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Öğrenci Pilotlar Arasında Emniyet Yönetimi ve Emniyet Kültürünün Algısı

Year 2024, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 109 - 118, 31.10.2024


Emniyet yönetim sistemi ve emniyet kültürü, tehditleri tanımlamak ve yönetmek açısından son derece önemlidir. Havayolu pilotları ve askeri pilotlar arasında emniyet kültürü üzerine bazı araştırmalar yapılmış olmasına rağmen, bu konu öğrenci pilotlar arasında çok az dikkat çekmiştir. Bu durum göz önünde bulundurularak, bu çalışmanın amacı öğrenci pilotlar arasındaki emniyet yönetimi ve emniyet kültürü algılarını incelemektir. Türkiye’deki öğrenci pilotlardan toplanan anket verilerine dayanarak tek yönlü ANOVA testi yapılmıştır. Anket, katılımcıların uçuş eğitim organizasyonlarındaki emniyet yönetim sistemi ve emniyet kültürü ile ilgili tutum ve inançlarına ilişkin algılarını ölçmeye yönelik 26 madde içermektedir. Dört boyut değerlendirilmiştir. Yanıt oranı %47,3 olmuştur. Öğrenci pilotların ‘şans ve emniyet’ ile ‘örgütsel dinamikler ve pozitif emniyet uygulamaları’ nı en önemli faktörler olarak algıladıkları bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar, her bir boyut ile bir organizasyonun (örneğin uçuş okulu ve havacılık fakülteleri) emniyet yönetimi ve emniyet kültürüyle ilgili kurs arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, uçuş eğitim organizasyonlarının öğrenci pilotlar arasındaki emniyet iklimini yönetmelerini iyileştirmelerine yardımcı olabilir ve genel olarak havacılık emniyetini artırabilir.


  • Adjekum, D. K. (2014). SafetY Culture Perceptions in a Collegiate Aviation Program : A SYstematic Assessment. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 3(2), 44-56. google scholar
  • Adjekum, D. K., & Tous, M. F. (2020). Assessing the relationship between organizational management factors and a resilient safetY culture in a collegiate aviation program with SafetY Management SYstems (SMS). Safety Science, 131. 2020.104909 google scholar
  • Cox, S., & Cox, T. (1991). The structure of emploYee attitudes to safetY: A european example. Work and Stress, 5(2), 93-106. https://doi. org/10.1080/02678379108257007 google scholar
  • Darren George, & Paul MallerY. (2019). IBM SPSS StatisticsIBM SPSS Statistics 26 Step by Step 26 Step by Step (6th ed.). Routledge. google scholar
  • Gill, G. K., & Shergill, G. S. (2004). Perceptions of safetY management and safetY culture in the aviation industrY in New Zealand. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(4), 231-237. google scholar
  • Hasan, M. K., & Younos, T. B. (2020). Safety culture among Bangladeshi university students: A cross-sectional survey. Safety Science, 131. google scholar
  • Havle, C. A., & Kilic, B. (2019). A hYbrid approach based on the fuzzY AHP and HFACS framework for identifYing and analYzing gross navigation errors during transatlantic flights. Journal of Air Transport Management, 76, 21-30 2019.02.005 google scholar
  • Hong, S. J., Lee, K. S., Seol, E. S., & Young, S. (2016). SafetY perceptions of training pilots based on training institution and experience. Journal of Air Transport Management, 55, 213-221. google scholar
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  • Kilic, B. (2021a). Fatigue Among Student Pilots. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 92(1), 20-24. 5631.2021 google scholar
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  • Kilic, B. (2022). impact of the COViD-19 Pandemic on the Mental States of Airline Pilots in TurkeY. Journal of Aviation, 6(1), 50-54. https:// google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & BuYuksoY, E. (2022). Cancer Awareness Among Airline Pilots. Journal of Aviation, 6(3), 283-288. jav.1062259 google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Gumus, E. (2020). Application of HFACS to the Nighttime Aviation Accidents and incidents. Journal of Aviation, 4(2), 10-16. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Gundogdu, S. (2020). Human Factors in Air Cargo Operations: An AnalYsis Using HFACS. Journal of Aviation Research, 2(2), 101-114. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Soran, S. (2019). How Can an Ab-initio Pilot Avert a Future Disaster: A Pedagogical Approach to Reduce The Likelihood of Future Failure. Journal of Aviation, 3(1), 1-14. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Soran, S. (2020). Awareness Level of Airline Pilots on Flight-Associated Venous Thromboembolism. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 91(4), 343-347. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Tabak, M. (2022a). Presenteeism Among Ab-initio Pilots in TurkeY. Journal of Aviation, 6(2), 180-186. jav.1086578 google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Tabak, M. (2022b). The mental health of ab-initio pilots during the COViD-19 pandemic. International Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 3(1), 20-27. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Ucler, C. (2019). Stress among ab-initio pilots: A model of contributing factors bY AHP. Journal of Air Transport Management, 80. google scholar
  • Li, Y., & Guldenmund, F. W. (2018). SafetY management sYstems: A broad overview of the literature. Safety Science, 103, 94-123. https:// google scholar
  • Liao, M. Y. (2015). SafetY Culture in commercial aviation: Differences in perspective between Chinese and Western pilots. Safety Science, 79, 193-205. google scholar
  • Soeters, J. L., & Boer, P. C. (2000). Culture and flight safetY in militarY aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 10(2), 111-133. google scholar
  • Stolzer, A. J., Halford, C. D., & Goglia, J. J. (2008). SafetY Management SYstems in Aviation. In SafetY Management SYstems in Aviation (1st ed.). Ashgate. google scholar
  • Williamson, A. M., FeYer, A. M., Cairns, D., & Biancotti, D. (1997). The development of a measure of safetY climate: The role of safetY perceptlons and attltudes. SafetY Science, 25(1-3), 15-27. google scholar

Perception of Safety Management and Safety Culture Among AbInitio Pilots

Year 2024, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 109 - 118, 31.10.2024


Safety management systems and safety culture are of paramount importance in identifying and managing threats. Although some research has been carried out on safety culture among airline and military pilots, far too little attention has been paid to this issue among ab-initio pilots. With these considerations in mind, the aim of this study was to examine the perceptions of safety management and safety culture among the ab-initio pilots. Based on the survey data gathered from the student pilots in Turkey, a one-way ANOVA test was performed. The questionnaire included 26 items that sought participants’ perceptions of attitudes and beliefs regarding safety management systems and safety culture in their flight training organisations. Four dimensions were evaluated. Response rate: 47.3% It was found that ab-initio pilots perceive ‘luck and safety’ and ‘organisational dynamics & positive safety practises’ as the most important factors. Results showed that there was a significant correlation between each dimension and the course related to safety management and the safety culture of an organisation (e.g., flight school and aviation faculties). The findings of this study may help flight training organisations to improve the management of the safety climate among student pilots and improve aviation safety overall.


  • Adjekum, D. K. (2014). SafetY Culture Perceptions in a Collegiate Aviation Program : A SYstematic Assessment. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 3(2), 44-56. google scholar
  • Adjekum, D. K., & Tous, M. F. (2020). Assessing the relationship between organizational management factors and a resilient safetY culture in a collegiate aviation program with SafetY Management SYstems (SMS). Safety Science, 131. 2020.104909 google scholar
  • Cox, S., & Cox, T. (1991). The structure of emploYee attitudes to safetY: A european example. Work and Stress, 5(2), 93-106. https://doi. org/10.1080/02678379108257007 google scholar
  • Darren George, & Paul MallerY. (2019). IBM SPSS StatisticsIBM SPSS Statistics 26 Step by Step 26 Step by Step (6th ed.). Routledge. google scholar
  • Gill, G. K., & Shergill, G. S. (2004). Perceptions of safetY management and safetY culture in the aviation industrY in New Zealand. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(4), 231-237. google scholar
  • Hasan, M. K., & Younos, T. B. (2020). Safety culture among Bangladeshi university students: A cross-sectional survey. Safety Science, 131. google scholar
  • Havle, C. A., & Kilic, B. (2019). A hYbrid approach based on the fuzzY AHP and HFACS framework for identifYing and analYzing gross navigation errors during transatlantic flights. Journal of Air Transport Management, 76, 21-30 2019.02.005 google scholar
  • Hong, S. J., Lee, K. S., Seol, E. S., & Young, S. (2016). SafetY perceptions of training pilots based on training institution and experience. Journal of Air Transport Management, 55, 213-221. google scholar
  • iAEA. (1999). Management of operational safety in nuclear power plants (iNSAG-13). google scholar
  • iCAO. (2013). Safety management manual (Doc 9859) (3rd ed.). google scholar
  • Kilic, B. (2019). HFACS Analysis for Investigating Human Errors in Flight Training Accidents. Journal of Aviation, 3(1), 28-37. https://doi. org/10.30518/jav.553315 google scholar
  • Kilic, B. (2021a). Fatigue Among Student Pilots. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 92(1), 20-24. 5631.2021 google scholar
  • Kilic, B. (2021b). Self-Medication Among Ab initio Pilots. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 92(3), 167-171. 3357/AMHP.5718.2021 google scholar
  • Kilic, B. (2022). impact of the COViD-19 Pandemic on the Mental States of Airline Pilots in TurkeY. Journal of Aviation, 6(1), 50-54. https:// google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & BuYuksoY, E. (2022). Cancer Awareness Among Airline Pilots. Journal of Aviation, 6(3), 283-288. jav.1062259 google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Gumus, E. (2020). Application of HFACS to the Nighttime Aviation Accidents and incidents. Journal of Aviation, 4(2), 10-16. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Gundogdu, S. (2020). Human Factors in Air Cargo Operations: An AnalYsis Using HFACS. Journal of Aviation Research, 2(2), 101-114. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Soran, S. (2019). How Can an Ab-initio Pilot Avert a Future Disaster: A Pedagogical Approach to Reduce The Likelihood of Future Failure. Journal of Aviation, 3(1), 1-14. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Soran, S. (2020). Awareness Level of Airline Pilots on Flight-Associated Venous Thromboembolism. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 91(4), 343-347. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Tabak, M. (2022a). Presenteeism Among Ab-initio Pilots in TurkeY. Journal of Aviation, 6(2), 180-186. jav.1086578 google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Tabak, M. (2022b). The mental health of ab-initio pilots during the COViD-19 pandemic. International Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 3(1), 20-27. google scholar
  • Kilic, B., & Ucler, C. (2019). Stress among ab-initio pilots: A model of contributing factors bY AHP. Journal of Air Transport Management, 80. google scholar
  • Li, Y., & Guldenmund, F. W. (2018). SafetY management sYstems: A broad overview of the literature. Safety Science, 103, 94-123. https:// google scholar
  • Liao, M. Y. (2015). SafetY Culture in commercial aviation: Differences in perspective between Chinese and Western pilots. Safety Science, 79, 193-205. google scholar
  • Soeters, J. L., & Boer, P. C. (2000). Culture and flight safetY in militarY aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 10(2), 111-133. google scholar
  • Stolzer, A. J., Halford, C. D., & Goglia, J. J. (2008). SafetY Management SYstems in Aviation. In SafetY Management SYstems in Aviation (1st ed.). Ashgate. google scholar
  • Williamson, A. M., FeYer, A. M., Cairns, D., & Biancotti, D. (1997). The development of a measure of safetY climate: The role of safetY perceptlons and attltudes. SafetY Science, 25(1-3), 15-27. google scholar
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Air-Space Transportation, Organizasyon, Management and Organization Education
Journal Section Research Articles

İbrahim Tunç 0000-0001-6944-2980

Bilal Kiliç 0000-0002-3773-6682

Publication Date October 31, 2024
Submission Date August 31, 2024
Acceptance Date October 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Tunç, İ., & Kiliç, B. (2024). Perception of Safety Management and Safety Culture Among AbInitio Pilots. Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace, 1(2), 109-118.