Use of Composite Barrier in Radioactive Waste Repositories
Year 2023,
, 51 - 56, 01.01.2023
Sema Erentürk
Rüveyda Kübra İleri Durmuş
Bu çalışmada, sulu bir çözeltiden 126Sn ve 79Se radyonüklidlerin uzaklaştırılması için PAN/Zeolit bazlı kompozit bariyer malzemesinin performansı değerlendirildi. Kompozit bariyer malzemesinin performans değerlendirmesi 126Sn ve 79Se radyonüklidleri için SWOT analizi kullanılarak ayrı ayrı yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, radyoaktif atık depolama alanlarından bu radyonükltlerin yanlışlıkla salınması durumunda, insan dışı canlılara yönelik riskler değerlendirilmiştir. Bu riskler ERICA assessment tool kullarak tatlı su ve karasal biotaların alacağı toplam dozlar hesaplanarak değerlendirilmiştir. Tatlı sudaki kabuklular, fitoplankton ve vasküler bitkiler gibi referans biyotaların maruz kaldığı toplam doz aralığı, kompozit bariyer malzemesi kullanılarak 126Sn izotopu için 4.02E6-3.87E9 µG h-1'e ve 79Se izotopu için 3.35E07-1.92E12 µG h-1'e düşürülmüştür. Annelidler, çimenler, likenler ve briyofitler, memeliler ve ağaçlar gibi karasal referans biyotasında, maruz kalınan toplam doz aralığı 126Sn için 7.41E04-4.51E06 µG h-1ya ve 79Se için 2.15E06-5.53E09 µG h-1'e düşürülmüştür.
Supporting Institution
Istanbul Technical University
Project Number
This study is a part of the project supported by the Istanbul Technical University Scientific Research Projects Unit with project number TDK-2018-41684.
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- 6. J. Manjanna, T. Kozaki, S. Sato, Fe(III)-montmorillonite: Basic properties and diffusion of tracers relevant to alteration of bentonite in deep geological disposal, Appl. Clay Sci, 43 (2009) 208–217.
- 7. A. Gosman, I. Hvozdova, J.L.M. Nieto, Measuring The Diffusion and Sorption of the Trace Elements and Radionuclides in Soil, Clay and Bentonite, Czechoslov. J. Phys, 49(1) (1999) 847-853.
- 8. C. Hurel, N. Marmier, A. Bourg, F. Fromage, Sorption of Cs and Rb on purified and crude MX-80 bentonite in various electrolytes, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 279 (2008) 113–119.
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- 11. A.L. Nichols, D.L. Aldama, M. Verpelli, International Atomic Energy Agency INDC International Nuclear Data Committee Handbook of Nuclear Data for Safeguards: Database Extension, INDC (NDS)-0534, Vienna, 2008.
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- 13. ICRP, Publication 29: Radionuclide release into the environment: assessment of doses to man, Pergamon, New York, 1978.
- 14. J.E. Brown, B. Alfonso, R. Avila, N.A. Beresford, D. Copplestone, G. Prohl, A. Ulanovsky, The ERICA Tool, J. Environ. Radioact, 99 (2008) 1371-1383.
- 15. N. Beresford, J. Brown, D. Copplestone, J. Garnier-Laplace, B. Howard, C.M. Larsson, D. Oughton, G. Pröhl, I. Zinger, D-ERICA: An integrated approach to the assessment and management of environmental risks from ionising radiation, Description of purpose, methodology and application, EC Contract FI6RCT-2004-508847, European Commission Report,, (2004).
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Year 2023,
, 51 - 56, 01.01.2023
Sema Erentürk
Rüveyda Kübra İleri Durmuş
Project Number
- 1. B. Grambow, Mobile fission and activation products in nuclear waste disposal, J. Contam. Hydrol, 102 (2008) 180–186.
- 2. C. Bruggeman, A. Maes, J. Vancluysen, P. Vandemussele, Selenite reduction in Boom clay: Effect of FeS2, clay minerals and dissolved organic matter, Environ. Pollut, 137 (2005) 209–221.
- 3. H.S. Ahn, H.Y. Jo, Influence of exchangeable cations on hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonite, Appl. Clay Sci, 44 (2009) 144–150.
- 4. S. Kaufhold, M. Pohlmann-Lortz, R. Dohrmann, R. Nüesch, About the possible upgrade of bentonite with respect to iodide retention capacity, Appl. Clay Sci, 35 (2007) 39–46.
- 5. B. Riebe, S. Dultz, C. Bunnenberg, Temperature effects on iodine adsorption on organo-clay minerals: I. Influence of pretreatment and adsorption temperature, Appl. Clay Sci, 28 (2005) 9–16.
- 6. J. Manjanna, T. Kozaki, S. Sato, Fe(III)-montmorillonite: Basic properties and diffusion of tracers relevant to alteration of bentonite in deep geological disposal, Appl. Clay Sci, 43 (2009) 208–217.
- 7. A. Gosman, I. Hvozdova, J.L.M. Nieto, Measuring The Diffusion and Sorption of the Trace Elements and Radionuclides in Soil, Clay and Bentonite, Czechoslov. J. Phys, 49(1) (1999) 847-853.
- 8. C. Hurel, N. Marmier, A. Bourg, F. Fromage, Sorption of Cs and Rb on purified and crude MX-80 bentonite in various electrolytes, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 279 (2008) 113–119.
- 9. S.A. Catlow, G.L. Troyer, D.R. Hansen, R.A. Jones, Half-life measurement of 126Sn isolated from Hanford nuclear defense waste, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 263 (2005) 599–603.
- 10. G. Jörg, R. Bühnemann, S. Hollas, N. Kivel, K. Kossert, S. Van Winckel, C.L. Gostomski, Preparation of radiochemically pure 79Se and highly precise determination of its half-life, Appl. Radiat. Isot, 68 (2010) 2339–2351.
- 11. A.L. Nichols, D.L. Aldama, M. Verpelli, International Atomic Energy Agency INDC International Nuclear Data Committee Handbook of Nuclear Data for Safeguards: Database Extension, INDC (NDS)-0534, Vienna, 2008.
- 12. V. Silliková, S. Dulanská, Sequential determination of 99Tc and 126Sn in radioactive concentrate, Acta Chim. Slovaca, 10 (2017) 61–64.
- 13. ICRP, Publication 29: Radionuclide release into the environment: assessment of doses to man, Pergamon, New York, 1978.
- 14. J.E. Brown, B. Alfonso, R. Avila, N.A. Beresford, D. Copplestone, G. Prohl, A. Ulanovsky, The ERICA Tool, J. Environ. Radioact, 99 (2008) 1371-1383.
- 15. N. Beresford, J. Brown, D. Copplestone, J. Garnier-Laplace, B. Howard, C.M. Larsson, D. Oughton, G. Pröhl, I. Zinger, D-ERICA: An integrated approach to the assessment and management of environmental risks from ionising radiation, Description of purpose, methodology and application, EC Contract FI6RCT-2004-508847, European Commission Report,, (2004).
- 16. D.H. Oughton, G. Strømman, B. Salbu, Ecological risk assessment of Central Asian mining sites: application of the ERICA assessment tool, J. Environ. Radioact, 123 (2013) 90-98.