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Year 2017, , 31 - 37, 30.06.2017



  • 1. Rem PC, Beunder EM, van den Akker AJ. Simulation of eddy-current separators. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 (1998) pp. 2280-2286.
  • 2. Nizam M, Waloyo HT, and Inayati. Design of optimal outer rotor brushless dc motor for minimum cogging torque, 2013 Joint Int. Conf. on Rural Inf. & Communication Technol. and Electr.-Vehicle Technol. (rICT & ICeV-T), Bandung-Bali, İndonesia, 2013, pp. 1–4.
  • 3. Dirba J, Lavrinovicha L, Onzevs O, Vitolina S. The influence of permanent magnet parameters on the effectiveness of brushless DC motor with outer rotor, 2012 Int. Conf. on Power Electronics Electr. Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, 2012, pp. 718-723.
  • 4. Kerdsup B, Fuengwarodsakul NH. Analysis of brushless DC motor in operation with magnetic saturation using FE method, 2011 8th Int. Conf. on Electr. Eng. Electronics, Comput. Telecommun. And Inf. Technol. (ECTI-CON), Khon Kaen, Thailand, 2011, pp. 629–632.
  • 5. Chau KT, Chan CC, Chunhua L. Overview of permanentmagnet brushless drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (2008) pp. 2246-2257.
  • 6. Lopez-Fernandez XM, Gyselinck J. Design of an outer-rotor permanent-magnet brushless DC motor for light traction through transient finite element analysis, 2016 Int. Conf. on Computational Electromagnetics (CEM), Aachen, Germany, 2006, pp. 1-2.
  • 7. Pohlmann A, Hameyer K. A study permanent magnet topologies for hybrid bearings for medical drives applied in ventricular assist devices. Archieves of Electrical Engineering 60 (2011) pp. 371-380.
  • 8. Yang YP, Lo CP. Current distribution control of dual directly driven wheel motors for electric vehicles. Control Engineering Practice 16 (2008) pp. 1285–1292.
  • 9. Hashimoto H, Nakayama T, Kondo S, Harashima F. Practical variable structure approach for brushless servo motor control practical implementation of DSP, 19th Annu. IEEE Conf. on Power Electronics and Specialists, Kyoto, Japan, 1988, pp. 207-213.
  • 10. Liu TH, Cheng CP. Controller design for a sensorless permanent-magnet synchronous drive system. IEE Proc. BElectr. Power Applications 140 (1993) pp. 369-378.
  • 11. Lelkes A, Krotsch J, Doncker RW. Low-noise external rotor BLDC motor for fan applications, 37th IAS Annu. Meeting on Ind. Applications Conf., USA, 2002, pp. 2036-2042.
  • 12. Wu H, Wang Z, Lv X. Design and simulation of axial flow maglev blood pump. I. J. Inf. Engineering and Electronic Business 2 (2011) pp. 42-48.
  • 13. Fitzgerald AE, Kingsley C, Umans SD. Electric Machinery, sixth ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002.
  • 14. Hemati N, Leu MC. A complete model characterization of brushless DC motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications 28 (1992) pp. 172-180.

Design and Analysis of In-Drum Outer Rotor BLDC Motor for Eddy Current Separator

Year 2017, , 31 - 37, 30.06.2017


I n this study, a novel In-Drum Brushless Direct Current ID-BLDC motor is proposed to Eddy Current Separator ECS which separates nonferrous metals from waste. The ECS’s separation efficiency depends on magnetic drum speed. ID-BLDC motor is designed with outer rotor structure and placed in ECS magnetic drum in order to improve separation efficiency. The magnetic drum is directly driven by this motor because it doesn’t require coupling mechanisms. It has very simple structure since no rotor windings, brushes and bracelets. The ID-BLDC motor has high reliability, high efficiency and high power-to-volume ratio. Proposed motor has 8 poles, 3 phases, 373 W 0.5 HP and 1750 rpm rated speed. Output parameters are calculated for full load and verified by Finite Element Analysis FEA under the over load, full load, half load, quarter load and no load conditions for transient and steady state


  • 1. Rem PC, Beunder EM, van den Akker AJ. Simulation of eddy-current separators. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 (1998) pp. 2280-2286.
  • 2. Nizam M, Waloyo HT, and Inayati. Design of optimal outer rotor brushless dc motor for minimum cogging torque, 2013 Joint Int. Conf. on Rural Inf. & Communication Technol. and Electr.-Vehicle Technol. (rICT & ICeV-T), Bandung-Bali, İndonesia, 2013, pp. 1–4.
  • 3. Dirba J, Lavrinovicha L, Onzevs O, Vitolina S. The influence of permanent magnet parameters on the effectiveness of brushless DC motor with outer rotor, 2012 Int. Conf. on Power Electronics Electr. Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, 2012, pp. 718-723.
  • 4. Kerdsup B, Fuengwarodsakul NH. Analysis of brushless DC motor in operation with magnetic saturation using FE method, 2011 8th Int. Conf. on Electr. Eng. Electronics, Comput. Telecommun. And Inf. Technol. (ECTI-CON), Khon Kaen, Thailand, 2011, pp. 629–632.
  • 5. Chau KT, Chan CC, Chunhua L. Overview of permanentmagnet brushless drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (2008) pp. 2246-2257.
  • 6. Lopez-Fernandez XM, Gyselinck J. Design of an outer-rotor permanent-magnet brushless DC motor for light traction through transient finite element analysis, 2016 Int. Conf. on Computational Electromagnetics (CEM), Aachen, Germany, 2006, pp. 1-2.
  • 7. Pohlmann A, Hameyer K. A study permanent magnet topologies for hybrid bearings for medical drives applied in ventricular assist devices. Archieves of Electrical Engineering 60 (2011) pp. 371-380.
  • 8. Yang YP, Lo CP. Current distribution control of dual directly driven wheel motors for electric vehicles. Control Engineering Practice 16 (2008) pp. 1285–1292.
  • 9. Hashimoto H, Nakayama T, Kondo S, Harashima F. Practical variable structure approach for brushless servo motor control practical implementation of DSP, 19th Annu. IEEE Conf. on Power Electronics and Specialists, Kyoto, Japan, 1988, pp. 207-213.
  • 10. Liu TH, Cheng CP. Controller design for a sensorless permanent-magnet synchronous drive system. IEE Proc. BElectr. Power Applications 140 (1993) pp. 369-378.
  • 11. Lelkes A, Krotsch J, Doncker RW. Low-noise external rotor BLDC motor for fan applications, 37th IAS Annu. Meeting on Ind. Applications Conf., USA, 2002, pp. 2036-2042.
  • 12. Wu H, Wang Z, Lv X. Design and simulation of axial flow maglev blood pump. I. J. Inf. Engineering and Electronic Business 2 (2011) pp. 42-48.
  • 13. Fitzgerald AE, Kingsley C, Umans SD. Electric Machinery, sixth ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002.
  • 14. Hemati N, Leu MC. A complete model characterization of brushless DC motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications 28 (1992) pp. 172-180.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Fenercioglu This is me

Merve Sen Kurt This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


Vancouver Fenercioglu A, Kurt MS. Design and Analysis of In-Drum Outer Rotor BLDC Motor for Eddy Current Separator. Hittite J Sci Eng. 2017;4(1):31-7.

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