Patlamada Yeniden Eşleme Yönteminin Etkilerinin Araştırılması
Year 2024,
, 325 - 336, 12.12.2024
Murat Şahin
Melih Yıldız
Patlama etkilerinin tespitinde gerçek patlayıcıların kullanılması pek çok açıdan mümkün olmamaktadır. Daha önce yapılmış deneysel çalışmalar temel alınarak sayısal analizlerin yapılması bu konudaki çalışmaların çeşitlenmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Sayısal analizlerin detaylanması, işlem miktarının artmasına sebep olduğundan, bu işlemleri yapması gereken cihazların çok gelişmiş olmasını gerektirmektedir. Çözümlerin daha kısa sürelerde ve gerçeğe daha yakın olması önemli bir optimizasyondur ve bu remapping (yeniden eşleme) yöntemi ile yapılabilmektir. Bu yöntem ile 1D analizden elde edilen patlama yükleri 2D ve 3D analizlere belirli yöntemlerle entegre edilebilmekte ve bu analizlerin süreleri azalmakta, doğruluğu artmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, remapping tekniğinin uygulanmasına yönelik yöntem ve yaklaşımlar açıklanmıştır. Bu çalışma neticesinde patlama simülasyonu yapmak isteyenlerin daha az işlem gücü ile daha doğru sonuçlar almasının yardımcı olacak ve pek çok bilimsel çalışmanın yapılabilir olmasın katkı sağlayacaktır.
Ethical Statement
Tezde sunduğumuz verileri, bilgileri ve belgeleri akademik ve etik kurallar çerçevesinde elde ettiğimizi,
Tüm bilgileri, belgeleri, değerlendirmeleri ve sonuçları bilimsel etik ve ahlaki kurallara uygun olarak sunduğumuzu,
Tezimizde kullandığımız tüm çalışmaları uygun referanslarla gösterdiğimizi,
Kullanılan verilerde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadığımızı, bu tezde sunduğumuz çalışmanın özgün olduğunu,
Başka bir durum olması halinde aleyhimize doğabilecek tüm hak kayıplarını kabul ettiğimizi beyan ederiz.
- A. Tya, J. Warren, T. Bennett, S. Fay, Prediction of clearing effects in far-field blast loading of finite targets. Shock Waves., 21. (2011) 111-119.
- T.C. Chapman, T.A. Rose, P.D. Smith, Blast wave simulation using AUTODYN2D: A Parametric Study, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 16, Issues 5–6, (1995) 777-787, ISSN 0734-743X,
- D. Si, Z. Pan, H. Zhang, Determination method of mesh size for numerical simulation of blast load in near-ground detonation, Defence Technology, Volume 38 (2024) 111-125, ISSN 2214-9147,
- J. Shin, A. Whittaker, A. Aref, D. Cormie, Air-blast effects on civil structures. Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, (2014).
- M. Johansson, O. Larsen, L. Laine, Explosion at an intersection in an Urban Environment–Experiments and analyses. SAVIAC 78th Shock and Vibration Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, (2007).
- Z. Xue, S. Li, C. Xin, L.Shi, H. Wu, Modeling of the whole process of shock wave overpressure of free-field air explosion, Defence Technology, Volume 15, Issue 5, (2019) 815-820, ISSN 2214-9147,
- A. Karla, F. Zhu, K. H. Yang, A. I. King, Key Parameters in Blast Modeling Using 2D to 3D ALE Mapping Technique, 13th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI USA (2014).
- D. Jeon, K. Kim, S. Han, Modified Equation of Shock Wave Parameters. Computation. 5. 41. (2017).
- C.N. Kingery, G. Bulmash, Airblast parameters from TNT spherical air burst and hemispherical surface burst. U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, (1984).
- International Ammunition Technical Guideline. Formulae for Ammunition Management 01.80. (2017).
- United States Department of Defense (U.S DoD). Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions; Report to Army Armament Research and Development Command; United States Department of Defense: Arlington County, VA, USA, (2008) Volume 4
- J. Henrych, The Dynamics of explosion and its use. Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, (1979).
- H. Brode, Numerical solutions of spherical blast wave. J Appl Phys (1955) 26(6): 766e75.
- W. Ruce, G. Zhao, Terminal effect of projectile. Bei Jing: Bei Jing Institute of Technology Press (1993).
- AUTODYN®, software for non-linear dynamics, proprietary to Century Dynamics. (1985-2006).
- W. E. Baker, Explosions in air. Austin: University of Texas Press (1973).
- G.F. Kinney, K.J. Graham, Explosive Shocks in the Air, Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1985.
- J. Hetherington, P. Smith, Blast and Ballistic Loading of Structures (1st ed.). CRC Press. 1994.
Investigating the Effects of Remapping Method in Explosion
Year 2024,
, 325 - 336, 12.12.2024
Murat Şahin
Melih Yıldız
Using real explosives to detect explosion effects is a difficult and impractical method due to its danger and cost. Performing numerical analyses based on previously conducted experimental studies allows for the diversification of studies on this subject. Since the elaboration of numerical analyses causes an increase in the amount of processing, it requires the devices that need to perform these operations to be very advanced. It is an important optimization that the solutions are shorter and closer to reality, and this can be done with the remapping method. With this method, the explosion loads obtained from 1D analysis can be integrated into 2D and 3D analyses with certain methods, and the duration of these analyses is reduced and their accuracy is increased. Within the scope of this study, the methods and approaches for the application of this method are explained. As a result of this study, it will help those who want to perform explosion simulations to obtain more accurate results in a shorter time with less processing power, and it will pave the way for many scientific studies to be carried out.
Ethical Statement
We have obtained the data, information and documents we present in the thesis within the framework of academic and ethical rules,
We present all information, documents, evaluations and results in accordance with scientific ethics and moral rules,
We have cited all the works which have used in or thesis with appropriate references,
We did not make any changes to the data used, the work we present in this thesis is original,
We hereby declare that we accept all losses of rights that may arise against us in the event of any other situation.
- A. Tya, J. Warren, T. Bennett, S. Fay, Prediction of clearing effects in far-field blast loading of finite targets. Shock Waves., 21. (2011) 111-119.
- T.C. Chapman, T.A. Rose, P.D. Smith, Blast wave simulation using AUTODYN2D: A Parametric Study, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 16, Issues 5–6, (1995) 777-787, ISSN 0734-743X,
- D. Si, Z. Pan, H. Zhang, Determination method of mesh size for numerical simulation of blast load in near-ground detonation, Defence Technology, Volume 38 (2024) 111-125, ISSN 2214-9147,
- J. Shin, A. Whittaker, A. Aref, D. Cormie, Air-blast effects on civil structures. Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, (2014).
- M. Johansson, O. Larsen, L. Laine, Explosion at an intersection in an Urban Environment–Experiments and analyses. SAVIAC 78th Shock and Vibration Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, (2007).
- Z. Xue, S. Li, C. Xin, L.Shi, H. Wu, Modeling of the whole process of shock wave overpressure of free-field air explosion, Defence Technology, Volume 15, Issue 5, (2019) 815-820, ISSN 2214-9147,
- A. Karla, F. Zhu, K. H. Yang, A. I. King, Key Parameters in Blast Modeling Using 2D to 3D ALE Mapping Technique, 13th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI USA (2014).
- D. Jeon, K. Kim, S. Han, Modified Equation of Shock Wave Parameters. Computation. 5. 41. (2017).
- C.N. Kingery, G. Bulmash, Airblast parameters from TNT spherical air burst and hemispherical surface burst. U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, (1984).
- International Ammunition Technical Guideline. Formulae for Ammunition Management 01.80. (2017).
- United States Department of Defense (U.S DoD). Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions; Report to Army Armament Research and Development Command; United States Department of Defense: Arlington County, VA, USA, (2008) Volume 4
- J. Henrych, The Dynamics of explosion and its use. Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, (1979).
- H. Brode, Numerical solutions of spherical blast wave. J Appl Phys (1955) 26(6): 766e75.
- W. Ruce, G. Zhao, Terminal effect of projectile. Bei Jing: Bei Jing Institute of Technology Press (1993).
- AUTODYN®, software for non-linear dynamics, proprietary to Century Dynamics. (1985-2006).
- W. E. Baker, Explosions in air. Austin: University of Texas Press (1973).
- G.F. Kinney, K.J. Graham, Explosive Shocks in the Air, Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1985.
- J. Hetherington, P. Smith, Blast and Ballistic Loading of Structures (1st ed.). CRC Press. 1994.