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A Comparativ of the tympanal organs morphology of Evergestis Hübner [1825] (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Year 2023, , 583 - 588, 27.12.2023


Insects communicate with each other and the environment in different ways such as sound, smell and taste. One of the ways to communicate is through the sense of sound. In insects, sound is received through the tympanal organ. It is known that the tympanal organ structure and placements can be used in the classification of higher categories. In this study, hypothesis regarding to the usage of the tympanal organ features can also be used in the classification of was tested. For this purpose, tympanal morphology of the four taxa (Evergestis frumentalis (Linnaeus, 1761) E. flavifuscalis Rebel, 1903, E. mundalis (Guenée, 1854) and E. umbrosalis (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841)) belonging to the Evergestis genus in the Evergestinae subfamily were examined, analyzed and photographed.


We thank Dr. Muhabbet Kemal Koçak for allowing us to evaluate using adult and tympanal photographs of 3 species of the genus Evergestis.


  • Faure, P. A., Mason, A. C., & Yack, J. E. (2009). Invertebrate ears and hearing. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2035-2042.
  • Goater, B., Speidel, W. & Nuss, M. (2005). Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 4: Pyraloidea I. (Crambidae: Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae). In P. Humer & O. Karsholt (Eds.), Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 1-304.
  • Hannemann, H.F. (1964). Kleinscmetterlinge older Microlepidoptera. İn Die Tiervelt Deuthschland und Der Argrenzenden Meeresteile, Jena GDR,: Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag, 50: 403.
  • Hasenfuss, I. (2000). Evolutionary pathways of truncal tympanal organs in Lepidoptera (Insecta: Holometabola). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 239: 27– 44.
  • Heppner, J. B. (1991). Faunal regions and diversity of Lepidoptera. Tropical Lepid., 2 (supplement.1): 1-85.
  • Kemal, M. & Koçak, A. Ö. (2017). New and little known Pyraloidea of Turkey, with some faunistical notes (Lepidoptera). Centre for Entomological Studies in Ankara, Cesa News (130): 1-43.
  • Maes, K.V.N. (1985). A comparative study of the abdominal organs in Pyralidae (Lep.) I: Description, terminology, preparation technique. Nota Lepidopterologica, 8 (4): 341–350.
  • Marion, H. (1954). Révision des Pyraustidae de la faune française. Revue française de Lépidoptérologie, 14: 221-227.
  • Minet, J. & Surlykke A. (2003). Auditory and sound producing organs. Pp. 289-323, In: Kristensen P, (Eds.) Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies: Volume:2 Morphology, Physiology, and Development. Handbook of Zoology IV Arthropoda: Insecta, Part 36. Berlin and New York.
  • Minet, J. (1982). Les Pyraloidea et leurs principales divisions systématiques [Lep.Ditrysia]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 86 (9-10): 262-280.
  • Munroe, E. & Solis, M.A. (1999). Pyraloidea, Pp. 233-256, In: N. Kristensen (Eds.), Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies 35, 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Handbook of Zoology, 4: i-x, 1-491. Berlin New York.
  • Munroe, E. (1972). Pyraloidea, Pyralidae comprising subfamilies Scopariinae, Nymphulinae. In: Dominick, R. B. et al., (Eds.). The Moths of America North of Mexico. Fasc. 13. 1A: 1-134 London.
  • Munroe, E. (1973). Pyraloidea, Pyralidae comprising the subfamily Evergestinae. In: Dominick, R. B. et al., (Eds.). The Moths of America North of Mexico. Fasc. 13. 1C: 251-304, pls. 1-13, London.
  • Nuss, M., Segerer, A. & Speidel, W., (2004). Crambidae, Pyralidae, Thyrididae. In O. Karsholt & E. J.Van Nieukurken. Fauna Europaea: Lepidoptera, Moths. Fauna Europaea version 1.1. http://www.faunaeur.org7.
  • Özyolci B. & Çalışkan S.S. (2022). A comparative study of the tympanal organs in Pyralidae (Lepidoptera). Trends in Entomology 18: 97-102.
  • Regier J.C., Mitter C., Solis A.M., Hayden J.E., Landry B., Nuss M., Simonsen T.J., Yen S-H., Zwick A. & Cummings M.P. (2012). A molecular phylogeny for the pyraloid moths(Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) and its implicationsfor higher-level classification. Systematic Entomology 37: 635 – 656. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2012.00641.x
  • Robinson,. G. S., Tuck, K.R & Schaffer, M. (1994). A field guide to the smaller moths of South-East Asia. London, Kuala Lumpur, 1-246pp., 32 pls., Malaysian Nature Society, 137-179.
  • Scoble, M.J. (1995). The Lepidoptera. Form, function and diversity. New York: Oxford University Pres, 424.
  • Seizmar, M. (2021). Two new species of the genus Evergestis Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from the Arabian Peninsula. Trends in Entomology,17: 67-76.
  • Solis, A. (2007). Phylogenetic studies and modern classification of the Pyraloidea (Lepidoptera). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 33 (1): 1-9.
  • Yack, J. E. (2004). The structure and function of auditory chordotonal organs in insects. Microscopy Research and Technique, 63 (6): 315–337.
  • Yack, J.E. & Fullard, J.H. (2000). Ultrasonic hearing in nocturnal butterflies. Nature, 403, 265–266.

Yetişkin Evergestis Hübner [1825]'in timpanal organ morfolojisinin karşılaştırılması (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Year 2023, , 583 - 588, 27.12.2023


Böcekler birbirleriyle ve çevreyle ses, koku, tat gibi farklı yollarla iletişim kurarlar. İletişim kurmanın yollarından biri ses duyusudur. Böceklerde ses, kulak zarı organı yoluyla alınır. Timpanal organ yapısı ve yerleşimlerinin daha üst kategorilerin sınıflandırılmasında kullanılabileceği bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada timpanal organ özelliklerinin alt kategorilerin sınıflandırılmasında da kullanılabileceğine ilişkin hipotez test edilmiştir. Bu amaçla, Evergestinae alt familyasında yer alan Evergestis cinsine ait dört taksonun (Evergestis frumentalis (Linnaeus, 1761) E. flavifuscalis Rebel, 1903, E. mundalis (Guenée, 1854) ve E. umbrosalis (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841)) timpanal morfolojisi incelendi, analiz edildi ve fotoğraflandı.


  • Faure, P. A., Mason, A. C., & Yack, J. E. (2009). Invertebrate ears and hearing. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2035-2042.
  • Goater, B., Speidel, W. & Nuss, M. (2005). Microlepidoptera of Europe, Volume 4: Pyraloidea I. (Crambidae: Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae). In P. Humer & O. Karsholt (Eds.), Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 1-304.
  • Hannemann, H.F. (1964). Kleinscmetterlinge older Microlepidoptera. İn Die Tiervelt Deuthschland und Der Argrenzenden Meeresteile, Jena GDR,: Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag, 50: 403.
  • Hasenfuss, I. (2000). Evolutionary pathways of truncal tympanal organs in Lepidoptera (Insecta: Holometabola). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 239: 27– 44.
  • Heppner, J. B. (1991). Faunal regions and diversity of Lepidoptera. Tropical Lepid., 2 (supplement.1): 1-85.
  • Kemal, M. & Koçak, A. Ö. (2017). New and little known Pyraloidea of Turkey, with some faunistical notes (Lepidoptera). Centre for Entomological Studies in Ankara, Cesa News (130): 1-43.
  • Maes, K.V.N. (1985). A comparative study of the abdominal organs in Pyralidae (Lep.) I: Description, terminology, preparation technique. Nota Lepidopterologica, 8 (4): 341–350.
  • Marion, H. (1954). Révision des Pyraustidae de la faune française. Revue française de Lépidoptérologie, 14: 221-227.
  • Minet, J. & Surlykke A. (2003). Auditory and sound producing organs. Pp. 289-323, In: Kristensen P, (Eds.) Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies: Volume:2 Morphology, Physiology, and Development. Handbook of Zoology IV Arthropoda: Insecta, Part 36. Berlin and New York.
  • Minet, J. (1982). Les Pyraloidea et leurs principales divisions systématiques [Lep.Ditrysia]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 86 (9-10): 262-280.
  • Munroe, E. & Solis, M.A. (1999). Pyraloidea, Pp. 233-256, In: N. Kristensen (Eds.), Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies 35, 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Handbook of Zoology, 4: i-x, 1-491. Berlin New York.
  • Munroe, E. (1972). Pyraloidea, Pyralidae comprising subfamilies Scopariinae, Nymphulinae. In: Dominick, R. B. et al., (Eds.). The Moths of America North of Mexico. Fasc. 13. 1A: 1-134 London.
  • Munroe, E. (1973). Pyraloidea, Pyralidae comprising the subfamily Evergestinae. In: Dominick, R. B. et al., (Eds.). The Moths of America North of Mexico. Fasc. 13. 1C: 251-304, pls. 1-13, London.
  • Nuss, M., Segerer, A. & Speidel, W., (2004). Crambidae, Pyralidae, Thyrididae. In O. Karsholt & E. J.Van Nieukurken. Fauna Europaea: Lepidoptera, Moths. Fauna Europaea version 1.1. http://www.faunaeur.org7.
  • Özyolci B. & Çalışkan S.S. (2022). A comparative study of the tympanal organs in Pyralidae (Lepidoptera). Trends in Entomology 18: 97-102.
  • Regier J.C., Mitter C., Solis A.M., Hayden J.E., Landry B., Nuss M., Simonsen T.J., Yen S-H., Zwick A. & Cummings M.P. (2012). A molecular phylogeny for the pyraloid moths(Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) and its implicationsfor higher-level classification. Systematic Entomology 37: 635 – 656. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2012.00641.x
  • Robinson,. G. S., Tuck, K.R & Schaffer, M. (1994). A field guide to the smaller moths of South-East Asia. London, Kuala Lumpur, 1-246pp., 32 pls., Malaysian Nature Society, 137-179.
  • Scoble, M.J. (1995). The Lepidoptera. Form, function and diversity. New York: Oxford University Pres, 424.
  • Seizmar, M. (2021). Two new species of the genus Evergestis Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from the Arabian Peninsula. Trends in Entomology,17: 67-76.
  • Solis, A. (2007). Phylogenetic studies and modern classification of the Pyraloidea (Lepidoptera). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 33 (1): 1-9.
  • Yack, J. E. (2004). The structure and function of auditory chordotonal organs in insects. Microscopy Research and Technique, 63 (6): 315–337.
  • Yack, J.E. & Fullard, J.H. (2000). Ultrasonic hearing in nocturnal butterflies. Nature, 403, 265–266.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other), Entomology in Agriculture, Plant Protection (Other)
Journal Section dp

Selma Seven Çalışkan 0000-0003-4406-6768

Büşra Özyolci 0000-0001-8800-5487

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date March 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Seven Çalışkan, S., & Özyolci, B. (2023). A Comparativ of the tympanal organs morphology of Evergestis Hübner [1825] (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 583-588.

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