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Year 2015, , 24 - 33, 02.02.2015


The aim of this study was to determine natural (226Ra, 232Ta and 40K) and artificial (radionuclides for soil and moss samples collected from the Gümüşhane province. Various soil and moss samples were collected from locations in Gümüşhane-Turkey. The total number of samples radionuclides, 137Cs activity concentration was measured in soil and moss moss samples. It was found that Cs activity concentration ranged from 7.63 to 39.44 Bq kg with for soil, and from 12.45 to 196.89 Bq kg for moss samples. Obtained values show that the mean radium equivalent activity (Raeq ) for soil and moss samples were 96 and 157, respectively. Raeqvalues of the measured samples are lower than the limit value of 370 Bq kg which is equivalent to a gamma dose of 1.5 mSv·y-1


  • Arafa, W., 2004. Specific activity and hazards of granite samples collected from the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 75, 3, 315-327.
  • Arogunjo, A. M., Farai, I. P. ve Fuwape, I. A., 2004. Dose rate assessment of terrestrial gamma radiation in the Delta Region of Nigeria. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 108, 1, 73-77.
  • Cevik U., Damla N., Koz B., Kaya S., (2008), “Radiological characterization around Afsin-Elbistan coal-fired power plant in Turkey” Energy & Fuels 22 (1), 428-432
  • Erees, F. S., Akozcan, S., Parlak, Y. ve Cam, S., 2006. Assessment of dose rates around Manisa. Radiation Measurements, 41, 5, 598-601.
  • Frey W , Fram J P , Fischer E , Lobin W , Die Moos und Farnpflanzen Europas, Stuttgart, Jena, New York (1995)
  • Grodzinska, K., 1982. Monitoring of Air Pollutants by Mosses and Tree bBark. In: Steubing, L., Jager, H. Eds.), Monitoring of Air Pollutants by Plants-Methods and Problems. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Osnabruck, 24-25. IX. 1981. Dr. W. Junk Publ, The Hague, pp. 33-42.
  • Grodzinska K., Szarek-Lukaszewska G., 2001. Response of Mosses to the Heavy Metal Deposition in Poland-an overview. Environmental pollution 114, 443-451
  • Ibrahiem, N. M., 1993. Measurement of Radioactivity Levels in Soil in the Nile Delta and Middle Egypt. Health Physics, 64, 6, 620-627
  • Karahan, G. ve Bayulken, A., 2000. Assesment of Gamma Dose Rates Around İstanbul. Journal of Envrionmental Radioactivity, 47, 2, 213-221.
  • Karakelle, B., Ozturk, N., Kose, A., Varinlioğlu, A., Erkol, A. Y. ve Yılmaz, F., 2002. Natural radioactivity in soil samples of Kocaeli basin, Turkey. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 254, 3, 649-651.
  • Koz,B., Çevik, U., Bulut, V. N., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A., Celik, N. (2013).,” Heavy Metal Analysıs By Moss Specıes In The Black Sea Regıon Of Turkey” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Sayı 22, No 4b-s 1287-1295
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroğlu, B., Keser, R., Okumusoğlu, N. T., Kormaz, F., Karahan, G. ve Cevik, U., 2007. Determination of Radioactivity Levels and Hazards of Soil and sediment samples in Fırtına Valley (Rize,Turkey). Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65, 11, 1281–1289.
  • Kurnaz, A., 2009. Trabzon İlinin Ve Şebinkarahisar İlçesinin Doğal Radyoaktivite Duzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Ve Yıllık Etkin Doz Eşdeğerleri, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Trabzon.
  • Osmanlıoğlu, A. E., Kam, E. ve Bozkurt, A., 2007. Assessment of background radioactivity level for Gaziantep region of southeastern Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 124, 4, 407-410.
  • Purvis O W , Coppins B J , Hawksworth D L, James P W, Moore D M, The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, Natural History Museum and British Lichen Society, London, pp. 710. (1993)
  • Smith A J E ,The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland, Cambridge University Press, London( 2004)
  • Sroor, A., El-Bahi, S. M., Ahmed, F. ve Abdel-Haleem, A. S., 2001. Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation rate of soil in southern Egypt. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 55, 6, 873-879.
  • UNSCEAR, 2000. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation to the General Assembly, Sources, Effects and Risk of Ionizing Radiation, United Nations, New York, USA.
  • Uyar, G., Oren, M. and Đnce, M., 2007. Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Duzce Province by Using Mosses as Biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 145-153.
  • Ziqiang, P., Yin, Y. ve Mingqiang, G., 1988. Natural Radiation and Radioactivity in China. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 24, 1/4, 29-38.

Gümüşhane İli Çevresinde Toplanan Toprak ve Karayosunu Örneklerinde Doğal ( 226Ra, 232Th ve 40K) ve Yapay (137Cs) Radyoaktivite Konsantrasyonlarının Belirlenmesi

Year 2015, , 24 - 33, 02.02.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Gümüşhane çevresinde toplanan toprak ve karayosunu örneklerinde doğal (226Ra, 232Th ve 40K) ve yapay (137Cs) radyoaktivite konsantrasyonlarını belirlemektir. Gümüşhane çevresinde toplanan toplam 28 (12 karayosunu,16 toprak) toprak ve karayosunu örnekleri analiz edildi.Gümüşhane ili çevresinde toplanan toprak ve karayosunu örnekleri için doğal ve yapay radyoaktivite konsantrasyonları iyi kalibre edilmiş yüksek çözünürlüklü germanyum dedektörü (HPGE dedektörü) ile belirlendi.Gümüşhane ilindeki toprak ve karayosunu örneklerinde aktivite konsantrasyonları 226Ra için 17,31 ile 141,62 Bqkg-1 arasında, 232Th için 9,70 ile 35,34 Bqkg-1 arasında ve 40K için 236,83 ile 1039,11 Bqkg-1 arasında bulunmuştur. Doğal radyoaktivitenin yanısıra yapay 137 Cs aktivite konsantrasyonu toprak ve karayosunu örneklerinde ölçülmüştür. Toprak örnekleri için 137 Cs aktivite konsantrasyonu 7,63 ile 39,44 Bqkg-1 arasında, karayosunu numuneleri için 12,45 ile 196,89 Bqkg-1 arasında bulunmuştur. Elde edilen değerler kullanılarak toprak ve karayosunu için sırasıyla ortalama eşdeğer radyum aktivitesinin(Raeq) 96 Bqkg-1 ve 157 Bqkg-1 bulunmuştur. Ölçülen örneklerin Raeq değerleri; eşdeğer gama doz oranı 1,5 mSv.y-1 denk gelen  370 Bqkg-1 limit değerinden çok düşüktür.


  • Arafa, W., 2004. Specific activity and hazards of granite samples collected from the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 75, 3, 315-327.
  • Arogunjo, A. M., Farai, I. P. ve Fuwape, I. A., 2004. Dose rate assessment of terrestrial gamma radiation in the Delta Region of Nigeria. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 108, 1, 73-77.
  • Cevik U., Damla N., Koz B., Kaya S., (2008), “Radiological characterization around Afsin-Elbistan coal-fired power plant in Turkey” Energy & Fuels 22 (1), 428-432
  • Erees, F. S., Akozcan, S., Parlak, Y. ve Cam, S., 2006. Assessment of dose rates around Manisa. Radiation Measurements, 41, 5, 598-601.
  • Frey W , Fram J P , Fischer E , Lobin W , Die Moos und Farnpflanzen Europas, Stuttgart, Jena, New York (1995)
  • Grodzinska, K., 1982. Monitoring of Air Pollutants by Mosses and Tree bBark. In: Steubing, L., Jager, H. Eds.), Monitoring of Air Pollutants by Plants-Methods and Problems. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Osnabruck, 24-25. IX. 1981. Dr. W. Junk Publ, The Hague, pp. 33-42.
  • Grodzinska K., Szarek-Lukaszewska G., 2001. Response of Mosses to the Heavy Metal Deposition in Poland-an overview. Environmental pollution 114, 443-451
  • Ibrahiem, N. M., 1993. Measurement of Radioactivity Levels in Soil in the Nile Delta and Middle Egypt. Health Physics, 64, 6, 620-627
  • Karahan, G. ve Bayulken, A., 2000. Assesment of Gamma Dose Rates Around İstanbul. Journal of Envrionmental Radioactivity, 47, 2, 213-221.
  • Karakelle, B., Ozturk, N., Kose, A., Varinlioğlu, A., Erkol, A. Y. ve Yılmaz, F., 2002. Natural radioactivity in soil samples of Kocaeli basin, Turkey. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 254, 3, 649-651.
  • Koz,B., Çevik, U., Bulut, V. N., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A., Celik, N. (2013).,” Heavy Metal Analysıs By Moss Specıes In The Black Sea Regıon Of Turkey” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Sayı 22, No 4b-s 1287-1295
  • Kurnaz, A., Kucukomeroğlu, B., Keser, R., Okumusoğlu, N. T., Kormaz, F., Karahan, G. ve Cevik, U., 2007. Determination of Radioactivity Levels and Hazards of Soil and sediment samples in Fırtına Valley (Rize,Turkey). Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65, 11, 1281–1289.
  • Kurnaz, A., 2009. Trabzon İlinin Ve Şebinkarahisar İlçesinin Doğal Radyoaktivite Duzeylerinin Belirlenmesi Ve Yıllık Etkin Doz Eşdeğerleri, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Trabzon.
  • Osmanlıoğlu, A. E., Kam, E. ve Bozkurt, A., 2007. Assessment of background radioactivity level for Gaziantep region of southeastern Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 124, 4, 407-410.
  • Purvis O W , Coppins B J , Hawksworth D L, James P W, Moore D M, The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, Natural History Museum and British Lichen Society, London, pp. 710. (1993)
  • Smith A J E ,The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland, Cambridge University Press, London( 2004)
  • Sroor, A., El-Bahi, S. M., Ahmed, F. ve Abdel-Haleem, A. S., 2001. Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation rate of soil in southern Egypt. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 55, 6, 873-879.
  • UNSCEAR, 2000. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation to the General Assembly, Sources, Effects and Risk of Ionizing Radiation, United Nations, New York, USA.
  • Uyar, G., Oren, M. and Đnce, M., 2007. Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition in Duzce Province by Using Mosses as Biomonitors. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16, 145-153.
  • Ziqiang, P., Yin, Y. ve Mingqiang, G., 1988. Natural Radiation and Radioactivity in China. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 24, 1/4, 29-38.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Selim Kaya

Salih Mustafa Karabıdak

Uğur Çevik

Publication Date February 2, 2015
Submission Date September 9, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Kaya, S., Karabıdak, S. M., & Çevik, U. (2015). Gümüşhane İli Çevresinde Toplanan Toprak ve Karayosunu Örneklerinde Doğal ( 226Ra, 232Th ve 40K) ve Yapay (137Cs) Radyoaktivite Konsantrasyonlarının Belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 24-33.