn, E. S. Medeiros, “Development of green composites based on polypropylene and corncob agricultural residue,” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, vol. 27, pp. 1677-1685, Aug 2019.
- [5] W. Liu, T. Liu, H. Liu, J. Xin, J. Zhang, Z. K. Muhidinov, L. Liu, “Properties of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) and sunflower head residue biocomposites,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 134, 44644, Apr 2017.
- [6] S. Panthapulakkal, M. Sain, “Injection molded wheat straw and corn stem filled polypropylene composites,” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 14, pp. 265-272, Jul 2006.
- [7] E. Kuram, “Rheological, mechanical and morphological properties of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composite filled with sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus L.) husk flour,” Journal of Polymer Research, vol. 27, 219, Aug 2020.
- [8] Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (2024, Aug. 29). Available: URL.
- [9] M. Banerjee, R. K. Basu, S. K. Das, “Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) by pistachio shell: Isotherm study, kinetic modelling and scale-up designing — continuous mode,” Environmental Technology & Innovation, vol. 15, 100419, Aug 2019.
- [10] P. Balasundar, P. Narayanasamy, S. Senthil, N. A. Al-Dhabi, R. Prithivirajan, R. S. Kumar, T. Ramkumar, K. S. Bhat, “Physico-chemical study of pistachio (Pistacia vera) nutshell particles as a bio-filler for eco-friendly composites,” Materials Research Express, vol. 6, 105339, Oct 2019.
- [11] G. Demir, S. Nemlioglu, U. Yazgic, E. E. Dogan, C. Bayat, “Determination of some important emissions of sunflower oil production industrial wastes incineration,” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 64, pp. 226-228, Mar 2005.
- [12] K. Salasinska, J. Ryszkowska, “The effect of filler chemical constitution and morphological properties on the mechanical properties of natural fiber composites,” Composite Interfaces, vol. 22, pp. 39-50, 2015.
- [13] M. L. Martinez, L. Moiraghi, M. Agnese, C. Guzman, “Making and some properties of activated carbon produced from agricultural industrial residues from Argentina,” The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, vol. 91, pp. 103-108, Jul 2003.
- [14] H. Pirayesh, H. Khanjanzadeh, A. Salari, “Effect of using walnut/almond shells on the physical, mechanical properties and formaldehyde emission of particleboard,” Composites Part B Engineering, vol. 45, pp. 858-863, Feb 2013.
- [15] A. Gungor, I. K. Akbay, T. Ozdemir, “Waste walnut shell as an alternative bio-based filler for the EPDM: mechanical, thermal, and kinetic studies,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 21, pp. 145-155, Jan 2019.
- [16] E. Kuram, “UV and thermal weathering of green composites: Comparing the effect of different agricultural waste as fillers,” Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 54, pp. 3683-3697, Oct 2020.
- [17] M. Altun, M. Celebi, S. Ovali, “Preparation of the pistachio shell reinforced PLA biocomposites: Effect of filler treatment and PLA maleation,” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, vol. 35, pp. 1342-1357, Sep 2022.
- [18] A. E. Şahin, S. Fidan, B. Çetin, T. Sınmazçelik, “Comparison of the usage of nut shell, walnut shell, and pistachio shell as a reinforcement particle on the mechanical and wear performance of polypropylene,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 141, e55248, Apr 2024.
- [19] M. Barczewski, D. Matykiewicz, A. Piasecki, M. Szostak, “Polyethylene green composites modified with post agricultural waste filler: thermo-mechanical and damping properties,” Composites Interfaces, vol. 25, pp. 287-299, 2018.
- [20] M. Barczewski, K. Salasinska, J. Szulc, “Application of sunflower husk, hazelnut shell and walnut shell as waste agricultural fillers for epoxy-based composites: a study into mechanical behavior related to structural and rheological properties,” Polymer Testing, vol. 75, pp. 1-11, May 2019.
- [21] N. Ayrilmis, A. Kaymakci, F. Ozdemir, “Physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of polypropylene composites filled with walnut shell flour,” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 19, pp. 908-914, May 2013.
- [22] V. K. Singh, “Mechanical behaviour of walnut (Juglans L.) shell particles reinforced bio-composite,” Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, vol. 22, pp. 383-390, Jul 2015.
- [23] K. Salasinska, M. Barczewski, R. Gorny, A. Klozinski, “Evaluation of highly filled epoxy composites modified with walnut shell waste filler,” Polymer Bulletin, vol. 75, pp. 2511-2528, Jun 2018.
- [24] O. Oulidi, A. Nakkabi, F. Boukhlifi, M. Fahim, H. Lgaz, A. A. Alrashdi, N. Elmoualij, “Peanut shell from agricultural wastes as a sustainable filler for polyamide biocomposites fabrication,” Journal of King Saud University – Science, vol. 34, pp. 102148, Aug 2022.
- [25] V. Unnikrishnan, O. Zabihi, Q. Li, M. Ahmadi, M. R. G. Ferdowsi, T. Kannangara, P. Blanchard, A. Kiziltas, P. Joseph, M. Naebe, “Multifunctional PA6 composites using waste glass fiber and green metal organic framework/graphene hybrids,” Polymer Composites, vol. 43, pp. 5877-5893, Sep 2022.
- [26] A. Ghorbankhan, M. R. Nakhaei, P. Safarpour, “Fracture behavior, microstructure, and mechanical properties of PA6/NBR nanocomposites,” Polymer Composites, vol. 43, pp. 6696-6708, Sep 2022.
- [27] L. Yu, Q. Hu, T. Li, J. Zhang, S. Chen, Z. Xu, S. Chen, D. Zhang, “Ultrahigh flowability and excellent mechanical performance of glass fiber/PA6 composites prepared by hyperbranched polymers,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, vol. 308, 2300012, Aug 2023.
- [28] A. E. Sahin, E. Yarar, H. Kara, E. B. Cep, M. O. Bora, T. Yilmaz, “Thermal aging effect of polyamide 6 matrix composites produced by Tailor Fiber Placement (TFP) under compression molding on sliding wear properties,” Polymer Composites, vol. 45, pp. 98-110, Jan 2024.
- [29] E. Yarar, A. E. Sahin, H. Kara, E. B. Cep, M. O. Bora, “Thermal aging effect on mechanical properties of polyamide 6 matrix composites produced by TFP and compression molding,” Polymer Composites, vol. 45, pp. 2869-2884, Feb 2024.
- [30] Plastics: Determination of tensile properties, Part 1: General principles, ISO 527-1:2012, 2012.
[31] Plastics: Determination of flexural properties, ISO 178:2010, 2010.
- [32] M. Celebi, M. Altun, S. Ovali, “The effect of UV additives on thermos-oxidative and color stability of pistachio shell reinforced polypropylene,” Polymers and Polymer Composites, vol. 30, pp. 1-10, Jan-Dec 2022.
- [33] H. Ismail, J. M. Nizam, H. P. S. Abdul Khalil, “The effect of a compatibilizer on the mechanical properties and mass swell of white rice husk ash filled natural rubber/linear low density polyethylene blends,” Polymer Testing, vol. 20, pp. 125-133, Oct 2001.
- [34] Y. Peng, S. S. Nair, H. Chen, R. Farnood, N. Yan, J. Cao, “Application of different bark fractions in polypropylene composites: UV and thermal stability,” Polymer Composites, vol. 41, pp. 2198-2209, Jun 2020.
- [35] A. B. Irez, “Development of sunflower husk reinforced polypropylene based sustainable composites: An experimental investigation of mechanical and thermal performance,” Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 62, pp. 3471-3484, Aug 2024.
- [36] P. Pantyukhov, N. Kolesnikova, A. Popov, “Preparation, structure, and properties of biocomposites based on low-density polyethylene and lignocellulosic fillers,” Polymer Composites, vol. 37, pp. 1461-1472, May 2016.
- [37] M. Zahedi, H. Pirayesh, H. Khanjanzadeh, M. M. Tabar, “Organo-modified montmorillonite reinforced walnut shell/polypropylene composites,” Materials and Design, vol. 51, pp. 803-809, Oct 2013.
- [38] S. Zhu, Y. Guo, D. Tu, Y. Chen, S. Liu, W. Li, L. Wang, “Water absorption, mechanical, and crystallization properties of high-density polyethylene filled with corncob powder,” BioResources, vol. 13, pp. 3778-3792, 2018.
- [39] Y. H. Çelik, R. Yalcin, T. Topkaya, E. Başaran, E. Kilickap, “Characterization of hazelnut, pistachio, and apricot kernel shell particles and analysis of their composite properties,” Journal of Natural Fibers, vol. 18, pp. 1054-1068, 2021.
UV Weathering of Green Composites Based on Polyamide 6 (PA6) and Sunflower Seed (Helianthus Annuus L.) Husk, Pistachio (Pistacia Vera L.) Shell and Walnut (Juglans Regia L.) Shell Flour
Year 2025,
Erken Görünüm, 1 - 1
Emel Kuram
Fatih Aydınlı
Ömer Faruk Akkuzu
Babür Özçelik
Current research aims to evaluate agricultural shells' potential for use at outdoor applications by determining the ultraviolet (UV) ageing of agricultural shell filled composites. Therefore, in current work, three different agricultural shells were utilized as natural fillers in the production of polyamide 6 (PA6) based composites. Dakota type sunflower seed husk, walnut shell and pistachio shell were employed as natural fillers. It was concluded that the tensile behavior of PA6 altered from ductile to brittle after the loading of pistachio shell, sunflower seed husk and walnut shell flour. Although the agricultural shell flour decreased tensile strength of pure PA6 polymer, the strength values were still acceptable in some applications and low price of agricultural shell flour filled PA6 composites made them feasible. In general, tensile strength increased slightly after UV ageing in agricultural shell flour filled PA6 composites. The highest increase was found with the 24-hour UV aged walnut shell flour filled PA6 composite. Although agricultural shell loading led to decrement in tensile strength of PA6 polymer, fact that these composites cause little change or even an increment in the tensile strength after exposure to UV ageing indicated that agricultural shell filled composites can be utilized in outdoor conditions. UV ageing increased the flexural strength of all agricultural shell flour filled PA6 composites and this result indicated that agricultural shell filled composites can be used in outdoor conditions. Among green composites, the greatest flexural strength was achieved by the 24-hour UV aged walnut shell flour filled PA6 composite.
Corresponding author (E.K.) would like to thank interventional neurologist Prof. Hasan Hüseyin Karadeli for saving her life, who performed her operation and treatment after her brain disease in August 2019 and provided a miracle to her life by giving second life opportunity. This research was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Project Number : 123M800. The authors thank to TUBITAK for support. The authors also thank Önder Gedik for helping with the injection and extrusion processes, Adem Şen for helping with the flexural and tensile tests and Ahmet Nazım for helping with the SEM observations.
- [1] E. Kuram, “Rheological, mechanical and morphological properties of hybrid hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)/walnut (Juglans regia L.) shell flour-filled acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composite,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 22, pp. 2107-2117, Nov 2020.
- [2] C. Badji, J. Beigbeder, H. Garay, A. Bergeret, J.-C. Benezet, V. Desauziers, “Natural weathering of hemp fibers reinforced polypropylene biocomposites: Relationships between visual and surface aspects, mechanical properties and microstructure based on statistical approach,” Composites Science and Technology, vol.167, pp. 440-447, Oct 2018.
- [3] H. Q. Ali, M. A. Raza, A. Westwood, F. A. Ghauri, H. Asgar, “Development and mechanical characterization of composites based on unsaturated polyester reinforced with maleated high oleic sunflower oil-treated cellulose fiber,” Polymer Composites, vol. 40, pp. 901-908, Mar 2019.
- [4] R. R. F. Ramos, D. D. Siqueira, R. M. R. Wellen, I. F. Leite, G. M. Glenn, E. S. Medeiros, “Development of green composites based on polypropylene and corncob agricultural residue,” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, vol. 27, pp. 1677-1685, Aug 2019.
- [5] W. Liu, T. Liu, H. Liu, J. Xin, J. Zhang, Z. K. Muhidinov, L. Liu, “Properties of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) and sunflower head residue biocomposites,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 134, 44644, Apr 2017.
- [6] S. Panthapulakkal, M. Sain, “Injection molded wheat straw and corn stem filled polypropylene composites,” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 14, pp. 265-272, Jul 2006.
- [7] E. Kuram, “Rheological, mechanical and morphological properties of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene composite filled with sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus L.) husk flour,” Journal of Polymer Research, vol. 27, 219, Aug 2020.
- [8] Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (2024, Aug. 29). Available: URL.
- [9] M. Banerjee, R. K. Basu, S. K. Das, “Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) by pistachio shell: Isotherm study, kinetic modelling and scale-up designing — continuous mode,” Environmental Technology & Innovation, vol. 15, 100419, Aug 2019.
- [10] P. Balasundar, P. Narayanasamy, S. Senthil, N. A. Al-Dhabi, R. Prithivirajan, R. S. Kumar, T. Ramkumar, K. S. Bhat, “Physico-chemical study of pistachio (Pistacia vera) nutshell particles as a bio-filler for eco-friendly composites,” Materials Research Express, vol. 6, 105339, Oct 2019.
- [11] G. Demir, S. Nemlioglu, U. Yazgic, E. E. Dogan, C. Bayat, “Determination of some important emissions of sunflower oil production industrial wastes incineration,” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 64, pp. 226-228, Mar 2005.
- [12] K. Salasinska, J. Ryszkowska, “The effect of filler chemical constitution and morphological properties on the mechanical properties of natural fiber composites,” Composite Interfaces, vol. 22, pp. 39-50, 2015.
- [13] M. L. Martinez, L. Moiraghi, M. Agnese, C. Guzman, “Making and some properties of activated carbon produced from agricultural industrial residues from Argentina,” The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, vol. 91, pp. 103-108, Jul 2003.
- [14] H. Pirayesh, H. Khanjanzadeh, A. Salari, “Effect of using walnut/almond shells on the physical, mechanical properties and formaldehyde emission of particleboard,” Composites Part B Engineering, vol. 45, pp. 858-863, Feb 2013.
- [15] A. Gungor, I. K. Akbay, T. Ozdemir, “Waste walnut shell as an alternative bio-based filler for the EPDM: mechanical, thermal, and kinetic studies,” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 21, pp. 145-155, Jan 2019.
- [16] E. Kuram, “UV and thermal weathering of green composites: Comparing the effect of different agricultural waste as fillers,” Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 54, pp. 3683-3697, Oct 2020.
- [17] M. Altun, M. Celebi, S. Ovali, “Preparation of the pistachio shell reinforced PLA biocomposites: Effect of filler treatment and PLA maleation,” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, vol. 35, pp. 1342-1357, Sep 2022.
- [18] A. E. Şahin, S. Fidan, B. Çetin, T. Sınmazçelik, “Comparison of the usage of nut shell, walnut shell, and pistachio shell as a reinforcement particle on the mechanical and wear performance of polypropylene,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 141, e55248, Apr 2024.
- [19] M. Barczewski, D. Matykiewicz, A. Piasecki, M. Szostak, “Polyethylene green composites modified with post agricultural waste filler: thermo-mechanical and damping properties,” Composites Interfaces, vol. 25, pp. 287-299, 2018.
- [20] M. Barczewski, K. Salasinska, J. Szulc, “Application of sunflower husk, hazelnut shell and walnut shell as waste agricultural fillers for epoxy-based composites: a study into mechanical behavior related to structural and rheological properties,” Polymer Testing, vol. 75, pp. 1-11, May 2019.
- [21] N. Ayrilmis, A. Kaymakci, F. Ozdemir, “Physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of polypropylene composites filled with walnut shell flour,” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 19, pp. 908-914, May 2013.
- [22] V. K. Singh, “Mechanical behaviour of walnut (Juglans L.) shell particles reinforced bio-composite,” Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, vol. 22, pp. 383-390, Jul 2015.
- [23] K. Salasinska, M. Barczewski, R. Gorny, A. Klozinski, “Evaluation of highly filled epoxy composites modified with walnut shell waste filler,” Polymer Bulletin, vol. 75, pp. 2511-2528, Jun 2018.
- [24] O. Oulidi, A. Nakkabi, F. Boukhlifi, M. Fahim, H. Lgaz, A. A. Alrashdi, N. Elmoualij, “Peanut shell from agricultural wastes as a sustainable filler for polyamide biocomposites fabrication,” Journal of King Saud University – Science, vol. 34, pp. 102148, Aug 2022.
- [25] V. Unnikrishnan, O. Zabihi, Q. Li, M. Ahmadi, M. R. G. Ferdowsi, T. Kannangara, P. Blanchard, A. Kiziltas, P. Joseph, M. Naebe, “Multifunctional PA6 composites using waste glass fiber and green metal organic framework/graphene hybrids,” Polymer Composites, vol. 43, pp. 5877-5893, Sep 2022.
- [26] A. Ghorbankhan, M. R. Nakhaei, P. Safarpour, “Fracture behavior, microstructure, and mechanical properties of PA6/NBR nanocomposites,” Polymer Composites, vol. 43, pp. 6696-6708, Sep 2022.
- [27] L. Yu, Q. Hu, T. Li, J. Zhang, S. Chen, Z. Xu, S. Chen, D. Zhang, “Ultrahigh flowability and excellent mechanical performance of glass fiber/PA6 composites prepared by hyperbranched polymers,” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, vol. 308, 2300012, Aug 2023.
- [28] A. E. Sahin, E. Yarar, H. Kara, E. B. Cep, M. O. Bora, T. Yilmaz, “Thermal aging effect of polyamide 6 matrix composites produced by Tailor Fiber Placement (TFP) under compression molding on sliding wear properties,” Polymer Composites, vol. 45, pp. 98-110, Jan 2024.
- [29] E. Yarar, A. E. Sahin, H. Kara, E. B. Cep, M. O. Bora, “Thermal aging effect on mechanical properties of polyamide 6 matrix composites produced by TFP and compression molding,” Polymer Composites, vol. 45, pp. 2869-2884, Feb 2024.
- [30] Plastics: Determination of tensile properties, Part 1: General principles, ISO 527-1:2012, 2012.
[31] Plastics: Determination of flexural properties, ISO 178:2010, 2010.
- [32] M. Celebi, M. Altun, S. Ovali, “The effect of UV additives on thermos-oxidative and color stability of pistachio shell reinforced polypropylene,” Polymers and Polymer Composites, vol. 30, pp. 1-10, Jan-Dec 2022.
- [33] H. Ismail, J. M. Nizam, H. P. S. Abdul Khalil, “The effect of a compatibilizer on the mechanical properties and mass swell of white rice husk ash filled natural rubber/linear low density polyethylene blends,” Polymer Testing, vol. 20, pp. 125-133, Oct 2001.
- [34] Y. Peng, S. S. Nair, H. Chen, R. Farnood, N. Yan, J. Cao, “Application of different bark fractions in polypropylene composites: UV and thermal stability,” Polymer Composites, vol. 41, pp. 2198-2209, Jun 2020.
- [35] A. B. Irez, “Development of sunflower husk reinforced polypropylene based sustainable composites: An experimental investigation of mechanical and thermal performance,” Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 62, pp. 3471-3484, Aug 2024.
- [36] P. Pantyukhov, N. Kolesnikova, A. Popov, “Preparation, structure, and properties of biocomposites based on low-density polyethylene and lignocellulosic fillers,” Polymer Composites, vol. 37, pp. 1461-1472, May 2016.
- [37] M. Zahedi, H. Pirayesh, H. Khanjanzadeh, M. M. Tabar, “Organo-modified montmorillonite reinforced walnut shell/polypropylene composites,” Materials and Design, vol. 51, pp. 803-809, Oct 2013.
- [38] S. Zhu, Y. Guo, D. Tu, Y. Chen, S. Liu, W. Li, L. Wang, “Water absorption, mechanical, and crystallization properties of high-density polyethylene filled with corncob powder,” BioResources, vol. 13, pp. 3778-3792, 2018.
- [39] Y. H. Çelik, R. Yalcin, T. Topkaya, E. Başaran, E. Kilickap, “Characterization of hazelnut, pistachio, and apricot kernel shell particles and analysis of their composite properties,” Journal of Natural Fibers, vol. 18, pp. 1054-1068, 2021.