Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 95 - 111, 01.07.2009


Sabotaj davranışları bireylere,
ekipmanlar ve örgüte yönelik zararlı davranışlardır. Ö
rgütün üyelerini, maddi kaynakları veya örgütün
bütününü hedef alan sabotaj
davranışlarındaki temel amaç zarar
vermektir. Kişilik örgütsel sabotaj davranışı üzerinde önemli bir role
sahiptir. Mevcut çalışma iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında
250 kişilik öğrenci örnekleminden elde edilen veriler neticesinde sabotaj
yöntemlerini içeren 33 maddelik bir sabotaj listesi oluşturulmuş, ikinci
aşamada ise 320 kişilik başka bir öğrenci grubuna önceki çalışmada oluşturulan
sabotaj listesi ile büyük beş faktörlü kişilik ölçeğine ilişkin anket soruları
sorulmuştur. Yapılan faktör analizi neticesinde bilgi sabotajı, görev sabotajı
ve şiddet sabotajı olmak üzere üç tür örgütsel sabotaj yöntemi bulunmuş ve
step-wise regresyon analizi neticesinde ise, nevrotik, uyumlu ve dikkatli
kişilik boyutlarının elde edilen sabotaj yöntemleri üzerinde etkili olduğu
bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.       



  • Altıntaş-Çınar F. (2006) ”Bireysel Değerlerin Örgütsel Adalet ve Sonuçları İlişkisinde Yönlendirici Etkisi: Akademik Personel Üzerinde Bir Analiz”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 19-40.
  • Ambrose M. L., M. A. Seabright and M. Schminke (2002) “Sabotage in the Workplace: the Role of Organizational Injustice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 947–965. Analoui F. (1995 “Workplace Sabotage: Its Styles, Motives and Management”, Journal of Management Development, 14(7), 48–65.
  • Baron, R. A. and J.H. Neuman (1996) “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes”, Aggressive Behavior, 22(3), 161–173.
  • Baron, R. A., J. H. Neuman and D. Geddes (1999) “Social and Personal Determinants of Workplace Aggression: Evidence for the Impact of Perceived Injustice and the type A Behavior Pattern”, Aggressive Behavior, 25(4), 281–296.
  • Bensman, J. and I Gevrer (1963) “Crime and Punisment in the Factory: The Function of Deviancy in Maintaning the Social System”, American Sociological Review, 28(4), 588–598.
  • Budak, S. (2003) Psikoloji Sözlüğü, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayını.
  • Chen P.Y. and P.E. Spector(1992) “Relationship of Work Stressors with Aggression, Withdrawal, Theft and Substance Use: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 65(3), 177–184. Crino, M. D. (1994) “Employee Sabotage: a Random or Preventable Phenomenon?” Journal of Managerial Issues, 6(3), 311–330.
  • Crino, M.D. and T.L. Leap(1989) “What HR Managers must Know about Employee Sabotage”, Personnel, 5(2), 31–38. Di Battista, R.A.(1991) “Creating New Approaches To Recognize and Deter Sabotage”, Public Personnel Management, 20(1), 347–352.
  • Di Battista, R.A. (1996) “Forecasting Sabotage Events in the Workplace”, Public Personnel Management, 25(1), 41-52.
  • Dubois, P. (1979) Sabotage in Industry, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Fitness, J. (2000) “Anger in the Workplace: An Emotion Script Approach to Anger Episodes between Workers and their Superiors, Co-Workers and Subordinates”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(2), 147–162.
  • Giacalone, R.A. and P. Rosenfeld (1987) “Reasons For Employee Sabotage in the Workplace”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 1(4), 367–377.
  • Giacolane, R.A. (1990) “Employee Sabotage: The Enemy Within”, Supervisory Management, 35(4), 6–7.
  • Goldberg, L.R. (1990) “An Alternative “Description of Personality”. The Big Five Factor Structure”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216–1229.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987) “Reactions to Procedural Injustice in Payment Distributions: Do the Means Justify the Ends?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(1), 55-61.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990) “Employee Theft as a Reaction to Underpayment Inequity: The Hidden Cost of Pay Cuts”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(5), 561–568.
  • Greenberg, J. (1993) “Stealing in the Name of Justice: Informational and Interpersonal Moderators of Theft Reactions to Underpayment Inequity”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 54(1), 81–103.
  • Jermier, J.M. (1988) "Sabotage at Work: The Rational View”, S.M. Bachrach (ed.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 6, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press 101–134.
  • Jawahar, I.M. (2002) “A Model of Organizational Justice and Workplace Aggression”, Journal of Management, 28 (6), 811–834.
  • Luther, N.J. (2000) Understanding Workplace Deviance: An Application of Primary Socialization Theory, Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Colorado State University.
  • Mount, M., R. Ilies, and E. Johnson (2006) “Relationship of Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction” Personnel Psychology, 59(3), 591–622.
  • MacCallum, R.C. and J.T. Austin (2000) “Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Psychological Research”, Annual Reivew of Psychology, 51(1), 201–226.
  • Mowday, R.T. and K.A. Colwell (1996) “Employee Reactions to Unfair Outcomes in the Workplace: The Contributions of Adams’s Equity Theory to Understanding Work Motivation”, L.W. Porter, G.A. Bigley, R.M.Steers(Eds), Motivation and Work Behavior, Seventh Edition Mc Graw Hill, 65–82.
  • Navran, F. J. (1991) “Silent Saboteurs”, Executive Excellence, 8(4), 11–13.
  • Neuman, J.H. and B.A. Baron (1998) “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence Concerning Specific Forms, Potentiai Causes, and Preferred Targets”, Journal of Management, 24(3), 391–419.
  • O'leary-Kelly, A.M., R.W. Griffin and D.I. Glew (1996) “Organization-Motivated Aggression: A Research Framework”, Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 225–253.
  • Ones, D.S. and C. Viswesvaran (2003) “The Big -5 Personality and Counterproductive Behaviors”, A. Sagie, S. Stashevsky, Koslowsky (eds.), Misbehaviour and Dysfunctionel Attitudes in Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Özdevecioğlu M. ve M.S. Aksoy (2005) “Organizasyonlarda Sabotaj: Türleri, Amaçları, Hedefleri ve Yönetimi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 6(1), 95–109.
  • Price, J.L., and C.W. Mueller,(1986), Handbook of Organizational Measurement, Marshfield, MA: Pittman.
  • Robinson, S.L. and R.J. Bennett (1995) “A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(2), 555–572.
  • Robinson, S.L. and A.M. O' Leary-Kelley (1998) “Monkey See, Monkey Do: The Influence of Work Groups on The Antisocial Behavior of Employees”, Academy of Management Journal, 41(6), 658–672.
  • Rogers, M.K., K. Seigfried and K. Tidke (2006) “Behavior Analysis Self-Reported Computer Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Analysis”, Digital Investigation, 116-120. Rogers, M., N.D. Smoak and J. Liu (2006a) “Self-Reported Deviant Computer Behavior: A Big-5, Moral Choice, and Manipulative Exploitive”, Deviant Behavior, 27(3), 245-268.
  • Salgado, J. F.(2002) “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Counterproductive Behaviors”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1/2), 117–125.
  • Scandura, T.A. (1999) “Rethinking Leader-Member Exchange: An Organizational Justice Perspective”, Leadership Qurterly, 10(1), 25–40.
  • Seçer, Ş ve B. Seçer (2007) “Örgütlerde Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş Davranışları: Belirleyicileri ve Önlenmesi”, TİSK Akademi, 2(4), 146–175.
  • Silah, M. (2005) Sosyal Psikoloji Davranış Bilimi, (2. Baskı), Genişletilmiş Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık Tic. Aş.
  • Skarlicki, D.P. and R. Folger (1997) “Retaliation in the Workplace: The Roles of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(3), 434–443.
  • Sitkin, S.B. and R.J. Bies (1993) “Social Accounts in Conflict Situations: Using Explanations To Manage Conflict”, Human Relations, 46(3), 349–370.
  • Spector, P.E. (1978) “Organizational Frustration: A Model and Review of the Literature”, Personnel Psychology, 31(4), 815–829.
  • Spector, P.E. (1975) “Relationships of Organizational Frustration with Reported Behavioral Reactions of Employees”, Journal of Applied Pyschology, 60(5), 635–637.
  • Storms, P. L. and P. E. Spector (1987) Relationships of Organizational Frustration with Reported Behavioural Reactions: The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 60(1), 227–234.
  • Sweeney, P.D. and D.B. Mc Farlin (1993) “Workers’ Evaluations of The “Ends” and The “Means”: An Examination of Four Models of Distributive and Procedural Justice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 55(1), 23–40.
  • Taylor, L. and P. Walton (1971) “Industrial Sabotage: Motives and Meanings”, Images of Deviance, S. Cohen (ed.), Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Tucker, J. (1993) “Everyday Forms of Employee Resistance”, Sociological Forum, 8(1), 25–45.

The Effect of Personality on Perceived Organizational Sabotage Behavior

Year 2009, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 95 - 111, 01.07.2009


Sabotage behaviors are harmful actions towards individuals, equipments
and organization.
The main intention of sabotage which are directed to
organization members and the tangible sources of organizations is to damage.
The role of personality plays in the justification of organizational sabotage
behavior was examined. In a two phase study, 250 students were first surveyed
to create a list of sabotage. In the second phase, 320 other business student
rated justifiability of the 33 methods and completed The Big-Five Personality
Factor Structure. A factor analysis of the justification ratings yielded three
factors: Informational sabotage, violent sabotage and task sabotage. Stepwise regression
analysis show that the held by individuals influence a a variety of
organizational sabotage methods. While personality factors are nevrotic,
aggreableness and intellect affect informational, violent and task


  • Altıntaş-Çınar F. (2006) ”Bireysel Değerlerin Örgütsel Adalet ve Sonuçları İlişkisinde Yönlendirici Etkisi: Akademik Personel Üzerinde Bir Analiz”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 19-40.
  • Ambrose M. L., M. A. Seabright and M. Schminke (2002) “Sabotage in the Workplace: the Role of Organizational Injustice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 947–965. Analoui F. (1995 “Workplace Sabotage: Its Styles, Motives and Management”, Journal of Management Development, 14(7), 48–65.
  • Baron, R. A. and J.H. Neuman (1996) “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes”, Aggressive Behavior, 22(3), 161–173.
  • Baron, R. A., J. H. Neuman and D. Geddes (1999) “Social and Personal Determinants of Workplace Aggression: Evidence for the Impact of Perceived Injustice and the type A Behavior Pattern”, Aggressive Behavior, 25(4), 281–296.
  • Bensman, J. and I Gevrer (1963) “Crime and Punisment in the Factory: The Function of Deviancy in Maintaning the Social System”, American Sociological Review, 28(4), 588–598.
  • Budak, S. (2003) Psikoloji Sözlüğü, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayını.
  • Chen P.Y. and P.E. Spector(1992) “Relationship of Work Stressors with Aggression, Withdrawal, Theft and Substance Use: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 65(3), 177–184. Crino, M. D. (1994) “Employee Sabotage: a Random or Preventable Phenomenon?” Journal of Managerial Issues, 6(3), 311–330.
  • Crino, M.D. and T.L. Leap(1989) “What HR Managers must Know about Employee Sabotage”, Personnel, 5(2), 31–38. Di Battista, R.A.(1991) “Creating New Approaches To Recognize and Deter Sabotage”, Public Personnel Management, 20(1), 347–352.
  • Di Battista, R.A. (1996) “Forecasting Sabotage Events in the Workplace”, Public Personnel Management, 25(1), 41-52.
  • Dubois, P. (1979) Sabotage in Industry, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Fitness, J. (2000) “Anger in the Workplace: An Emotion Script Approach to Anger Episodes between Workers and their Superiors, Co-Workers and Subordinates”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(2), 147–162.
  • Giacalone, R.A. and P. Rosenfeld (1987) “Reasons For Employee Sabotage in the Workplace”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 1(4), 367–377.
  • Giacolane, R.A. (1990) “Employee Sabotage: The Enemy Within”, Supervisory Management, 35(4), 6–7.
  • Goldberg, L.R. (1990) “An Alternative “Description of Personality”. The Big Five Factor Structure”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216–1229.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987) “Reactions to Procedural Injustice in Payment Distributions: Do the Means Justify the Ends?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(1), 55-61.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990) “Employee Theft as a Reaction to Underpayment Inequity: The Hidden Cost of Pay Cuts”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(5), 561–568.
  • Greenberg, J. (1993) “Stealing in the Name of Justice: Informational and Interpersonal Moderators of Theft Reactions to Underpayment Inequity”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 54(1), 81–103.
  • Jermier, J.M. (1988) "Sabotage at Work: The Rational View”, S.M. Bachrach (ed.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 6, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press 101–134.
  • Jawahar, I.M. (2002) “A Model of Organizational Justice and Workplace Aggression”, Journal of Management, 28 (6), 811–834.
  • Luther, N.J. (2000) Understanding Workplace Deviance: An Application of Primary Socialization Theory, Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Colorado State University.
  • Mount, M., R. Ilies, and E. Johnson (2006) “Relationship of Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction” Personnel Psychology, 59(3), 591–622.
  • MacCallum, R.C. and J.T. Austin (2000) “Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Psychological Research”, Annual Reivew of Psychology, 51(1), 201–226.
  • Mowday, R.T. and K.A. Colwell (1996) “Employee Reactions to Unfair Outcomes in the Workplace: The Contributions of Adams’s Equity Theory to Understanding Work Motivation”, L.W. Porter, G.A. Bigley, R.M.Steers(Eds), Motivation and Work Behavior, Seventh Edition Mc Graw Hill, 65–82.
  • Navran, F. J. (1991) “Silent Saboteurs”, Executive Excellence, 8(4), 11–13.
  • Neuman, J.H. and B.A. Baron (1998) “Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence Concerning Specific Forms, Potentiai Causes, and Preferred Targets”, Journal of Management, 24(3), 391–419.
  • O'leary-Kelly, A.M., R.W. Griffin and D.I. Glew (1996) “Organization-Motivated Aggression: A Research Framework”, Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 225–253.
  • Ones, D.S. and C. Viswesvaran (2003) “The Big -5 Personality and Counterproductive Behaviors”, A. Sagie, S. Stashevsky, Koslowsky (eds.), Misbehaviour and Dysfunctionel Attitudes in Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Özdevecioğlu M. ve M.S. Aksoy (2005) “Organizasyonlarda Sabotaj: Türleri, Amaçları, Hedefleri ve Yönetimi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 6(1), 95–109.
  • Price, J.L., and C.W. Mueller,(1986), Handbook of Organizational Measurement, Marshfield, MA: Pittman.
  • Robinson, S.L. and R.J. Bennett (1995) “A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(2), 555–572.
  • Robinson, S.L. and A.M. O' Leary-Kelley (1998) “Monkey See, Monkey Do: The Influence of Work Groups on The Antisocial Behavior of Employees”, Academy of Management Journal, 41(6), 658–672.
  • Rogers, M.K., K. Seigfried and K. Tidke (2006) “Behavior Analysis Self-Reported Computer Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Analysis”, Digital Investigation, 116-120. Rogers, M., N.D. Smoak and J. Liu (2006a) “Self-Reported Deviant Computer Behavior: A Big-5, Moral Choice, and Manipulative Exploitive”, Deviant Behavior, 27(3), 245-268.
  • Salgado, J. F.(2002) “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Counterproductive Behaviors”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1/2), 117–125.
  • Scandura, T.A. (1999) “Rethinking Leader-Member Exchange: An Organizational Justice Perspective”, Leadership Qurterly, 10(1), 25–40.
  • Seçer, Ş ve B. Seçer (2007) “Örgütlerde Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş Davranışları: Belirleyicileri ve Önlenmesi”, TİSK Akademi, 2(4), 146–175.
  • Silah, M. (2005) Sosyal Psikoloji Davranış Bilimi, (2. Baskı), Genişletilmiş Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık Tic. Aş.
  • Skarlicki, D.P. and R. Folger (1997) “Retaliation in the Workplace: The Roles of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(3), 434–443.
  • Sitkin, S.B. and R.J. Bies (1993) “Social Accounts in Conflict Situations: Using Explanations To Manage Conflict”, Human Relations, 46(3), 349–370.
  • Spector, P.E. (1978) “Organizational Frustration: A Model and Review of the Literature”, Personnel Psychology, 31(4), 815–829.
  • Spector, P.E. (1975) “Relationships of Organizational Frustration with Reported Behavioral Reactions of Employees”, Journal of Applied Pyschology, 60(5), 635–637.
  • Storms, P. L. and P. E. Spector (1987) Relationships of Organizational Frustration with Reported Behavioural Reactions: The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 60(1), 227–234.
  • Sweeney, P.D. and D.B. Mc Farlin (1993) “Workers’ Evaluations of The “Ends” and The “Means”: An Examination of Four Models of Distributive and Procedural Justice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 55(1), 23–40.
  • Taylor, L. and P. Walton (1971) “Industrial Sabotage: Motives and Meanings”, Images of Deviance, S. Cohen (ed.), Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
  • Tucker, J. (1993) “Everyday Forms of Employee Resistance”, Sociological Forum, 8(1), 25–45.
There are 44 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Füsun Çınar Altıntaş

Publication Date July 1, 2009
Submission Date May 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


APA Çınar Altıntaş, F. (2009). KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 95-111.
AMA Çınar Altıntaş F. KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. July 2009;27(1):95-111.
Chicago Çınar Altıntaş, Füsun. “KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 27, no. 1 (July 2009): 95-111.
EndNote Çınar Altıntaş F (July 1, 2009) KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 27 1 95–111.
IEEE F. Çınar Altıntaş, “KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 95–111, 2009.
ISNAD Çınar Altıntaş, Füsun. “KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 27/1 (July 2009), 95-111.
JAMA Çınar Altıntaş F. KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;27:95–111.
MLA Çınar Altıntaş, Füsun. “KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 1, 2009, pp. 95-111.
Vancouver Çınar Altıntaş F. KİŞİLİĞİN ALGILANAN ÖRGÜTSEL SABOTAJ DAVRANIŞLARI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009;27(1):95-111.

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