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Aromalı soğuk kahve içeceğinin raf ömrü ve tüketici beğenisi üzerine bir araştırma

Year 2021, , 534 - 545, 25.12.2021


Bu makalede, Antep fıstığı aromalı soğuk kahvenin geliştirilmesi ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Aromalı soğuk kahvenin raf ömrü Weibull tehlike analizi yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Sterilizasyon işlemi için sabit süre (10 dk.) uygulanırken farklı sterilizasyon sıcaklıkları (110, 120 ve 125 °C) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında bütün soğuk kahvelere kıvam arttırıcı olarak karagenan zamkı eklenirken, asidik düzenleyici olan sodyum bikarbonat eklenmemiştir. Bu şekilde sterilize edilen ürünlerin raf ömürleri 110°C, 120°C ve 125°C'de sırasıyla 14, 28 ve 18 gün olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın ikinci aşamasında ise hem sodyum bikarbonat hem de karagenan zamkı eklenmiş ve 120°C de 10 dakika sterilize edilen ürünün raf ömrü 16 ay 9 gün olarak hesaplanmıştır. Hedonik testler sonucunda panelistlerin %71'i Antep fıstık aromalı soğuk kahveyi beğendiklerini ifade etmişlerdir. Soğuk kahvenin optimum formülasyonu ise %1.5 (a/a) kahve, %0.2 (a/a) sodyum bikarbonat, %7.5 (a/a) şeker, %5.0 (a/a) süt tozu, %0.1 (a/a), sakız ve %0.1 (a/a) fıstık aroması olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Akbulut, Ç, & Bozkurt, A. (2020). Impact of pH on the salty taste perception of the yogurt drink, ayran. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(3), 301-309.
  • Andujar, G., & Herrera, H. (1987). The distribution of failure data for meat products. The 33th European Meeting of Meat Research Workers, (pp. 396-398), 2-7 August 1987, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Araújo, J. M., & Sandi, D. (2007). Extraction of coffee diterpenes and coffee oil using supercritical carbon dioxide. Food Chemistry, 101(3), 1087-1094. DOI:
  • Cardelli, C., & Labuza, T. P. (2000). Application of Weibull hazard analysis to the determination of the shelf life of roasted and ground coffee. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 34(5), 273-278. DOI: 10.1006/fstl.2000.0732.
  • Carpenter, R. P., Lyon, D. H., & Hasdell, T. A. (2000). Guidelines for Sensory Analysis in Food Product Development and Quality Control. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-4447-0.
  • Duyvesteyn, W. S. (1997). Integration of the time-temperature history effect on the shelf life of fluid milk. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA.
  • Fu, B., & Labuza, T. P. (1993). Shelf-life prediction: theory and application. Food Control, 4(3), 125-133.
  • Fu, B., & Labuza, T. P. (1997). Shelf-life testing: procedures and prediction methods. In: Erickson M. C. (ed.), Quality in Frozen Foods (pp 377-415). New York: Chapman & Hall. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-5975-7_19.
  • Gacula J., M. C., & Kubala, J. J. (1975). Statistical models for shelf-life failures. Journal of Food Science, 40(2), 404-409.
  • Hayoğlu, İ., & Toğrul, Ö. (2020). Yeni bir izotonik içecek olarak; nar, kızılcık ve karadut suları ile zenginleştirilmiş elma suyu üretim olanakları. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2), 165-173.
  • ICO, (2017). Domestic consumption by all exporting countries. Retrieved from:
  • Karahan, D., & Keklik, N. M. (2018). Hindistan cevizi ekstraktı içeren soğuk kahve içeceğinin geliştirilmesi ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. Gıda, 43(6), 906-916. DOI: 10.15237/gida.GD18054.
  • Keklik, N. M., Işıklı, N. D., & Sur, E. B. (2017). Estimation of the shelf life of pezik pickles using Weibull hazard analysis. Food Science and Technology, 37, 125-130. DOI: 10.1590/1678-457x.33216.
  • Kilcast, D., & Subramaniam, P. (2000). Stability and Shelf-life of Food. New York: Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC.
  • Labuza, T. P., & Schmidl, M. K. (1988). Use of sensory data in the shelf-life testing of foods: principles and graphical methods for evaluation. Cereal Foods World, 33, 193-206.
  • Pickering, S. C. (1984). Prediction and analysis of shelf life of an oat bran cereal. MSc Thesis. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA.
  • Schmidt, K., & Bouma, J. (1992). Estimating shelf-life of cottage cheese using hazard analysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 75(11), 2922-2927.
  • Shakerardekani, A., Karim, R., & Vaseli, N. (2012). The effect of processing variables on the quality and acceptability of pistachio milk. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37(5), 541-545. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00676.x
  • Shirose, I., Aguirre, J. M., & Ferreira, V. L. P. (1978). Application of a staggered experimental design to study of the shelf-life of cassava flour enriched with soybean protein extraction residue. Coletânea do Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos, 9, 313-334.
  • Thiemig, F., Buhr, H., & Wolf, G. (1998). Characterization of shelf-life and spoilage of fresh foods-First results with the Weibull hazard analysis. Fleischwirtschaft, 78(2), 152-154.
  • Tomasicchio, M., Andreotti, R., Pirazzoli, P., & Pezzani, G. (1989). Application of the Weibull statistical model to the shelf-life of some frozen foods. Industria Conserve, 64(2), 102-109.
  • Wittenger, S. A., & Smith, D. E. (1986). Effect of sweeteners and stabilizers on selected sensory attributes and shelf life of ice cream. Journal of Food Science, 51(6), 1463–1466. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1986.tb13835

An investigation into the shelf life and consumer acceptability of flavored cold coffee drink

Year 2021, , 534 - 545, 25.12.2021


In this article, it was aimed to develop a method to determine the shelf life of pistachio nut flavored cold coffee. The shelf life of flavored cold coffee was determined by the Weibull hazard analysis method. While a fixed time (i.e., 10 min) was applied for the sterilization process, different sterilization temperatures (i.e., 110, 120 and 125°C) were used. In the first stage of the study, while carrageenan gum was added as a thickener to all cold coffees, sodium bicarbonate, which is an acidic regulator, was not added. The shelf lives of products sterilized in this way were determined as 14, 28 and 18 days at 110°C, 120°C and 125°C, respectively. In the second step, both sodium bicarbonate and carrageenan gum were added to the samples and the shelf life of the product, which was sterilized at 120°C for 10 min., was calculated as 16 months and 9 days. As a result of the hedonic tests, 71% of the panelists stated that they liked pistachio flavored cold coffee. The optimum formulation of cold coffee was 1.5% (w/w) coffee, 0.2% (w/w) sodium bicarbonate, 7.5% (w/w) sugar, 5.0% (w/w) milk powder, 0.1% (w/w), chewing gum and 0.1% (w/w) pistachio flavor.


  • Akbulut, Ç, & Bozkurt, A. (2020). Impact of pH on the salty taste perception of the yogurt drink, ayran. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(3), 301-309.
  • Andujar, G., & Herrera, H. (1987). The distribution of failure data for meat products. The 33th European Meeting of Meat Research Workers, (pp. 396-398), 2-7 August 1987, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Araújo, J. M., & Sandi, D. (2007). Extraction of coffee diterpenes and coffee oil using supercritical carbon dioxide. Food Chemistry, 101(3), 1087-1094. DOI:
  • Cardelli, C., & Labuza, T. P. (2000). Application of Weibull hazard analysis to the determination of the shelf life of roasted and ground coffee. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 34(5), 273-278. DOI: 10.1006/fstl.2000.0732.
  • Carpenter, R. P., Lyon, D. H., & Hasdell, T. A. (2000). Guidelines for Sensory Analysis in Food Product Development and Quality Control. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-4447-0.
  • Duyvesteyn, W. S. (1997). Integration of the time-temperature history effect on the shelf life of fluid milk. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA.
  • Fu, B., & Labuza, T. P. (1993). Shelf-life prediction: theory and application. Food Control, 4(3), 125-133.
  • Fu, B., & Labuza, T. P. (1997). Shelf-life testing: procedures and prediction methods. In: Erickson M. C. (ed.), Quality in Frozen Foods (pp 377-415). New York: Chapman & Hall. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-5975-7_19.
  • Gacula J., M. C., & Kubala, J. J. (1975). Statistical models for shelf-life failures. Journal of Food Science, 40(2), 404-409.
  • Hayoğlu, İ., & Toğrul, Ö. (2020). Yeni bir izotonik içecek olarak; nar, kızılcık ve karadut suları ile zenginleştirilmiş elma suyu üretim olanakları. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(2), 165-173.
  • ICO, (2017). Domestic consumption by all exporting countries. Retrieved from:
  • Karahan, D., & Keklik, N. M. (2018). Hindistan cevizi ekstraktı içeren soğuk kahve içeceğinin geliştirilmesi ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. Gıda, 43(6), 906-916. DOI: 10.15237/gida.GD18054.
  • Keklik, N. M., Işıklı, N. D., & Sur, E. B. (2017). Estimation of the shelf life of pezik pickles using Weibull hazard analysis. Food Science and Technology, 37, 125-130. DOI: 10.1590/1678-457x.33216.
  • Kilcast, D., & Subramaniam, P. (2000). Stability and Shelf-life of Food. New York: Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC.
  • Labuza, T. P., & Schmidl, M. K. (1988). Use of sensory data in the shelf-life testing of foods: principles and graphical methods for evaluation. Cereal Foods World, 33, 193-206.
  • Pickering, S. C. (1984). Prediction and analysis of shelf life of an oat bran cereal. MSc Thesis. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA.
  • Schmidt, K., & Bouma, J. (1992). Estimating shelf-life of cottage cheese using hazard analysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 75(11), 2922-2927.
  • Shakerardekani, A., Karim, R., & Vaseli, N. (2012). The effect of processing variables on the quality and acceptability of pistachio milk. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37(5), 541-545. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00676.x
  • Shirose, I., Aguirre, J. M., & Ferreira, V. L. P. (1978). Application of a staggered experimental design to study of the shelf-life of cassava flour enriched with soybean protein extraction residue. Coletânea do Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos, 9, 313-334.
  • Thiemig, F., Buhr, H., & Wolf, G. (1998). Characterization of shelf-life and spoilage of fresh foods-First results with the Weibull hazard analysis. Fleischwirtschaft, 78(2), 152-154.
  • Tomasicchio, M., Andreotti, R., Pirazzoli, P., & Pezzani, G. (1989). Application of the Weibull statistical model to the shelf-life of some frozen foods. Industria Conserve, 64(2), 102-109.
  • Wittenger, S. A., & Smith, D. E. (1986). Effect of sweeteners and stabilizers on selected sensory attributes and shelf life of ice cream. Journal of Food Science, 51(6), 1463–1466. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1986.tb13835
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Oğuzhan Polat 0000-0003-1069-3712

Şenol İbanoğlu 0000-0002-0727-4747

Publication Date December 25, 2021
Submission Date January 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Polat, A. O., & İbanoğlu, Ş. (2021). An investigation into the shelf life and consumer acceptability of flavored cold coffee drink. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(4), 534-545.

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