Research Article
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An Experimental determination of activity concentrations (238U, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs) in Brazil nut and Turkish hazelnut sold in the United Kingdom

Year 2024, , 187 - 196, 15.03.2024


The aim of this study was to determine activity concentrations of Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials (NORM) products and artificial radioisotopes in foods, and Brazil nut and Turkish hazelnut were selected from food products to be examined. The activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs radioisotopes in Brazil nut and Turkish hazelnut products purchased from 4 different brands operating in the UK were determined by a high purity germanium detector (HPGe) that performs gamma-ray counting. Ethically; all brands were encoded as A, B, C, and D. Activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th in Brazil nut samples were found to lie in the range of 33.9 ± 0.4 ↔ 35.5 ± 0.4 Bq/kg and 19.0 ± 0.3 ↔ 31.3 ± 0.4 Bq/kg, respectively, whereas the activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th in Turkish hazelnut samples were below minimum detectable activity (MDA) values. In all samples, the most dominant sources of radioactivity were 40K in range of 220.0 ± 3.4 ↔ 242.0 ± 3.4 Bq/kg, and very low activity concentrations of 137Cs were detected only in Turkish hazelnut samples purchased from D and A brands as 1.1 ± 0.2 and 1.8 ± 0.1 Bq/kg, respectively.


  • Alazemi, N., Bajoga, A., Bradley, D., Regan, P., & Shams, H. (2016). Soil radioactivity levels, radiological maps and risk assessment for the State of Kuwait. Chemosphere, 154, 55-62.
  • Armelin, M. J. (2016). Activity levels of gamma-emitters in Brazil nuts. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 4(1).
  • Bajoga, A., Alazemi, N., Regan, P., & Bradley, D. (2015). Radioactive investigation of NORM samples from southern Kuwait soil using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 116, 305-311.
  • Celik, N., Cevik, U., Celik, A., & Koz, B. (2009). Natural and artificial radioactivity measurements in eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(1), 146-153.
  • Cevik, U., Celik, N., Celik, A., Damla, N., & Coskuncelebi, K. (2009). Radioactivity and heavy metal levels in hazelnut growing in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(9), 2351-2355.
  • Garcez, R. W., Lopes, J. M., Filgueiras, R. A., & Silva, A. X. (2019). Study of K-40, Ra-226, Ra-228 and Ra-224 activity concentrations in some seasoning and nuts obtained in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. Food Science and Technology, 39(1), 120-126.
  • Grdovic, S., Vitorovic, G., Mitrovic, B., Andric, V., Petrujkic, B., & Obradovic, M. (2010). Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of feedstuffs, mosses and soil in the Belgrade environment, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 62(2), 301-307.
  • Gurgen, A., Yıldız, S., Cevik, U. & Celik, A. (2019). Radionuclide activity concentrations of agaricus bisporus and pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms cultivated in different commercial companies. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 14(1), 13-20. Erişim adresi:
  • Kathren, R. L. (1998). NORM sources and their origins. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 49(3), 149-168.
  • Kaya, S., Karabidak, S., & Cevik, U. (2015). Gümüşhane ili çevresinde toplanan toprak ve karayosunu örneklerinde doğal (226Ra, 232th ve 40k) ve yapay (137Cs) radyoaktivite konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1), 24.
  • Kaygusuz, K., & Avci, A. C. (2021). Nuclear power in Turkey for low carbon economy and energy security: a socioeconomic analysis. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 10(2), 1881-1889.
  • Kluczkovski, A. M., Martins, M., Mundim, S. M., Simoes, R. H., Nascimento, K. S., Marinho, H. A. & Kluczkovski Junior, A., (2015). Properties of brazil nuts: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology. 14(8), 642- 648.
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroglu, B., Keser, R., Okumusoglu, N. T., Korkmaz, F., Karahan, G. & Cevik, U. (2007). Determination of radioactivity levels and hazards of soil and sediment samples in Fırtına Valley (Rize, Turkey). Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 65, 1281-1289.
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroglu, B., Damla, N., & Cevik, U. (2011a). Radiological maps for Trabzon, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102(4), 393-399.
  • Kurnaz, A., Küçükömeroğlu, B., Çevik, U., & Çelebi, N. (2011b). Radon level and indoor gamma doses in dwellings of Trabzon, Turkey. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69(10), 1554-1559.
  • MacIntosh, A., Dafforn, K., Penrose, B., Chariton, A., & Cresswell, T. (2021). Ecotoxicological effects of decommissioning offshore petroleum infrastructure: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52(18), 3283-3321.
  • Malain, D., Regan, P., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., Santawamaitre, T., & Al-Sulaiti, H. (2010). Measurements of NORM in beach sand samples along the Andaman coast of Thailand after the 2004 tsunami. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 619(1-3), 441-445.
  • Malain, D., Regan, P., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., Al-Sulaiti, H., & Santawamaitre, T. (2012). An evaluation of the natural radioactivity in Andaman beach sand samples of Thailand after the 2004 tsunami. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(8), 1467-1474.
  • O'Brien, R., & Cooper, M. (1998). Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM): pathway analysis and radiological impact. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 49(3), 227-239.
  • Peker, K. (2019). Energy utilization and policies in Turkey. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science. 8(1), 1033-1040. Erişim adresi:
  • Santawamaitre, T., Malain, D., Al-Sulaiti, H., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., & Regan, P. (2014). Determination of 238U, 232Th and 40K activity concentrations in riverbank soil along the Chao Phraya river basin in Thailand. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 138, 80-86.
  • Tarımsal Ekonomi Ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü (2022). Ürün Raporu FINDIK. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı.
  • The Observatory of Economic Complexity (2022, April 15). Brazil nuts, fresh or dried's%203217th%20most,and%20Netherlands%20(%2420.3M)
  • United Nations Scientific Committee on The Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (2000). Sources and effects of ionizing radiation 2000 report, Volume I.

Birleşik Krallık’ta satışı gerçekleştirilen Brezilya fındığı ve Türk fındıklarındaki aktivite konsantrasyonlarının (238U, 232Th, 40K ve 137Cs) deneysel olarak belirlenmesi

Year 2024, , 187 - 196, 15.03.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, gıdalarda bulunan Doğal Olarak Oluşan Radyoaktif Materyaller (NORM) ürünleri ve yapay radyoizotoplara ait aktivite konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesidir ve incelenmek üzere gıda ürünlerinden Brezilya fındığı ile Türk fındığı seçilmiştir. Birleşik Krallık’ta faaliyet gösteren 4 farklı markadan satın alınan Brezilya fındığı ve Türk fındığı ürünlerindeki 238U, 232Th, 40K ve 137Cs radyoizotoplarının aktivite konsantrasyonları, gama-ışınlarının sayımını gerçekleştiren yüksek saflıktaki germanyum dedektörü (HPGe) ile belirlendi. Etik olarak, tüm markalar A, B, C ve D olarak kodlandı. Brezilya fındığı numunelerindeki 238U ve 232Th aktivite konsantrasyonları sırasıyla 33.9 ± 0.4 ↔ 35.5 ± 0.4 Bq/kg ve 19.0 ± 0.3 ↔ 31.3 ± 0.4 Bq/kg aralıklarında iken, Türk fındığı numunelerindeki 238U ve 232Th aktivite konsantrasyonları tespit edilebilen en düşük aktivitenin (MDA) altında kalmıştır. Tüm numuneler içinde, en baskın radyoaktivite kaynağı ise 220.0 ± 3.4 ↔ 242.0 ± 3.4 Bq/kg aktivite aralığındaki 40K olup, sadece D ve A markalarından satın alınan Türk fındığı numunelerinde sırasıyla 1.1 ± 0.2 ve 1.8 ± 0.1 Bq/kg aktivitelerine sahip 137Cs tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alazemi, N., Bajoga, A., Bradley, D., Regan, P., & Shams, H. (2016). Soil radioactivity levels, radiological maps and risk assessment for the State of Kuwait. Chemosphere, 154, 55-62.
  • Armelin, M. J. (2016). Activity levels of gamma-emitters in Brazil nuts. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 4(1).
  • Bajoga, A., Alazemi, N., Regan, P., & Bradley, D. (2015). Radioactive investigation of NORM samples from southern Kuwait soil using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 116, 305-311.
  • Celik, N., Cevik, U., Celik, A., & Koz, B. (2009). Natural and artificial radioactivity measurements in eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162(1), 146-153.
  • Cevik, U., Celik, N., Celik, A., Damla, N., & Coskuncelebi, K. (2009). Radioactivity and heavy metal levels in hazelnut growing in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(9), 2351-2355.
  • Garcez, R. W., Lopes, J. M., Filgueiras, R. A., & Silva, A. X. (2019). Study of K-40, Ra-226, Ra-228 and Ra-224 activity concentrations in some seasoning and nuts obtained in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. Food Science and Technology, 39(1), 120-126.
  • Grdovic, S., Vitorovic, G., Mitrovic, B., Andric, V., Petrujkic, B., & Obradovic, M. (2010). Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of feedstuffs, mosses and soil in the Belgrade environment, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 62(2), 301-307.
  • Gurgen, A., Yıldız, S., Cevik, U. & Celik, A. (2019). Radionuclide activity concentrations of agaricus bisporus and pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms cultivated in different commercial companies. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 14(1), 13-20. Erişim adresi:
  • Kathren, R. L. (1998). NORM sources and their origins. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 49(3), 149-168.
  • Kaya, S., Karabidak, S., & Cevik, U. (2015). Gümüşhane ili çevresinde toplanan toprak ve karayosunu örneklerinde doğal (226Ra, 232th ve 40k) ve yapay (137Cs) radyoaktivite konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1), 24.
  • Kaygusuz, K., & Avci, A. C. (2021). Nuclear power in Turkey for low carbon economy and energy security: a socioeconomic analysis. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 10(2), 1881-1889.
  • Kluczkovski, A. M., Martins, M., Mundim, S. M., Simoes, R. H., Nascimento, K. S., Marinho, H. A. & Kluczkovski Junior, A., (2015). Properties of brazil nuts: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology. 14(8), 642- 648.
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroglu, B., Keser, R., Okumusoglu, N. T., Korkmaz, F., Karahan, G. & Cevik, U. (2007). Determination of radioactivity levels and hazards of soil and sediment samples in Fırtına Valley (Rize, Turkey). Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 65, 1281-1289.
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroglu, B., Damla, N., & Cevik, U. (2011a). Radiological maps for Trabzon, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102(4), 393-399.
  • Kurnaz, A., Küçükömeroğlu, B., Çevik, U., & Çelebi, N. (2011b). Radon level and indoor gamma doses in dwellings of Trabzon, Turkey. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69(10), 1554-1559.
  • MacIntosh, A., Dafforn, K., Penrose, B., Chariton, A., & Cresswell, T. (2021). Ecotoxicological effects of decommissioning offshore petroleum infrastructure: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52(18), 3283-3321.
  • Malain, D., Regan, P., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., Santawamaitre, T., & Al-Sulaiti, H. (2010). Measurements of NORM in beach sand samples along the Andaman coast of Thailand after the 2004 tsunami. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 619(1-3), 441-445.
  • Malain, D., Regan, P., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., Al-Sulaiti, H., & Santawamaitre, T. (2012). An evaluation of the natural radioactivity in Andaman beach sand samples of Thailand after the 2004 tsunami. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(8), 1467-1474.
  • O'Brien, R., & Cooper, M. (1998). Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM): pathway analysis and radiological impact. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 49(3), 227-239.
  • Peker, K. (2019). Energy utilization and policies in Turkey. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science. 8(1), 1033-1040. Erişim adresi:
  • Santawamaitre, T., Malain, D., Al-Sulaiti, H., Bradley, D., Matthews, M., & Regan, P. (2014). Determination of 238U, 232Th and 40K activity concentrations in riverbank soil along the Chao Phraya river basin in Thailand. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 138, 80-86.
  • Tarımsal Ekonomi Ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü (2022). Ürün Raporu FINDIK. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı.
  • The Observatory of Economic Complexity (2022, April 15). Brazil nuts, fresh or dried's%203217th%20most,and%20Netherlands%20(%2420.3M)
  • United Nations Scientific Committee on The Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (2000). Sources and effects of ionizing radiation 2000 report, Volume I.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Radiation and Matter
Journal Section Articles

Kıvanç Peker 0000-0002-7794-7804

Publication Date March 15, 2024
Submission Date July 7, 2023
Acceptance Date November 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Peker, K. (2024). Birleşik Krallık’ta satışı gerçekleştirilen Brezilya fındığı ve Türk fındıklarındaki aktivite konsantrasyonlarının (238U, 232Th, 40K ve 137Cs) deneysel olarak belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 187-196.