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Nijerya, Delta Eyaletinde toprak erozyonu ile tarla bitkileri çiftçileri gelirleri arasındaki bağlantıyı modellemek

Year 2020, , 185 - 194, 24.06.2020


Bu çalışmada, Nijerya'nın Delta Eyaletindeki toprak erozyonu ile yörenin sulanabilir tarım arazilerinde faaliyet gösteren üreticilerin geliri arasındaki bağlantının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla çok aşamalı bir örnekleme prosedürü dikkate alınmıştır. Tamamen tesadüfi 180 çiftçiyle yapılan bir anket çalışmasıyla yapılandırılan bu çalışmada kullanılan istatistiki analiz yöntemler; betimleyici istatistikler ve regresyon modelidir. Çoğunluğunun erkek deneklerden oluştuğu bu çalışmada katılımcıların eğitim düzeylerinin düşük olduğunu görmekteyiz. Katılımcıların ortalama tarım deneyimi 12 yıl olup, ortalama yaşları ise 47'dir. Ortalama aile büyüklüğünün 6 bireyden oluştuğu bu hanelerin işlediği arazi genişliği ortalama 1.55 hektardır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre bölgede rastlanan en yaygın toprak erozyonu türleri yüzey, parmak (oluk) ve oyuntu (sel yarıntısı) erozyonudur. Katılımcıların çoğunluğu yüksek düzeyde toprak erozyonu bildirmiştir. En yaygın olarak kullanılan toprak erozyonu önleme yöntemleri ise, malçlama, ağaç dikme, teraslama ve kontur ve şerit usulü ekim yöntemleridir. Toprak erozyonunun algılanan başlıca etkileri, ekilebilir arazi miktarındaki azalma, ekim alanlarındaki verimlilik kayıpları ve üretim miktarındaki düşüştür. Katılımcıların gelirlerini etkileyen başlıca parametreler, üretimin ekilebilir arazilerdeki azalmadan kaynaklı olarak düşmesi, yüksek girdi ve yönetim maliyeti, ekim alanlarındaki verimlilik kaybı, tarımdan çıkarılan işgücü ve verimli sulanabilir tarım arazilerinin amaç dışı kullanımıdır. Erozyona karşı önlemlerin benimsenmesini etkileyen faktörler yaş, eğitim, hane halkı büyüklüğü, arazi genişliği, tarımsal gelir, yayım ziyareti ve çiftçilik deneyimidir. Bu çerçevede hükümetin, çalı yakılması yoluyla ormansızlaşmanın önünü keserek, tarımsal arazilerde kazıları caydırmak için politikalar çıkarması tavsiye edilir. 


  • Ajayi, M. T. and Banmeke, T. O. A. (2009). Farmers’ perception and knowledge of environmental Problems affecting sustainable food production in Edo State. Journal of Environmental Extension, 6, 86 91.
  • Angima, S.D., Stott, D.E., O’Neil, M.K., Ongi, C.K., and Weesies, B.A. (2003). Soil Erosion Prediction Using RUSLE for Central Kenya Highland Conditions. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment, 5, 95-308.
  • Behera, S.K., and Panda, R.K. (2009). Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation Schedule on Water and Fertilizer Solute Transport for Wheat Crop in a Sub-Humid and Sub-Tropical Region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 130, 141-155.
  • Dimelu, M.U., Ogbonna, S.E., and Enwelu, I.A. (2013). Soil Conservation Practices among Arable Farmers in Enugu-North Agricultural Zone, Nigeria: Implication for Climate Change. Journal of Agricultural Extension 17 (1), 184 – 196.
  • Egbai, O.O., Ndik Eric., J.I. and Ogogo, A.U. (2002). Influence of Soil Textural Properties and Land use Cover Type on Soil Erosion in Betem, Cross River State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(7), 104-110.
  • Egede, E.A. (2013). Threats and Mitigation of Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in Southeast Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science 3(13), 95-102.
  • Eze, S.O., and Mbah, E.N. (2013). Challenges to Soil Erosion Control Measures among Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Extension Policy. IJASRT in EESs, 3(4), 199-227.
  • Eze, S.O., and Osahon, E.E. (2016). Farmers Perception to Soil Erosion Control Measure: Implication for Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment in Southeast, Nigeria. Journal of Life Science, 10: 161-169.
  • Fakoya, F. O. (2011). An Assessment of the degree of use sustainable environment management practices by farmers in liedore LGA of Edo Stale. Journal of environmental Extension. 2(l), 9.
  • Francis, O.A. (2012). The Intensity of Wet Years in the Sudano-Shelian Region of Nigeria. Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 44-53.
  • Humberto, B. and .Lal, R. (2008). Principles of Soil Conservation and management. Springer and Company Limited 13-18 pp.
  • Igwe, P.U., Nwezi, C.C., Echendu, J.E., Chukwunyere, I.C., Okonkwo, N.J (2017). Adaptations to Soil Erosion: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 3(12),1126-1134.
  • Mohamed, H.H. (2015). Cause and Effect of Soil Erosion in Boqol-Jire Hargeisa, Somaliland. Ph.D Thesis, University of Hargeisa, Somalia.
  • Onu, F.M., and Mohamed, A. (2014). Competency Improvement Needs of Farmers in Soil Erosion Prevention and Control for Enhancing Crop Production: Case Study of Kogi State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science 5, 958 - 963.
  • Phatak, S.C., Dozier, J.R., Bateman, A.G., Brunson, K.E., and Martini, N.L. (2002). Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage in Sustainable Vegetable Production. In: Van Santen, E. Research Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, pp. 401- 403.
  • Pimentel, D. (2006). Soil Erosion: A Food Security and Environmental Threat. Journal of Environment and Development Sustainability, 31,119 – 137.
  • Quinton, J.N. (2014). Soil Erosion Modeling. Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, Springer 746-747pp.
  • Rahman, E.L., M.A. Abd, Ali, R.R, Hussain, M.A and ElSemey, M. A. (2009). Remote Sensing and GIS based physiography and soils mapping of the Idku-Brullus Area, North Delta, Egypt: Egyptian Journal of Soil Science 49 (3): 209-432.
  • Tesfaye, G., and Kashun, K.H. (2015). Assessment of Farmers’ Perception on Soil Erosion and Soil Fertility Improvement in Rift Valley Areas of East Shoa and West Arid Zones of Oromia, Ethopia.
  • Ume, N. C, Enwereuzor, A .I., Egbe, C. A, Ike, M .C. and S. J. Umo. (2014). Application of Geographic information system and remote sensing in identifying the impacts of gully eroding in Urualla, Ideato North, Local Government area, Imo state. Nigeria. Global Research Journal of Science 3 (3),1-8.
  • Umoh, G.S.(2006). Resource use efficiency in urban farming: An application of stochastic frontier production function. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 8(1):38-44.
  • Zheng, F.L, Yang, Q.K and Wing, Z.L. (2004).Water Erosion Prediction Model. Research Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 11 (4), 13-24.

Modelling the link between soil erosion and arable crop farmers income in Delta State, Nigeria

Year 2020, , 185 - 194, 24.06.2020


The study aimed at analyzing the link between soil erosion and income of arable crop farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used. A survey of one hundred and eighty farmers was erratically chosen with a structured questionnaire. The analytical tools used were descriptive statistics and regression model. The results showed that widely held respondents were male. The educational level of respondents was low. The mean farming experience of respondents was 12 years with a mean age of 47 years. The mean family size was 6 persons with a mean farm size of 1.55ha. The most prevalent soil erosion types were gully, rill and sheet erosion. The majority of respondents reported a high level of soil erosion. The most widely used soil erosion resilience measures were mulching, planting of trees, terracing and contour and strip cropping. The major perceived effects of soil erosion were reduction of arable land, loss in productivity of cropping lands, and drop in output. The parameters that affect the income of respondents were drop in output, reduction of arable land, high input, and management, loss of productivity of cropping land, labor shifting out of agriculture and submerges of fertile arable land. The factors that influence the adoption of resilience measures were age, education, household size, farm size, income, extension visit, and farming experience. It is recommended that the Government should enact policies to discourage bush burning, deforestation, and excavation on the farming environment.


  • Ajayi, M. T. and Banmeke, T. O. A. (2009). Farmers’ perception and knowledge of environmental Problems affecting sustainable food production in Edo State. Journal of Environmental Extension, 6, 86 91.
  • Angima, S.D., Stott, D.E., O’Neil, M.K., Ongi, C.K., and Weesies, B.A. (2003). Soil Erosion Prediction Using RUSLE for Central Kenya Highland Conditions. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment, 5, 95-308.
  • Behera, S.K., and Panda, R.K. (2009). Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation Schedule on Water and Fertilizer Solute Transport for Wheat Crop in a Sub-Humid and Sub-Tropical Region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 130, 141-155.
  • Dimelu, M.U., Ogbonna, S.E., and Enwelu, I.A. (2013). Soil Conservation Practices among Arable Farmers in Enugu-North Agricultural Zone, Nigeria: Implication for Climate Change. Journal of Agricultural Extension 17 (1), 184 – 196.
  • Egbai, O.O., Ndik Eric., J.I. and Ogogo, A.U. (2002). Influence of Soil Textural Properties and Land use Cover Type on Soil Erosion in Betem, Cross River State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(7), 104-110.
  • Egede, E.A. (2013). Threats and Mitigation of Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in Southeast Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science 3(13), 95-102.
  • Eze, S.O., and Mbah, E.N. (2013). Challenges to Soil Erosion Control Measures among Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Extension Policy. IJASRT in EESs, 3(4), 199-227.
  • Eze, S.O., and Osahon, E.E. (2016). Farmers Perception to Soil Erosion Control Measure: Implication for Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment in Southeast, Nigeria. Journal of Life Science, 10: 161-169.
  • Fakoya, F. O. (2011). An Assessment of the degree of use sustainable environment management practices by farmers in liedore LGA of Edo Stale. Journal of environmental Extension. 2(l), 9.
  • Francis, O.A. (2012). The Intensity of Wet Years in the Sudano-Shelian Region of Nigeria. Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 44-53.
  • Humberto, B. and .Lal, R. (2008). Principles of Soil Conservation and management. Springer and Company Limited 13-18 pp.
  • Igwe, P.U., Nwezi, C.C., Echendu, J.E., Chukwunyere, I.C., Okonkwo, N.J (2017). Adaptations to Soil Erosion: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 3(12),1126-1134.
  • Mohamed, H.H. (2015). Cause and Effect of Soil Erosion in Boqol-Jire Hargeisa, Somaliland. Ph.D Thesis, University of Hargeisa, Somalia.
  • Onu, F.M., and Mohamed, A. (2014). Competency Improvement Needs of Farmers in Soil Erosion Prevention and Control for Enhancing Crop Production: Case Study of Kogi State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science 5, 958 - 963.
  • Phatak, S.C., Dozier, J.R., Bateman, A.G., Brunson, K.E., and Martini, N.L. (2002). Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage in Sustainable Vegetable Production. In: Van Santen, E. Research Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, pp. 401- 403.
  • Pimentel, D. (2006). Soil Erosion: A Food Security and Environmental Threat. Journal of Environment and Development Sustainability, 31,119 – 137.
  • Quinton, J.N. (2014). Soil Erosion Modeling. Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, Springer 746-747pp.
  • Rahman, E.L., M.A. Abd, Ali, R.R, Hussain, M.A and ElSemey, M. A. (2009). Remote Sensing and GIS based physiography and soils mapping of the Idku-Brullus Area, North Delta, Egypt: Egyptian Journal of Soil Science 49 (3): 209-432.
  • Tesfaye, G., and Kashun, K.H. (2015). Assessment of Farmers’ Perception on Soil Erosion and Soil Fertility Improvement in Rift Valley Areas of East Shoa and West Arid Zones of Oromia, Ethopia.
  • Ume, N. C, Enwereuzor, A .I., Egbe, C. A, Ike, M .C. and S. J. Umo. (2014). Application of Geographic information system and remote sensing in identifying the impacts of gully eroding in Urualla, Ideato North, Local Government area, Imo state. Nigeria. Global Research Journal of Science 3 (3),1-8.
  • Umoh, G.S.(2006). Resource use efficiency in urban farming: An application of stochastic frontier production function. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 8(1):38-44.
  • Zheng, F.L, Yang, Q.K and Wing, Z.L. (2004).Water Erosion Prediction Model. Research Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 11 (4), 13-24.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Theophilus Miebi Gbıgbı 0000-0002-1335-7231

Publication Date June 24, 2020
Submission Date September 3, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gbıgbı, T. M. (2020). Modelling the link between soil erosion and arable crop farmers income in Delta State, Nigeria. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2), 185-194.

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