Deniz kadastrosu üzerine yapılan araştırmaların bibliyometrik analizi
Year 2024,
, 80 - 95, 01.11.2024
Halil Burak Akdeniz
Şaban İnam
Günümüzde ekonomik, ekolojik, yasal ve sosyal unsurların altyapısını oluşturan kadastro; kıyı ve denizel alanlar için de bir gereksinimdir. Deniz kadastrosu konusundaki bilimsel araştırmaların nicel bir analizi; bu alandaki önemli bilgi boşluklarını doldurmak, doğru kurumsal politikalar ve stratejilerin geliştirilmesine rehberlik etmek ve ‘sürdürülebilir denizel alan yönetimi’ anlayışını güçlendirmek açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, deniz kadastrosu literatürünün bibliyometrik bir analizinin yapılmasıdır. Veriler, SCOPUS ve Web of Science veri tabanlarından elde edilmiş, Bibliometrix-R ve Vosviewer yazılımları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmalar, bilimsel yayınların başlık, özet ve anahtar kelimelerinde ‘marine cadastre’ veya ‘maritime cadastre’ terimleri aranarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deniz kadastrosu ile ilgili ilk çalışma, 2001 yılında yayımlanmış ve 2024 yılına kadar toplam 35 adet yayın yayımlanmıştır. Yıllık yayın sayısı durağan bir eğilim göstermiştir. Trinidad ve Tobagolu araştırmacı “Micheal Sutherland”, alanyazındaki en üretken isimdir. Bilimsel üretkenliğin bölgesel dağılımı incelendiğinde özellikle Kuzey Amerika ve Pasifik ülkelerinin öne çıktığı görülmekle birlikte Türkiye’nin de deniz kadastrosu araştırmalarında öncü bir rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Literatürde deniz kadastrosu ile ilgili bibliyometrik analiz çalışmalarının kısıtlı olduğu dikkate alındığında, bu çalışmanın alanyazına katkı sağlaması ve gelecekteki araştırmalara yol göstermesi yazarların beklentileri arasındadır.
Bu çalışma, ilk yazarın Konya Teknik Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Harita Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalında hazırlanan doktora tezinin bir parçasıdır.
- Abdullah, A., Omar, A. H., Chan, K. L., Mat Arof, X., Jamil, H., & Teng, C. H. (2014). The development of marine cadastre conceptual model for Malaysia. In XXV FIG International Congress: Engaging the Challenges–Enhancing the Relevance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16–21 June 2014 (pp. 1-16).
- Akdeniz, H. B., & İnam, Ş. (2021). Türkiye’de yaşanan kıyı kenar çizgisi-mülkiyet sorunlarının örnek olaylarla değerlendirilmesi. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 9(1), 139-149.
- Alviz-Meza, A., Orozco-Agamez, J., Quinayá, D. C., & Alviz-Amador, A. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of fourth industrial revolution applied to material sciences based on web of science and scopus databases from 2017 to 2021. ChemEngineering, 7(1), 2.
- Anker, H. T., Nellemann, V., & Sverdrup-Jensen, S. (2004). Coastal zone management in Denmark: ways and means for further integration. Ocean & coastal management, 47(9-10), 495-513.
- Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
- Arvanitis, A., Giannakopoulou, S., & Parri, I. (2016). Marine cadastre to support marine spatial planning. In the Common Vision Conference.
- Balla, E., & Wouters, R. I. K. (2017). Marine cadastre in Europe: State of play. In 18th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2017: Responsible Land Governance: Towards and Evidence Based Approach.
- Başer, V., Bıyık, C., & Demir, O. (2011). Türkiye için deniz kadastrosu kavramının gelişimi. 7. Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, 21-23, Trabzon.
- Binns, A., Rajabifard, A., Collier, P. A., & Williamson, I. P. (2003). Issues in defining the concept of a marine cadastre for Australia. In FIG/UNB Seminar/Meeting On Marine Cadastre (pp. 1-14).
- Binns, A. (2004). Defining a marine cadastre: legal and institutional aspects (Doktora Tezi). University of Melbourne, Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Engineering.
- Boztoprak, T., Demir, O., & Çoruhlu, Y. E. (2016). Türkiye'de Harita/Geomatik Mühendisliğinde Yapılan Doktora Tezlerinin İçerik Analizi. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, (2), 252-260.
- Buonocore, E., Picone, F., Russo, G. F., & Franzese, P. P. (2018). The scientific research on natural capital: a bibliometric network analysis. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 6(4), 381-391.
- Chalastani, V. I., Tsoukala, V. K., Coccossis, H., & Duarte, C. M. (2021). A bibliometric assessment of progress in marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 127, 104329.
- Cordeiro, C. M. (2019). A corpus-based approach to understanding market access in fisheries and aquaculture international business research: A systematic literature review. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 4(6), 219-230.
- Dawidowicz, A., & Kulawiak, M. (2018). The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre. Survey Review, 50(363), 501-512.
- Derviş, H. (2019). Bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix an R package. Journal of scientometric research, 8(3), 156-160.
- Dirik, D., Eryılmaz, İ., & Erhan, T. (2023). Post-Truth Kavramı Üzerine Yapılan Çalışmaların VOSviewer ile Bibliyometrik Analizi. Sosyal Mucit Academic Review, 4(2), 164-188.
- Erbaş, Y. S. (2012). Denizel alan coğrafi bilgi sistemi için kadastro veri modeli tasarımı: Trabzon ili örneği (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Erbaş, Y. S. (2018). Deniz kadastrosu için denizel alanların kullanımına yönelik konumsal bir veritabanı modeli geliştirilmesi (Doktora Tezi). Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Fowler, C., & Treml, E. (2001). Building a marine cadastral information system for the United States—A case study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 25(4-5), 493-507.
- Ghosh, A., & Prasad, V. S. (2021). Off-grid Solar energy systems adoption or usage—A Bibliometric Study using the Bibliometrix R tool. Libr. Philos. Pract, 5673.
- Gissi, E., Fraschetti, S., & Micheli, F. (2019). Incorporating change in marine spatial planning: A review. Environmental Science & Policy, 92, 191-200.
- Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2015). Reviving the Ocean Economy: the case for action. Boston Consulting Group, WWF, Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
- Kawuki, J., Yu, X., & Musa, T. H. (2020). Bibliometric analysis of Ebola research indexed in web of science and scopus (2010-2020). BioMed research international, 2020.
- Kuzior, A., & Sira, M. (2022). A bibliometric analysis of blockchain technology research using VOSviewer. Sustainability, 14(13), 8206.
- Michalak, S., (2018). A multipurpose marine cadastre to manage conflict use with marine renewable rnergy. In Ölçer, A.I., Kitada, M., Dalaklis, D., Ballini, F. (Eds.), Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management. Cham: Springer, pp. 447–462.
- Ng’ang’a, S. M., Sutherland, M., Cockburn, S., & Nichols, S. (2004). Toward a 3D marine cadastre in support of good ocean governance: A review of the technical framework requirements. Computers Environment and Urban Systems Journal, 28, 443–470.
- Nişancı, R., Uzun, B., Demir, O., Yıldırım, V., & Özçelik, A. E. (2011). Denizel alanlara yönelik kadastro bilgi sistemi tasarımı: Trabzon örneği. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 13.
- Nisanci, R., Erbas, Y. S., Yildirim, V., & Colak, H. E. (2015). Management of marine cadastre with geographic information system: a case study of Trabzon. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 16(1), 126-132.
- Paulsson, J., & Paasch, J. M. (2013). 3D property research from a legal perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 7-13.
- Paulsson, J., & Paasch J. M. (2015). The land administration domain model – A literature survey. Land Use Policy, 49, 546-551.
- PCC, EULIS, ELRA, CLGE, Eurogeographics, (2017). Marine Cadastre in Europe. A Preliminary Study. Brief edition.
- Picone, F., Buonocore, E., Chemello, R., Russo, G. F., & Franzese, P. P. (2021). Exploring the development of scientific research on Marine Protected Areas: From conservation to global ocean sustainability. Ecological Informatics, 61, 101200.
- Polat, Z. A., & Alkan, M. (2015). Jeodezi, Jeoinformasyon ve Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik analizi. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 15, 25-28.
- Polat, Z. A. (2019). Evolution and future trends in global research on cadastre: a bibliometric analysis. GeoJournal, 84(4), 1121-1134.
- Polat, Z. A., Saraçoğlu, A., & Duman, H. (2019). Harita Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik analizi. Harita Dergisi, 85(161), 46-56.
- Polat, Z. A., Alkan, M., Paulsson, J., Paasch, J. M., & Kalogianni, E. (2022). Global scientific production on LADM-based research: A bibliometric analysis from 2012 to 2020. Land Use Policy, 112, 105847.
- Polat, Z. A., Kırtıloğlu, O. S., & Kayalık, M. (2023). Evolution and future trends in global research on geographic information system (GIS): A bibliometric analysis. Advanced GIS, 3(1), 22-30.
- Racetin, I., Kilić Pamuković, J., & Zrinjski, M. (2022). Role of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure and Marine Cadastre in a Sustainable World. Journal of marine science and engineering, 10(10), 1407.
- Robertson, B., Benwell, G., & Hoogsteden, C. (1999). The marine resource: administration infrastructure requirements. In UN-FIG Conference on Land Tenure and Cadastral Infrastructures for Sustainable Development (pp. 24-27).
- Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric review of research on knowledge management and sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388.
- Schiavi, G. S., & Behr, A. (2018). Emerging technologies and new business models: a review on disruptive business models. Innovation & Management Review, 15(4), 338-355.
- Sesli, F. A., & Uslu, G. (2010). The importance of marine cadastre for Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(14), 1749-1758.
- Srebro, H., Fabrikant, I., & Marom, O. (2010). Towards a marine cadastre in Israel. FIG congress 2010, facing the challenges – Building capacity, 11–16 Apr 2010 Sydney, Australia.
- Srebro, H. (2015). Implementation of Marine Cadastre in Israel. In Proceedings of the FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17–21 May 2015.
- Stāmure, I., Kaminskis, J., & Kowalczyk, K. (2017). Importance of the Marine Cadastre in the Development of the Real Estate Industry in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management, 5(1), 259-274.
- Strain, L., Rajabifard, A., & Williamson, I. (2006). Marine administration and spatial data infrastructure. Marine policy, 30(4), 431-441.
- Sutherland, M., Cockburn, S., & Nichols, S. (2004). Toward a 3D marine cadastre in support of good ocean governance: A review of the technical framework requirements. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 28(5), 443-470.
- Sutherland, M. (2005a). The marine cadastre: legal and spatial data contribution to economic, environmental and social Development. In FIG Working Week (Vol. 1621).
- Sutherland, M. D. (2005b). Marine boundaries and good governance of marine spaces. (Doktora Tezi). Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Widodo, M. S. (2003). The needs for marine cadastre and supports of spatial data infrastructures in marine environment–A case study. FIG Working Week, Paris, France.
- Yomralioglu, T., & McLaughlin, J. (Eds.). (2017). Cadastre: geo-information innovations in land administration (Vol. 335). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Zhang, H., Huang, M., Qing, X., Li, G., & Tian, C. (2017). Bibliometric analysis of global remote sensing research during 2010–2015. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(11), 332.
- Zamzuri, N. A. A., & Hassan, M. I. (2021). 3D Marine Cadastre within Land Administration-Review. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 767, No. 1, p. 012039). IOP Publishing.
- Zupic, I., & Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational research methods, 18(3), 429-472.
A bibliometric analysis of marine cadastre research
Year 2024,
, 80 - 95, 01.11.2024
Halil Burak Akdeniz
Şaban İnam
Today, cadastre, which constitutes the infrastructure of economic, enviromental, legal and social factors, is now a necessity for coastal and marine areas. A quantitative analysis of scientific research on marine cadastre is essential to fill important knowledge gaps in this field, to guide the development of appropriate policies and strategies and to strengthen the understanding of sustainable management of marine areas. The aim of this study is to perform a bibliometric analysis of the marine cadastre literature. Data were obtained from SCOPUS and Web of Science databases and analysed using Bibliometrix-R and Vosviewer software. Searches were carried out using the terms "marine cadastre" and "maritime cadastre" in the title, abstract and keywords of scientific publications. The first study on marine cadastre was published in 2001 and a total of 35 publications have been published until 2024. The number of publications per year shows a stable trend. Michael Sutherland from Trinidad and Tobago is the most productive researcher in the literature. When analysing the regional distribution of scientific productivity, North American and Pacific countries stand out and Türkiye also plays a pioneering role in marine cadastre research. Considering that bibliometric analysis studies on marine cadastre are limited in the literature, the authors expect that this study will contribute to the literature and guide future research.
- Abdullah, A., Omar, A. H., Chan, K. L., Mat Arof, X., Jamil, H., & Teng, C. H. (2014). The development of marine cadastre conceptual model for Malaysia. In XXV FIG International Congress: Engaging the Challenges–Enhancing the Relevance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16–21 June 2014 (pp. 1-16).
- Akdeniz, H. B., & İnam, Ş. (2021). Türkiye’de yaşanan kıyı kenar çizgisi-mülkiyet sorunlarının örnek olaylarla değerlendirilmesi. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 9(1), 139-149.
- Alviz-Meza, A., Orozco-Agamez, J., Quinayá, D. C., & Alviz-Amador, A. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of fourth industrial revolution applied to material sciences based on web of science and scopus databases from 2017 to 2021. ChemEngineering, 7(1), 2.
- Anker, H. T., Nellemann, V., & Sverdrup-Jensen, S. (2004). Coastal zone management in Denmark: ways and means for further integration. Ocean & coastal management, 47(9-10), 495-513.
- Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
- Arvanitis, A., Giannakopoulou, S., & Parri, I. (2016). Marine cadastre to support marine spatial planning. In the Common Vision Conference.
- Balla, E., & Wouters, R. I. K. (2017). Marine cadastre in Europe: State of play. In 18th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2017: Responsible Land Governance: Towards and Evidence Based Approach.
- Başer, V., Bıyık, C., & Demir, O. (2011). Türkiye için deniz kadastrosu kavramının gelişimi. 7. Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, 21-23, Trabzon.
- Binns, A., Rajabifard, A., Collier, P. A., & Williamson, I. P. (2003). Issues in defining the concept of a marine cadastre for Australia. In FIG/UNB Seminar/Meeting On Marine Cadastre (pp. 1-14).
- Binns, A. (2004). Defining a marine cadastre: legal and institutional aspects (Doktora Tezi). University of Melbourne, Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Engineering.
- Boztoprak, T., Demir, O., & Çoruhlu, Y. E. (2016). Türkiye'de Harita/Geomatik Mühendisliğinde Yapılan Doktora Tezlerinin İçerik Analizi. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, (2), 252-260.
- Buonocore, E., Picone, F., Russo, G. F., & Franzese, P. P. (2018). The scientific research on natural capital: a bibliometric network analysis. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 6(4), 381-391.
- Chalastani, V. I., Tsoukala, V. K., Coccossis, H., & Duarte, C. M. (2021). A bibliometric assessment of progress in marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 127, 104329.
- Cordeiro, C. M. (2019). A corpus-based approach to understanding market access in fisheries and aquaculture international business research: A systematic literature review. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 4(6), 219-230.
- Dawidowicz, A., & Kulawiak, M. (2018). The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre. Survey Review, 50(363), 501-512.
- Derviş, H. (2019). Bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix an R package. Journal of scientometric research, 8(3), 156-160.
- Dirik, D., Eryılmaz, İ., & Erhan, T. (2023). Post-Truth Kavramı Üzerine Yapılan Çalışmaların VOSviewer ile Bibliyometrik Analizi. Sosyal Mucit Academic Review, 4(2), 164-188.
- Erbaş, Y. S. (2012). Denizel alan coğrafi bilgi sistemi için kadastro veri modeli tasarımı: Trabzon ili örneği (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Erbaş, Y. S. (2018). Deniz kadastrosu için denizel alanların kullanımına yönelik konumsal bir veritabanı modeli geliştirilmesi (Doktora Tezi). Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Fowler, C., & Treml, E. (2001). Building a marine cadastral information system for the United States—A case study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 25(4-5), 493-507.
- Ghosh, A., & Prasad, V. S. (2021). Off-grid Solar energy systems adoption or usage—A Bibliometric Study using the Bibliometrix R tool. Libr. Philos. Pract, 5673.
- Gissi, E., Fraschetti, S., & Micheli, F. (2019). Incorporating change in marine spatial planning: A review. Environmental Science & Policy, 92, 191-200.
- Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2015). Reviving the Ocean Economy: the case for action. Boston Consulting Group, WWF, Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
- Kawuki, J., Yu, X., & Musa, T. H. (2020). Bibliometric analysis of Ebola research indexed in web of science and scopus (2010-2020). BioMed research international, 2020.
- Kuzior, A., & Sira, M. (2022). A bibliometric analysis of blockchain technology research using VOSviewer. Sustainability, 14(13), 8206.
- Michalak, S., (2018). A multipurpose marine cadastre to manage conflict use with marine renewable rnergy. In Ölçer, A.I., Kitada, M., Dalaklis, D., Ballini, F. (Eds.), Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management. Cham: Springer, pp. 447–462.
- Ng’ang’a, S. M., Sutherland, M., Cockburn, S., & Nichols, S. (2004). Toward a 3D marine cadastre in support of good ocean governance: A review of the technical framework requirements. Computers Environment and Urban Systems Journal, 28, 443–470.
- Nişancı, R., Uzun, B., Demir, O., Yıldırım, V., & Özçelik, A. E. (2011). Denizel alanlara yönelik kadastro bilgi sistemi tasarımı: Trabzon örneği. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 13.
- Nisanci, R., Erbas, Y. S., Yildirim, V., & Colak, H. E. (2015). Management of marine cadastre with geographic information system: a case study of Trabzon. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 16(1), 126-132.
- Paulsson, J., & Paasch, J. M. (2013). 3D property research from a legal perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 7-13.
- Paulsson, J., & Paasch J. M. (2015). The land administration domain model – A literature survey. Land Use Policy, 49, 546-551.
- PCC, EULIS, ELRA, CLGE, Eurogeographics, (2017). Marine Cadastre in Europe. A Preliminary Study. Brief edition.
- Picone, F., Buonocore, E., Chemello, R., Russo, G. F., & Franzese, P. P. (2021). Exploring the development of scientific research on Marine Protected Areas: From conservation to global ocean sustainability. Ecological Informatics, 61, 101200.
- Polat, Z. A., & Alkan, M. (2015). Jeodezi, Jeoinformasyon ve Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik analizi. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 15, 25-28.
- Polat, Z. A. (2019). Evolution and future trends in global research on cadastre: a bibliometric analysis. GeoJournal, 84(4), 1121-1134.
- Polat, Z. A., Saraçoğlu, A., & Duman, H. (2019). Harita Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik analizi. Harita Dergisi, 85(161), 46-56.
- Polat, Z. A., Alkan, M., Paulsson, J., Paasch, J. M., & Kalogianni, E. (2022). Global scientific production on LADM-based research: A bibliometric analysis from 2012 to 2020. Land Use Policy, 112, 105847.
- Polat, Z. A., Kırtıloğlu, O. S., & Kayalık, M. (2023). Evolution and future trends in global research on geographic information system (GIS): A bibliometric analysis. Advanced GIS, 3(1), 22-30.
- Racetin, I., Kilić Pamuković, J., & Zrinjski, M. (2022). Role of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure and Marine Cadastre in a Sustainable World. Journal of marine science and engineering, 10(10), 1407.
- Robertson, B., Benwell, G., & Hoogsteden, C. (1999). The marine resource: administration infrastructure requirements. In UN-FIG Conference on Land Tenure and Cadastral Infrastructures for Sustainable Development (pp. 24-27).
- Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric review of research on knowledge management and sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388.
- Schiavi, G. S., & Behr, A. (2018). Emerging technologies and new business models: a review on disruptive business models. Innovation & Management Review, 15(4), 338-355.
- Sesli, F. A., & Uslu, G. (2010). The importance of marine cadastre for Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(14), 1749-1758.
- Srebro, H., Fabrikant, I., & Marom, O. (2010). Towards a marine cadastre in Israel. FIG congress 2010, facing the challenges – Building capacity, 11–16 Apr 2010 Sydney, Australia.
- Srebro, H. (2015). Implementation of Marine Cadastre in Israel. In Proceedings of the FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17–21 May 2015.
- Stāmure, I., Kaminskis, J., & Kowalczyk, K. (2017). Importance of the Marine Cadastre in the Development of the Real Estate Industry in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management, 5(1), 259-274.
- Strain, L., Rajabifard, A., & Williamson, I. (2006). Marine administration and spatial data infrastructure. Marine policy, 30(4), 431-441.
- Sutherland, M., Cockburn, S., & Nichols, S. (2004). Toward a 3D marine cadastre in support of good ocean governance: A review of the technical framework requirements. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 28(5), 443-470.
- Sutherland, M. (2005a). The marine cadastre: legal and spatial data contribution to economic, environmental and social Development. In FIG Working Week (Vol. 1621).
- Sutherland, M. D. (2005b). Marine boundaries and good governance of marine spaces. (Doktora Tezi). Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Widodo, M. S. (2003). The needs for marine cadastre and supports of spatial data infrastructures in marine environment–A case study. FIG Working Week, Paris, France.
- Yomralioglu, T., & McLaughlin, J. (Eds.). (2017). Cadastre: geo-information innovations in land administration (Vol. 335). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Zhang, H., Huang, M., Qing, X., Li, G., & Tian, C. (2017). Bibliometric analysis of global remote sensing research during 2010–2015. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(11), 332.
- Zamzuri, N. A. A., & Hassan, M. I. (2021). 3D Marine Cadastre within Land Administration-Review. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 767, No. 1, p. 012039). IOP Publishing.
- Zupic, I., & Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational research methods, 18(3), 429-472.