Jasmine Revolution, Identity, and Democratization: An Analysis of Religion and Identity Perception in Tunisia
Year 2020,
Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 312 - 324, 26.06.2020
Didem Doğanyılmaz Duman
The uprisings started with an individual action in Tunisia as a result of economic difficulties in 2010 and spread to a wider geography; eventually, as a chain of social movements it caused dramatic changes in the socio-political structure of the Arab World. The Arab Spring has brought an end to many existing authoritarian structures in the MENA region and evolved into different outcomes in different geographies. Tunisia, as the origin of events, has progressed better in the democratization process in comparison to other states. In this study, the process of democratization after the uprisings in Tunisia with the name Jasmine Revolution has been examined and within this context, the polarizing effect of the national identity that has been divided into two within the framework of the influence of religion has been focused. The research was carried out with the data collected in Tunis between July 2013 and February 2014 as a field research of the “Social Movements and Mobilisation Typologies in The Arab Spring – Project SpringArab”, which was funded by the European Union 7th Framework Programme-Marie Curie Action and conducted between 2013-2016. The analysis of this research has been completed with personal observation regarding the protest meetings and unstructured in-depth interviews with 102 randomly selected interviewees during the seven-month-field-research.
Supporting Institution
Avrupa Birliği, UNESCO Chair for Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean
Project Number
European Commission 7th Framework Programme - Grant agreement ID: 318982
- Aarts, P., van Dijke, P., Kolman, I., Statema, J., & Dahhan, G. (2012). From Resilince to Revolt: Making Sense of the Arab Spring. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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- BBC News. (2011, Ocak 11). 'Dozens killed' in Tunisia protests. Retrieved from BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-12162096
- BBC News. (2014, Ocak 27). Tunisia Assembly Passes New Constitution. Retrieved Haziran 2019, from BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25908340
- BBC News. (2014, Ocak 9). Tunus'ta islamcı başbakan istifa etti. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from BBC News Türkçe: https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler/2014/01/140109_tunus_istifa
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- Bonci, A., & Cavatorta, F. (2019). The Politics of Presidential Term Limits in Tunisia. In A. Baturo, R. Elgie, A. Baturo, & R. Elgie (Eds.), The Politics of Presidential Term Limits (179-198). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Boulby, M. (1988). The Islamic Challenge: Tunisia since Independence. Third World Quarterly, 10(2), 590-614.
- Buechler, S. (1995). New Social Movement Theories. The Sociological Quarterly, 36(3), 441-464.
- Bunton, M. (2013). ‘Spring’, ‘Awakening’ or ‘Revolution’: Frames of Reference for Understanding the 2011 Arab Uprisings. Bilge Strateji, 9(5), 15-26.
- Coşkun, G. (2011). Seçimlere Doğru Tunus. Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, Ortadoğu ve Afrika Araştırmaları Merkezi. Uşak: Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu.
- Coupe, J. A., & Redissi, H. (2014). Tunisia. In E. Lust (Ed.), The Middle East (789-829). London: Sage Publications.
- Dahl, R. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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- Doğanyılmaz Duman, D. (2019). Aydınlanma Felsefesi'nde Kilise'nin Sosyo-Politik Otoritesine Karşı Tepkiler: Fransa Cumhuriyetleri ve Laik Devletin Oluşum Süreci. In R. Korlu, & G. Duman, Siyaset ve Ekonomi Üzerine Yazılar (65-84). Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi.
- Duman, G. (2013). Islam and Democracy: Arab Spring and the Turkish Experience. In N. M. Adiong, International Relations and Islam: Diverse Perspectives (59-71). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Duman, G. (2018). An Analysis of Turkish-Tunisian Relations in Light of Arab Spring. Yıldız Social Science Review, 4(1), 53-64.
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- Jules, T. D., & Barton, T. (2018). Educational Transitions in Post-Revolutionary Spaces: Islam, Security, and Spaces: Islam, Security and Social Movements in Tunisia. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Kongar, E. (2016, Ekim 25). Sandık Fetişizmi ve Sivil Darbe İtirafı. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from Cumhuriyet: http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/koseyazisi/620869/Sandik_fetisizmi_ve_sivil_darbe_itirafi.html
- Le Monde. (2014, Ocak 27). En Tunisie, la nouvelle Constitution adoptée. Retrieved Ağustos 2019, from Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/tunisie/article/2014/01/26/le-premier-ministre-tunisien-a-compose-son-gouvernement_4354757_1466522.html
- Linz, J. J., & Stepan, A. (1996). Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Maktuf, L. (2013). Tunus'u Kurtarmak: Çalınan Arap Baharı. (F. E. Emcioğlu, Çev.) İstanbul: Modus Kitap.
- M'rad, H. (2013, Temmuz 26). Le Dialogue National en Tunisie. Tunus: Nirvana. Retrieved Ağustos 2019, from The Independent,: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/tunisia-shocked-by-assassinations-opposition
- Özhazar, İ., ve Elbinsoy, İ. (2017). Modern Dönem İslam Ülkeleri 1. İstanbul: Tire Kitap.
- Özkoç, O. (2015). Devrim’in Başladığı Yer: Sidi Bu Zeyd/Tunus. Mülkiye Dergisi, 39(2), 283-290.
- Salanova, R. (2012). Social media and political change: The case of the 2011 revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. ICIP, 7, 7-59.
- Schneider, C. Q., & Schmitter, P. C. (2007). Liberalization, transition and consolidation: measuring the components of democratization. Democratization, 11(5), 59-90.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1962). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: Harper Torchbooks.
- Szajkowski, B. (2011). Timeline of the Arab Revolt: December 2010 – June 2011. Alternative Politics, 3(3), 256-419.
- The International Republican Institute. (2012). Tunisia Constituent Assembly Elections: Election Observation Mission Final Report. The International Republican Institute. Washington: The International Republican Institute.
- Whitaker, B. (2010, Aralık 28). How a man setting fire to himself sparked an uprising in Tunisia. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/dec/28/tunisia-ben-ali
- Yıldırım, R. (2017). Transformation of the Ennahda Movement from Islamic Jama'ah to Political Party. Insight Turkey, 19(2), 189-214.
- Yavuz, C., ve Erdurmaz, S. (2012). Arap Baharı ve Türkiye. Ankara: Berikan.
- Zelin, A. Y. (2011, Aralık 8). The Salafi Challenge to Tunisia's Nascent Democracy. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from The Washington Institute: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/the-salafi-challenge-to-tunisias-nascent-democracy
Yasemin Devrimi, Kimlik ve Demokratikleşme: Tunus’ta Din ve Kimlik Algısı Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Year 2020,
Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 312 - 324, 26.06.2020
Didem Doğanyılmaz Duman
2010 yılında ekonomik sıkıntılar sonucu Tunus’ta gerçekleşen tekil bir eylem ile başlayan ayaklanmalar, geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılmış ve Arap dünyasının sosyopolitik yapısında ciddi değişikliklere sebep olarak, literatürde kendisine Arap Baharı adıyla yer bulan bir toplumsal hareketler zincirine dönüşmüştür. Arap Baharı Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika (MENA) coğrafyasında ciddi değişiklikler yaratmış, var olan birçok otoriter yapılanmanın sonunu getirmiş ve farklı coğrafyalarda farklı sonuçlara evirilmiştir. Tunus olayların merkezi olarak, diğer tüm devletlere nazaran otoriter yönetimin sona ermesinden bu yana demokratikleşme sürecinde çok daha fazla yol almıştır. Bu çalışmada Tunus özelinde Yasemin Devrimi olarak adlandırılan ayaklanmalar sonrasında demokratikleşme süreci incelemeye alınmış ve bu kapsamda dinin etkisi çerçevesinde ikiye bölünmüş olan milli kimlik unsurunun kutuplaştırıcı etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, 2013 ve 2016 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen ve Avrupa Birliği 7. Çerçeve Programları Kişiyi Destekleme Özel Programı (Marie-Curie Burs ve Destek Programı – FP7-People) kapsamında fonlanan “Social Movements And Mobilisation Typologies in The Arab Spring – Project SpringArab” isimli projenin bir aşaması olarak Temmuz 2013 ve Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasında başkent Tunus’ta gerçekleştirilen saha çalışmasında derlenen bilgilerle kaleme alınmıştır. İlgili yedi aylık süreç içerisinde gerçekleştirilen protesto gösterileri bireysel olarak gözlemlenmiş ve seçkisiz yöntemle belirlenmiş 102 kişi ile yapılandırılmamış derinlemesine mülakat yapılmış ve çalışmada sunulan analiz bu kapsamda tamamlanmıştır.
Project Number
European Commission 7th Framework Programme - Grant agreement ID: 318982
- Aarts, P., van Dijke, P., Kolman, I., Statema, J., & Dahhan, G. (2012). From Resilince to Revolt: Making Sense of the Arab Spring. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Ayhan, V. (2012). Arap Baharı: İsyanlar, Devrimler ve Değişim. Bursa: MKM Yayıncılık.
- BBC News. (2011, Ocak 11). 'Dozens killed' in Tunisia protests. Retrieved from BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-12162096
- BBC News. (2014, Ocak 27). Tunisia Assembly Passes New Constitution. Retrieved Haziran 2019, from BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25908340
- BBC News. (2014, Ocak 9). Tunus'ta islamcı başbakan istifa etti. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from BBC News Türkçe: https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler/2014/01/140109_tunus_istifa
- Black, I. (2010, Aralık 7). WikiLeaks cables: Tunisia blocks site reporting 'hatred' of first lady. Retrieved Ağustos 2019, from The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/07/wikileaks-tunisia-first-lady
- Bonci, A., & Cavatorta, F. (2019). The Politics of Presidential Term Limits in Tunisia. In A. Baturo, R. Elgie, A. Baturo, & R. Elgie (Eds.), The Politics of Presidential Term Limits (179-198). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Boulby, M. (1988). The Islamic Challenge: Tunisia since Independence. Third World Quarterly, 10(2), 590-614.
- Buechler, S. (1995). New Social Movement Theories. The Sociological Quarterly, 36(3), 441-464.
- Bunton, M. (2013). ‘Spring’, ‘Awakening’ or ‘Revolution’: Frames of Reference for Understanding the 2011 Arab Uprisings. Bilge Strateji, 9(5), 15-26.
- Coşkun, G. (2011). Seçimlere Doğru Tunus. Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, Ortadoğu ve Afrika Araştırmaları Merkezi. Uşak: Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu.
- Coupe, J. A., & Redissi, H. (2014). Tunisia. In E. Lust (Ed.), The Middle East (789-829). London: Sage Publications.
- Dahl, R. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Delaney, P. (1987, Kasım 9). Senile Bourguiba Described in Tunis. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/1987/11/09/world/senile-bourguiba-described-in-tunis.html?scp=2&sq=senile%20bourguiba&st=cseSenile
- Deutsche Welle. (2011, Mart 9). Death by fire: Self-immolation in the Arab World. Retrieved from Deutsche Welle: https://www.dw.com/en/death-by-fire-self-immolation-in-the-arab-world/a-14898706
- Doğanyılmaz Duman, D. (2019). Aydınlanma Felsefesi'nde Kilise'nin Sosyo-Politik Otoritesine Karşı Tepkiler: Fransa Cumhuriyetleri ve Laik Devletin Oluşum Süreci. In R. Korlu, & G. Duman, Siyaset ve Ekonomi Üzerine Yazılar (65-84). Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi.
- Duman, G. (2013). Islam and Democracy: Arab Spring and the Turkish Experience. In N. M. Adiong, International Relations and Islam: Diverse Perspectives (59-71). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Duman, G. (2018). An Analysis of Turkish-Tunisian Relations in Light of Arab Spring. Yıldız Social Science Review, 4(1), 53-64.
- Ellali, A. (2012, Mart 25). Several Thousand Salafists Demonstrate for Islamic Law, Attack Dramatists in Tunis. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from Tunisialive: http://www.tunisia-live.net/2012/03/25/several-thousand-salafists-demonstrate-for-islamic-law-attack-dramatists-in-tunis/
- Jules, T. D., & Barton, T. (2018). Educational Transitions in Post-Revolutionary Spaces: Islam, Security, and Spaces: Islam, Security and Social Movements in Tunisia. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Kongar, E. (2016, Ekim 25). Sandık Fetişizmi ve Sivil Darbe İtirafı. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from Cumhuriyet: http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/koseyazisi/620869/Sandik_fetisizmi_ve_sivil_darbe_itirafi.html
- Le Monde. (2014, Ocak 27). En Tunisie, la nouvelle Constitution adoptée. Retrieved Ağustos 2019, from Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/tunisie/article/2014/01/26/le-premier-ministre-tunisien-a-compose-son-gouvernement_4354757_1466522.html
- Linz, J. J., & Stepan, A. (1996). Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Maktuf, L. (2013). Tunus'u Kurtarmak: Çalınan Arap Baharı. (F. E. Emcioğlu, Çev.) İstanbul: Modus Kitap.
- M'rad, H. (2013, Temmuz 26). Le Dialogue National en Tunisie. Tunus: Nirvana. Retrieved Ağustos 2019, from The Independent,: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/tunisia-shocked-by-assassinations-opposition
- Özhazar, İ., ve Elbinsoy, İ. (2017). Modern Dönem İslam Ülkeleri 1. İstanbul: Tire Kitap.
- Özkoç, O. (2015). Devrim’in Başladığı Yer: Sidi Bu Zeyd/Tunus. Mülkiye Dergisi, 39(2), 283-290.
- Salanova, R. (2012). Social media and political change: The case of the 2011 revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. ICIP, 7, 7-59.
- Schneider, C. Q., & Schmitter, P. C. (2007). Liberalization, transition and consolidation: measuring the components of democratization. Democratization, 11(5), 59-90.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1962). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: Harper Torchbooks.
- Szajkowski, B. (2011). Timeline of the Arab Revolt: December 2010 – June 2011. Alternative Politics, 3(3), 256-419.
- The International Republican Institute. (2012). Tunisia Constituent Assembly Elections: Election Observation Mission Final Report. The International Republican Institute. Washington: The International Republican Institute.
- Whitaker, B. (2010, Aralık 28). How a man setting fire to himself sparked an uprising in Tunisia. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/dec/28/tunisia-ben-ali
- Yıldırım, R. (2017). Transformation of the Ennahda Movement from Islamic Jama'ah to Political Party. Insight Turkey, 19(2), 189-214.
- Yavuz, C., ve Erdurmaz, S. (2012). Arap Baharı ve Türkiye. Ankara: Berikan.
- Zelin, A. Y. (2011, Aralık 8). The Salafi Challenge to Tunisia's Nascent Democracy. Retrieved Eylül 2019, from The Washington Institute: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/the-salafi-challenge-to-tunisias-nascent-democracy