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A Comprehensive Review of Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Potential

Year 2025, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 79 - 91, 01.03.2025


Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases and its incidence and prevalence have been increasing in recent years. Moreover, many comorbidities can be observed in addition to diabetes. For this reason, medicinal plants have been an important complementary treatment option for individuals with diabetes from past to present. However, as in every disease, the correct use of medicinal plants in diabetes is important. Failure to do so may worsen the course of the disease, cause side/adverse effects and lead to herb-drug interactions. This review aimed to identify antidiabetic medicinal plants comprehensively and to describe the most commonly used ones in detail. When the studies in the literature were evaluated, it was determined that many medicinal plants with antidiabetic effects have been used from past to present, but the potential mechanism of activity, positive/negative effects, dosages, and plant-drug interactions of many of them have not been fully revealed. Further research is needed, as the incorrect and unknowing use of these medicinal plants can worsen the course of the disease.


  • 1. Sapra A, Bhandari P. Diabetes. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024.
  • 2. Cefalu WT, Stephens JM, Ribnicky DM. Diabetes and herbal (botanical) medicine. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, ‘editors’. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Chapter 19. 2011.
  • 3. CDC. National diabetes statistics report, 2017. Estimates of diabetes and its burden in the United States.
  • 4. Garza MC, Pérez-Calahorra S, Rodrigo-Carbó C, Sánchez- Calavera MA, Jarauta E, Mateo-Gallego R, Gracia-Rubio I, Lamiquiz-Moneo I. Effect of aromatic herbs and spices present in the mediterranean diet on the glycemic profile in type 2 diabetes subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients. 2024;16:756.
  • 5. Pearson-Stuttard J, Holloway S, Polya R, Sloan R, Zhang L, Gregg EW, Harrison K, Elvidge J, Jonsson P, Porter T. Variations in comorbidity burden in people with type 2 diabetes over disease duration: a population-based analysis of real world evidence. eClinicalMedicine. 2022;52: 101584. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101584.
  • 6. Redondo MJ, Hagopian WA, Oram R, Steck AK, Vehik K, Weedon M, Balasubramanyam A, Dabelea D. The clinical consequences of heterogeneity within and between different diabetes types. Diabetologia. 2020;63:2040–2048. https://doi. org/10.1007/s00125-020-05211-7.
  • 7. Yedjou CG, Grigsby J, Mbemi A, Nelson D, Mildort B, Latinwo L, Tchounwou PB. The management of diabetes mellitus using medicinal plants and vitamins. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023;24(10):9085.
  • 8. Chang CLT, Lin Y, Bartolome AP, Chen YC, Chiu SC, Yang WC. Herbal therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus: chemistry, biology, and potential application of selected plants and compounds. eCAM. 2013;378657:33. https://doi. org/10.1155/2013/378657.
  • 9. Verma S, Gupta M, Popli H, Aggarwal G. Diabetes mellitus treatment using herbal drugs. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10.
  • 10. Xu YXZ, Xi S, Qian X. Evaluating traditional chinese medicine and herbal products for the treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus. J. Diabetes Res. 2019;2019: 9182595. https://doi. org/10.1155/2019/9182595.
  • 11. Arista DM, Amelia R, Fitriani D, Khotimah H, Ratnaningrum SD, Irwanto Y, Nurseta T. Gestational diabetes mellitus: an overview and its potential treatment with herbs. GSCBPS. 2023;23(3):261–273. gscbps.2023.23.3.0250.
  • 12. Choudhury H, Pandey M, Hua CK, Mun CS, Jing JK, Kong L, Ern LY, Ashraf NA, Kit SW, Yee TS, Pichika MR, Gorain B, Kesherwani P. An update on natural compounds in the remedy of diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. eJTCM. 2018;8(3):361-376. jtcme.2017.08.012.
  • 13. World Health Organization. World health Organization traditional medicine strategy 2014–2023. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. 2013:1-78.
  • 14. Roglic G. WHO Global report on diabetes: a summary. IJNCD. 2016;1:3.
  • 15. da Rocha Fernandes J, Ogurtsova K, Linnenkamp U, Guariguata L, Seuring T, Zhang P, Cavan D, Makaroff LE. IDF Diabetes Atlas estimates of 2014 global health expenditures on diabetes. Diabetes. 2016;117:48-54.
  • 16. Sharma N, Bora KS. Role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus: a review. J. Pharm. Res. Int. 2021;33:2196–2207. v33i60B34864.
  • 17. Jacob B, Narendhirakannan RT. Role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus: a review. 3 Biotech. 2019;9:4.
  • 18. Tran N, Pham B, Le L. Bioactive compounds in anti-diabetic plants: from herbal medicine to modern drug discovery. Biology (Basel). 2020;9(9):252.
  • 19. Karaman Ö, Elgin Cebe G. Diabetes and antidiabetic plants used in Turkey, J. Fac. Pharm. Ankara. 2016;40(3):47-61.
  • 20. Ghorbani A. Best herbs for managing diabetes: a review of clinical studies. Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013;48(3):413-422. https://
  • 21. Modak M, Dixit P, Londhe J, Ghaskadbi S, Devasahayam TPA. Indian herbs and herbal drugs used for the treatment of diabetes. JCBN. 2007;40:163-173.
  • 22. Willcox ML, Elugbaju C, Al-Anbaki M, Lown M, Graz B. Effectiveness of medicinal plants for glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes: an overview of meta-analyses of clinical trials. Front. pharmacol. 2021;12:777561.
  • 23. Belmouhoub M, Tacherfiout M, Boukhalfa F, Khodja YK, Bachir-Bey M. Traditional medicinal plants used in the treatment of diabetes: ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological studies and mechanisms of action. IJPBP. 2022;2(2):145-154.
  • 24. Moradi B, Abbaszadeh S, Shahsavari S, Alizadeh M, Beyranvand F. The most useful medicinal herbs to treat diabetes. Biomed. Res. Ther. 2018;5(8):2538-2551. https://doi. org/10.15419/bmrat.v5i8.463.
  • 25. Ahda M, Jaswir I, Khatib A, Ahmed QU, Mahfudh N, Ardini YD, Syed Mohamad SNA, Anwar M, Hernawan H, Miyashita K, Salamatullah AM. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, and toxicity evaluation of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf extract. Sci. Rep. 2023;13:1.
  • 26. Bakhtiuary Z. Herbal medicines in diabetes. IJDO. 2011;3(2):88-95.
  • 27. Hariyono H, Wibowo SA. The herbal supplements for diabetes mellitus type II. Sys Rev Pharm. 2022;13(9):600-605.
  • 28. Wang Z, Wang J, Chan P. Treating type 2 diabetes mellitus with traditional chinese and indian medicinal herbs. eCAM. 2013;343594:17.
  • 29. Patel P, Harde P, Pillai J, Darji N, Patel B. Antidiabetic herbal drugs a review. Pharmacophore. 2012;3 (1):18-29.
  • 30. Food and Drug Administration. CPG sec 525.750 spices-definitions FDA. 2020.
  • 31. Jiang Y, Yue R, Liu G, Liu J, Peng B, Yang M, Zhao L, Li Z. Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in diabetes and its complications: recent advances in mechanisms of action. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 2024;64(16):5290-5340. 398.2022.2153793.
  • 32. Najafi N, Masoumi SJ. The Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Int. J. Nutr. Sci. 2018;3(1):7-11.
  • 33. Ojo OA, Adegboyega AE, Johnson GI, Umedum NL, Onuh K, Adeduro MN, Nwobodo VO, Elekan A, Alemika TE, Johnson TO. Deciphering the interactions of compounds from Allium sativum targeted towards identification of novel PTP 1B inhibitors in diabetes treatment: a computational approach. Inform. Med. Unlocked. 2021;26:100719.
  • 34. Susanti Y, Adriani M, Adi AC. Effect of single clove garlic extract (Allium sativum Linn) on blood sugar levels, malondialdehyde, insulin levels and insulin resistance (experiments in rats (rattus novergicus) induced by streptozotocin. SJIK. 2020;9(2):954–963.
  • 35. Kalhotra P, Chittepu VCSR, Osorio-Revilla G, Gallardo-Velazquez T. Phytochemicals in garlic extract inhibit therapeutic enzyme DPP-4 and induce skeletal muscle cell proliferation: a possible mechanism of action to benefit the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Biomolecules. 2020;10(2):305.
  • 36. Sánchez M, González-Burgos E, Iglesias I, Gómez-Serranillos MP. Pharmacological update properties of Aloe vera and its major active constituents. Mol. 2020;25(6):1324. https://doi. org/10.3390/molecules25061324.
  • 37. Choudhary M, Kochhar A, Sangha J. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of Aloe vera L. in non-insulin dependent diabetics. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2014;51(1):90-6. https://doi. org/10.1002/ptr.5532.
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Year 2025, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 79 - 91, 01.03.2025



  • 1. Sapra A, Bhandari P. Diabetes. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024.
  • 2. Cefalu WT, Stephens JM, Ribnicky DM. Diabetes and herbal (botanical) medicine. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, ‘editors’. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Chapter 19. 2011.
  • 3. CDC. National diabetes statistics report, 2017. Estimates of diabetes and its burden in the United States.
  • 4. Garza MC, Pérez-Calahorra S, Rodrigo-Carbó C, Sánchez- Calavera MA, Jarauta E, Mateo-Gallego R, Gracia-Rubio I, Lamiquiz-Moneo I. Effect of aromatic herbs and spices present in the mediterranean diet on the glycemic profile in type 2 diabetes subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients. 2024;16:756.
  • 5. Pearson-Stuttard J, Holloway S, Polya R, Sloan R, Zhang L, Gregg EW, Harrison K, Elvidge J, Jonsson P, Porter T. Variations in comorbidity burden in people with type 2 diabetes over disease duration: a population-based analysis of real world evidence. eClinicalMedicine. 2022;52: 101584. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101584.
  • 6. Redondo MJ, Hagopian WA, Oram R, Steck AK, Vehik K, Weedon M, Balasubramanyam A, Dabelea D. The clinical consequences of heterogeneity within and between different diabetes types. Diabetologia. 2020;63:2040–2048. https://doi. org/10.1007/s00125-020-05211-7.
  • 7. Yedjou CG, Grigsby J, Mbemi A, Nelson D, Mildort B, Latinwo L, Tchounwou PB. The management of diabetes mellitus using medicinal plants and vitamins. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023;24(10):9085.
  • 8. Chang CLT, Lin Y, Bartolome AP, Chen YC, Chiu SC, Yang WC. Herbal therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus: chemistry, biology, and potential application of selected plants and compounds. eCAM. 2013;378657:33. https://doi. org/10.1155/2013/378657.
  • 9. Verma S, Gupta M, Popli H, Aggarwal G. Diabetes mellitus treatment using herbal drugs. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10.
  • 10. Xu YXZ, Xi S, Qian X. Evaluating traditional chinese medicine and herbal products for the treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus. J. Diabetes Res. 2019;2019: 9182595. https://doi. org/10.1155/2019/9182595.
  • 11. Arista DM, Amelia R, Fitriani D, Khotimah H, Ratnaningrum SD, Irwanto Y, Nurseta T. Gestational diabetes mellitus: an overview and its potential treatment with herbs. GSCBPS. 2023;23(3):261–273. gscbps.2023.23.3.0250.
  • 12. Choudhury H, Pandey M, Hua CK, Mun CS, Jing JK, Kong L, Ern LY, Ashraf NA, Kit SW, Yee TS, Pichika MR, Gorain B, Kesherwani P. An update on natural compounds in the remedy of diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. eJTCM. 2018;8(3):361-376. jtcme.2017.08.012.
  • 13. World Health Organization. World health Organization traditional medicine strategy 2014–2023. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. 2013:1-78.
  • 14. Roglic G. WHO Global report on diabetes: a summary. IJNCD. 2016;1:3.
  • 15. da Rocha Fernandes J, Ogurtsova K, Linnenkamp U, Guariguata L, Seuring T, Zhang P, Cavan D, Makaroff LE. IDF Diabetes Atlas estimates of 2014 global health expenditures on diabetes. Diabetes. 2016;117:48-54.
  • 16. Sharma N, Bora KS. Role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus: a review. J. Pharm. Res. Int. 2021;33:2196–2207. v33i60B34864.
  • 17. Jacob B, Narendhirakannan RT. Role of medicinal plants in the management of diabetes mellitus: a review. 3 Biotech. 2019;9:4.
  • 18. Tran N, Pham B, Le L. Bioactive compounds in anti-diabetic plants: from herbal medicine to modern drug discovery. Biology (Basel). 2020;9(9):252.
  • 19. Karaman Ö, Elgin Cebe G. Diabetes and antidiabetic plants used in Turkey, J. Fac. Pharm. Ankara. 2016;40(3):47-61.
  • 20. Ghorbani A. Best herbs for managing diabetes: a review of clinical studies. Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013;48(3):413-422. https://
  • 21. Modak M, Dixit P, Londhe J, Ghaskadbi S, Devasahayam TPA. Indian herbs and herbal drugs used for the treatment of diabetes. JCBN. 2007;40:163-173.
  • 22. Willcox ML, Elugbaju C, Al-Anbaki M, Lown M, Graz B. Effectiveness of medicinal plants for glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes: an overview of meta-analyses of clinical trials. Front. pharmacol. 2021;12:777561.
  • 23. Belmouhoub M, Tacherfiout M, Boukhalfa F, Khodja YK, Bachir-Bey M. Traditional medicinal plants used in the treatment of diabetes: ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological studies and mechanisms of action. IJPBP. 2022;2(2):145-154.
  • 24. Moradi B, Abbaszadeh S, Shahsavari S, Alizadeh M, Beyranvand F. The most useful medicinal herbs to treat diabetes. Biomed. Res. Ther. 2018;5(8):2538-2551. https://doi. org/10.15419/bmrat.v5i8.463.
  • 25. Ahda M, Jaswir I, Khatib A, Ahmed QU, Mahfudh N, Ardini YD, Syed Mohamad SNA, Anwar M, Hernawan H, Miyashita K, Salamatullah AM. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, and toxicity evaluation of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf extract. Sci. Rep. 2023;13:1.
  • 26. Bakhtiuary Z. Herbal medicines in diabetes. IJDO. 2011;3(2):88-95.
  • 27. Hariyono H, Wibowo SA. The herbal supplements for diabetes mellitus type II. Sys Rev Pharm. 2022;13(9):600-605.
  • 28. Wang Z, Wang J, Chan P. Treating type 2 diabetes mellitus with traditional chinese and indian medicinal herbs. eCAM. 2013;343594:17.
  • 29. Patel P, Harde P, Pillai J, Darji N, Patel B. Antidiabetic herbal drugs a review. Pharmacophore. 2012;3 (1):18-29.
  • 30. Food and Drug Administration. CPG sec 525.750 spices-definitions FDA. 2020.
  • 31. Jiang Y, Yue R, Liu G, Liu J, Peng B, Yang M, Zhao L, Li Z. Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in diabetes and its complications: recent advances in mechanisms of action. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 2024;64(16):5290-5340. 398.2022.2153793.
  • 32. Najafi N, Masoumi SJ. The Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Int. J. Nutr. Sci. 2018;3(1):7-11.
  • 33. Ojo OA, Adegboyega AE, Johnson GI, Umedum NL, Onuh K, Adeduro MN, Nwobodo VO, Elekan A, Alemika TE, Johnson TO. Deciphering the interactions of compounds from Allium sativum targeted towards identification of novel PTP 1B inhibitors in diabetes treatment: a computational approach. Inform. Med. Unlocked. 2021;26:100719.
  • 34. Susanti Y, Adriani M, Adi AC. Effect of single clove garlic extract (Allium sativum Linn) on blood sugar levels, malondialdehyde, insulin levels and insulin resistance (experiments in rats (rattus novergicus) induced by streptozotocin. SJIK. 2020;9(2):954–963.
  • 35. Kalhotra P, Chittepu VCSR, Osorio-Revilla G, Gallardo-Velazquez T. Phytochemicals in garlic extract inhibit therapeutic enzyme DPP-4 and induce skeletal muscle cell proliferation: a possible mechanism of action to benefit the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Biomolecules. 2020;10(2):305.
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmaceutical Botany
Journal Section Review Articles

Ecenur Bayır 0000-0003-4480-4417

Gözde Elgin Cebe 0000-0002-7253-3864

Publication Date March 1, 2025
Submission Date September 24, 2024
Acceptance Date February 27, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 45 Issue: 1


Vancouver Bayır E, Elgin Cebe G. A Comprehensive Review of Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Potential. HUJPHARM. 2025;45(1):79-91.