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Arıklı (Çanakkale-Türkiye) kuzeybatısında fay zonlarında gözlenen damar tipi U-Th zenginleşmesinin mikrotermometrik özellikleri

Year 2021, , 729 - 743, 15.07.2021


Batı Anadolu’da birçok bölgede U-Th zenginleşmeleri gözlenir. Biga Yarımadası sınırları içindeki Arıklı ve civarındaki tüflerde gelişen fay zonlarında da U ve Th zenginleşmeleri bulunur. Cevherleşme damar tipi şeklinde ve epijenetik oluşumludur. Bölgenin temelini Çetmi Ofiyolitik Melanjı oluşturur. Bu birim üzerinde Arıklı tüf üyesi ve şeyl-kumtaşı üyesinden oluşan Küçükkuyu formasyonu yer alır. Bölgedeki en genç birim ise diyabaz dayklarıdır. İnceleme alanı Paleojen dönemindeki deformasyonlardan etkilenmiş ve E-W ve NE-SW uzanımlı eğim atımlı fay sistemleri gelişmiştir. Örencik tepesi civarındaki fay zonunda U için 64-1640 ppm ve Th için ise 302-11813 ppm değerleri elde edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu fay zonunda hidrotermal magnezit breşleri gelişmiştir. Cevherleşme ile ilişkili olan bu breşlerde mikrotermometrik ölçümler sonucunda homojenleşme sıcaklıklarının (Th, oC) 282-348 oC arasında olduğu ve % NaCl tuzluluk eşdeğerlerinin de 4.2-8.0 arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sıvı kapanımların çözelti sisteminin H2O- MgCl2-CaCl2 şeklinde olduğu ve sıvıların yoğnuluğunun da 0.58-0.74 g/cm3arasında olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır.


  • Akıska, E., Karakaş, Z. and Öztürk, C. (2019). Uranium, thorium and rare earth element deposits of Turkey. Pirajno, F., Ünlü, T., Dönmez, C., Şahin, M. (Eds.). Mineral Resources of Turkey (p. 655-679). Crawley; Ankara: Springer, Cham., 16.
  • Akkoyunlu, A. (2006). Türkiye’de enerji kaynakları ve çevreye etkileri [Energy sources and their environmental effects in Turkey]. Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies.
  • Andaç, M. (1971). Biga yarımadasında tarihi Truva harabelerinin güneyindeki radyoaktif sahil kumlarının mineralojisi ve bunların ana kayaçlarının petrolojisi. MTA Dergisi, 95, 75-79.
  • Anonymous. (2009). World distribution of uranium deposit (UDEPO) with uranium deposit classification. IAEA, TECDOC, 1629.
  • Atabey, E. (2006). Çanakkale’nin Ayvacık-Küçükkuyu arası kayaların özellikleri, MTA’nın uranyum-fosfat aramaları ve doğal radyoaktivite. Radyasyon ve Çevre Sempozyumu Bildiriler kitabı (s.1), Çanakkale.
  • Atabey, E. ve Ünal, H. (2008). Batı Anadolu’daki jeolojik unsurlar ve halk sağlığı projesi 2006-2007 yılı tıbbi jeoloji ve etüt raporu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, MTA, Rapor No, 11067, 292.
  • Atabey, E. (2008). Doğal radyasyon kaynakları: Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ve Geyikli örneği. Uluslararası Katılımlı Tıbbi Jeoloji Sempozyum Kitabı (s. 85-88). YMGV Yayını. ISBN: 978-975-7946-33-5, İstanbul.
  • Bakker, R.J. (2003). Package FLUIDS 1. Computer programs for analysis of fluid inclusion data and for modelling bulk fluid properties, Chemical Geology, 194, 3-23.
  • Beccaletto, L. and Jenny, C., (2004). Geology and correlation of the Ezine Zone: a Rhodope fragment in NW Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 13(2), 145–176.
  • Beccaletto, L., Bartolini A.C., Martini R., Hochuli P.A. and Kozur H. (2005). Biostratigraphic data from the Çetmi melange, northwest Turkey. Palaeogeographic and tectonic implications, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 221, 215-244.
  • Bodnar, R.J. (1993). Revised equation and table for determining the freezing point depression of H2O-NaCl solutions. Geochemistry Cosmochemical Acta, 57, 683–684.
  • Bonnetti, C., Liu, X., Mercadier, J., Cuney, M., Deloule, E., Villeneuve, J. and Liu, W. (2018). The genesis of granite-related hydrothermal uranium deposits in the Xiazhuang and Zhuguang ore fields, north Guangdong Province, SE China: Insights from mineralogical, trace elements and U-Pb isotopes signatures of the U mineralisation. Ore Geology Review, 92, 588–612.
  • Bonnetti, C., Liu, X., Cuney, M., Mercadier, J., Riegler, T. and Yu. C. (2020). Evolution of the uranium mineralisation in the Zoujiashan deposit, Xiangshan ore field: Implications for the genesis of volcanic-related hydrothermal U deposits in South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103514, 1-24.
  • Chen, Y.J., Ni, P., Fan, H.R. and Lai, Y. (2007). Diagnostic fluid inclusions of different types gold deposits. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 23, 2085–2108 (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Contencin, G. (1960). Sivrihisar Beylikahır radyoaktif emaresi [Radioactive signs of Sivrihisar Beylikahır]. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 3167 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Crawford, M. L. (1981). Phase equilibria in aqueous fluid inclusions. In Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Handbook. Hollister, L.S., Crawford, M.L. (Eds.), 6, 75-100.
  • Çiftçi, N.B., Temel, R.Ö. and Terzioğlu, M.N. (2004). Neogene stratigraphy and hydrocarbon system of the region surrounding the gulf of Edremit, NW Turkey. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 16, 81-104 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • DPT. (1996). Nükleer enerji hammaddeleri-Uranyum-Toryum [Nuclear energy raw materials–uranium–thorium]. Turkish republic prime ministry state planning organization undersecretariat, Mining specialization commission-sub-commission on energy raw materials, Geothermal energy working group report, DPT 2429 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Dönmez, M., Akçay, A.E., Genç, S.C. and Acar, S. (2005). Middle-Upper Eocene volcanism and marine ignimbrites in Biga Peninsula. Bulletin Mineral Research Exploration, 131, 49–61 (in Turkish).
  • Günaydın, A. (2017). Geology and geochemistry of nodular-phosphate and fault-controlled hydrothermal-phosphate mıneralızations in Arıklı and Nusratlı villages (Ayvacık-Çanakkale, NW Turkey). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 155 (155), 131-146.
  • Işık, V. (2016). Torosların Jeolojisi; Türkiye Jeolojisi Ders Notu. Ankara Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ankara.
  • İnci, U. (1984). The stratigraphy and organic properties of Demirci and Burhaniye bituminous shales. Bulletin of the Geological Congress of Turkey, 5, 27-40 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Kaplan, H. (1977). Eskisehir-Sivrihisar-Kızılcaören köyü yakın güneyi nadir toprak elementleri ve toryum kompleks cevher yatağı nihai etüdü [Final report of the rare earth elements and thorium ore complex in Eskişehir-Sivrihisar-Kızılcaören village]. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 8672 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Kaplan, H. (2011). Kızılcaören toryum/nte yatağının keşfi üzerine, kişisel söyleşi [On the discovery of the Kızılcaören Thorium/REE beds, personal interview]. Ministry of Earth Science Magazine, 13, 52–62.
  • Kesgin, Y. (2001). Tertiary geology and sedimentology of the northeastern Aegean offshore and nearshore regions. PhD Thesis, p.265, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Li, J., Zhou, M., Li, X., Fu, Z. and Li, Z. (2002). Structural control on uranium mineralization in South China: Implications for fluid flow in continental strike-slip faults. Science in China (Series-D), 45, 851–864.
  • Lu, H.Z., Fan, H.R., Ni, P., Ou, G.X., Shen, K. and Zhang, W.H. (2004). Fluid Inclusions. SciencePress, Beijing (pp, 487, in Chinese).
  • MTA. (2009). Mineral resources of Turkey (According to Province). Publication of Mineral Research and Exploration, Earth Science and Culture Series-5, Ankara, p 602. ISBN 978–605-4075-32-4.
  • MTA. (2010c). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü websitesi, (Accessed 22 Oct 2015). maden_potansiyel_2010/Canakkale_Madenler.pdf.
  • Okay, A.I., Siyako, M. and Bürkan, K.A. (1990). Geology and tectonic evolution of the Biga peninsula. Association Of Turkish Petroleum Gelologists Bulletin, 2, 83-121.
  • Okay A.İ., and Satır M. (2000a). Upper Cretaceous Eclogite-Facies Metamorphic Rocks From the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 47–56.
  • Okay, A.İ. and Satır, M. (2000b). Coeval plutonism and metamorphism in a latest Oligocene metamorphic core complex in northwest Turkey. Geological Magazine, 137 (5), 495–516.
  • Okay, A. I., Tansel, I. and Tuysuz, O. (2001). Obduction, subduction and collision as reflected in the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene sedimentary record of western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 138(2), 117-142.
  • Okay, A.I. and Altıner, D. (2004). Uppermost Triassic limestone in the Karakaya Complex stratigraphic and tectonic significance. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13,187-199.
  • Örgün, Y., Altınsoy, N., Gültekin, A. H., Karahan, G. and Çelebi, N. (2005). Natural radioactivity levels in granitic plutons and groundwaters in Southeast part of Eskisehir, Turkey. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 63(2), 267–275.
  • Qin, M. T. and Liu, S. X. (1998). Granite- and volcanic rocks-type uranium deposits in the Nanling region (in Chinese with English abstract), Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 147-155.
  • Riegler, T., Lescuyer, J.-L., Wollenberg, P., Quirt, D. and Beaufort, D. (2014). Alteration related to uranium deposits in the Kiggavik-Andrew lake structural trend, Nunavut, Canada: new insights from petrography and clay mineralogy. Canadian Mineralogy, 52, 27–45.
  • Roedder, E. (1979). Origin and significance of magmatic inclusions. Bulletin de Mineralogie, 102(5), 487-510.
  • Roedder, E. (1984). Fluid inclusions. Reviews in mineralogy: Washington. Mineral Society of America, 12, 644 p. Saka K. (1979). Edremit körfezi ve civarı Neojen’inin jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon olanakları. Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı Arama Grubu, 1342, 1-17.
  • Shephard, T.J., Rankin, A.H. and Alderton, D.H.M. (1985). A practical guide to fluid inclusion studies. Blackie, Glasgow, p.239.
  • Shu, L.S., Zhou, X.M., Deng, P., Wang, B., Jiang, S.Y., Yu, J.H. and Zhao, X.X. (2009). Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Southeast China Block: new insights from basin analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34, 376–391.
  • Siyako, M., Bürkan, K.A. ve Okay, A.İ. (1989). Biga ve Gelibolu Yarımadaları’nın Tersiyer jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon olanakları. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derneği Bülteni, 1, 183-200.
  • Şaşmaz, A. (2008). Determination of uranium occurrences from soil, water and plant samples and possible environmental effects around Köprübaşı (Manisa) uranium bed. Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project no 107Y226, 82 p (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Şengün, F., Yiğitbaş, E. and Tunç, İ.O. (2011). Geology and tectonic emplacement of eclogite and blueschists, Biga peninsula, northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 20, 273-285. https://doi: 10.3906/yer-0912-75. TÜSİAD. (1998). Evaluation of Turkey’s energy strategy while entering the 21st century. Paper No. Tüsiad T/98-12/239, 316 p (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Uçmak, F. (1969). Final report of thorium ores in Eskişehir–Sivrihisar–Beylikahır. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 343 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Van den Kerkhof, A. M. and Hein, U.F. (2001). Fluid inclusion petrography. Lithos, 55(1-4), 27-47.
  • Wang, D. and Shu, L., (2012). Late Mesozoic basin and range tectonics and related magmatism in Southeastern China. Geoscience Frontiers, 3–2, 109–124.
  • Wilkinson, J. J. (2001). Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits. Lithos, 55(1-4), 229-272.
  • Yılmaz-Şahin, S., Güngör, Y. and Göker, A.F., (2004). Macroscopical and microscopical evidences magma mixing/mingling type interaction of in Kestenbol granitoid (South Çanakkale), Nortwest AnatoliaTurkey, 4. Internatiınal Scientific Conference, Modern Managment of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental protection, SGEM 2004, Bulgaria, Proceeding, 3-14.
  • Yılmaz-Şahin, S., Örgün, Y. ve Güngör, Y. (2006). U/TH’ca zengin radyoaktif granitoyidlerin jeokimyası: Kestanbol ve Kaymaz plütonları, batı Anadolu, Türkiye. 59. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri, 43-45, Ankara.
  • Yörükoğlu, K. (2014). Uranium and uranium potential of Turkey as a raw material. Architect and Engineer Journal, 75, 40–42 (in Turkish).
  • Zhang, Y.G. and Frantz, J.D. (1987). Determination of the homogenization temperatures and densities of supercritical fluids in the system NaCl-KCl-CaCl2-H2O using synthetic fluid inclusions, Chemical Geology, 64, 335-350.
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Microthermometric characteristics of vein type U-Th enrichment observed in the Fault Zones in Northwest of Arıklı (Çanakkale-Turkey)

Year 2021, , 729 - 743, 15.07.2021


U-Th enrichments are observed in many regions in Western Anatolia. There are also U and Th enrichments in the fault zones developed in the tuffs in Arıklı in Biga Peninsula. The characterization of the mineralization is vein type and epigenetic formation. Çetmi Ophiolitic Melange forms the basis of the region. Küçükkuyu formation, which consists of Arıklı tuff member and shale-sandstone member, is located on this unit. The youngest unit in the region is diabase dykes. The study area was affected by deformations during the Paleogene period and E-W and NE-SW extended dip slip fault systems were developed. In the fault zone around Örencik Tepe, 64-1640 ppm values for U and 302-11813 ppm values for Th were obtained respectively. At the same time, hydrothermal magnesite breccias developed in this fault zone. Because of microthermometric assessments in these breccias associated with mineralization, it was determined that the homogenization temperatures (Th, oC) were between 282-348 oC and the % NaCl salinity equivalents were between 4.2-8.0 respectively. It was identified that the solution system of the liquid inclusions is as H2O-MgCl2-CaCl2 and the density of the liquids is between 0.58-0.74 g/cm3.


  • Akıska, E., Karakaş, Z. and Öztürk, C. (2019). Uranium, thorium and rare earth element deposits of Turkey. Pirajno, F., Ünlü, T., Dönmez, C., Şahin, M. (Eds.). Mineral Resources of Turkey (p. 655-679). Crawley; Ankara: Springer, Cham., 16.
  • Akkoyunlu, A. (2006). Türkiye’de enerji kaynakları ve çevreye etkileri [Energy sources and their environmental effects in Turkey]. Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies.
  • Andaç, M. (1971). Biga yarımadasında tarihi Truva harabelerinin güneyindeki radyoaktif sahil kumlarının mineralojisi ve bunların ana kayaçlarının petrolojisi. MTA Dergisi, 95, 75-79.
  • Anonymous. (2009). World distribution of uranium deposit (UDEPO) with uranium deposit classification. IAEA, TECDOC, 1629.
  • Atabey, E. (2006). Çanakkale’nin Ayvacık-Küçükkuyu arası kayaların özellikleri, MTA’nın uranyum-fosfat aramaları ve doğal radyoaktivite. Radyasyon ve Çevre Sempozyumu Bildiriler kitabı (s.1), Çanakkale.
  • Atabey, E. ve Ünal, H. (2008). Batı Anadolu’daki jeolojik unsurlar ve halk sağlığı projesi 2006-2007 yılı tıbbi jeoloji ve etüt raporu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, MTA, Rapor No, 11067, 292.
  • Atabey, E. (2008). Doğal radyasyon kaynakları: Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ve Geyikli örneği. Uluslararası Katılımlı Tıbbi Jeoloji Sempozyum Kitabı (s. 85-88). YMGV Yayını. ISBN: 978-975-7946-33-5, İstanbul.
  • Bakker, R.J. (2003). Package FLUIDS 1. Computer programs for analysis of fluid inclusion data and for modelling bulk fluid properties, Chemical Geology, 194, 3-23.
  • Beccaletto, L. and Jenny, C., (2004). Geology and correlation of the Ezine Zone: a Rhodope fragment in NW Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 13(2), 145–176.
  • Beccaletto, L., Bartolini A.C., Martini R., Hochuli P.A. and Kozur H. (2005). Biostratigraphic data from the Çetmi melange, northwest Turkey. Palaeogeographic and tectonic implications, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 221, 215-244.
  • Bodnar, R.J. (1993). Revised equation and table for determining the freezing point depression of H2O-NaCl solutions. Geochemistry Cosmochemical Acta, 57, 683–684.
  • Bonnetti, C., Liu, X., Mercadier, J., Cuney, M., Deloule, E., Villeneuve, J. and Liu, W. (2018). The genesis of granite-related hydrothermal uranium deposits in the Xiazhuang and Zhuguang ore fields, north Guangdong Province, SE China: Insights from mineralogical, trace elements and U-Pb isotopes signatures of the U mineralisation. Ore Geology Review, 92, 588–612.
  • Bonnetti, C., Liu, X., Cuney, M., Mercadier, J., Riegler, T. and Yu. C. (2020). Evolution of the uranium mineralisation in the Zoujiashan deposit, Xiangshan ore field: Implications for the genesis of volcanic-related hydrothermal U deposits in South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103514, 1-24.
  • Chen, Y.J., Ni, P., Fan, H.R. and Lai, Y. (2007). Diagnostic fluid inclusions of different types gold deposits. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 23, 2085–2108 (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Contencin, G. (1960). Sivrihisar Beylikahır radyoaktif emaresi [Radioactive signs of Sivrihisar Beylikahır]. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 3167 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Crawford, M. L. (1981). Phase equilibria in aqueous fluid inclusions. In Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Handbook. Hollister, L.S., Crawford, M.L. (Eds.), 6, 75-100.
  • Çiftçi, N.B., Temel, R.Ö. and Terzioğlu, M.N. (2004). Neogene stratigraphy and hydrocarbon system of the region surrounding the gulf of Edremit, NW Turkey. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 16, 81-104 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • DPT. (1996). Nükleer enerji hammaddeleri-Uranyum-Toryum [Nuclear energy raw materials–uranium–thorium]. Turkish republic prime ministry state planning organization undersecretariat, Mining specialization commission-sub-commission on energy raw materials, Geothermal energy working group report, DPT 2429 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Dönmez, M., Akçay, A.E., Genç, S.C. and Acar, S. (2005). Middle-Upper Eocene volcanism and marine ignimbrites in Biga Peninsula. Bulletin Mineral Research Exploration, 131, 49–61 (in Turkish).
  • Günaydın, A. (2017). Geology and geochemistry of nodular-phosphate and fault-controlled hydrothermal-phosphate mıneralızations in Arıklı and Nusratlı villages (Ayvacık-Çanakkale, NW Turkey). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 155 (155), 131-146.
  • Işık, V. (2016). Torosların Jeolojisi; Türkiye Jeolojisi Ders Notu. Ankara Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ankara.
  • İnci, U. (1984). The stratigraphy and organic properties of Demirci and Burhaniye bituminous shales. Bulletin of the Geological Congress of Turkey, 5, 27-40 (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Kaplan, H. (1977). Eskisehir-Sivrihisar-Kızılcaören köyü yakın güneyi nadir toprak elementleri ve toryum kompleks cevher yatağı nihai etüdü [Final report of the rare earth elements and thorium ore complex in Eskişehir-Sivrihisar-Kızılcaören village]. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 8672 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Kaplan, H. (2011). Kızılcaören toryum/nte yatağının keşfi üzerine, kişisel söyleşi [On the discovery of the Kızılcaören Thorium/REE beds, personal interview]. Ministry of Earth Science Magazine, 13, 52–62.
  • Kesgin, Y. (2001). Tertiary geology and sedimentology of the northeastern Aegean offshore and nearshore regions. PhD Thesis, p.265, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Li, J., Zhou, M., Li, X., Fu, Z. and Li, Z. (2002). Structural control on uranium mineralization in South China: Implications for fluid flow in continental strike-slip faults. Science in China (Series-D), 45, 851–864.
  • Lu, H.Z., Fan, H.R., Ni, P., Ou, G.X., Shen, K. and Zhang, W.H. (2004). Fluid Inclusions. SciencePress, Beijing (pp, 487, in Chinese).
  • MTA. (2009). Mineral resources of Turkey (According to Province). Publication of Mineral Research and Exploration, Earth Science and Culture Series-5, Ankara, p 602. ISBN 978–605-4075-32-4.
  • MTA. (2010c). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü websitesi, (Accessed 22 Oct 2015). maden_potansiyel_2010/Canakkale_Madenler.pdf.
  • Okay, A.I., Siyako, M. and Bürkan, K.A. (1990). Geology and tectonic evolution of the Biga peninsula. Association Of Turkish Petroleum Gelologists Bulletin, 2, 83-121.
  • Okay A.İ., and Satır M. (2000a). Upper Cretaceous Eclogite-Facies Metamorphic Rocks From the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 47–56.
  • Okay, A.İ. and Satır, M. (2000b). Coeval plutonism and metamorphism in a latest Oligocene metamorphic core complex in northwest Turkey. Geological Magazine, 137 (5), 495–516.
  • Okay, A. I., Tansel, I. and Tuysuz, O. (2001). Obduction, subduction and collision as reflected in the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene sedimentary record of western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 138(2), 117-142.
  • Okay, A.I. and Altıner, D. (2004). Uppermost Triassic limestone in the Karakaya Complex stratigraphic and tectonic significance. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13,187-199.
  • Örgün, Y., Altınsoy, N., Gültekin, A. H., Karahan, G. and Çelebi, N. (2005). Natural radioactivity levels in granitic plutons and groundwaters in Southeast part of Eskisehir, Turkey. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 63(2), 267–275.
  • Qin, M. T. and Liu, S. X. (1998). Granite- and volcanic rocks-type uranium deposits in the Nanling region (in Chinese with English abstract), Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 147-155.
  • Riegler, T., Lescuyer, J.-L., Wollenberg, P., Quirt, D. and Beaufort, D. (2014). Alteration related to uranium deposits in the Kiggavik-Andrew lake structural trend, Nunavut, Canada: new insights from petrography and clay mineralogy. Canadian Mineralogy, 52, 27–45.
  • Roedder, E. (1979). Origin and significance of magmatic inclusions. Bulletin de Mineralogie, 102(5), 487-510.
  • Roedder, E. (1984). Fluid inclusions. Reviews in mineralogy: Washington. Mineral Society of America, 12, 644 p. Saka K. (1979). Edremit körfezi ve civarı Neojen’inin jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon olanakları. Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı Arama Grubu, 1342, 1-17.
  • Shephard, T.J., Rankin, A.H. and Alderton, D.H.M. (1985). A practical guide to fluid inclusion studies. Blackie, Glasgow, p.239.
  • Shu, L.S., Zhou, X.M., Deng, P., Wang, B., Jiang, S.Y., Yu, J.H. and Zhao, X.X. (2009). Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Southeast China Block: new insights from basin analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34, 376–391.
  • Siyako, M., Bürkan, K.A. ve Okay, A.İ. (1989). Biga ve Gelibolu Yarımadaları’nın Tersiyer jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon olanakları. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derneği Bülteni, 1, 183-200.
  • Şaşmaz, A. (2008). Determination of uranium occurrences from soil, water and plant samples and possible environmental effects around Köprübaşı (Manisa) uranium bed. Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project no 107Y226, 82 p (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Şengün, F., Yiğitbaş, E. and Tunç, İ.O. (2011). Geology and tectonic emplacement of eclogite and blueschists, Biga peninsula, northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 20, 273-285. https://doi: 10.3906/yer-0912-75. TÜSİAD. (1998). Evaluation of Turkey’s energy strategy while entering the 21st century. Paper No. Tüsiad T/98-12/239, 316 p (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Uçmak, F. (1969). Final report of thorium ores in Eskişehir–Sivrihisar–Beylikahır. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Report, no 343 (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Van den Kerkhof, A. M. and Hein, U.F. (2001). Fluid inclusion petrography. Lithos, 55(1-4), 27-47.
  • Wang, D. and Shu, L., (2012). Late Mesozoic basin and range tectonics and related magmatism in Southeastern China. Geoscience Frontiers, 3–2, 109–124.
  • Wilkinson, J. J. (2001). Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits. Lithos, 55(1-4), 229-272.
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There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Sercan Öztürk This is me 0000-0003-4478-2908

Cihan Yalçın 0000-0002-0510-2992

Mustafa Kumral 0000-0001-7827-8721

Publication Date July 15, 2021
Submission Date January 21, 2021
Acceptance Date April 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Öztürk, S., Yalçın, C., & Kumral, M. (2021). Microthermometric characteristics of vein type U-Th enrichment observed in the Fault Zones in Northwest of Arıklı (Çanakkale-Turkey). Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(3), 729-743.