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Tahıl bazlı yan ürünler ile hazırlanan un karışımlarının reolojik özellikleri ve bisküvi üretimi

Year 2019, , 142 - 149, 18.06.2019


Tahıl ürünlerinin üretimi sırasında kullanılan teknolojik
yöntemler fonksiyonel gıda katkısı olarak kullanılabilecek farklı değirmencilik
ara ürünlerinin ayrılmasına olanak sağlar. Bu yan ürünler teknolojik
performansı artırmak veya diyet lif, fenolikler ve antioksidanlar gibi sağlığa
yarayışlı bileşenlerin gıda formülasyonlarına eklenmesi amacı için
kullanılabilirler. Bu çalışmada; buğday, arpa, yulaf ve bulgur kepekleri,
haşhaş küspesi, ruşeym gibi birçok tahıl yan ürünleri buğday ununa eklenmiştir.
Buğday ununun %10’u farklı tahıl yan ürünleri ile değiştirilmiştir. Un
karışımları ve kontrol numunesi sonrasında Mixolab cihazında standart
“Chopin+”  protokolü kullanılarak
reolojik özellikleri açısından test edilmişlerdir. Aynı un karışımları bisküvi
yapımında kullanılmıştır. Bisküvilerin Hunter L, a, b değerleri, yayılma oranı,
sertlik ve duyusal özellikleri ölçülmüştür. Su emme oranı ve hamur gelişim
zamanı bu yan ürünlerin eklenmesinden bir miktar etkilenmiştir. Ruşeym ilavesi
dışında tahıl yan ürünlerinin una eklenmesi ile genellikle daha uzun hamur
(3.35-11.22 dk) ve daha yüksek tork değerleri (C2 0.38-0.052 Nm)
elde edilmiştir. Bu durum daha güçlü hamur yapısında işaret eder. Ruşeym
ilavesi dışında eklenen tahıl yan ürünleri çoğunlukla bisküvi numunelerinin
beyazlığını, yayılma oranının ve genel kabul edilebilirliğini azaltmış;
sertliğini artırmıştır. 


  • AACC, 2002. Approved Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC). The Association, St Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous (2012). Mixolab Applications Handbook. Chopin technologies, France.
  • Baljeet, S. Y., Ritika, B.Y., Reena, K., 2014. Effect of incorporation of carrot pomace powder and germinated chickpea flour on the quality characteristics of biscuits. International Food Research Journal, 21(1): 217-222.
  • Beta, T., Nam, S., Dexter, J.E., Sapirstein, H.D., 2005. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller-milled fractions. Cereal Chemistry, 82: 390-393.
  • Esposito, F., Arlotti, G., Bonifati, A.M., Napolitano, A., Vitale, D., Fogliano, V., 2005. Antioxidant activity and dietary fibre in durum wheat bran by-products. Food Research International, 38: 1167-1173.
  • Hooda, S, Jood, S., 2005. Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat biscuits supplemented with untreated and treated fenugreek flour. Journal of Food Chemistry, 90: 427–35.
  • Kohajdová, Z., Karovičová, J., Magala M., 2013. Effect of lentil and bean flours on rheological and baking properties of wheat dough. Chemical Papers, 67 (4): 398–407.
  • Liyana-Pathirana, C.M., Shahidi, F., 2007. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of whole wheat and milling fractions. Food Chemistry, 101: 1151–1157.
  • Mridula, D., Gupta, R.K., Manikantan, M.R., 2007. Effect of incorporation of sorghum flour to wheat flour on quality of biscuits fortified with soy flour. American Journal of Food Technology, 2: 428-434.
  • Pasha, I., Rashid, S., Anjum, F.M., Sultan, M.T., Qayyum, M.M.N., Saeed F., 2011. Quality evaluation of wheat-mungbean flour blends and their utilization in baked products. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 10 (4): 388-392.
  • Patel, M. M., Rao, G. V., 1995. Effect of untreated, roasted, and germinated black gram (Phaseolus mungo) flours on the physico-chemical and biscuit (cookie) making characteristics of soft wheat flour. Journal of Cereal Science, 22: 285e291.
  • Pedersen, L., Kaack, K., Bergsøe, M.N., Adler-Nissen, J., 2005. Effects of Chemical and Enzymatic Modification on Dough Rheology and Biscuit Characteristics. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 70, 2005, p. 152-158.
  • Rababah, T.M., Al-Mahasneh, M.A., Ereifej, K.I., 2006. Effect of Chickpea, Broad Bean, or Isolated Soy Protein Additions on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Biscuits. Journal of Food Science, 71(6): 438-442.
  • Sharma, H.R., Chauhan, G.S., 2002. Effects of stabilized rice bran-fenugreek blends on the quality of breads and cookies. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39:225–33.
  • Uysal, H., Bilgiçli, N., Elgün A., Ibanoğlu Ş., Herken E.N., Demir K., 2007. Effect of dietary fibre and xylanase enzyme addition on the selected properties of wire-cut cookies. Journal of Food Engineering, 78: 1074–1078.

Rheological properties and biscuit production from flour blends prepared from cereal based by-products

Year 2019, , 142 - 149, 18.06.2019


The technological advances in the processing of cereal
products allow separating of different milling fractions, which can be used as
functional additives in food formulations. These by-products can be used to
improve the technological performance and/or to integrate foods with healthy
compounds such as dietary fiber, phenolics and antioxidants. In this study,
various types of cereal by-products including wheat, barley and oat brans,
bulgur bran, poppy waste and wheat germ, were added to the wheat flour. The 10%
of the wheat flour used was replaced with the different cereal by-products.
Then, the flour blends and control sample were analyzed using standard “Chopin
+” protocol of Mixolab equipment for determination of rheological properties.
The same blends were also used for biscuit preparation. The Hunter L, a, b
values, spread ratio, hardness and sensory properties of biscuits were
Water absorption and dough
development time were slightly affected by addition of the products. In
general, the addition of the by-products into the flour resulted higher dough
stability (3.35-11.22 min) and higher torque by C2 (0.38-0.052 Nm)
except for addition of the wheat germ. This indicates strong dough structure.
Adding cereal by products except for wheat germ mostly decreased (p≤0.05)
lightness (L), spread ratio and overall acceptance and increased (p≤0.05) hardness
of biscuit samples.


  • AACC, 2002. Approved Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC). The Association, St Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous (2012). Mixolab Applications Handbook. Chopin technologies, France.
  • Baljeet, S. Y., Ritika, B.Y., Reena, K., 2014. Effect of incorporation of carrot pomace powder and germinated chickpea flour on the quality characteristics of biscuits. International Food Research Journal, 21(1): 217-222.
  • Beta, T., Nam, S., Dexter, J.E., Sapirstein, H.D., 2005. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller-milled fractions. Cereal Chemistry, 82: 390-393.
  • Esposito, F., Arlotti, G., Bonifati, A.M., Napolitano, A., Vitale, D., Fogliano, V., 2005. Antioxidant activity and dietary fibre in durum wheat bran by-products. Food Research International, 38: 1167-1173.
  • Hooda, S, Jood, S., 2005. Organoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat biscuits supplemented with untreated and treated fenugreek flour. Journal of Food Chemistry, 90: 427–35.
  • Kohajdová, Z., Karovičová, J., Magala M., 2013. Effect of lentil and bean flours on rheological and baking properties of wheat dough. Chemical Papers, 67 (4): 398–407.
  • Liyana-Pathirana, C.M., Shahidi, F., 2007. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of whole wheat and milling fractions. Food Chemistry, 101: 1151–1157.
  • Mridula, D., Gupta, R.K., Manikantan, M.R., 2007. Effect of incorporation of sorghum flour to wheat flour on quality of biscuits fortified with soy flour. American Journal of Food Technology, 2: 428-434.
  • Pasha, I., Rashid, S., Anjum, F.M., Sultan, M.T., Qayyum, M.M.N., Saeed F., 2011. Quality evaluation of wheat-mungbean flour blends and their utilization in baked products. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 10 (4): 388-392.
  • Patel, M. M., Rao, G. V., 1995. Effect of untreated, roasted, and germinated black gram (Phaseolus mungo) flours on the physico-chemical and biscuit (cookie) making characteristics of soft wheat flour. Journal of Cereal Science, 22: 285e291.
  • Pedersen, L., Kaack, K., Bergsøe, M.N., Adler-Nissen, J., 2005. Effects of Chemical and Enzymatic Modification on Dough Rheology and Biscuit Characteristics. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 70, 2005, p. 152-158.
  • Rababah, T.M., Al-Mahasneh, M.A., Ereifej, K.I., 2006. Effect of Chickpea, Broad Bean, or Isolated Soy Protein Additions on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Biscuits. Journal of Food Science, 71(6): 438-442.
  • Sharma, H.R., Chauhan, G.S., 2002. Effects of stabilized rice bran-fenugreek blends on the quality of breads and cookies. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39:225–33.
  • Uysal, H., Bilgiçli, N., Elgün A., Ibanoğlu Ş., Herken E.N., Demir K., 2007. Effect of dietary fibre and xylanase enzyme addition on the selected properties of wire-cut cookies. Journal of Food Engineering, 78: 1074–1078.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Sibel Yağcı 0000-0001-5985-9539

Publication Date June 18, 2019
Submission Date March 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Yağcı, S. (2019). Rheological properties and biscuit production from flour blends prepared from cereal based by-products. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(2), 142-149.

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