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Relations Of Hunger And Poverty In Children With Aggressıon And Violence Behaviors

Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 162 - 179, 01.01.2015


Juvenile delinquency in the whole world, both in terms of the patterns and results is a major social problem. In turning to crime, child hunger, poverty, unemployment, adverse environmental conditions such as rapidly changing social structure plays an important role. Among the effects of poverty on children’s health due to insufficient nutrition, not only growth and developmental delay, but also emotional and behavioral problems has an important place. Lack of the essential amino acids, fats and micro-nutrients required for normal development and function of the nervous system can cause a number of psychosocial problems such as hyperactivity, restlessness, aggression and substance abuse by affecting adversely the physical and mental development. In this review, we aimed to investigate the effects of hormonal-biochemical-metabolic changes caused by hunger and nutritional deficiencies on brain development, human mood and behavior and to develop possible solutions.


  • 1. ġener DK, Ocakçı AF. Yoksulluğun Çocuk Sağlığı Üzerine Çok Boyutlu Etkileri. Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 2014; 13 (1): 57-68.
  • 2. Durgun Ö. Türkiye’de Yoksulluk Ve Çocuk Yoksulluğu Üzerine Bir Ġnceleme. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi 2011; 6(1), 143–154.
  • 3. Yurdakök M. Dünyada Ve Ülkemizde Çocuk Sağlığı. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2005; 48: 203-205.
  • 4. Bertan M, Haznedaroğlu D, Koln P, Yurdakök K, Güçiz BD. Ülkemizde Erken Çocukluk GeliĢimine ĠliĢkin Yapılan ÇalıĢmaların Derlenmesi (2000-2007). Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009; 52: 1-8.
  • 5. Gordon D, Nandy S, Pantazis C, Pemberton S and Townsend P. Child Poverty In Developing The World. Bristol, UK: The Policiy Pres; 2003. EriĢim tarihi: 31.10.2014
  • 6. EUROSTAT, ―Income And Living Conditions In Europe‖, EN.PDF. 31.10.2014
  • 7. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Ġstatistikleri Yıllığı 2012. EriĢim Tarihi:30.10.2014
  • 8. UNICEF 2011. Türkiye’de Çocukların Durumu Raporu: Yoksul Çocuklar. s.15–28. EriĢim tarihi:30.10.2014
  • 9. TNSA 2008. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık AraĢtırması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2008; 165–183. 10. Dedeoğlu N. Sağlık ve Yoksulluk. Toplum ve Hekim Dergisi 2004; 19 (1): 51-53.
  • 11. Trani JF, Cannings TI. Child Poverty In An Emergency And Conflict Context: A Multidimensional Profile And An Identification Of The Poorest Children In Western Darfur. World Development 2013; 48: 48–70.
  • 12. Blair C, Berry D, Mills-Koonce R, Granger D. Cumulative Effects Of Early Poverty On Cortisol In Young Children: Moderation By Autonomic Nervous System Activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2013; 38: 2666 - 75.
  • 13. Hannum E, Liu J, Frongillo E. Poverty, Food Insecurity And Nutritional Deprivation In Rural China: Implications For Children’s Literacy Achievement. International Journal of Educational Development 2014; 34: 90–97.
  • 14. Liu J, Raine A, Venables PH, Mednick SA. Malnutrition at Age 3 Years and Externalizing Behavior Problems at Ages 8, 11, and 17 Years. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:2005–2013.
  • 15. Grantham-McGregor S, Baker-Henningham H. Review Of The Evidence Linking Protein And Energy To Mental Development. Public Health Nutr 2005;8 (7): 1191– 1201.
  • 16. Young SN. The Effect Of Raising And Lowering Tryptophan Levels On Human Mood And Social Behaviour. Phil Trans R Soc 2013;368:1-9.
  • 17. Voracek M, Tran US. Dietary Tryptophan Intake And Suicide Rate In Industrialized Nations. J Affect Disord 2007; 98:259-62.
  • 18. Tiihonen J, Virkkunen M, Räsänen P, Pennanen S, Sainio EL, Callaway J et al. Free LTryptophan Plasma Levels In Antisocial Violent Offenders. Psychopharmacology 2001;157:395–400.
  • 19. Hallahan B, Garland MR. Essential Fatty Acids And Their Role In The Treatment Of Impulsivity Disorders. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2004;71: 211–216.
  • 20. Hallahan B, Garland MR. Essential Fatty Acids And Mental Health. British Journal of Psychiatry 2005;186:275–77.
  • 21. Long SJ, Benton D. A Double-Blind Trial Of The Effect Of Docosahexaenoic Acid And Vitamin And Mineral Supplementation Onaggression, Impulsivity, And Stress. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2013;28(3): 238-47.
  • 22. Buydens-Branchey L, Branchey M, Hibbeln JR. Associations Between Increases In Plasma N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Following Supplementation And Decreases In Anger And Anxiety In Substance Abusers. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2008; 32(2): 568-75.
  • 23. Delarue J, Matzinger O, Binnert C, Schneiter P, Chioléro R, Tappy L. Fish Oil Prevents The Adrenal Activation Elicited By Mental Stress In Healthy Men. Diabetes Metab 2003;29 (3): 289–95.
  • 24. Hamazaki T, Itomura M, Sawazaki S, Nagao Y. Anti-stress Effects Of DHA. Biofactors 2000;13 (1): 41–5.
  • 25. Hamazaki K, Itomura M, Huan M, Nishizawa H, Sawazaki S, Tanouchi M et al. Effect of [omega]-3 Fatty Acid-Containing Phospholipids On Blood Catecholamine Concentrations In Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Doubleblind Trial. Nutrition 2005; 21 (6): 705–10.
  • 26. Tokunaga M, Seneca N, Shin RM, Maeda J, Obayashi S, Okauchi T et al. Neuroimaging And Physiological Evidence For Involvement Of Glutamatergic Transmission In Regulation Of The Striatal Dopaminergic System. J Neurosci 2009;29 (6):1887–96.
  • 27. Castro SL, Zigmond MJ. Stress-Ġnduced Ġncrease Ġn Extracellular Dopamine In Striatum: Role Of Glutamatergic Action Via N-Methyl-Aspartate Receptors In Substantia Nigra. Brain Res 2001; 901 (1-2): 47–54.
  • 28. Gainetdinov RR, Mohn AR, Bohn LM, Caron MG. Glutamatergic Modulation Of Hyperactivity In Mice Lacking The Dopamine Transporter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001; 98 (20): 11047–54.
  • 29. Lavialle M, Champeil-Potokar G, Alessandri JM, Balasse L, Guesnet P, Papillon C et al. An (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Deficient Diet Disturbs Daily Locomotor Activity, Melatonin Rhythm, And Striatal Dopamine In Syrian Hamsters. J Nutr 2008;138 (9):1719–24.
  • 30. Vancassel S, Durand G, Barthelemy C, Lejeune B, Martineau J, Guilloteau D et al. Plasma Fatty Acid Levels In Autistic Children. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2001; 65(1):1–7.
  • 31. Tordjman S, Anderson GM, Pichard N, Charbuy H, Touitou Y. Nocturnal Excretion Of 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin In Children And Adolescents With Autistic Disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2005; 57(2):134–8.
  • 32. Zisapel N. Melatonin–Dopamine Interactions: From Basic Neurochemistry To A Clinical Setting. Cell Mol Neurobiol 2001;21(6): 605–16.
  • 33. Liu J, Wuerker A. Biosocial Bases Of Aggressive And Violent Behavior—Implications For Nursing Studies. Int J Nurs Stud 2005;42: 229–41.
  • 34. Erkıran M, Erkıran GK, Evren C, ġahinler ĠH. Ġlaç Kullanmayan ġizofreni Hastalarında Saldırganlık ve Serum Kolesterol Düzeyi: Kontrollü Bir ÇalıĢma. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2001; 12(4):261-72.
  • 35. Kaplan JR, Muldoon MF, Manuck SB, Mann JJ. Assessing The Observed Relationship Between Low Cholesterol And Violence-Related Mortality. Implications for suicide risk. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1997;836: 57–80.
  • 36. Huskisson E, Maggini S, Ruf M. The Role Of Vitamins And Minerals In Energy Metabolism And Well-Being. J Int Med Res 2007;35: 277–89.
  • 37. Murphy PK, Wagner, CL. Vitamin D and Mood Disorders Among Women: An Integrative Review. J Midwifery Womens Health 2008; 53: 440 – 46.
  • 38. Shipowick CD, Moore CB, Corbett C, Bindler R. Vitamin D And Depressive Symptoms In Women During The Winter: A pilot study. Appl Nurs Res 2009; 22: 221– 25.
  • 39. Herbison CE, Hickling S, Allen KL, O'Sullivan TA, Robinson M, Bremner AP et al. Low Intake Of B-Vitamins Is Associated With Poor Adolescent Mental Health And Behaviour. Prev Med 2012; 55: 634–38.
  • 40. Zhang M, Robitaille L, Eintracht S, Hoffer LJ. Vitamin C Provision Improves Mood In Acutely Hospitalized Patients. Nutrition 2011; 27: 530–33.
  • 41. Erikson KM, Jones BC, Hess EJ and Beard JL. Iron Deficiency Decreases Dopamine D1 And D2 Receptors In Rat Brain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2001; 69 (3-4): 409-18.
  • 42. Sever Y, Ashkenazi A, Tyano S, Weizman A. Iron Treatment Ġn Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Preliminary Report. Neuropsychobiology 1997;35: 178–80.
  • 43. Mizuno T, Omata N, Murata T, Mitsuya H, Maruoka N, Mita K et al. Mania: Not The Opposite Of Depression, But An Extension? Neuronal Plasticity And Polarity. Med Hypotheses 2013; 81: 175-179.
  • 44. Cuijpers P, Straten A, Smit F, Mihalopoulos C, Beekman A. Preventing the Onset of Depressive Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review of Psychological Interventions. Am J Psychiatry 2008;165 (10): 1272-80.
  • 45. Rowe WJ. Correcting Magnesium Deficiencies May Prolong Life. Clin Interv Aging 2012; 7: 51–54.
  • 46. Wang Y, Kasper LH. The Role Of Microbiome In Central Nervous System Disorders. Brain Behavior and Immunity 2014; 38: 1–12.
  • 47. Tang F, Reddy BL, Saier MH. Psychobiotics and Their Involvement in Mental Health. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014; 24: 211–14.
  • 48. Dinan TG, Cryan JF. Regulation Of The Stress Response By The Gut Microbiota: Implications For Psychoneuroendocrinology. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2012; 37; 1369-78.
  • 49. Thornton PA, Finegold DN, Stanley CA. Hypoglycemia In The Infant And Child. Pediatr Endocrinol. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2002.
  • 50. Liu J, Wuerker A. Biosocial Bases Of Aggressive And Violent Behavior—Implications For Nursing Studies. Int J Nurs Stud 2005;42: 229–241.
  • 51. McBurnett K, Lahey BB, Rathouz PJ, Loeber R. Low Salivary Cortisol And Persistent Aggression In Boys Referred For Disruptive Behavior. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2000;57: 38–43.
  • 52. Susman EJ, Ponirakis A. Hormones—Context Interactions And Antisocial Behavior In Youth. In: Raine A, Brennan PA, Farrington DP, Mednick SA, Editors. Biosocial Bases of Violence. New York: Plenum Press, 1997; 163–174.
  • 53. Seo D, Patrick CJ, Kennealy PJ. Role Of Serotonin And Dopamine System Interactions Ġn The Neurobiology Of Impulsive Aggression And Its Comorbidity With Other Clinical Disorders. Aggress Violent Beh 2008;13: 383–395.
  • 54. Moret C, Briley M. The Ġmportance Of Norepinephrine In Depression. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2011; 7(1): 9–13.
  • 55. Temiz HE. Dünyada Kronik Yoksulluk Ve Önleme Stratejileri. ÇalıĢma ve Toplum 2002; 2: 61–100

Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 162 - 179, 01.01.2015


Çocuk suçluluğu bütün dünyada, hem ortaya çıkış biçimi hem de sonuçları açısından önemli bir sosyal problemdir. Çocuğun suça yönelmesinde açlık, yoksulluk, işsizlik, toplumsal yapının hızla değişmesi gibi olumsuz çevre koşulları önemli rol oynamaktadır. Yoksulluğun çocuk sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri arasında beslenme yetersizliğine bağlı büyüme ve gelişme geriliği kadar, ruhsal ve davranışsal sorunlar da önemli yer tutmaktadır. Sinir sisteminin gelişimi ve normal fonksiyonları için gerekli olan elzem amino asitlerin, yağların, mikro besin maddelerin yetersizliği, fiziksel ve zihinsel gelişimlerini olumsuz yönde etkileyerek hiperaktivite, huzursuzluk, saldırganlık ve madde kötüye kullanımı gibi çok sayıda psikososyal soruna neden olabilmektedir. Bu derlemede, açlık ve beslenme yetersizliğinin yol açtığı hormonal-biyokimyasal-metabolik değişikliklerin beyin gelişimi, duygu durumu ve insan davranışı üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması ve olası çözüm önerilerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. ġener DK, Ocakçı AF. Yoksulluğun Çocuk Sağlığı Üzerine Çok Boyutlu Etkileri. Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 2014; 13 (1): 57-68.
  • 2. Durgun Ö. Türkiye’de Yoksulluk Ve Çocuk Yoksulluğu Üzerine Bir Ġnceleme. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi 2011; 6(1), 143–154.
  • 3. Yurdakök M. Dünyada Ve Ülkemizde Çocuk Sağlığı. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2005; 48: 203-205.
  • 4. Bertan M, Haznedaroğlu D, Koln P, Yurdakök K, Güçiz BD. Ülkemizde Erken Çocukluk GeliĢimine ĠliĢkin Yapılan ÇalıĢmaların Derlenmesi (2000-2007). Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2009; 52: 1-8.
  • 5. Gordon D, Nandy S, Pantazis C, Pemberton S and Townsend P. Child Poverty In Developing The World. Bristol, UK: The Policiy Pres; 2003. EriĢim tarihi: 31.10.2014
  • 6. EUROSTAT, ―Income And Living Conditions In Europe‖, EN.PDF. 31.10.2014
  • 7. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Ġstatistikleri Yıllığı 2012. EriĢim Tarihi:30.10.2014
  • 8. UNICEF 2011. Türkiye’de Çocukların Durumu Raporu: Yoksul Çocuklar. s.15–28. EriĢim tarihi:30.10.2014
  • 9. TNSA 2008. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık AraĢtırması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, 2008; 165–183. 10. Dedeoğlu N. Sağlık ve Yoksulluk. Toplum ve Hekim Dergisi 2004; 19 (1): 51-53.
  • 11. Trani JF, Cannings TI. Child Poverty In An Emergency And Conflict Context: A Multidimensional Profile And An Identification Of The Poorest Children In Western Darfur. World Development 2013; 48: 48–70.
  • 12. Blair C, Berry D, Mills-Koonce R, Granger D. Cumulative Effects Of Early Poverty On Cortisol In Young Children: Moderation By Autonomic Nervous System Activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2013; 38: 2666 - 75.
  • 13. Hannum E, Liu J, Frongillo E. Poverty, Food Insecurity And Nutritional Deprivation In Rural China: Implications For Children’s Literacy Achievement. International Journal of Educational Development 2014; 34: 90–97.
  • 14. Liu J, Raine A, Venables PH, Mednick SA. Malnutrition at Age 3 Years and Externalizing Behavior Problems at Ages 8, 11, and 17 Years. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:2005–2013.
  • 15. Grantham-McGregor S, Baker-Henningham H. Review Of The Evidence Linking Protein And Energy To Mental Development. Public Health Nutr 2005;8 (7): 1191– 1201.
  • 16. Young SN. The Effect Of Raising And Lowering Tryptophan Levels On Human Mood And Social Behaviour. Phil Trans R Soc 2013;368:1-9.
  • 17. Voracek M, Tran US. Dietary Tryptophan Intake And Suicide Rate In Industrialized Nations. J Affect Disord 2007; 98:259-62.
  • 18. Tiihonen J, Virkkunen M, Räsänen P, Pennanen S, Sainio EL, Callaway J et al. Free LTryptophan Plasma Levels In Antisocial Violent Offenders. Psychopharmacology 2001;157:395–400.
  • 19. Hallahan B, Garland MR. Essential Fatty Acids And Their Role In The Treatment Of Impulsivity Disorders. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2004;71: 211–216.
  • 20. Hallahan B, Garland MR. Essential Fatty Acids And Mental Health. British Journal of Psychiatry 2005;186:275–77.
  • 21. Long SJ, Benton D. A Double-Blind Trial Of The Effect Of Docosahexaenoic Acid And Vitamin And Mineral Supplementation Onaggression, Impulsivity, And Stress. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2013;28(3): 238-47.
  • 22. Buydens-Branchey L, Branchey M, Hibbeln JR. Associations Between Increases In Plasma N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Following Supplementation And Decreases In Anger And Anxiety In Substance Abusers. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2008; 32(2): 568-75.
  • 23. Delarue J, Matzinger O, Binnert C, Schneiter P, Chioléro R, Tappy L. Fish Oil Prevents The Adrenal Activation Elicited By Mental Stress In Healthy Men. Diabetes Metab 2003;29 (3): 289–95.
  • 24. Hamazaki T, Itomura M, Sawazaki S, Nagao Y. Anti-stress Effects Of DHA. Biofactors 2000;13 (1): 41–5.
  • 25. Hamazaki K, Itomura M, Huan M, Nishizawa H, Sawazaki S, Tanouchi M et al. Effect of [omega]-3 Fatty Acid-Containing Phospholipids On Blood Catecholamine Concentrations In Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Doubleblind Trial. Nutrition 2005; 21 (6): 705–10.
  • 26. Tokunaga M, Seneca N, Shin RM, Maeda J, Obayashi S, Okauchi T et al. Neuroimaging And Physiological Evidence For Involvement Of Glutamatergic Transmission In Regulation Of The Striatal Dopaminergic System. J Neurosci 2009;29 (6):1887–96.
  • 27. Castro SL, Zigmond MJ. Stress-Ġnduced Ġncrease Ġn Extracellular Dopamine In Striatum: Role Of Glutamatergic Action Via N-Methyl-Aspartate Receptors In Substantia Nigra. Brain Res 2001; 901 (1-2): 47–54.
  • 28. Gainetdinov RR, Mohn AR, Bohn LM, Caron MG. Glutamatergic Modulation Of Hyperactivity In Mice Lacking The Dopamine Transporter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001; 98 (20): 11047–54.
  • 29. Lavialle M, Champeil-Potokar G, Alessandri JM, Balasse L, Guesnet P, Papillon C et al. An (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Deficient Diet Disturbs Daily Locomotor Activity, Melatonin Rhythm, And Striatal Dopamine In Syrian Hamsters. J Nutr 2008;138 (9):1719–24.
  • 30. Vancassel S, Durand G, Barthelemy C, Lejeune B, Martineau J, Guilloteau D et al. Plasma Fatty Acid Levels In Autistic Children. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2001; 65(1):1–7.
  • 31. Tordjman S, Anderson GM, Pichard N, Charbuy H, Touitou Y. Nocturnal Excretion Of 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin In Children And Adolescents With Autistic Disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2005; 57(2):134–8.
  • 32. Zisapel N. Melatonin–Dopamine Interactions: From Basic Neurochemistry To A Clinical Setting. Cell Mol Neurobiol 2001;21(6): 605–16.
  • 33. Liu J, Wuerker A. Biosocial Bases Of Aggressive And Violent Behavior—Implications For Nursing Studies. Int J Nurs Stud 2005;42: 229–41.
  • 34. Erkıran M, Erkıran GK, Evren C, ġahinler ĠH. Ġlaç Kullanmayan ġizofreni Hastalarında Saldırganlık ve Serum Kolesterol Düzeyi: Kontrollü Bir ÇalıĢma. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2001; 12(4):261-72.
  • 35. Kaplan JR, Muldoon MF, Manuck SB, Mann JJ. Assessing The Observed Relationship Between Low Cholesterol And Violence-Related Mortality. Implications for suicide risk. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1997;836: 57–80.
  • 36. Huskisson E, Maggini S, Ruf M. The Role Of Vitamins And Minerals In Energy Metabolism And Well-Being. J Int Med Res 2007;35: 277–89.
  • 37. Murphy PK, Wagner, CL. Vitamin D and Mood Disorders Among Women: An Integrative Review. J Midwifery Womens Health 2008; 53: 440 – 46.
  • 38. Shipowick CD, Moore CB, Corbett C, Bindler R. Vitamin D And Depressive Symptoms In Women During The Winter: A pilot study. Appl Nurs Res 2009; 22: 221– 25.
  • 39. Herbison CE, Hickling S, Allen KL, O'Sullivan TA, Robinson M, Bremner AP et al. Low Intake Of B-Vitamins Is Associated With Poor Adolescent Mental Health And Behaviour. Prev Med 2012; 55: 634–38.
  • 40. Zhang M, Robitaille L, Eintracht S, Hoffer LJ. Vitamin C Provision Improves Mood In Acutely Hospitalized Patients. Nutrition 2011; 27: 530–33.
  • 41. Erikson KM, Jones BC, Hess EJ and Beard JL. Iron Deficiency Decreases Dopamine D1 And D2 Receptors In Rat Brain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2001; 69 (3-4): 409-18.
  • 42. Sever Y, Ashkenazi A, Tyano S, Weizman A. Iron Treatment Ġn Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Preliminary Report. Neuropsychobiology 1997;35: 178–80.
  • 43. Mizuno T, Omata N, Murata T, Mitsuya H, Maruoka N, Mita K et al. Mania: Not The Opposite Of Depression, But An Extension? Neuronal Plasticity And Polarity. Med Hypotheses 2013; 81: 175-179.
  • 44. Cuijpers P, Straten A, Smit F, Mihalopoulos C, Beekman A. Preventing the Onset of Depressive Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review of Psychological Interventions. Am J Psychiatry 2008;165 (10): 1272-80.
  • 45. Rowe WJ. Correcting Magnesium Deficiencies May Prolong Life. Clin Interv Aging 2012; 7: 51–54.
  • 46. Wang Y, Kasper LH. The Role Of Microbiome In Central Nervous System Disorders. Brain Behavior and Immunity 2014; 38: 1–12.
  • 47. Tang F, Reddy BL, Saier MH. Psychobiotics and Their Involvement in Mental Health. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2014; 24: 211–14.
  • 48. Dinan TG, Cryan JF. Regulation Of The Stress Response By The Gut Microbiota: Implications For Psychoneuroendocrinology. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2012; 37; 1369-78.
  • 49. Thornton PA, Finegold DN, Stanley CA. Hypoglycemia In The Infant And Child. Pediatr Endocrinol. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2002.
  • 50. Liu J, Wuerker A. Biosocial Bases Of Aggressive And Violent Behavior—Implications For Nursing Studies. Int J Nurs Stud 2005;42: 229–241.
  • 51. McBurnett K, Lahey BB, Rathouz PJ, Loeber R. Low Salivary Cortisol And Persistent Aggression In Boys Referred For Disruptive Behavior. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2000;57: 38–43.
  • 52. Susman EJ, Ponirakis A. Hormones—Context Interactions And Antisocial Behavior In Youth. In: Raine A, Brennan PA, Farrington DP, Mednick SA, Editors. Biosocial Bases of Violence. New York: Plenum Press, 1997; 163–174.
  • 53. Seo D, Patrick CJ, Kennealy PJ. Role Of Serotonin And Dopamine System Interactions Ġn The Neurobiology Of Impulsive Aggression And Its Comorbidity With Other Clinical Disorders. Aggress Violent Beh 2008;13: 383–395.
  • 54. Moret C, Briley M. The Ġmportance Of Norepinephrine In Depression. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2011; 7(1): 9–13.
  • 55. Temiz HE. Dünyada Kronik Yoksulluk Ve Önleme Stratejileri. ÇalıĢma ve Toplum 2002; 2: 61–100
There are 54 citations in total.


Other ID JA78TG26BA
Journal Section Articles

Aliye Özenoğlu This is me

Gökçe Ünal

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Özenoğlu, A., & Ünal, G. (2015). Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 162-179.
AMA Özenoğlu A, Ünal G. Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. January 2015;4(1):162-179.
Chicago Özenoğlu, Aliye, and Gökçe Ünal. “Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4, no. 1 (January 2015): 162-79.
EndNote Özenoğlu A, Ünal G (January 1, 2015) Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4 1 162–179.
IEEE A. Özenoğlu and G. Ünal, “Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi”, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 162–179, 2015.
ISNAD Özenoğlu, Aliye - Ünal, Gökçe. “Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4/1 (January 2015), 162-179.
JAMA Özenoğlu A, Ünal G. Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;4:162–179.
MLA Özenoğlu, Aliye and Gökçe Ünal. “Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, 2015, pp. 162-79.
Vancouver Özenoğlu A, Ünal G. Açlık Ve Yoksulluğun Çocuklarda Saldırganlık Ve Şiddet Davranışları İle İlişkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;4(1):162-79.