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Kesim Öncesi Bilinçsizleştirme Akım Seviyesinin Etlik Piliçlerin Karkas ve Göğüs Eti Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 30.07.2016


Bu çalışma, elektrik akımıyla bilinçsizleştirmenin
etlik piliçlerin karkas ve göğüs eti kalite özellikleri üzerine etkisini
belirlenmek amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Piliçleri bilinçsiz hale getirmek için 90,
120 ve 150 mA, 400 Hz pulslanmış doğru akım (pDC) uygulamıştır. Her bir uygulama
için 20 (10♀:10♂), toplamda 60 piliç kullanılmıştır. Piliçlere 4 sn süre ile su
banyosunda elektrik akımı uygulanmıştır. Bilinçsizleştirme sırasında her bir
piliç için üzerinden geçen gerilim ve vücut direnç değerleri belirlenmiştir. Bilinç
kaybından sonra, piliçlerin canlı olup olmadıkları kontrol edilmiş ve
kesilmiştir. Kesilen piliçlerde kan kayıpları, karkasta oluşan damar
kanamaları, spot lekeler ve kanat kısmına ait kemik kırıkları tespit
edilmiştir. Göğüs etinin kalitesi, etin pH’sı (kesildikten 15 d ve 24 saat
sonra), su kaybı, pişirme kaybı ve sertliği belirlenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Elektrik
akımı değerleri piliçlerin göğüs etinde sadece su kaybı üzerinde etkili
olmuştur (P<0.05). Uygulanan 120 mA’lik akım düzeyi piliçlerin göğüs etinde
daha düşük su kaybına yol açmıştır. Elektrik akımının incelenen diğer
özellikler üzerindeki etkisi önemli bulunmamıştır (P>0.05). Sonuç olarak, bu
çalışmada incelenen tüm özellikler dikkate alındığında, etlik piliçlerin kesim
öncesi bilinçsizleştirilmesinde pDC 120 mA (400 Hz) akım uygulamasının daha etkili
olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Aksit M, Onenç A, Yalcin S. 2003. A survey on poultry slaughterhouses in Turkey: Incidence of carcass defects and meat quality related stunning voltage. XVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 23-26 September 2003, Saint-Brieuc–Ploufragan, Cotes d’Armor, France, s. 463-468.
  • Ali ASA, Lawson MA, Tauson AH, Jensen JF, Chwalibog A. 2007. Influence of electrical stunning voltages on bleed out and carcass quality in slaughtered broiler chickens. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 71(1):35–40.
  • Anonim, 2004. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority): Welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing the main commercial species of animals. The EFSA Journal 45:1-29.
  • Barker R. 2006. The effect of water bath stunning current, frequency and waveform on carcass and meat quality in broilers. MSc Dissertation, University of Bristol, England.
  • Barker R. 2007. Electrical water-bath stunning parameters. cal%20waterbath%20stunning%20parameters.pdf (18 Mayıs 2013)
  • Bilgili SF. 1999. Recent advantages in electrical stunning. Poultry Science 78:282-286.
  • Contreras CC, Beraquet NJ. 2001. Electrical stunning, hot boning and quality of chicken breast meat. Poultry Science 80:501-507.
  • Craig EW, Fletcher DL, Papinaho PA. 1999. The effects of ante mortem electrical stunning and post mortem electrical stimulation on biochemical and textural properties of broiler breast meat. Poultry Science 78:490-494.
  • Duncan JH. 2001. Animal welfare issues in the poultry industry: Is there a lesson to be learned? Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 4(3):207-221.
  • Goksoy EO, McKinstry LJ, Wilkins IJ, Parkman A, Phillips A, Richardson RI, Anil MH. 1999. Broiler stunning and meat quality. Poultry Science 78:1796-1800.
  • Gregory NG, Wilkins LJ. 1989a. Effect of stunning current on carcass quality in chickens. Veterinary Record 124:530-532.
  • Gregory NG, Wilkins LJ. 1989b. Effect of slaughter method on bleeding efficiency in chickens. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 47:13–20.
  • Gregory NG, Wotton SB. 1990. Effect of stunning on spontaneous physical activity and evoked activity in the brain. British Poultry Science 31:215–220.
  • Heath GE. 1984. The slaughter of broiler chickens. World Poultry Science Journal 40:151-159.
  • Helva İB. 2014. Kesim öncesi etlik piliçlerin bilinçsizleştirilmesi için kullanılan farklı frekanslardaki alternatif ve doğru akımın hayvan refahı, karkas kusurları ve et kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Aydın, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hindle VA, Lambooij A, Reimert HGM, Workel LD, Gerritzen MA. 2010. Animal welfare concerns during the use of the water bath for stunning broilers, hens and ducks. Poultry Science 89:401-412.
  • Kuenzel WJ, Ingling A. 1977. A comparison of plate and brine stunners, AC and DC circuits for maximizing bleed-out in processed poultry. Poultry Science 56:2087–2090.
  • Lambooij E, Gerritzen MA. 2007. Stunning systems of poultry species. Uploads/File/AnimalScience/additionalFiles/WPSA2007/16_Lambooij%20Bert.pdf (10 Şubat 2013).
  • Lee BY, Hargus LG, Webb EJ, Rickansrud AD, Hagberg CE. 1979. Effect of electrical stunning on post mortem biochemical changes and tenderness in broiler breast muscle. Journal of Food Science 44:1121–1122.
  • McNeal WD, Fletcher DL, Buhr RJ. 2003. Effects of stunning and decapitation on broiler activity during bleeding, blood loss, carcass, and breast meat quality. Poultry Science 82:163-168.
  • Nunes F. 2007. How to avoid bruising during electrical poultry stunning. Industry/TechnicalArticles/Details/618 (10 Mayıs 2013).
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL. 1995. Effects of electrical stunning duration on post-mortem rigor development and broiler breast meat tenderness. Journal Muscle Foods 6:1-8.
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL, Buhr RJ. 1995. Effect of electrical stunning amperage and peri-mortems truggle on broiler breast rigor development and meat quality. Poultry Science 74:1533–1539.
  • Prinz S. 2009. Electrical stunning of broiler chickens. (18 Mayıs 2013).
  • Prinz S, Van Oijen G, Ehinger F, Coenen A, Bessei W. 2010. Electroencephalograms and physical reflexes of broiler after electrical water bath stunning using an alternating current. Poultry Science 89:1265-1274.
  • Raj ABM, Johnson SP. 1997. Effect of the method of killing, interval between killing and neck cutting and blood vessels cut on the blood loss in broilers. British Poultry Science 38:190-194.
  • Raj ABM. 1998. Welfare during stunning and slaughter of poultry. Poultry Science 77:1815-1819.
  • Raj ABM. 2000. Stunning and slaughter of poultry. Ed. Mead, GC. Poultry Meat and Processing. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, s. 65-80.
  • Raj ABM, O’Callaghan M. 2004. Effects of electrical water bath stunning current frequencies on the spontaneous electroencephalogram and somatosensory evoked potentials in hens. British Poultry Science 45(2):230–236.
  • Sams AR. 1996. Stunning Basics. Broiler Industry 59:36–38.
  • Savenije B, Schreurs FJG, Winkelman-Goedhart HA, Gerritzen MA, Korf J, Lambooij E. 2002. Effects of feed deprivation and electrical, gas, and captive needle stunning on early post mortem muscle metabolism and subsequent meat quality. Poultry Science 81:561-571.
  • Shields JS, Park S, Raj ABM. 2010. A critical review of electrical water-bath stun systems for poultry slaughter and recent developments in alternative technologies. Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 13:281–299.
  • SPSS, 2009: Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences 18.0 for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA.
  • Thomson JE, Lyon CE, Hamm D, Dickens JA, Fletcher DL, Shackelford AD. 1986. Effects of electrical stunning and hot deboning on broiler breast meat quality. Poultry Science 65:1715–1719.
  • Veerkamp CH, De Vries AW. 1983. Influence of electrical stunning on quality aspects of broilers. Ed. Eikelenboom G. Stunning of Animals for Slaughter. Martinus Nijhoff Pulishers, Boston, s:197–212.
  • Veerkamp CH. 1988. What is the right current to stun and kill broilers? Poultry Misset 4:30-31.
  • Wilkins L, Wotton SB, Parkman ID, Kettlewell PJ, Griffiths P. 1999. Constant current stunning effect on bird welfare and carcass quality. Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 8:465-471.
  • Woolley SC, Borthwick FJW, Gentle MJ. 1986. Flow routes of electric currents in domestic hens during pre-slaughter stunning. British Poultry Science 27:403–408.
Year 2016, Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 1 - 6, 30.07.2016



  • Aksit M, Onenç A, Yalcin S. 2003. A survey on poultry slaughterhouses in Turkey: Incidence of carcass defects and meat quality related stunning voltage. XVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 23-26 September 2003, Saint-Brieuc–Ploufragan, Cotes d’Armor, France, s. 463-468.
  • Ali ASA, Lawson MA, Tauson AH, Jensen JF, Chwalibog A. 2007. Influence of electrical stunning voltages on bleed out and carcass quality in slaughtered broiler chickens. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 71(1):35–40.
  • Anonim, 2004. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority): Welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing the main commercial species of animals. The EFSA Journal 45:1-29.
  • Barker R. 2006. The effect of water bath stunning current, frequency and waveform on carcass and meat quality in broilers. MSc Dissertation, University of Bristol, England.
  • Barker R. 2007. Electrical water-bath stunning parameters. cal%20waterbath%20stunning%20parameters.pdf (18 Mayıs 2013)
  • Bilgili SF. 1999. Recent advantages in electrical stunning. Poultry Science 78:282-286.
  • Contreras CC, Beraquet NJ. 2001. Electrical stunning, hot boning and quality of chicken breast meat. Poultry Science 80:501-507.
  • Craig EW, Fletcher DL, Papinaho PA. 1999. The effects of ante mortem electrical stunning and post mortem electrical stimulation on biochemical and textural properties of broiler breast meat. Poultry Science 78:490-494.
  • Duncan JH. 2001. Animal welfare issues in the poultry industry: Is there a lesson to be learned? Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 4(3):207-221.
  • Goksoy EO, McKinstry LJ, Wilkins IJ, Parkman A, Phillips A, Richardson RI, Anil MH. 1999. Broiler stunning and meat quality. Poultry Science 78:1796-1800.
  • Gregory NG, Wilkins LJ. 1989a. Effect of stunning current on carcass quality in chickens. Veterinary Record 124:530-532.
  • Gregory NG, Wilkins LJ. 1989b. Effect of slaughter method on bleeding efficiency in chickens. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 47:13–20.
  • Gregory NG, Wotton SB. 1990. Effect of stunning on spontaneous physical activity and evoked activity in the brain. British Poultry Science 31:215–220.
  • Heath GE. 1984. The slaughter of broiler chickens. World Poultry Science Journal 40:151-159.
  • Helva İB. 2014. Kesim öncesi etlik piliçlerin bilinçsizleştirilmesi için kullanılan farklı frekanslardaki alternatif ve doğru akımın hayvan refahı, karkas kusurları ve et kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Aydın, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hindle VA, Lambooij A, Reimert HGM, Workel LD, Gerritzen MA. 2010. Animal welfare concerns during the use of the water bath for stunning broilers, hens and ducks. Poultry Science 89:401-412.
  • Kuenzel WJ, Ingling A. 1977. A comparison of plate and brine stunners, AC and DC circuits for maximizing bleed-out in processed poultry. Poultry Science 56:2087–2090.
  • Lambooij E, Gerritzen MA. 2007. Stunning systems of poultry species. Uploads/File/AnimalScience/additionalFiles/WPSA2007/16_Lambooij%20Bert.pdf (10 Şubat 2013).
  • Lee BY, Hargus LG, Webb EJ, Rickansrud AD, Hagberg CE. 1979. Effect of electrical stunning on post mortem biochemical changes and tenderness in broiler breast muscle. Journal of Food Science 44:1121–1122.
  • McNeal WD, Fletcher DL, Buhr RJ. 2003. Effects of stunning and decapitation on broiler activity during bleeding, blood loss, carcass, and breast meat quality. Poultry Science 82:163-168.
  • Nunes F. 2007. How to avoid bruising during electrical poultry stunning. Industry/TechnicalArticles/Details/618 (10 Mayıs 2013).
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL. 1995. Effects of electrical stunning duration on post-mortem rigor development and broiler breast meat tenderness. Journal Muscle Foods 6:1-8.
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL, Buhr RJ. 1995. Effect of electrical stunning amperage and peri-mortems truggle on broiler breast rigor development and meat quality. Poultry Science 74:1533–1539.
  • Prinz S. 2009. Electrical stunning of broiler chickens. (18 Mayıs 2013).
  • Prinz S, Van Oijen G, Ehinger F, Coenen A, Bessei W. 2010. Electroencephalograms and physical reflexes of broiler after electrical water bath stunning using an alternating current. Poultry Science 89:1265-1274.
  • Raj ABM, Johnson SP. 1997. Effect of the method of killing, interval between killing and neck cutting and blood vessels cut on the blood loss in broilers. British Poultry Science 38:190-194.
  • Raj ABM. 1998. Welfare during stunning and slaughter of poultry. Poultry Science 77:1815-1819.
  • Raj ABM. 2000. Stunning and slaughter of poultry. Ed. Mead, GC. Poultry Meat and Processing. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, s. 65-80.
  • Raj ABM, O’Callaghan M. 2004. Effects of electrical water bath stunning current frequencies on the spontaneous electroencephalogram and somatosensory evoked potentials in hens. British Poultry Science 45(2):230–236.
  • Sams AR. 1996. Stunning Basics. Broiler Industry 59:36–38.
  • Savenije B, Schreurs FJG, Winkelman-Goedhart HA, Gerritzen MA, Korf J, Lambooij E. 2002. Effects of feed deprivation and electrical, gas, and captive needle stunning on early post mortem muscle metabolism and subsequent meat quality. Poultry Science 81:561-571.
  • Shields JS, Park S, Raj ABM. 2010. A critical review of electrical water-bath stun systems for poultry slaughter and recent developments in alternative technologies. Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 13:281–299.
  • SPSS, 2009: Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences 18.0 for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA.
  • Thomson JE, Lyon CE, Hamm D, Dickens JA, Fletcher DL, Shackelford AD. 1986. Effects of electrical stunning and hot deboning on broiler breast meat quality. Poultry Science 65:1715–1719.
  • Veerkamp CH, De Vries AW. 1983. Influence of electrical stunning on quality aspects of broilers. Ed. Eikelenboom G. Stunning of Animals for Slaughter. Martinus Nijhoff Pulishers, Boston, s:197–212.
  • Veerkamp CH. 1988. What is the right current to stun and kill broilers? Poultry Misset 4:30-31.
  • Wilkins L, Wotton SB, Parkman ID, Kettlewell PJ, Griffiths P. 1999. Constant current stunning effect on bird welfare and carcass quality. Journal Applied Animal Welfare Science 8:465-471.
  • Woolley SC, Borthwick FJW, Gentle MJ. 1986. Flow routes of electric currents in domestic hens during pre-slaughter stunning. British Poultry Science 27:403–408.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

İhsan Bülent Helva

Mustafa Akşit This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2016
Submission Date July 23, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 57 Issue: 2


APA Helva, İ. B., & Akşit, M. (2016). Kesim Öncesi Bilinçsizleştirme Akım Seviyesinin Etlik Piliçlerin Karkas ve Göğüs Eti Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Animal Production, 57(2), 1-6.


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