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Karmaya İlave Edilen Kekik Uçucu Yağı veya Acı Biber Ekstraktının Kuzu Etlerinde Oksidatif Duruma Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 62 Issue: 2, 85 - 91, 31.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı kekik uçucu yağı (Oregano Onites L.) ve acı biber ekstraktı (Capsicum Oleoresin) ilavesinin, sütten kesilmiş Menemen ırkı kuzuların antioksidan durumu üzerine etkisini incelemektir.

Materyal ve Metot: Sekiz haftalık yaşta, sütten kesilmiş toplam 36 adet Menemen ırkı kuzu, her grupta 6 dişi, 6 erkek olacak şekilde kontrol, kekik ve biber olmak üzere rastgele üç farklı gruba ayrılmıştır. Deneme boyunca tüm grupların taze suya ve yeme ad-libitum erişimi sağlanmış ve 56 gün süresince kuzular benzer kuzu büyütme yemi ile beslenmiştir. Kontrol grubundan farklı olarak kekik ve biber gruplarının yemlerine 300 mg/kg düzeyinde kekik uçucu yağı veya acı biber ekstraktı ilave edilmiştir. Deneme sonunda her gruptan 6 dişi ve 6 erkek kuzu ticari bir kesimhanede kesilerek analizlerde kullanılmak üzere karkasların her birinin sol yarısındaki longissimus dorsi kasından 2.5 cm kalınlığında doku örnekleri alınmıştır.

Bulgular: Kontrol grubunun malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyinin muamele gruplarına göre daha yüksek, glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx) düzeyinin ise daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır (P<0.05). Araştırma sonunda kontrol, kekik ve biber gruplarının oksidatif stres endeksleri (OSI) anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmış (P<0.05), deneme gruplarının OSI değerleri sırasıyla 0.698, 0.566 ve 0.494 AU olarak hesaplanmıştır.

Sonuç: Yeme kekik uçucu yağı veya acı biber ekstraktı ilavesi kuzularda toplam oksidan seviyesi (TOS) ve OSI değerlerini azaltmış, toplam antioksidan seviyesini (TAS) ise önemli düzeyde yükseltmiştir (P<0.05). Deneme sonuçları her iki antioksidanında kuzularda oksidatif stresi önleme potansiyelinin olduğunu ancak, acı biber ekstraktının antioksidan kapasitesinin, aynı miktardaki kekik uçucu yağından daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Müdürlüğü tarafından 2016-ZRF-070 proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir

Project Number



Bu çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurulu tarafından tarafından onaylanmıştır No: (2014-091)


  • Adly AAM. Oxidative stress and disease: An updated review. Research Journal of Immunology 2010; 3: 129-145.
  • Altan, A Pabuçcuoğlu, A Altan, S Konyalioğlu, H Bayraktar. 2003. Br Poult Sci. 44(4):545-50.
  • Andrés, S., Jiménez, A., Mañé, M.C., Sánchez, J., Barrera, R. Relationships between some soil parameters and the blood glutathione peroxidase activity of grazing sheep. Vet. Rec. 1997, 141, 267–268.
  • Andres, S., Mañe, M.C., Sanchez, J., Barrera, R., Jimenez, A. Temporal variations in blood glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in sheep at pasture in a Mediterranean area. Vet. J. 1999, 157, 186–188.
  • Anonim (2006a) Yem Katkıları ve Premikslerin Üretimi, İthalatı, İhracatı, Satışı ve Kullanımı.
  • Hakkında Tebliğde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığından. 21 Ocak 2006. Sayı: 26056 Tebliğ No: 2006/1 Resmi Gazete.
  • Bernabucci, U., Ronchi, B., Lacetera, N. ve Nardone, A. 2005. Influence of body condition score on relationships between metabolic status and oxidative stress in periparturient dairy cows, Journal Dairy Science, 88(6):2017-2026.
  • Catala Gregori P, Mallet S, Travel A, Orengo J, Lessire M. 2008. Efficiency of a prebiotic and a plant extract alone or in combination on broiler performance and intestinal physiology. Can J Anim Sci.;88(4):623–9.
  • Çiçek, H, Yılmaz, N, Celik, A, Ceylan, N, Geyikli Meram, I 2005. Kapsaisinin (Kırmızı Biber) İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Anadolu Tıp Dergisi. 7. 31-37.
  • Drapper HH, Hadley M.1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology 186: 421–431.
  • Erel, O. 2004. A novel automated method to measure total antioxidant response against potent free radicals reactions. Clinical Biochemistry 37: 112–119.
  • Erel, O. 2005. A novel automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status. Clinical Biochemistry 38:1103–1111.
  • Flohe, L., Günzler, W.A., Schock, H.H. 1973. Glutathione peroxidase: a selenoenzyme. FEBS Lett., 32, 132–134.
  • Gutteridge, JMC. 1993. Free radicals in disease processes: A compilation of cause and consequence. Free Radic Res Commun. 19(3):141-158.
  • Gümüş R, Erol HS, İmik H, Halıcı M. 2017. The effects of the supplementation of lamb rations with oregano essential oil on the performance, some blood parameters and antioxidant metabolism in meat and liver tissues. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23(3): 395-401.
  • Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC. 1999. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. 10-121.
  • Halliwell B. 1995. Antioxidant characterization. Methodology and mechanism. Biochem Pharmacol 49: 1341-1348.
  • Halliwell, B., Chirico, S. 1993. Lipid peroxidation: its mechanism, measurement, and significance. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 57, 715S– 724S; discussion 724S.
  • Herrera, Nicolas J., 2020. The Impact of Oxidative Stress on Postmortem Meat Quality. Theses and Dissertations in Animal Science. 195.
  • Jamroz D, Wiliczkiewicz A, Wertelecki T, Orda J, Skorupinska J. 2005. Use of active substances of plant origin in chicken diets based on maize and locally grown cereals. Br Poult Sci. 46:485–49.
  • Kırbağ, S., Bağcı, E., 2000. Piceae abies (L.) karst. ve Picea orientalis (L.) link uçucu yağlarının antimikrobiyal aktivitesi üzerine bir araştırma” Journal of Quafqaz Univ. V:III,N:1 183-1882.
  • Lee CYJ, Kim M, Yoon SW, Lee CH., 2003. Short-term control of capsaicin on blood and oxidative stress of rats in vivo. Phytotherapy Research; 17: 454-458.
  • Mercan, U. 2004. Toksikolojide serbest radikallerin önemi. YYU Vet Fak Derg., 15(1-2);91-96.
  • Miller, J.K., Brzezinska-Slebodzinska, E., Madsen, F.C. 1993. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and animal function. J. Dairy Sci., 76, 2812–2823.
  • Moslen MT., 1994 Reactive Oxygen Species in Normal Physiology, Cell Injury and Phatogocytosis, Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine, Ed. D Armstrong, 1–15, Plenum Press,New York.
  • Özgün E, Sayılan Özgün G, Eskiocak S, Yalçın Ö, Süer Gökmen S. 2013. Deneysel kolitte L-karnitinin serum paraoksonaz, arilesteraz ve laktonaz aktivitelerine ve oksidatif duruma etkisi. Turk J Biochem: 38(2): 145-153.
  • Paglia DE, Valentine WN. 1967. Studies on the quantitative and qualitative characterization of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. J Lab Clin Med; 70: 158–169.
  • Perrone S, Negro S, Tataranno ML, Buonocore G. 2010. Oxidative stress and antioxidant strategies in newborns. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 23: 63-65.
  • Powell, W.S., and Rokach, J. 2014. Biosynthesis, biological effects, and receptors of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) and oxoeicosatetraenoic acids (oxo-ETEs) derived from arachidonic acid. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 16, 4C: 2, 4, 7, 8.
  • Rosa A, Deiana M, Casu V, Paccagnini S, Appendino G, Ballero M, Dessi MA. 2002. Antioxidant activity of capsinoids. J Agric Food Chem 50(25): 7396-7401.
  • Sinclair AJ, Barnett AH and Junec J 1990 Free Radicals and Antioxidant Systems in Health and Disease, British J. Hospital Medicine, 43, 334–44.
  • Soycan Önenç ve Açıkgöz, 2005. Aromatik Bitkilerin Hayvansal Ürünlerde Antioksidan Etkileri, Hayvansal Üretim 46(1): 50-55.
  • Soycan Önenç, S, Açıkgöz Z, Kırkpınar, F. Küme, T. Şeremet Tuğalay Ç., Bayraktar, ÖH. 2016. Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activities of The Essential Oils of Some Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Hayvansal Üretim 57(2): 7-14.
  • Tabakoğlu E, Durgut R. 2013. Veteriner hekimlikte oksidatif stres ve bazı önemli hastalıklarda oksidatif stresin etkileri. AVKAE Dergisi 3: 69-75.
  • Tüzün, A., Erdil, A., Inal, V., Aydin, A., Bagci, S., Yesilova, Z., Sayal, A., Karaeren, N., Dagalp, K. 2002. Oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin. Biochem. 35, 569–572.
  • Pham-Huy LA, He H, Pham-Huy C. 2008 Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. Int J Biomed Sci. 4(2): 89-96.
  • Regulation 1831/2003/EC on additives for use in animal nutrition, replacing Directive 70/524/EEC on additives in feeding-stuffs.
  • Shinde A, Ganu J, Naik P. 2012. Effect of free radicals & Antioxidants on oxidative stress: A Review. J Dent Allied Sci.; 1(2): 63-66.
  • Sies, H. and Cadenas E. 1985. Oxidative stress: damage to intact cells and organs Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B311, 617-631.
  • Tan, A., 1992. Türkiye’de Bitkisel Çeşitlilik ve Bitki Genetik kaynakları, Anadolu J. Of AARI 2:50-64 MARA, İzmir.
  • Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncol J, Cronin M TD, Mazur M, telser J. 2007. Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Int J Biochem cell Biol., 39;44-84.
  • Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncola J, ve ark. 2007. Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 39, 44-84.
  • Valko M, Rhodes CJ, Moncol J, Izakovic M, Mazur M. 2006. Free radicals, metals and antioxidants in oxidative stres-induced cancer. Chem Biol Interact., 160;1-40.
  • Viktorija M, Liljana KG, Tatjana R, Ana C, Rubin G. 2014A. ntioxidative effect of capsicum oleoresins compared with pure capsaicin. IOSR J Pharm.; 4(11):44–8.
  • Vlachos GD, Bartzeliotou A, Schulpis KH, et al. 2006. Maternalneonatal serum paraoxonase 1 activity in relation to the mode of delivery. Clin Biochem 39: 923-928.
  • Winklhofer-Roob, B.M., E. Rock, J.Ribalta, D.H.Shemerling and J.M. Roob. 2003. Effects of vitamin E and karotenoid status on oxidative stres in human health and disease. Evidence obtained from human intervention studies. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 24: 391-402.
  • Wijnberger LDE, Krediet TG, Visser GHA, Van Bel F, Egberts J. 2003. Early neonatal antioxidant capacity after preexisting impaired placental function. Early Hum Dev; 71: 111-116.
  • Zahir AS, Thanhtam T, Zaman K. 1999. Oxidative stress as a mechanism of chronic cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity and protection by antioxidants. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 154: 256-63.

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Oregano Essential Oil or Hot Pepper Extract on Antioxidant Status of Lamb Meat

Year 2021, Volume: 62 Issue: 2, 85 - 91, 31.12.2021


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant status of post-weaned Menemen breed lambs fed with oregano (Oregano Onites L.) essential oil or hot pepper extract (capsicum oleoresin) supplemented feeds.

Material and Methods: A total number of 36 post-weaned menemen breeds lambs at the age of eight weeks were divided into three groups as will be 6 females and 6 males in each randomly by control, oregano and pepper. During the experiment, all groups had access to fresh water and feed ad libitum, and the lambs were fed with a similar lamb grower feed for 56 days. Unlike the control group, 300 mg/kg of oregano essential oil or capsicum oleoresin extract were added to the feeds of the oregano and pepper groups.
The experiment was maintained for 56 days. Lambs were fed lamb grower feed and fresh water was available ad-libitium during the experiment. At the end of the experiment, 6 female and 6 male lambs from each group were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse and 2.5 cm thick tissue samples were taken from the longissimus dorsi muscle on the left half of each carcass to be used in the analysis.

Results: It was determined that the malondialdehyde (MDA) level of the control group was higher, but the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) level was lower than the treatment groups (P<0.05). At the end of theexperiment the oxidative stress indices (OSI) of the control, thyme and pepper groups differed significantly (P<0.05), and the OSI values of the treatment groups were calculated as 0.698, 0.566 and 0.494 AU, respectively.

Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of oregano essential oil or hot pepper extract had lower the total oxidant level (TOS) and OSI values, but significantly higher the total antioxidant level (TAS) in lambs (P<0.05). Results of this study indicated that both antioxidants have the potential to prevent oxidative stress in lambs, but the antioxidant capacity of hot pepper extract is higher than the same amount of oregano essential oil.

Project Number



  • Adly AAM. Oxidative stress and disease: An updated review. Research Journal of Immunology 2010; 3: 129-145.
  • Altan, A Pabuçcuoğlu, A Altan, S Konyalioğlu, H Bayraktar. 2003. Br Poult Sci. 44(4):545-50.
  • Andrés, S., Jiménez, A., Mañé, M.C., Sánchez, J., Barrera, R. Relationships between some soil parameters and the blood glutathione peroxidase activity of grazing sheep. Vet. Rec. 1997, 141, 267–268.
  • Andres, S., Mañe, M.C., Sanchez, J., Barrera, R., Jimenez, A. Temporal variations in blood glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity in sheep at pasture in a Mediterranean area. Vet. J. 1999, 157, 186–188.
  • Anonim (2006a) Yem Katkıları ve Premikslerin Üretimi, İthalatı, İhracatı, Satışı ve Kullanımı.
  • Hakkında Tebliğde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığından. 21 Ocak 2006. Sayı: 26056 Tebliğ No: 2006/1 Resmi Gazete.
  • Bernabucci, U., Ronchi, B., Lacetera, N. ve Nardone, A. 2005. Influence of body condition score on relationships between metabolic status and oxidative stress in periparturient dairy cows, Journal Dairy Science, 88(6):2017-2026.
  • Catala Gregori P, Mallet S, Travel A, Orengo J, Lessire M. 2008. Efficiency of a prebiotic and a plant extract alone or in combination on broiler performance and intestinal physiology. Can J Anim Sci.;88(4):623–9.
  • Çiçek, H, Yılmaz, N, Celik, A, Ceylan, N, Geyikli Meram, I 2005. Kapsaisinin (Kırmızı Biber) İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Anadolu Tıp Dergisi. 7. 31-37.
  • Drapper HH, Hadley M.1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology 186: 421–431.
  • Erel, O. 2004. A novel automated method to measure total antioxidant response against potent free radicals reactions. Clinical Biochemistry 37: 112–119.
  • Erel, O. 2005. A novel automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status. Clinical Biochemistry 38:1103–1111.
  • Flohe, L., Günzler, W.A., Schock, H.H. 1973. Glutathione peroxidase: a selenoenzyme. FEBS Lett., 32, 132–134.
  • Gutteridge, JMC. 1993. Free radicals in disease processes: A compilation of cause and consequence. Free Radic Res Commun. 19(3):141-158.
  • Gümüş R, Erol HS, İmik H, Halıcı M. 2017. The effects of the supplementation of lamb rations with oregano essential oil on the performance, some blood parameters and antioxidant metabolism in meat and liver tissues. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23(3): 395-401.
  • Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC. 1999. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. 10-121.
  • Halliwell B. 1995. Antioxidant characterization. Methodology and mechanism. Biochem Pharmacol 49: 1341-1348.
  • Halliwell, B., Chirico, S. 1993. Lipid peroxidation: its mechanism, measurement, and significance. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 57, 715S– 724S; discussion 724S.
  • Herrera, Nicolas J., 2020. The Impact of Oxidative Stress on Postmortem Meat Quality. Theses and Dissertations in Animal Science. 195.
  • Jamroz D, Wiliczkiewicz A, Wertelecki T, Orda J, Skorupinska J. 2005. Use of active substances of plant origin in chicken diets based on maize and locally grown cereals. Br Poult Sci. 46:485–49.
  • Kırbağ, S., Bağcı, E., 2000. Piceae abies (L.) karst. ve Picea orientalis (L.) link uçucu yağlarının antimikrobiyal aktivitesi üzerine bir araştırma” Journal of Quafqaz Univ. V:III,N:1 183-1882.
  • Lee CYJ, Kim M, Yoon SW, Lee CH., 2003. Short-term control of capsaicin on blood and oxidative stress of rats in vivo. Phytotherapy Research; 17: 454-458.
  • Mercan, U. 2004. Toksikolojide serbest radikallerin önemi. YYU Vet Fak Derg., 15(1-2);91-96.
  • Miller, J.K., Brzezinska-Slebodzinska, E., Madsen, F.C. 1993. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and animal function. J. Dairy Sci., 76, 2812–2823.
  • Moslen MT., 1994 Reactive Oxygen Species in Normal Physiology, Cell Injury and Phatogocytosis, Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine, Ed. D Armstrong, 1–15, Plenum Press,New York.
  • Özgün E, Sayılan Özgün G, Eskiocak S, Yalçın Ö, Süer Gökmen S. 2013. Deneysel kolitte L-karnitinin serum paraoksonaz, arilesteraz ve laktonaz aktivitelerine ve oksidatif duruma etkisi. Turk J Biochem: 38(2): 145-153.
  • Paglia DE, Valentine WN. 1967. Studies on the quantitative and qualitative characterization of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. J Lab Clin Med; 70: 158–169.
  • Perrone S, Negro S, Tataranno ML, Buonocore G. 2010. Oxidative stress and antioxidant strategies in newborns. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 23: 63-65.
  • Powell, W.S., and Rokach, J. 2014. Biosynthesis, biological effects, and receptors of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) and oxoeicosatetraenoic acids (oxo-ETEs) derived from arachidonic acid. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 16, 4C: 2, 4, 7, 8.
  • Rosa A, Deiana M, Casu V, Paccagnini S, Appendino G, Ballero M, Dessi MA. 2002. Antioxidant activity of capsinoids. J Agric Food Chem 50(25): 7396-7401.
  • Sinclair AJ, Barnett AH and Junec J 1990 Free Radicals and Antioxidant Systems in Health and Disease, British J. Hospital Medicine, 43, 334–44.
  • Soycan Önenç ve Açıkgöz, 2005. Aromatik Bitkilerin Hayvansal Ürünlerde Antioksidan Etkileri, Hayvansal Üretim 46(1): 50-55.
  • Soycan Önenç, S, Açıkgöz Z, Kırkpınar, F. Küme, T. Şeremet Tuğalay Ç., Bayraktar, ÖH. 2016. Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activities of The Essential Oils of Some Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Hayvansal Üretim 57(2): 7-14.
  • Tabakoğlu E, Durgut R. 2013. Veteriner hekimlikte oksidatif stres ve bazı önemli hastalıklarda oksidatif stresin etkileri. AVKAE Dergisi 3: 69-75.
  • Tüzün, A., Erdil, A., Inal, V., Aydin, A., Bagci, S., Yesilova, Z., Sayal, A., Karaeren, N., Dagalp, K. 2002. Oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin. Biochem. 35, 569–572.
  • Pham-Huy LA, He H, Pham-Huy C. 2008 Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. Int J Biomed Sci. 4(2): 89-96.
  • Regulation 1831/2003/EC on additives for use in animal nutrition, replacing Directive 70/524/EEC on additives in feeding-stuffs.
  • Shinde A, Ganu J, Naik P. 2012. Effect of free radicals & Antioxidants on oxidative stress: A Review. J Dent Allied Sci.; 1(2): 63-66.
  • Sies, H. and Cadenas E. 1985. Oxidative stress: damage to intact cells and organs Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B311, 617-631.
  • Tan, A., 1992. Türkiye’de Bitkisel Çeşitlilik ve Bitki Genetik kaynakları, Anadolu J. Of AARI 2:50-64 MARA, İzmir.
  • Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncol J, Cronin M TD, Mazur M, telser J. 2007. Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Int J Biochem cell Biol., 39;44-84.
  • Valko M, Leibfritz D, Moncola J, ve ark. 2007. Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 39, 44-84.
  • Valko M, Rhodes CJ, Moncol J, Izakovic M, Mazur M. 2006. Free radicals, metals and antioxidants in oxidative stres-induced cancer. Chem Biol Interact., 160;1-40.
  • Viktorija M, Liljana KG, Tatjana R, Ana C, Rubin G. 2014A. ntioxidative effect of capsicum oleoresins compared with pure capsaicin. IOSR J Pharm.; 4(11):44–8.
  • Vlachos GD, Bartzeliotou A, Schulpis KH, et al. 2006. Maternalneonatal serum paraoxonase 1 activity in relation to the mode of delivery. Clin Biochem 39: 923-928.
  • Winklhofer-Roob, B.M., E. Rock, J.Ribalta, D.H.Shemerling and J.M. Roob. 2003. Effects of vitamin E and karotenoid status on oxidative stres in human health and disease. Evidence obtained from human intervention studies. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 24: 391-402.
  • Wijnberger LDE, Krediet TG, Visser GHA, Van Bel F, Egberts J. 2003. Early neonatal antioxidant capacity after preexisting impaired placental function. Early Hum Dev; 71: 111-116.
  • Zahir AS, Thanhtam T, Zaman K. 1999. Oxidative stress as a mechanism of chronic cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity and protection by antioxidants. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 154: 256-63.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Hayrullah Bora Ünlü 0000-0001-8897-9695

Hasan Hüseyin İpçak 0000-0002-6807-8870

Çağrı Kandemir 0000-0001-7378-6962

Serdal Öğüt 0000-0001-8863-7249

Özer Hakan Bayraktar 0000-0002-7071-5947

Project Number 2016-ZRF-070
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date February 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 62 Issue: 2


APA Ünlü, H. B., İpçak, H. H., Kandemir, Ç., Öğüt, S., et al. (2021). Karmaya İlave Edilen Kekik Uçucu Yağı veya Acı Biber Ekstraktının Kuzu Etlerinde Oksidatif Duruma Etkisi. Journal of Animal Production, 62(2), 85-91.


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