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The Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Exercise Capacity in Lung Transplantation

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 400 - 407, 23.03.2025


Pulmonary rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach that includes exercise training aimed at restoring the independent functioning of patients, reducing disability, relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) exercise programs are applied after lung transplantation (ATx). In this study, it was aimed to interpret the effect of PR exercise program on exercise capacity after transplantation.
PUBMED, Cochrane, LILACS, and WOS (Web of Science) databases were searched exclusively in English from January 2015 to December 2021 for this review. Studies in which exercise capacity was discussed in postoperative physiotherapy treatment in patients who had undergone ATx were included. As a result of the scan, n = 684 studies were identified. After repeated publication control, n = 23 studies were eliminated. After the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, n = 635 studies were excluded from the study, and full-text readings were started. Due to not being able to reach the full text, language differences, and going out of the subject in full text reading, the remaining n = 3 studies at the end of the analysis were included in this review.
All three studies conducted in 2017 and 2019 included findings that post-transplant PR programs improve exercise capacity in patients undergoing ATx. It is important for patients who underwent ATx to participate in the PR program in order to improve their exercise capacity in the post-transplant phase. Postoperative PR programs can facilitate treatment and speed up the healing process.


  • 1. Hartert, M., Senbaklavaci, Ö., Gohrbandt, B., Fischer, B. M., Buhl, R., & Vahl, C. F. (2014). Lungentransplantation–Therapieoption bei Lungenerkrankungen im Endstadium. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 111(7), 107-116.
  • 2. Chambers, D. C., Cherikh, W. S., Harhay, M. O., Hayes, D., Hsich, E., Khush, K. K., ... & Stehlik, J. (2019). The International Thoracic Organ Transplant Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation: Thirty-sixth adult lung and heart–lung transplantation Report—2019; Focus theme: Donor and recipient size match. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 38(10), 1042-1055.
  • 3. Rochester, C. L., Vogiatzis, I., Holland, A. E., Lareau, S. C., Marciniuk, D. D., Puhan, M. A., Spruit, M. A., Masefield, S., Casaburi, R., Clini, E. M., Crouch, R., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garvey, C., Goldstein, R. S., Hill, K., Morgan, M., Nici, L., Pitta, F., Ries A. L., Singh, S. J., Troosters, T., Wijkstra, P. J., Yawn, B. P., & ZuWallack, R. L. (2015). An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society policy statement: enhancing implementation, use, and delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 192(11), 1373-1386.
  • 4. Byrd, R., Smith, P., Mohamedaly, O., Snyder, L. D., & Pastva, A. M. (2019). A 1-month physical therapy–based outpatient program for adults awaiting lung transplantation: A Retrospective analysis of exercise capacity, symptoms, and quality of life. Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal, 30(2), 61-69.
  • 5. Wickerson, L., Rozenberg, D., Janaudis-Ferreira, T., Deliva, R., Lo, V., Beauchamp, G., Helm, D., Gottesman, C., Mendes, P., Vieira, L., Herridge, M., Singer, L. G., & Mathur, S. (2016). Physical rehabilitation for lung transplant candidates and recipients: an evidence-informed clinical approach. World journal of transplantation, 6(3), 517.
  • 6. Dierich, M., Tecklenburg, A., Fuehner, T., Tegtbur, U., Welte, T., Haverich, A., Warnecke, G., & Gottlieb, J. (2013). The influence of clinical course after lung transplantation on rehabilitation success. Transplant International, 26(3), 322-330.
  • 7. van Adrichem, E. J., Reinsma, G. D., van den Berg, S., van der Bij, W., Erasmus, M. E., Krijnen, W. P., ... & van der Schans, C. P. (2015). Predicting 6-minute walking distance in recipients of lung transplantation: longitudinal study of 108 patients. Physical therapy, 95(5), 720-729.
  • 8. Gloeckl, R., Heinzelmann, I., Seeberg, S., Damisch, T., Hitzl, W., & Kenn, K. (2015). Effects of complementary whole-body vibration training in patients after lung transplantation: a randomized, controlled trial. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 34(11), 1455-1461.
  • 9. Wickerson, L., Mathur, S., & Brooks, D. (2010). Exercise training after lung transplantation: a systematic review. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 29(5), 497-503.
  • 10. Schneeberger, T., Gloeckl, R., Welte, T., & Kenn, K. (2017). Pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes after single or double lung transplantation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung disease. Respiration, 94(2), 178-185.
  • 11. Candemir, I., Ergun, P., Kaymaz, D., Demir, N., Tasdemir, F., Sengul, F., Egesel, N., & Yekeler, E. (2019). The efficacy of outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation after bilateral lung transplantation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 39(4), E7-E12.
  • 12. Andrianopoulos, V., Gloeckl, R., Boensch, M., Hoster, K., Schneeberger, T., Jarosch, I., Koczulla, R. A., & Kenn, K. (2019). Improvements in functional and cognitive status following short-term pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD lung transplant recipients: a pilot study. ERJ open research, 5(3).
  • 13. Hidalgo, G., Reygadas, V., Nieto, C., Rodríguez-Núñez, I., & Méndez, A. (2023). Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation pre-and post-lung transplantation in a child with cystic fibrosis: a case report. Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, 30, e22012323
  • 14. ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Clinical Pulmonary Function Laboratories. (2002). ATS statement: guidelines for the six-minute walk test. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 166, 111-117.
  • 15. Langer, D. (2015). Rehabilitation in patients before and after lung transplantation. Respiration, 89(5), 353-362.
  • 16. Maury, G., Langer, D., Verleden, G., Dupont, L., Gosselink, R., Decramer, M., & Troosters, T. (2008). Skeletal muscle force and functional exercise tolerance before and after lung transplantation: a cohort study. American Journal of Transplantation, 8(6), 1275-1281.
  • 17. Vivodtzev, I., Pison, C., Guerrero, K., Mezin, P., Maclet, E., Borel, J. C., Chaffanjon, P., Hacini, R., Chavanon, O., Blin, D., & Wuyam, B. (2011). Benefits of home-based endurance training in lung transplant recipients. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 177(2), 189-198.

Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 400 - 407, 23.03.2025


Pulmoner rehabilitasyon, hastaların bağımsız işleyişini geri kazanmayı, sakatlığı azaltmayı, semptomları hafifletmeyi ve yaşam kalitesini artırmayı amaçlayan egzersiz eğitimini içeren multidisipliner bir terapötik yaklaşımdır. Akciğer transplantasyonu (ATx) sonrasında pulmoner rehabilitasyon (PR) egzersiz programları uygulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada transplantasyondan sonra PR egzersiz programı uygulanmasının egzersiz kapasitesine etkisinin yorumlanması amaçlanmıştır.
Bu derleme için PUBMED, Cochrane, LILACS ve WOS (Web of Science) veritabanlarında, Ocak 2015'ten Aralık 2021’e kadar ve yalnızca ingilizce dilinde arama yapıldı. ATx geçirmiş hastalarda postoperatif fizyoterapi tedavisinde egzersiz kapasitesinin tartışıldığı çalışmalar dahil edildi. Yapılan tarama sonucu n=684 araştırmaya ulaşıldı. Tekrarlı yayın kontrolü sonrasında n=23 araştırma elendi. Dahil edilme ve dışlanma kriterlerinin uygulanmasının ardından n=635 araştırma, çalışma dışı bırakılarak tam metin okumalarına geçildi. Tam metne ulaşamama, dil farklılıkları ve tam metin okumalarında konu dışına çıkılması nedeniyle; analiz sonunda kalan n=3 çalışma bu derlemeye dahil edildi.
2017 ve 2019 yıllarında yapılan üç çalışmanın tamamı, ATx uygulanan olgularda nakil sonrası PR programlarının egzersiz kapasitesini geliştirdiğine dair bulgular içermekteydi. ATx uygulanan olgularda, nakil sonrası aşamada egzersiz kapasitelerini geliştirmek için PR programına katılmaları önem taşımaktadır. Ameliyat sonrası PR programları tedaviyi kolaylaştırabilir ve iyileşme sürecini hızlandırabilir.


  • 1. Hartert, M., Senbaklavaci, Ö., Gohrbandt, B., Fischer, B. M., Buhl, R., & Vahl, C. F. (2014). Lungentransplantation–Therapieoption bei Lungenerkrankungen im Endstadium. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 111(7), 107-116.
  • 2. Chambers, D. C., Cherikh, W. S., Harhay, M. O., Hayes, D., Hsich, E., Khush, K. K., ... & Stehlik, J. (2019). The International Thoracic Organ Transplant Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation: Thirty-sixth adult lung and heart–lung transplantation Report—2019; Focus theme: Donor and recipient size match. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 38(10), 1042-1055.
  • 3. Rochester, C. L., Vogiatzis, I., Holland, A. E., Lareau, S. C., Marciniuk, D. D., Puhan, M. A., Spruit, M. A., Masefield, S., Casaburi, R., Clini, E. M., Crouch, R., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garvey, C., Goldstein, R. S., Hill, K., Morgan, M., Nici, L., Pitta, F., Ries A. L., Singh, S. J., Troosters, T., Wijkstra, P. J., Yawn, B. P., & ZuWallack, R. L. (2015). An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society policy statement: enhancing implementation, use, and delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 192(11), 1373-1386.
  • 4. Byrd, R., Smith, P., Mohamedaly, O., Snyder, L. D., & Pastva, A. M. (2019). A 1-month physical therapy–based outpatient program for adults awaiting lung transplantation: A Retrospective analysis of exercise capacity, symptoms, and quality of life. Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal, 30(2), 61-69.
  • 5. Wickerson, L., Rozenberg, D., Janaudis-Ferreira, T., Deliva, R., Lo, V., Beauchamp, G., Helm, D., Gottesman, C., Mendes, P., Vieira, L., Herridge, M., Singer, L. G., & Mathur, S. (2016). Physical rehabilitation for lung transplant candidates and recipients: an evidence-informed clinical approach. World journal of transplantation, 6(3), 517.
  • 6. Dierich, M., Tecklenburg, A., Fuehner, T., Tegtbur, U., Welte, T., Haverich, A., Warnecke, G., & Gottlieb, J. (2013). The influence of clinical course after lung transplantation on rehabilitation success. Transplant International, 26(3), 322-330.
  • 7. van Adrichem, E. J., Reinsma, G. D., van den Berg, S., van der Bij, W., Erasmus, M. E., Krijnen, W. P., ... & van der Schans, C. P. (2015). Predicting 6-minute walking distance in recipients of lung transplantation: longitudinal study of 108 patients. Physical therapy, 95(5), 720-729.
  • 8. Gloeckl, R., Heinzelmann, I., Seeberg, S., Damisch, T., Hitzl, W., & Kenn, K. (2015). Effects of complementary whole-body vibration training in patients after lung transplantation: a randomized, controlled trial. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 34(11), 1455-1461.
  • 9. Wickerson, L., Mathur, S., & Brooks, D. (2010). Exercise training after lung transplantation: a systematic review. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 29(5), 497-503.
  • 10. Schneeberger, T., Gloeckl, R., Welte, T., & Kenn, K. (2017). Pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes after single or double lung transplantation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung disease. Respiration, 94(2), 178-185.
  • 11. Candemir, I., Ergun, P., Kaymaz, D., Demir, N., Tasdemir, F., Sengul, F., Egesel, N., & Yekeler, E. (2019). The efficacy of outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation after bilateral lung transplantation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 39(4), E7-E12.
  • 12. Andrianopoulos, V., Gloeckl, R., Boensch, M., Hoster, K., Schneeberger, T., Jarosch, I., Koczulla, R. A., & Kenn, K. (2019). Improvements in functional and cognitive status following short-term pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD lung transplant recipients: a pilot study. ERJ open research, 5(3).
  • 13. Hidalgo, G., Reygadas, V., Nieto, C., Rodríguez-Núñez, I., & Méndez, A. (2023). Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation pre-and post-lung transplantation in a child with cystic fibrosis: a case report. Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, 30, e22012323
  • 14. ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Clinical Pulmonary Function Laboratories. (2002). ATS statement: guidelines for the six-minute walk test. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 166, 111-117.
  • 15. Langer, D. (2015). Rehabilitation in patients before and after lung transplantation. Respiration, 89(5), 353-362.
  • 16. Maury, G., Langer, D., Verleden, G., Dupont, L., Gosselink, R., Decramer, M., & Troosters, T. (2008). Skeletal muscle force and functional exercise tolerance before and after lung transplantation: a cohort study. American Journal of Transplantation, 8(6), 1275-1281.
  • 17. Vivodtzev, I., Pison, C., Guerrero, K., Mezin, P., Maclet, E., Borel, J. C., Chaffanjon, P., Hacini, R., Chavanon, O., Blin, D., & Wuyam, B. (2011). Benefits of home-based endurance training in lung transplant recipients. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 177(2), 189-198.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Yardımcı Sağlık ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Büşra Öçal 0009-0005-9023-383X

Esra Pehlivan 0000-0002-1791-5392

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öçal, B., & Pehlivan, E. (2025). Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 400-407.
AMA Öçal B, Pehlivan E. Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Mart 2025;14(1):400-407. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1458981
Chicago Öçal, Büşra, ve Esra Pehlivan. “Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 14, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 400-407.
EndNote Öçal B, Pehlivan E (01 Mart 2025) Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 14 1 400–407.
IEEE B. Öçal ve E. Pehlivan, “Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 1, ss. 400–407, 2025, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1458981.
ISNAD Öçal, Büşra - Pehlivan, Esra. “Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 14/1 (Mart 2025), 400-407.
JAMA Öçal B, Pehlivan E. Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2025;14:400–407.
MLA Öçal, Büşra ve Esra Pehlivan. “Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 400-7, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1458981.
Vancouver Öçal B, Pehlivan E. Akciğer Transplantasyonunda Pulmoner Rehabilitasyonun Egzersiz Kapasitesine Etkisi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2025;14(1):400-7.