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Eşek sütünden yapılan fermente kımız

Year 2023, , 458 - 466, 27.12.2023


Bu çalışma, benzersiz özelliklere sahip eşek sütünden yapılan fermente bir süt içeceği üretimi için teknoloji geliştirerek süt ürünleri yelpazesini genişletmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ek işlevsellik, eklenen probiyotik kültürler ve fitojenik hammaddeler tarafından sağlanmaktadır. Deneme ürünleri olarak iki farklı fonksiyonel içecek önerilmiştir: Koumiss-1 - probiyotik ve şakayık tentürü eklenmiş koumiss ve Koumiss-2 - probiyotik koumiss içine eklenmiş kurutulmuş dulavratotu kökü. İlk hammadde olan eşek sütü, Kırgız Cumhuriyeti'nin Çüy Vadisi'nde, deniz seviyesinden 800 metre yükseklikte bulunan Ala Too çiftliğinde toplanmıştır. Çalışma boyunca standart fizikokimyasal, mikrobiyolojik ve organoleptik analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Fermantasyon yoğunluğu (Is) ve fermantasyon katsayısı (δ), sütün kımız mayası ile fermantasyonu sırasındaki aktif ve titre asitlik değişikliklerine dayalı olarak her bir örnek için belirlenmiştir. Şakayık tentürü eklenmiş kımız-1 örneğinde δ ilk 3 saat içinde gözlenirken, kımız-2'de δ yaklaşık olarak 6 saat sürmüştür. Organoleptik değerlendirmelere göre, fermente edilen içecekler hoş bir ekşi süt aroması ve tadı sergilemektedir. Kıvamı hafif köpüklü bir dokuya sahip olan dulavratotu kökü eklenmiş içecek ise hoş bir kremsi tada sahiptir. Laktik asit bakterileri ve maya varlığı, doğal kımızdan üretilen kımızın özelliklerine benzemektedir. Deney süresince, ekşi süt içecekleri başarılı bir şekilde üretilmiştir ve tıbbi özelliklere sahip fonksiyonel ürünler için pazar boşluğunu doldurma potansiyeline sahiptir.


  • Afzaal, M., Saeed, F., Anjum, F.,, Waris, N., Husaain M., Ikram, A., Ateeq, H., Muhammad, A.F., Suleria, H. (2021). Nutritional and ethnomedicinal scenario of koumiss: A Concurrent Review. Journal of Food Science Nutrition, 9, 6421–6428.
  • Ahmad, F., Tabassum, N., Rassol, S. (2012). Medicinal uses and Phytoconstituents оf Paeonia officinalis. International Research Journal оf Pharmacy, 3(4), 85-87.
  • Angela, G., Martemucci, G., Jirillo, E., De Leo, V. (2011). Major whey proteins in donkey milk: effects of season and lactation stage. Implications for potential dietary interventions in human diseases. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology, 33, 259-265.
  • AOAC. (2005e). Acidity of milk. Titrimetric method, method no. 947.05. In W. Horowitz (Ed.), Official methods of analysis of AOAC International (18th ed.). Gaithersburg, MD, USA: AOAC International
  • Belmer, S.V., Gasilina, T.V., (2010). Prebiotics, inulin and baby food. Questions of modern Pediatrics, 9(3), 121-125.
  • Derusheva, O. (2021). Investigation of Safety and Mineral Composition of Fresh Petioles of Аrctium lаppa L. E3S Web of Conferences, 296, 1-7. (In Russ.).
  • Dos Santos, A.C., Baggio, C., Freitas, C.S., Lepiesynski, J., & Marques, M. (2008). Gastroprotective activity of the chloroform extract of the roots from Arctium Lappa L. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 6(6), 795-801.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology (2018) Russian-English. Volume 2, Vyacheslav Tarantul, Publisher.Liter: ISBN 5040994184, 9785040994182. (In Russ.).
  • Fantuz, F., Vincenzetti, S., Polidori, P., Salimei, E. (2001). Study on the Protein Fractions of Donkey Milk. Proceeding of the ASPA Congress – Recent progress in Animal Production Science.
  • Gilmutdinova, L., Yanturina N., Kudayarova R., Kamaletdinov S. (2018). The use of Mare's Milk in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 9(3),121-124. (In Russ.).
  • Giosue, C., Alabiso, M., Russo, G. (2008). Jennet milk production during the lactation in a Sicilian Farming System. Animal, 2(10), 1491-1495.
  • Hou, Q.C., Li, C.K., Liu, Y.H., Li, W.C.;, Chen, Y.F., Siqinbateer, Y.B., …& Sun, Zh. (2019). Koumiss consumption modulates gut microbiota, increases plasma high density cholesterol, decreases immunoglobulin G and albumin. Journal of Functional Foods, 52: 469–478.
  • Khan Ikhlas, A. (2010). Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Abourashed, 3rd ed. – USA: Wiley, 120p.
  • Kolomiets, N. (2021). Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Metabolites of Species of the Genus Arctium L. Chemistry of Plant Raw Materials, 2, 29-57. (In Russ.).
  • Kudayarova, R.R., Gilmutdinova L.T., Yamaletdinov, K.S., Gilmutdinov, A.R. (2010). Historical aspects of the use of kumis in medicine. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 5, 186-189. (In Russ.).
  • Kwoji, L.D., Aiyegoro O.A., Okpeku M., Adeleke M. A. (2021). Multi-strain probiotics: synergy among isolates enhances biological activities. Biology, 10(322): 1-20,
  • Ljubisa, S., Bojana, M.S., Snetana, T.K., Dragana, V.P., Ivan, Lj. M. (2014). Antibacterial activity of domestic Balkan donkey milk Toward Listeria Monocytogenes and Staphylococcus Aureus. Food and Feed Research, 41(1), 47-54. https://doi:10.5937/FFR1401047S
  • Lobanov, V. (2003). Optimal fatty acid composition of edible vegetable oils. Izvestiya VUZov. Food technology, 4
  • Mao, X., Gu, J., Sun, Y. (2009). Anti-proliferative and antitumor effect of active components in donkey milk on A549 human lung cancer cells. Journal Dairy Science, 19(19): 703-709.
  • Masalova, N.T. (2018). Justification and development of the technology of dairy desserts using the root of the great burdock Arctium Lappa.Dr. Eng. Sci. Diss., Valdivostok (In Russ.).
  • Nikkhah, A. (2011). Equidae, camel, and yak milks as functional foods: A Review. Journal Nutrition Food Science,1(116), https://doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000116
  • Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International (2000) 17th Ed., AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Official Method 999.11
  • Salimei, E., Fantuz, F. (2012). Equid milk for human consumption. International Dairy Journal, 24, 30-142.
  • Shidlovskaya, V. (2010). Milk antioxidants and their role in quality assessment. Dairy Industry, 2: 24-26. (In Russ.).
  • Smanalieva J., Iskakova J., Fischer P. (2021). Investigation of the prebiotic potential of rice varieties for Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. European Food Research and Technology 247, 1815-1824
  • SSK 720:2019 Koumiss natural of mare’s milk. Technical specifications 02-08-2019 № 42 (In Russ.).
  • SS 52974—2008 Koumiss. Specifications (In Russ.).
  • SS 22935-2-2011. Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis. Recommended methods for sensory evaluation (IDT). ISO 22935-2:2009 (In Russ.).
  • Tepel, A. (1979). Chemistry and Physics of Milk. Food industry, Moskva
  • WHO, World Health Organization (2020) Trans fat: an action package to eliminate industrially produced trans-fatty acids. Module 2: Promote. How-to guide for determining the best replacement oils and interventions to promote their use]. Geneva: License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Functional koumiss from donkey's milk

Year 2023, , 458 - 466, 27.12.2023


The study aimed to expand the range of dairy products by developing a recipe and technology for a fermented milk drink made from donkey milk with unique properties. Additional functionality is provided by the introduced probiotic cultures and phytogenic raw materials. Two functional drinks were proposed as experimental products: Koumiss-1 - koumiss with added probiotics and peony tincture, and Koumiss-2 - probiotic koumiss with added dried burdock roots. The initial raw material, donkey milk, was collected in the farm of the Ala Too State Farm located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level, in the Chui Valley of the Kyrgyz Republic. The standard methods of physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic analyses were used for the study. The fermentation intensity (Is) and fermentation coefficient (δ) were determined for each case based on the data on the change in active and titratable acidity during the fermentation of milk with koumiss ferment. In the sample of koumiss-1 with the addition of peony tincture δ appeared in the first 3 hours, and δ in koumiss-2 was closer to 6 hours. Based on organoleptic evaluations, the developed drinks exhibit a pleasant sour-milk aroma and taste. The consistency is liquid with a slightly foamy texture, while the drink with added burdock roots has a pleasant creamy flavor. Lactic acid bacteria and yeast are similar to the specifications found in natural koumiss made from mare's milk. Throughout the experiment, sour-milk beverages were successfully produced, and they can potentially to fill the market niche for functional products with medicinal properties.


  • Afzaal, M., Saeed, F., Anjum, F.,, Waris, N., Husaain M., Ikram, A., Ateeq, H., Muhammad, A.F., Suleria, H. (2021). Nutritional and ethnomedicinal scenario of koumiss: A Concurrent Review. Journal of Food Science Nutrition, 9, 6421–6428.
  • Ahmad, F., Tabassum, N., Rassol, S. (2012). Medicinal uses and Phytoconstituents оf Paeonia officinalis. International Research Journal оf Pharmacy, 3(4), 85-87.
  • Angela, G., Martemucci, G., Jirillo, E., De Leo, V. (2011). Major whey proteins in donkey milk: effects of season and lactation stage. Implications for potential dietary interventions in human diseases. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology, 33, 259-265.
  • AOAC. (2005e). Acidity of milk. Titrimetric method, method no. 947.05. In W. Horowitz (Ed.), Official methods of analysis of AOAC International (18th ed.). Gaithersburg, MD, USA: AOAC International
  • Belmer, S.V., Gasilina, T.V., (2010). Prebiotics, inulin and baby food. Questions of modern Pediatrics, 9(3), 121-125.
  • Derusheva, O. (2021). Investigation of Safety and Mineral Composition of Fresh Petioles of Аrctium lаppa L. E3S Web of Conferences, 296, 1-7. (In Russ.).
  • Dos Santos, A.C., Baggio, C., Freitas, C.S., Lepiesynski, J., & Marques, M. (2008). Gastroprotective activity of the chloroform extract of the roots from Arctium Lappa L. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 6(6), 795-801.
  • Explanatory Dictionary of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology (2018) Russian-English. Volume 2, Vyacheslav Tarantul, Publisher.Liter: ISBN 5040994184, 9785040994182. (In Russ.).
  • Fantuz, F., Vincenzetti, S., Polidori, P., Salimei, E. (2001). Study on the Protein Fractions of Donkey Milk. Proceeding of the ASPA Congress – Recent progress in Animal Production Science.
  • Gilmutdinova, L., Yanturina N., Kudayarova R., Kamaletdinov S. (2018). The use of Mare's Milk in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 9(3),121-124. (In Russ.).
  • Giosue, C., Alabiso, M., Russo, G. (2008). Jennet milk production during the lactation in a Sicilian Farming System. Animal, 2(10), 1491-1495.
  • Hou, Q.C., Li, C.K., Liu, Y.H., Li, W.C.;, Chen, Y.F., Siqinbateer, Y.B., …& Sun, Zh. (2019). Koumiss consumption modulates gut microbiota, increases plasma high density cholesterol, decreases immunoglobulin G and albumin. Journal of Functional Foods, 52: 469–478.
  • Khan Ikhlas, A. (2010). Leung’s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Abourashed, 3rd ed. – USA: Wiley, 120p.
  • Kolomiets, N. (2021). Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Metabolites of Species of the Genus Arctium L. Chemistry of Plant Raw Materials, 2, 29-57. (In Russ.).
  • Kudayarova, R.R., Gilmutdinova L.T., Yamaletdinov, K.S., Gilmutdinov, A.R. (2010). Historical aspects of the use of kumis in medicine. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 5, 186-189. (In Russ.).
  • Kwoji, L.D., Aiyegoro O.A., Okpeku M., Adeleke M. A. (2021). Multi-strain probiotics: synergy among isolates enhances biological activities. Biology, 10(322): 1-20,
  • Ljubisa, S., Bojana, M.S., Snetana, T.K., Dragana, V.P., Ivan, Lj. M. (2014). Antibacterial activity of domestic Balkan donkey milk Toward Listeria Monocytogenes and Staphylococcus Aureus. Food and Feed Research, 41(1), 47-54. https://doi:10.5937/FFR1401047S
  • Lobanov, V. (2003). Optimal fatty acid composition of edible vegetable oils. Izvestiya VUZov. Food technology, 4
  • Mao, X., Gu, J., Sun, Y. (2009). Anti-proliferative and antitumor effect of active components in donkey milk on A549 human lung cancer cells. Journal Dairy Science, 19(19): 703-709.
  • Masalova, N.T. (2018). Justification and development of the technology of dairy desserts using the root of the great burdock Arctium Lappa.Dr. Eng. Sci. Diss., Valdivostok (In Russ.).
  • Nikkhah, A. (2011). Equidae, camel, and yak milks as functional foods: A Review. Journal Nutrition Food Science,1(116), https://doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000116
  • Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International (2000) 17th Ed., AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Official Method 999.11
  • Salimei, E., Fantuz, F. (2012). Equid milk for human consumption. International Dairy Journal, 24, 30-142.
  • Shidlovskaya, V. (2010). Milk antioxidants and their role in quality assessment. Dairy Industry, 2: 24-26. (In Russ.).
  • Smanalieva J., Iskakova J., Fischer P. (2021). Investigation of the prebiotic potential of rice varieties for Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. European Food Research and Technology 247, 1815-1824
  • SSK 720:2019 Koumiss natural of mare’s milk. Technical specifications 02-08-2019 № 42 (In Russ.).
  • SS 52974—2008 Koumiss. Specifications (In Russ.).
  • SS 22935-2-2011. Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis. Recommended methods for sensory evaluation (IDT). ISO 22935-2:2009 (In Russ.).
  • Tepel, A. (1979). Chemistry and Physics of Milk. Food industry, Moskva
  • WHO, World Health Organization (2020) Trans fat: an action package to eliminate industrially produced trans-fatty acids. Module 2: Promote. How-to guide for determining the best replacement oils and interventions to promote their use]. Geneva: License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section dp

Nadira Turganbayeva 0000-0002-7620-9236

Jyldyzay Ozbekova 0000-0002-2471-5006

Ruslan Adil Akai Tegin 0000-0002-0607-6810

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date September 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Turganbayeva, N., Ozbekova, J., & Adil Akai Tegin, R. (2023). Functional koumiss from donkey’s milk. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 458-466.

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